

Contact Info


Science B, Room 605

Faculty number

(403) 220-3617


(403) 289-3331

E-mail address


Web page URL

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Science (MSc), course-based and thesis-based

Areas of specialization: Astrophysics, Medical Physics, Physics, Radiation Oncology Physics, and Space Physics

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty requirements, the Department requires:

(a)a University of Calgary Honours background in Physics, Engineering Physics, Astronomy/Astrophysics, or equivalent;

(b)for some applicants, a satisfactory score on the Advanced Physics Graduate Record Examination.

Applicants to the Master of Science program, whose background does not include the equivalent of an undergraduate honours degree in the proposed area of study, may require additional make-up courses. Such applicants should consult with the department regarding their admission status.

3. Application Deadline

Deadlines for the submission of complete applications:

1 March for September admission

1 July for January admission

Late applications will be considered if any openings remain in the graduate program.

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring the grade point average to a required level for admission.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculty requirements, the Department requires:

That all students register in the Graduate Seminar, Physics 691, during fall and winter sessions of the first two years in program.

Master of Science (Thesis)

(a)For students specializing in Astrophysics, Physics, or Space Physics, four half-course equivalents, including at least two of Physics 609, Physics 611, Physics 613, and Physics 615, plus two elective courses at the 500 or 600 level, as approved by the Graduate Chair

(b)For students specializing in Medical Physics, five half-course equivalents, including Medical Physics 623, Medical Physics 625, at least two of Physics 609, Physics 611, Physics 613, and Physics 615, plus one elective courses at the 500 or 600 level, as approved by the Graduate Chair

(c)For students specializing in Radiation Oncology Physics, eight half-course equivalents, including Medical Physics 623, Medical Physics 625, Medical Physics 633, Medical Physics 637, Medical Physics 639, Medical Physics 689.01, and two of Physics 609, Physics 611, Physics 613, and Physics 615

Master of Science (Course-based)

This program may be done part time or full-time.

(a)That the student choose one of the three broad areas of specialization: astrophysics, physics, or space physics. Medical physics and Radiation Oncology Physics are not available as a course-based degree.

(b)Ten half-course equivalents, including Physics 603, Physics 605, Physics 609, Physics 611, Physics 613, Physics 615;

(c)Four half-course equivalents, depending upon the area of specialization:

Astrophysics- Astrophysics 699 plus three half-course equivalents labelled ASPH (two of these may be at the 500-level). Physics 629 and Space Physics 679 may be taken instead of ASPH courses.

Physics- Physics 699 plus two half-course equivalents labelled ASPH, PHYS, or SPPH (these may be at the 500 level) plus one half-course equivalent labelled PHYS, at the 600-level or above.

Space Physics- Space Physics 699 plus three half-course equivalents labelled SPPH, at the 600-level or above. Physics 509 may replace a SPPH course.

(d)A comprehensive examination with a written and oral component.

Doctor of Philosophy

(a)A minimum of two half-course equivalents at the 600-level or higher for students who hold a Master's degree

(b)A minimum of six half-course equivalents at the 600-level or higher for those entering the doctoral program without a Master's degree

(c)For students specializing in Radiation Oncology Physics who do not hold an accredited M.Sc. degree in Radiation Oncology Physics, Medical Physics 623, Medical Physics 625, Medical Physics 633 [MDPH 633], Medical Physics 637, Medical Physics 639, and Medical Physics 689.01 [MDPH 689.01], and two courses from Physics 609, Physics 611, Physics 613, or Physics 615

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Credit for a maximum of two half-course equivalents may be given for courses taken at the 500-level.

8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is two years for full-time students in a thesis Master's program, three years in a course-based program and four years in a doctoral program. Maximum completion time is four years for a thesis Master's program, and six years for a course-based Master's or a doctoral program.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Newly admitted students will normally be supervised by the graduate coordinator or an interim supervisor in their field of interest during the first year in program. During this time students will normally complete all of the course work and have an opportunity to become acquainted with the research of potential supervisors within the department. Students are responsible for securing a permanent supervisor from among the researchers within the department by the end of their first year in program.

10. Required Examinations

Master of Science (Course-based)

Two weeks before the comprehensive oral examination, students must write a three-hour, closed-book comprehensive examination, prepared by the Graduate Affairs Committee in collaboration with the supervisor.

Doctor of Philosophy

Students are required to write a qualifying exam within their first year in program. This uniform examination, taken by all students, examines the student's background in undergraduate physics at the honours level. The exam will normally be conducted during the spring-summer period. Winter registrants have the option of taking this exam during their first year or in the following year. Students who fail the examination the first time, will retake it one year later. A second failure will result in the withdrawal of the student from the doctoral program.

Final thesis oral examinations are closed.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Students entering a doctoral program with a completed Master's degree must submit a written thesis proposal within 24 months of initial registration. Students entering a doctoral program with a Bachelor's degree, or who have transferred into the doctoral program from a Master's program, must submit a written thesis proposal within 28 months.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, please see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this calendar.

Students applying for scholarships must submit their applications to the Department by February 1.

14. Other Information

See the Department website.

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

The active research interests of the staff can be found at http://www.phas.ucalgary.ca/phasweb/research.php

Astronomy and Astrophysics:

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics:

Environmental Physics:

General Relativity:

Isotope Science:

Medical Physics:

Quantum Information Science:

Space and Plasma Physics: