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Undergraduate Admission Requirements

All prospective applicants to undergraduate programs are referred to the "Admission Requirements" at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ link.

Admission to an undergraduate program may be obtained under one of three categories:

(i) Standard Admission,

(ii) Adult Student Admission,

(iii) Basis of Standing.

Applicants attending on a part-time basis, in the evening, or on the weekend are required to meet the same admission requirements as full-time or day students. Please refer to the second page of this section of the Calendar for more detailed information on attending as an Open Studies or Visiting student.

Applicants wishing to be considered for admission to a second bachelor's degree or a diploma program after having completed a first degree must present an approved degree from an "accredited" institution with a minimum of three years of recognized university-level course work. Applicants not satisfying the above criteria will only be considered for admission to the regular four year baccalaureate degree with advanced credit, as may be applicable to the program.

All applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency (refer to the section titled English Language Proficiency.). In addition, all applicants are referred to the admission requirements as listed in the faculty sections of this Calendar.

Note: Enrolment in all programs and faculties may be limited due to space and/or resource restrictions.

I. Standard Admission

A. Clear Senior Matriculation - Alberta Applicants

The basic general admission requirement to the University is Alberta Grade XII senior matriculation or equivalent with required standing in five appropriate subjects with no grade below 50.

1. The University's basic admission average is 60.0 (65.0 for Nursing) on five specified subjects. However, since applicants compete for positions primarily on the basis of academic merit, higher admission averages will normally be required (see "Admission Requirements").

2. Students presenting a subject from Group C or D as their fifth subject must obtain a minimum average of 60.0 on the remaining four subjects and an overall average of 60.0 or better on the five subjects.

Alberta high school applicants should check the Alberta high school subject chart and faculty listings below to ascertain the admission requirements of the faculty of their choice.


Social Studies 30
French 30-level (see note 7)
Languages other than English at 30-level (see notes 3 and 8)
Sign Language 35


Applied Mathematics 30
Biology 30
Chemistry 30
Mathematics 31
Physics 30
Pure Mathematics 30
Science 30


Art 30
Art 31
Dance 35
Drama 30
Music 30
Music 31


Other five-credit (or two three-credit) Grade XII subjects (excluding Special Projects 30) or five credits of Advanced series Career and Technology (CTS) courses.


1. For Alberta high school students, the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ uses the combined grade (50% teacher-reported grade; 50% diploma examination grade) when determining the student's admissibility and senior matriculation average. The Alberta advanced high school diploma is not required for admission.

2. English Language Arts 30-1 is a required subject for admission to all faculties at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½.

3. A student may not present for admission two subjects in the same field (e.g., both English 30 and English 33) with the following exceptions: Pure Mathematics 30 and Mathematics 31; Applied Mathematics 30 and Mathematics 31; languages (excluding French - see Note 7) with the permission of the Director of Recruitment and Admissions ; Art 30 and Art 31 (Fine Arts only); Music 30 and Music 31 (Fine Arts only).

4. Mathematics 33 is not acceptable in lieu of Pure Mathematics 30 or Applied Mathematics 30. For those faculties where Pure Mathematics 30 is not required, Mathematics 33 may be presented as the fifth subject provided the applicant is not attempting to use another subject from Group D for admission. Mathematics 33 may not be presented for admission with Pure Mathematics 30 or Applied Mathematics 30 (see Note 3).

5. Both Applied Mathematics 30 and Pure Mathematics 30 cannot be presented for admission.

6. Applicants presenting Applied Mathematics 30 who subsequently wish to enter a program requiring Pure Mathematics 30 must successfully complete (in some cases with specified standing) Mathematics 101 through Athabasca University or Pure Mathematics 30 through an Alberta high school. Other alternatives may be available through the University and Mount Royal College.

7. Only one of French 30, French 30N, French N30, French 30S, French 31A, French 31B, French 31C, Français 30, French Language Arts 30, or French Language Arts 30-2 may be used to satisfy admission requirements.

8. Only one of Chinese 35 and Mandarin 35 may be presented for admission.

9. Social Studies 33 is an acceptable Group D subject when Social Studies 30 is not presented.

Faculty of Communication and Culture

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30 or Applied Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 31 or a language other than English at the 30 level
3. Subject from Group A or B
4. Subject from Group A or B
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Note: Students who intend to complete the BA (General Studies) or BGS degree must present one of Applied Mathematics 30, Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 31 or a language other than English at the 30 level. Students who intend to complete the BA or BSc (Major), BCS, or BSc (General Studies) degree must present one of Applied Mathematics 30, Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 31.

Note: Enrolment in the Communications Studies and Law and Society majors is limited.

Faculty of Education

BEd (Master of Teaching Program)

Normally, only those students who have completed a previous degree will be eligible for admission to the BEd (Master of Teaching Program). However in cooperation with other faculties and departments, a number of five-year combined degree programs are available where students complete three years of study with the cooperating unit and then the final two years of their study with the Faculty of Education.


1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Biology 30
3. Subject from Group A or B
4. Subject from Group A or B
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Faculty of Fine Arts

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Subject from Group A or B
3. Subject from Group A or B
4. Subject from Group A, B or C
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Note: In addition to the given requirements, students applying to the BFA(Visual Studies) must submit a portfolio and statement of interest. Students applying to the BMus program must complete an audition examination and students applying to the BA(Music) program must complete an interview. For more information about BFA(Visual Studies), BMus or BA(Music) requirements, refer to the Faculty of Fine Arts section of this Calendar. Students applying to the BA(Dance) program must attend a dance audition and submit a written statement of interest. Particulars are given in the Fine Arts section of this Calendar.

Haskayne School of Business

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30
3. Subject from Group A or B
4. Subject from Group A or B
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Faculty of Humanities

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Subject from Group A or B
3. Subject from Group A or B
4. Subject from Group A or B
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Faculty of Kinesiology

BKin or BSc Four-Year Degree (excluding Biomechanics and Exercise and Health Physiology - see below)

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 31
3. Biology 30
4. Chemistry 30
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D


1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30 with a minimum grade of 70%
3. Mathematics 31
4. Chemistry 30
5. Biology 30

Note: Physics 30 is recommended.

Exercise and Health Physiology

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30 with a minimum grade of 70%
3. Biology 30
4. Chemistry 30
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Faculty of Medicine


1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30 with a minimum grade of 70%
3. Biology 30
4. Chemistry 30
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Note: Applicants must also submit a Supplementary Application. Refer to the Faculty of Medicine (BHSc) section of this Calendar for more information.

Faculty of Nursing

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30
3. Biology 30
4. Chemistry 30
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D (Social Studies 30 recommended)

Note: Students seeking admission to the Post-Diploma Bachelor of Nursing program are referred to the Faculty of Nursing section of this Calendar.

Schulich School of Engineering

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30
3. Mathematics 31*
4. Chemistry 30
5. Physics 30

*A student who does not present Mathematics 31 but has a high academic average may present an alternate academic subject in lieu of Mathematics 31 for admission. Each case shall be judged by the Faculty. If admitted, such students will be required to take an alternative calculus stream to overcome this deficiency. Note: This excludes students who have previously taken Mathematics 31.

Faculty of Science

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30
3., 4. Two of Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30 or Mathematics 31
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

To enter first-year courses for a Science major, students must present the Grade XII subjects listed in the above table.

Note: Enrolment in majors or concentrations offered by the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Geology and Geophysics is limited.

Faculty of Social Sciences

1. English Language Arts 30-1
2. Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 31
3. Subject from Group A or B
4. Subject from Group A or B
5. Subject from Group A, B, C or D

Additional Grade XII subjects are required prior to graduation for some programs. Refer to the above table.

Note: Enrolment in Economics, International Indigenous Studies, International Relations and Psychology majors is limited.

Faculty of Social Work

The Faculty of Social Work will consider for admission only those applicants who have successfully completed a minimum of twenty half university courses. Normally, first- or second-year students enter another undergraduate faculty.


1. Admission requirements for affiliated pre-programs (Optometry, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine) offered at the University are given in the Faculty of Science section of this Calendar.

2. Applicants applying under the College Entrance Examinations policy are required to present a high school diploma. All other applicants are strongly recommended to obtain a high school diploma or equivalent.

3. Applicants not able to present the required average or five subjects will not be admitted. Exceptions to this regulation are only made when applicants enter the University under the Adult Student policy.

4. The University reserves the right to prescribe additional examinations in cases where doubt exists concerning matriculation.

Further details regarding admission requirements are given in each faculty entry in this Calendar.

Early Admission for High School Students

An offer of early admission may be granted to above-average students in Canadian high schools seeking admission to the Fall Session. Early admission is based on the current and/or final grades in two appropriate academic matriculation subjects (English Language Arts 30-1 or Group A or Group B subjects as defined on the Alberta high school subject chart). For the Faculties of Kinesiology, Medicine (BHSc program) and Nursing , the average is calculated over two of English Language Arts 30-1, Pure Mathematics 30, Biology 30 or Chemistry 30. For the Faculty of Science, the average is calculated over two of English Language Arts 30-1, Pure Mathematics 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Mathematics 31 or Physics 30. Early admission will be granted if the applicant presents a specified average on these two subjects with no grade below 60% in all subjects for which grades are available. Where more than two grades are submitted, the best two grades will be used. When final grades are available, high school applicants will be required to meet the admission requirements and admission average required by their faculty. Students who fail to meet these requirements will have their admission and registration cancelled. If official transcripts verifying admissibility are not received by August 1, admission will be rescinded.

Qualified high school students who wish to be considered for early admission should self-report the required grade information directly on the Application for Admission. Alternatively, students can submit the application as soon as possible and provide or update their course and grade information by logging onto their myUofC account at and clicking on "Apply for Undergraduate Admission." Changes may be made until the deadline of April 1. After April 1, all changes will be reviewed and applicants will be notified by April 30.

Applicants who are not granted early admission will have their admissibility determined upon receipt of official transcripts of final grades. Applicants who are granted early admission to their second program choice but who meet the admission requirements and final admission average for their first program choice, will be admitted to their first program choice.

Note: Applicants who complete required matriculation subjects during summer 2007 cannot be considered for early admission.

B. Clear Senior Matriculation - Students from Other Provinces

The ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ wants to ensure that all applicants have the appropriate academic preparation necessary to be successful in their chosen studies. All students with a minimum of high school qualifications appropriate for university entrance are encouraged to apply for admission. An acceptable equivalent to English Language Arts 30-1 is required for admission to all faculties at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½. In addition, acceptable equivalents to specific prescribed subjects must also be presented. The Recruitment and Admissions Office will assess these applications on a case-by-case basis.

The certificates below are generally accepted as equivalent to Alberta Grade XII senior matriculation.

· British Columbia

Grade XII.

· Saskatchewan

Grade XII.

· Manitoba

Grade XII C 2 credits in English are acceptable in lieu of English Language Arts 30-1.

· Ontario

Grade XII - 4U or Ontario Academic Courses (OAC's). English at the 4U or OAC level is required for admission to all faculties. A course in English as a Second Language may not be used to satisfy the entrance requirements.

· Quebec

First year CEGEP. Generally, two semesters of a subject are required to satisfy a specific prescribed subject. An overall average of at least 70.0% (75.0% for Nursing) must be achieved. The Secondary V Certificate is not acceptable for admission.

· New Brunswick

Grade XII.

· Nova Scotia

Grade XII.

· Prince Edward Island

Grade XII.

· Newfoundland

Grade XII.

C. Students from Other Countries

The United States

Any applicant from the United States may be considered for admission on presentation of a full academic high school program plus acceptable scores on the SAT Reasoning Test and appropriate SAT Subject Tests administered by the Admissions Testing Program of the College Board. See chart under College Entrance Examinations for required tests and scores.

Any applicant who has attended a university/college may not subsequently complete SAT tests in order to gain admission to the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½. These tests will only be accepted if completed prior to having taken university/college studies.

United Kingdom and Commonwealth Countries

The General Certificate of Education/General Certificate of Secondary Education (or their equivalents) with standing in five appropriate subjects, of which at least two must be at the Advanced/Principal Level, are accepted as senior matriculation. The same subject cannot be counted at both levels. Two Advanced Supplementary subjects will be considered in lieu of one Advanced level provided they do not duplicate subject matter of the Advanced or Ordinary levels. One Advanced Supplementary subject will be considered in lieu of an Ordinary level. Grades of D and E at the Ordinary and Advanced Supplementary levels and 7, 8 and 9 on School Certificates are not acceptable.

Applicants completing the Advanced International Certificate of Education (A.I.C.E.) must present five distinct and appropriate subjects and the completed certificate or diploma for admission. Individual A.I.C.E. subjects will be considered the same as G.C.E. AS subjects.

The ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ awards advanced credit for specific Advanced level subjects. Students should refer to the Alternatives to Regular Course Credit section of this Calendar for details.

Other Countries

Applicants educated in other countries may be considered for admission on their academic merits. Those completing Canadian high school subjects will always have the grades obtained in these subjects used in lieu of matriculation equivalents obtained on international certificates. More detailed information is available at .

Note: Applicants who are completing Alberta Grade XII subjects in lieu of Advanced Level and Ordinary Level subject requirements are required to present clear Alberta Grade XII senior matriculation (or equivalent from other provinces) with required standing in five appropriate subjects.

International students seeking admission on the basis of documents not listed on the Admissions website should submit to the Recruitment and Admissions Office certificates indicating the subjects studied and the grades secured. When these certificates are in a language other than English, notarized English translations must accompany them.

Canadian citizens who have completed their high school education (twelfth or thirteenth year) under an educational system listed on the Admissions website will be required to meet the same admission requirements as outlined for that country.

Early Admission

An offer of early admission may be granted to international students who are currently completing their studies outside of Canada and the United States. Early admission is the primary route of admission and is based on final and/or midterm grades on appropriate matriculation subjects. Applicants who are not granted early admission shall only be considered for admission if transcripts reporting final grades and other required documentation are received by the deadline of April 1. Applications from students who do not qualify for early admission and are not able to provide final transcripts or other required documents by April 1 will be terminated.

D. International Baccalaureate

Applicants who have completed the International Baccalaureate diploma can be considered for admission on the basis of their total diploma score. Students must meet the total score and specific course requirements set for the Faculty or degree program to which they have applied.

For applicants who complete both the International Baccalaureate diploma and senior matriculation/secondary school graduation, admission will be based on that credential which is to the advantage of the student.

Regardless of the basis of admission, the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ awards a full year of credit (five full-course equivalents) for the completed International Baccalaureate diploma. Specific course credit for Higher Level courses is awarded as set out in the Alternatives to Regular Course Credit section of this Calendar. The balance of credit required to bring the total to five full-course equivalents will be at the junior unassigned option level.

Students awarded the full year of credit for the completed International Baccalaureate diploma remain eligible for all admission categories and University awards normally open to entering first-year students.

E. College Entrance Examinations

Applicants who are completing or have completed their twelfth year of education at an American high school may qualify for admission by obtaining acceptable scores on the SAT Reasoning Test and three appropriate SAT Subject Tests and present proof of a high school diploma. An early offer of admission may be granted on the basis of these scores. The SAT tests are administered by the Admissions Testing Program of the College Board. An acceptable score is considered by the University to be no mark below 400 with a minimum average of 500 over the required tests. Faculty of Nursing applicants are required to present an average of 520 or higher. However, since applicants compete for positions primarily on the basis of academic merit, higher averages will normally be required. (Official International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) score reports may be presented for consideration in lieu of prescribed SAT Subject Tests.)

Applicants to the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Education (BCR), Fine Arts, Haskayne School of Business, Humanities or Social Sciences may also qualify for admission by presenting acceptable scores on the SAT Reasoning Test and a high school transcript for assessment of specific high school courses which may be acceptable equivalents to prescribed SAT Subject Tests. (Official IB or AP score reports may be presented for consideration in lieu of prescribed SAT Subject Tests.) Applicants should note that admission is on a competitive basis with consideration of both SAT scores and high school achievement.

All test scores and an official high school transcript showing that the high school diploma has been conferred must be received by August 1.


1. This policy may also be used by applicants who have completed twelve years of schooling in a Canadian high school.

2. In order to be considered for admission to the University under the College Entrance Examinations category applicants must have completed the required tests prior to undertaking university/college studies.

3. Only one of Math Level 1 or Math Level 2 may be presented for admission.

4. Applicants whose schooling has been completed in countries other than Canada or the United States (with the exception of those applicants who are completing their twelfth year of schooling at an American or Canadian high school overseas) are not eligible for entrance under the College Entrance Examinations category. Such applicants must present those certificates or credentials which normally grant admission to an accredited university within their home country.

5. Application forms for the tests may be obtained from:

College Board ATP
P.O. Box 6200
Princeton, New Jersey
U.S.A. 08541-6200

The SAT Reasoning Test is required for admission to all programs. The higher score of either Critical Reading or Writing will be considered in addition to the score in Math of the SAT Reasoning Test. For admission purposes, SAT Subject Tests are grouped as follows:


Literature (LR)


United States History (UH)
World History (WH)


Biology (Ecological or Molecular)
Chemistry (CH)
Math Level 1 (1C)
Math Level 2 (2C)
Physics (PH)


Chinese (CL)
French (FR or FL)
German (GM or GL)
Modern Hebrew (MH)
Italian (IT)
Japanese (JL)
Korean (KL)
Latin (LT)
Spanish (SP or SL)

Faculty of Communication and Culture

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 1 or 2 or subject from Group D*
3. Subject from Group A
4. Subject from Group B, C or D

*Students intending to complete: (a) BA or BSc (Major), BCS, or BSc (General Studies) must present Math Level 1 or 2; (b) BA (General Studies) or BGS must present Math Level 1 or 2 or a subject from Group D.

Faculty of Education - BCR

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Biology (Ecological or Molecular)
3. Subject from Group A
4. Subject from Group B, C or D

Faculty of Fine Arts

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Subject from Group A
3. Subject from Group B, C or D
4. Subject from Group B, C or D

Haskayne School of Business

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 1 or 2
3. Subject from Group A
4. Subject from Group B, C or D

Faculty of Humanities

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Subject from Group A
3. Subject from Group B, C or D
4. Subject from Group B, C or D

Faculty of Kinesiology

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 1 or 2
3. Biology (Ecological or Molecular)
4. Chemistry

Note: Physics is recommended for Biomechanics majors.

Faculty of Medicine - BHSc

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 1 or 2
3. Biology (Ecological or Molecular)
4. Chemistry

Faculty of Nursing

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 1
3. Biology (Ecological or Molecular)
4. Chemistry

Schulich School of Engineering

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 2
3. Chemistry
4. Physics

Faculty of Science

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 1 or 2
3., 4. Two of Biology (Ecological or Molecular), Chemistry or Physics

Faculty of Social Sciences

1. SAT Reasoning Test
2. Math Level 1 or 2
3. Subject from Group A
4. Subject from Group B, C or D

II. Adult Student Admission

Applicants, who are 21 years of age or older by the commencement of the session to which they are seeking admission but are unable to present complete matriculation, may request admission as an Adult Student. Acceptance under this category is always at the discretion of the faculty. Only applicants who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents may be considered for admission under this category.

Adult Students must present English Language Arts 30-1 or English 30 or an acceptable background. Additional matriculation level subjects, or equivalent, may be and often are required by the faculty to which the student is seeking admission. In addition, the University's requirements for English language proficiency apply to Adult Students (see the section titled English Language Proficiency).

Students applying as Adult Students are required to submit copies of records of their schooling regardless of the last level completed. Applicants who are required to complete certain matriculation level subjects must present documents indicating successful completion prior to admission being granted. Advanced credits, if any, are awarded only upon receipt of official transcripts by the Recruitment and Admissions Office. Students completing Mathematics II through Continuing Education will have their results automatically forwarded to the Recruitment and Admissions Office. However, applicants are asked to indicate on their Application for Admission that these subjects or other subjects are being taken and the expected date of completion.

III. Basis of Standing

Applicants who do not meet the full matriculation requirements for entrance to a faculty (see below) but have satisfactorily completed ten half-course equivalents (including high school equivalents, transfer and non-transfer courses) or six half-course equivalent transfer courses at an accredited post-secondary institution will be considered for admission on the basis of standing. The University considers satisfactory standing to be a grade point average of 2.00 or above.

Applicants must have completed during or prior to attendance at the post-secondary institution matriculation subjects or equivalent that are mandatory for entrance to a faculty at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½. For example, students wishing to enter the Faculty of Communication and Culture on the basis of standing must have completed matriculation equivalents in English and one of Mathematics or a second language prior to or during their attendance at the sending institution.

Where selection procedures are involved in the admission to a faculty at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½, basis of standing applicants will be treated on the same basis as any other person seeking admission to that faculty.

Please refer to the section on Advanced Standing with regard to transfer of credits.