Japanese JPNS

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies in the Faculty of Humanities. Students are encouraged to consult the Department website (http://gsea/ucalgary.ca/beta/) for more details on course descriptions.

Department Head - X-J. Yang

Note: Japanese 317 is given in English and no knowledge of Japanese is required.

Note: All university level prerequisites for Japanese language courses must be met with a grade of "C-" or better.

Junior Courses

Japanese 205 H(4-1)

Beginners' Japanese I

Basic concepts of modern Japanese. Reading and writing of characters, essentials of grammar, basic vocabulary, and oral drills on normal speech patterns.

Note: Not open to students with Japanese 30.

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Japanese 207 H(4-1)

Beginners' Japanese II

Continuation of Japanese 205.

Prerequisites: Japanese 20, Japanese 205 or consent of the Department.

Note: Not open to students with Japanese 30.

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Senior Courses

Japanese 301 H(3-1)

Continuing Japanese I

Further acquisition of Japanese characters, and the development of conversational skills through reading and discussion of selected Japanese texts. Structural analysis of normal speech patterns. Preparation of written assignments. A continuation of Japanese 207.

Prerequisites: Japanese 30, Japanese 207 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 303 H(3-1)

Continuing Japanese II

Continuation of Japanese 301.

Prerequisites: Japanese 301 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 309 H(3-2)

Japanese Culture in an Immersion Setting

Introduction to contemporary Japanese culture through research projects and life experience. This course is given during Spring/Summer Sessions in Japan.

Prerequisites: Japanese 207 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 311 H(3-1)

Japanese Language in an Immersion Setting I

Oral skills and cultural understanding in an immersion setting. While the focus will be on speaking and aural comprehension, reading and writing will also be introduced. This course is given during Spring/Summer Sessions in Japan.

Prerequisites: Japanese 207 or consent of the Department.

Corequisites: Japanese 309.

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Japanese 313 H(3-1)

Japanese Language in an Immersion Setting II

A continuation of Japanese 311. This course is given during Spring/Summer Sessions in Japan.

Prerequisites: Japanese 311.

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Japanese 317 H(3-0)

Japanese Civilization

Discussion of the principal trends in the development of the Japanese civilization and its place in the Asian setting.

Note: This course is taught in English; no knowledge of Japanese is required.

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Japanese 331 H(3-0)

Intermediate Japanese I

An intermediate course giving emphasis to both writing and oral skills. Some of the more difficult aspects of modern Japanese grammar will be studied.

Prerequisites: Japanese 303 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 333 H(3-0)

Intermediate Japanese II

A continuation of Japanese 331.

Prerequisites: Japanese 331 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 341 H(3-0)

Introduction to Japanese Literature

Reading and discussion of selected works of modern Japanese literature.

Prerequisites: Japanese 303 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 441 H(3-0)

Advanced Conversational Japanese

Intensive development of aural and oral skills in Japanese through discussion of selected topics using a variety of authentic media. The focus will be on developing conversational abilities and vocabulary.

Prerequisites: Japanese 331 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 451 H(3-0)

Japanese Through Texts

Language practice and cultural analysis through the study of contemporary Japanese texts. Authentic material will be selected from documents and textbooks. Students will be able to improve their reading skills while enhancing their knowledge of Japanese culture.

Prerequisites: Japanese 331 or consent of the Department.

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Japanese 461 H(3-0)

(Chinese 461)

Japanese-Chinese Cultural Relations

Discussion of cultural relations and influences between Japan and China. Topics may include cultural identities and cross-influences, literary and artistic traditions, writing systems, and will be listed in the Master Timetable.

Prerequisites: Japanese 303 or consent of the Department. Knowledge of the other language would be beneficial.

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