Contact Info


Professional Faculties Building, Room 2182

Faculty number

(403) 220-7286


(403) 284-4399

E-mail address


Web page URL

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Areas: Architecture, Environmental Design, Environmental Science, Industrial Design or Planning

The Faculty of Environmental Design, not the Faculty of Graduate Studies, offers Master's degrees in Environmental Design in the following areas: Architecture (MArch); Environmental Design (MEDes); Environmental Science [MEDes (Environmental Science)]; Industrial Design [MEDes (Industrial Design)]:Planning [MEDes (Planning) and Urban Design [MEDes (Urban Design)]. Please refer to the Faculty of Environmental Design Calendar and the University Calendar for further details.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Faculty of Environmental Design requires:

(a)For applicants required to prove proficiency in English, a TOEFL score of 600 (written test) or 250 (computer-based test) including at least 5.0 on the Test of Written English (TWE), and a score of at least 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE); or an IELTS score of 7.5

(b)An admission grade point average (GPA) above 3.50 on a 4-point scale

(c)A statement of interest that indicates the nature of the thesis research the applicant expects to undertake. This is not a detailed thesis proposal, but will be used by an admissions committee as an indicator of the applicant's ability to conduct doctoral level research and to determine if adequate resources are available to support the proposed program. Only if such resources are available will the student be admitted.

(d)A qualified supervisor from the Faculty of Environmental Design, identified prior to admission.

3. Application Deadline

Deadlines for the submission of complete applications for students with international transcripts:

1 March for September admission

1 June for January admission

Deadlines for the submission of complete applications for students with Canadian or US transcripts:

1 April for September admission

1 September for January admission

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring the grade point average to a required level for admission.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, Environmental Design requires that:

(a) Students complete Environmental Design 711 (half-course), Environmental Design 702 (full course) and at least one other half-course (normally an additional three half-courses) recommended by the student's interim advisor. The PhD Coordinator must approve these courses. Environmental Design 702 must be taken after successful completion of Environmental Design 711. (Environmental Design graduates who have completed EVDS 702 will not be required to repeat that course).

(b) Additional course work when recommended by the student's interim advisor or supervisor

Fieldwork and research done off-campus may be counted towards fulfillment of the full-time study and research requirement.

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Not given

8. Time Limit

All degree requirements must be completed within six registration years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

At the time of admission, each student will be assigned an interim advisor, who may or may not become the student's thesis supervisor. The interim advisor, in consultation with the PhD Coordinator, will recommend a program of courses that must be approved by the PhD Coordinator.

During the first year of studies, the student, with the advice of the interim advisor and the PhD Coordinator, will prepare a thesis proposal and propose a supervisor and the other members of a supervisory committee for approval by the PhD Coordinator.

10. Required Examinations

Doctoral students are required to complete both a written and an oral candidacy examination. The written candidacy examination normally consists of a set of four questions set by the supervisory committee and taken in the second year of the program (or possibly the third for students entering the program without a Master's degree), after the completion of course work and after approval of the doctoral thesis proposal.

At least six months before the written examination, the supervisory committee will prepare a written outline of the material to be covered in the exam, a recommended reading list and a draft examination schedule. Normally, the student will be given two weeks to complete the written candidacy papers. Within one month of completing the written candidacy, the student will take an oral examination. The written papers will form the basis of the oral candidacy examination although questions may extend beyond the written papers to areas outlined in the notice of candidacy examination.

Final thesis oral examinations are open.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Approval of the thesis proposal by the supervisory committee and the PhD Coordinator is required as noted in the "Supervisory Assignments" above. Thesis Proposals should clearly describe the project in terms of Title, Objectives, Background, Methodology and Results and must include an explicit interventionist or problem-solving component.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

This program will be of interest to mature students who have access to funds to support their research programs. Financial assistance may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this calendar.

Students applying for scholarships must submit their applications to the Faculty of Environmental Design by 1 February.

14. Other Information


15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Current information about faculty members and research interests can be found at