Management Information Systems MGIS

Instruction offered by members of the Haskayne School of Business.

Management Information Systems Chairperson - D. Bischak

Note: Students have the opportunity to take courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business without the stated prerequisites, with the written permission of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) as appropriate, upon the recommendation of the instructor of the course. However, should a student fail to achieve satisfactory standing in any course for which the stated prerequisite(s) is (are) lacking, he/she may be required to successfully complete the stated prerequisite(s) prior to being permitted to repeat the course. Students are required to have consent of the Haskayne School of Business Graduate Office before registering in 600-level courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business.

Senior Courses

Management Information Systems 317 H(3-1)

Management Information Systems

Introduction to management information systems and how such systems facilitate business activities. Foundations of intra- and inter-organizational systems are covered along with their economic, social and organizational impacts. Managerial and leadership issues in management of information systems. Analysis, design, development, implementation and project management issues are addressed through a semester-long, applied course project undertaken by student teams, involving the business community.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Haskayne School of Business, second year standing, Business and Environment 291, and Computer Science 203.

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Management Information Systems 321 H(3-1)

Information Systems in Business

Introduction to the fundamentals of management information systems and how such systems facilitate business transactions and decision-making at all levels of management. Overview of computer hardware, software and communications technologies. Development, organization, management, control, and evaluation of information systems activities. Societal implications of the use of computer and networking technologies in business.

Prerequisites: Second year standing.

Note: Not available for credit towards the Bachelor of Commerce degree. Until August 15, preference in enrollment is given to students who have declared a Management and Society minor.

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Management Information Systems 331 H(3-1)

Database Systems

Technologies, data structures and management issues associated with information capture, search, design and dissemination to various stakeholders of an organization. Provides practical experience with current database management systems/technologies, data modelling tools, interface design, and Structured Query Language. Design, development and implementation issues are addressed through a significant, applied course project. Aspects of networked applications, management of data quality, design of shared application data structures and multiple-application interfaces are also addressed.

Prerequisites: Management Information Systems 317.

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Management Information Systems 333 H(3-2)

Systems Analysis and Design

Analysis and design of information systems to support evolving organizational processes. Strategies for tackling the key issues in information systems development - solving the right problem, with limited resources, on time, and within budget. Students will be oriented to the tools and techniques essential to the creation and implementation of effective information systems.

Prerequisites: Management Information Systems 317.

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Management Information Systems 455 H(3-0)

Management Information Systems Field Project

Student teams assigned to prominent Calgary companies to solve specific information systems problems or issues. Team investigates problem and presents proposed solution to company contact. Team executes approved project plan and presents final report orally and in writing to company contact. May involve company interviewing, library and internet research, data collection. Instructor actively involved in supervising each project.

Prerequisites: Third year standing, Management Information Systems 317 and one other senior Management Information Systems course.

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Management Information Systems 461 H(3-0)


Telecommunications and data communications fundamentals relevant to business organizations. Technologies and management issues associated with analog and digital signalling, transmission, networking, internetworking, data compression, security and authentication. Network design, management and administration including inter-organizational issues. Organizational implications of current and future telecommunications technologies.

Prerequisites: Third year standing and Management Information Systems 317.

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Management Information Systems 463 H(3-0)

Management Issues in Information Systems

Problems of managing the corporate information systems activity. Relationship between the information systems function and the corporation. Strategic role of information systems in achieving the organization goals. Diffusion of innovation. Managing end-user computing. Emerging managerial issues.

Prerequisites: Third year standing and Management Information Systems 317.

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Management Information Systems 465 H(3-0)

Enterprise Systems

Enterprise-wide information systems and related technologies. Students will explore technologies and applications of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, enterprise application integration (EAI) and workflow technologies. Focus on strategic, organizational, managerial and technical implications of the use of such systems in organizations. Students will address the managerial practices surrounding the design, implementation and use of these systems.

Prerequisites: Third year standing and Management Information Systems 317.

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Management Information Systems 467 H(3-1)

Electronic Commerce

Technical and managerial issues related to buying, building, and implementing e-technology to enable various organizational and business strategies and relationships including business-to-business, business-to-customer and business-to-employee strategies. Topics include: systems internetworking, information management, systems integration, wireless technologies, transmission security and authentication, project management, software design, technology diffusion and evaluation, technology-enabled business process design, and legal and ethical issues.

Prerequisites: Third year standing and Management Information Systems 317.

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Management Information Systems 557 H(3-0)

Selected Topics in Management Information Systems

Discussion of current or special interest topics in Management Information Systems from a managerial orientation.

Prerequisites: Third year standing and Management Information Systems 317.


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Graduate Courses

Management Information Systems 601 H(3-1)

Management Information Systems

The fundamental role of information systems (IS) and networking technologies in leading and managing effective organizations. Strategic, tactical and operational aspects of IS are covered, focusing on their impact on managerial decision processes across a range of business contexts. Topics highlight the development, control, impact and evaluation of IS activities from the individual to the societal level of analysis.

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Management Information Systems 725 H(3-0)


Technical and managerial issues related to buying, building, and implementing e-technology to enable various organizational and business strategies and relationships including business-to-business, business-to-customer and business-to-employee strategies. Topics include: systems internetworking, information management, systems integration, wireless technologies, transmission security and authentication, project management, software design, technology diffusion and evaluation, technology-enabled business process design, and legal and ethical issues.

Prerequisites: Management Information Systems 601.

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Management Information Systems 735 H(3-0)

Systems Analysis and Design

Planning and implementation of network-enabled (i.e. Intranet and Internet) solutions to facilitate information and knowledge transfer across business environments. Reflects the information explosion of recent years, the new technological advances in information systems, and the exponential growth in electronic business processes. Course emphasis is placed on the management of technology-enabled business processes.

Prerequisites: Management Information Systems 601.

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Management Information Systems 737 H(3-0)

Enterprise Data Management

Data systems, technologies and management issues associated with information design, capture, storage, search, and dissemination to various stakeholders of an organization. Includes database management technologies, data modelling tools, interface design, structured query language, document and knowledge management systems, and information backup, security and disaster recovery. Brief aspects of the course explore linkages with Internet-based technologies, design issues, web services, search strategies and telecommunication systems for information delivery (wireless and wired; intranet, extranet, and internet).

Prerequisites: Management Information Systems 601.

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Management Information Systems 743 H(3-0)


Basic telecommunications and data communications concepts relevant to organizations. Fundamentals of analog and digital signalling and transmission. Wide and local area networking. Protocols and standards; telecommunication applications. The role of the Internet in organizations.

Prerequisites: Management Information Systems 601.

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Management Information Systems 797 H(3S-0)

Advanced Seminar in Management Information Systems

Prerequisites: Consent of the Haskayne School of Business.


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PhD Course

Management Information Systems 799 H(3S-0)

Doctoral Seminars in Management Information Systems

799.01. PhD Seminar I in Management Information Systems
799.02. PhD Seminar II in Management Information Systems
799.03. PhD Seminar III in Management Information Systems
799.04. PhD Seminar IV in Management Information Systems

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