• Dean: Hughes, P.A. BA (McMaster), LLB (York), MA (McMaster), PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Bankes, N.D. BA (Cambridge), LLM (British Columbia), MA (Cambridge) Professor
  • Barrera-Hernandez, L.R. LLM (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Brown, The Hon. A.J. BA(Hons) (Queen's), LLB (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Brown, C.A. BA (York), LLB (Windsor), LLM (Dalhousie) Professor
  • Dais, E.E. AB (California), JD (Harvard) Professor
  • Flatters, The Hon., N.A. BA (Carleton), LLB (Queen's) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Fradsham, The Hon. A.A.: BA (Calgary, LLB (Alberta) Honorary Professor
  • Hagen, G.R. BA (British Columbia), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (Ottawa), MA (British Columbia), PhD (Western Ontario) Asst Professor
  • Hughes, M.E. BA LLB (Saskatchewan), LLM MSW (Michigan) Professor
  • Hunter, A.D. BComm LLB (British Columbia) Honorary Professor
  • Knoll, P.J. LLB (Dalhousie) Professor
  • Koshan, J.S. BSc LLB (Calgary), LLM (British Columbia) Asst Professor
  • Kratz, M.P.J. BSc LLB (Alberta) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Kwasniak, A.J. BSc (Eastern Michigan), LLB (Alberta), LLM, MA (Wayne State) Asst Professor
  • Laycraft, J.H. BA LLB (Alberta) Honorary Professor
  • Levy, J.C. LLB LLM (Leeds) Professor
  • Lucas, A.R. BA LLB (Alberta), LLM (British Columbia) Professor and Chair in Natural Resources Law
  • Mahoney, K.E. LLB (British Columbia), LLM (Cambridge) Professor
  • Marriott, G.D. BA (Carleton), LLB (Dalhousie) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Marshall, Q.c., J.J. BA (Calgary), LLB (Toronto) Honorary Professor
  • Martin, S.L. BCL LLB (McGill), LLM (Alberta), SJD (Toronto) Professor
  • McConnell, I.E. BA(Hons) (Toronto), LLB LLM (Calgary) Assoc Professor
  • Moore, The Hon., W.K. BA LLB (Alberta) Honorary Professor
  • Rafferty, N.S. BA LLB (Cambridge), LLM (Illinois), MA (Cambridge) Professor
  • Rendall, J.A. BA (Toronto), LLB (York), LLM (Michigan) Professor
  • Rounthwaite, H.I. BA (Toronto), LLB (Windsor), LLM (Michigan) Professor
  • Saunders, I.B. LLB (Wales), LLM (Illinois) Professor
  • Saunders, J.O. BA(Hons) (St F.X.), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (London) Adjunct Professor
  • Stalker, M.A. BA(Hons) LLB (Queen's) Professor
  • Tilleman, W.A. BComm (Calgary), LLB (Alberta), LLM (Columbia), JD (Brigham Young) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Watson Hamilton, J.W. BA (Alberta), LLB (Dalhousie), LLM (Columbia) Assoc Professor
  • Wenig, M.M. BA (Stanford), LLB (Calgary), JD (Columbia) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Woolley, A.C. BA LLB (Toronto), LLM (Yale) Asst Professor
  • Yamauchi, K.D. BA (Calgary), LLB (Saskatchewan), LLM (British Columbia) Asst Professor