Applied Psychology APSY
Contact Info
Location | Education Tower, Room 302 |
Faculty number | (403) 220-3585 |
Fax | (403) 282-9244 |
E-mail address | |
Web page URL | |
1. Degrees and Specializations Offered
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Master of Science (MSc) Master of Education (MEd) Master of Counselling (MC) Programs of study: School and Applied Child Psychology Counselling Psychology Special Education (currently under review) The Division of Applied Psychology also participates in the Campus Alberta Master of Counselling (MC) initiative. The Campus Alberta Master of Counselling is a conjoint degree, developed and delivered through a partnership of the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½, Athabasca University, and the University of Lethbridge. The Campus Alberta Master of Counselling Program is a course-based, off-campus Master's program that is equivalent to the MEd in Counselling Psychology in the Division of Applied Psychology. Further information may be obtained from the website - |
2. Admission Requirements
In addition to Faculty requirements, Division requirements include: | |
Master of Education and Master of Science | Counselling Psychologya)Two undergraduate statistics courses (Note: For those who completed a psychology degree at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½, PSYC 312 acts as an equivalent.) b)APSY 419 (Communication Skills in Guidance and Counselling) or its equivalent (Note: Athabasca University has a course, "PSYC 405 - Creating a Working Alliance," which we accept as an equivalent to APSY 419. Athabasca University courses are done in a distance education delivery format. Their website is c)A senior undergraduate psychology or applied psychology course in each of learning theory, developmental psychology, and personality theory d)A résumé and a concise rationale for the application (500 words or less) Detailed information on the criteria used for admission decisions can be obtained from the Division website in the document Counselling Psychology Information Booklet and from the Division office. Note:Although the following is not an admission requirement into the Master's programs, the College of Alberta Psychologists (i.e., the governing body that licenses psychologists in Alberta) requires that individuals have completed a senior undergraduate course in biological bases of behaviour before licensure as a psychologist. Furthermore, for those planning to eventually seek admission into a CPA accredited doctoral program, several additional undergraduate or graduate level prerequisite courses need to be completed. Please see section on Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling Psychology for additional information. School and Applied Child Psychology The Master's programs in School and Applied Child Psychology have been developed in alignment with accreditation and training standards for programs of Psychology. They adhere to the scientist-practitioner model, which emphasizes the interaction of research, theory, and practice. The goal is to develop researchers and professionals who use research to critically inform practice and conduct applied and theoretical research relevant to the practice of School and Applied Child Psychology. Students are expected to gain broad knowledge in the areas encompassed by school and applied child psychology and develop a firm foundation in the philosophy of science and scientific methodology. Students are taught to critically evaluate and apply research through their substantive courses. The Master of Science is an on-campus, thesis-based program while the Master of Education is a course-based off-campus program. Detailed information on these programs can be obtained from the Division website. In addition to Faculty requirements, Divisional entry requirements for these programs include: a)Honours degree in Psychology (or equivalent), with a grade point average of 3.0 (equivalent to a B or 70% in many universities) over the courses taken during the last two years of study b)Score above the 50thpercentile on the Aptitude dimension of the Graduate Record Examination c)A typewritten resume and statement of research and professional interests including the specification of a prospective research supervisor from among current faculty d)Three letters of reference e)For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (written test) or 237 (computer-based test). f)Prior to admission, the most promising applicants will be interviewed to evaluate their understanding of and motivation for entry into the field of school and applied child psychology. Special Education These programs are currently under review. Please contact the Division for further information. |
Master of Counselling | (a)The Campus Alberta Master of Counselling Program normally requires at least three half-courses in psychology or educational psychology (including one course each in human development and learning). In addition, applicants are required to have a half-course in counselling skills or provide a demonstration of counselling skills, for example, in the form of a videotape submission. (b)As part of the application process, students are required to submit a résumé and a concise rationale for the application. Related volunteer work or paid employment is an asset. All Campus Alberta applications must be completed on-line at (c)Students who plan to apply for chartering as psychologists after completing the program should bear in mind that additional undergraduate and graduate courses in applied psychology and/or psychology may be required. Further information on chartering requirements can be obtained through the Division. |
Doctor of Philosophy | Counselling Psychology (a)A completed Master's degree in Applied Psychology or Psychology from an approved university (b)A résumé and a concise rationale (500 words or less) for the application Detailed information on the criteria used for admission decisions can be obtained from the Division website in the document Counselling Psychology Information Booklet and from the Division office. Note:The Division of Applied Psychology will be applying for accreditation of its doctoral program in Counselling Psychology by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) within the next few years. In consequence of their requirements, applicants to our doctoral program should be aware that the following are courses normally completed before entrance into our doctoral counselling program. Applicants admitted into the PhD program without one or more of these courses will be deemed to have CPA deficiencies, and these will need to be completed before graduating from the doctoral program. The following are the CPA required courses, and they can be completed at either the undergraduate or graduate level: A.Biological bases of behaviour (e.g., physiological psychology, comparative psychology, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology). A graduate half-course or one full (two half) senior undergraduate course is needed before graduation. B.Cognitive-affective bases of behaviour (e.g., learning, sensation, perception, cognition, thinking, motivation, emotion). A graduate half-course or one full (two half) senior undergraduate course is needed before graduation. C.Social bases of behaviour (e.g., social psychology; cultural, ethnic, and group processes; sex roles; organizational and systems theory). A graduate half-course or one full (two half) senior undergraduate course is needed before graduation. D.Individual behaviour (e.g., personality theory, human development, individual differences, abnormal psychology). A graduate half-course or one full (two half) senior undergraduate course is needed before graduation. E. Historical and scientific foundations of general psychology (this content area can be fulfilled with a one-semester, senior undergraduate course). One half senior undergraduate course or one half graduate course is needed before graduation. School and Applied Child Psychology Specialization In keeping with the seamless model of doctoral studies, MSc students who have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in their first year of studies can apply to transfer to the doctoral program at the end of their first year. All of the requirements for transfer must be completed: a)successful completion of all first year graduate courses b)approval of a PhD Research Program Proposal by the student's PhD supervisory committee Detailed information regarding transfer to the doctoral program is available from the Division. A limited number of outstanding applicants holding equivalent Bachelor's and Master's degrees from elsewhere may be considered; however, if the course content of their Master's program is not equivalent to the MSc at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ in School and Applied Child Psychology, students will be required to take additional courses within their doctoral program to ensure equivalent training. These additional courses (a maximum of two full courses) must be completed in the first year of study. Applicants must also have a research advisor selected from among professors in the Division of Applied Psychology upon entry to the program. |
3. Application Deadline
For the MEd, MSc, and PhD programs, application is a two-step process. First, a Request for Application form must be completed. If the applicant appears to be eligible for the program on the basis of this pre-application, the Division will send an Application form. The deadline for the submission of complete applications is: December 15 for September admission May 15 for January admission |
4. Advanced Credit
The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring grade point average to a required level for admission. |
5. Program/Course Requirements
In addition to Faculty requirements, the Division requires: | ||
Master of Science and Master of Education | Master of Science and Master of Education - Counselling Psychology Normally, six full-course equivalents Detailed information on core course requirements can be obtained from the Division brochures. First year students are assigned an interim advisor who will assist with course selection. Master of Science - School and Applied Child Psychology Students will be required to complete: a)15 half-courses b)a thesis (equivalent to 3 half-courses) c)a 1200 hour internship (equivalent to 2 half-courses). A non-credit research seminar is also required. Course content addresses theory, research, and practice in the domains identified by NASP Standards for Credentialing of School Psychologists. Master of Education - School and Applied Child Psychology The MEd will be offered through a distributed learning mode of delivery. Students will be required to complete a course-based program which includes: a)18 half-courses b)A comprehensive examination c) A 1200 hour internship (equivalent to 2 half-courses). | |
Note: Detailed information on core course requirements for each specialization can be obtained from the Division brochures. | ||
Master of Counselling | The Campus Alberta Master of Counselling Program consists of 12 half-courses.Core courses, required by all students, are listed below. More complete course descriptions, along with learning objectives, and evaluation procedures, are provided at
Normally, students will begin their program in the Winter Semester (January). | |
Doctor of Philosophy | Doctor of Philosophy - Counselling Psychology a) Three full course equivalents Doctor of Philosophy - School and Applied Child Psychology MSc students admitted to the Doctoral program will be required to complete: a)all remaining courses (except the thesis and internship) in the MSc program; b)one doctoral-level full-course equivalent c)twelve-month full-time internship Students entering the program following completion of a Master's degree outside the program may be required to take additional Master's courses to ensure equivalency to the MSc program in School and Applied Child Psychology at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½. A student may be deficient in no more than 2 full courses, which must be completed in the first year of PhD studies. |
6. Additional Requirements
Applied experience is an asset. Applicants to the Master of Counselling and Master of Education in School and Applied Child Psychology should have reasonable computer literacy because portions of the programs are delivered on-line. |
7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses
The Division does not normally accept undergraduate courses for credit toward graduate degrees. |
8. Time Limit
Counselling Psychology Expected completion time is two years for the Master of Science degree and four years for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Maximum completion time is four years for the Master of Science degree and six years for the Master of Education and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Normally, Campus Alberta Master of Counselling students will complete their program in three years, but a 2-year completion time is possible for students who elect to do the program in a more intensive fashion. School and Applied Child Psychology The MSc requires three years of full-time study to complete. Maximum completion time is four years. The MEd can also be completed in three years of full-time study but students may take up to six years to complete the degree on a part-time basis. Students transferring from the MSc into the doctoral program can anticipate five years of full-time study from their initial entry into the MSc program to completion of their doctoral program. Maximum completion time is six years for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. |
9. Supervisory Assignments
Counselling Psychology An interim advisor is assigned to each first-year student. Students are responsible for initiating discussions with potential permanent supervisors and are expected to have finalized supervisory arrangements by their second annual registration. School and Applied Child Psychology A mentorship model, which emphasizes the development of knowledge and skills through professional relationships, is utilized. Students will be initially supported into the program by a faculty member who shares their area of interest and agrees to function as a program advisor. Students have the opportunity to become involved in their advisor's research through participating in research groups, graduate assistantships, or externally funded assistantships. It is anticipated that this involvement will lead to development of the dissertation research. |
10. Required Examinations
Comprehensive examinations for the Master of Education program and candidacy examinations for the doctoral program both have written and oral components. Information on examinations is provided in the Division brochures. |
11. Research Proposal Requirements
Information on research proposals is available through the interim advisor/supervisor. Ethics approval is needed for all research projects involving the use of human subjects before data collection begins. To initiate the ethics review, the researcher must submit a copy of the application (available on the Research Services website) to the Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board, c/o Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Education. |
12. Special Registration Information
None |
13. Financial Assistance
Financial assistance may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this calendar. Students applying for scholarships for September admission must submit their scholarship applications to the Division by the preceding February 1. The Division also provides assistance for students through teaching assistantships, graduate research scholarships and other Divisional scholarships. Application forms and deadline information for these awards can be obtained from the Division. |
14. Other Information
For further information or for copies of the Division brochure, write to the Division of Applied Psychology, ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Further information on the Campus Alberta Master of Counselling may be obtained from the Division office by phoning (403) 210-9634, e-mail:, or from the Master of Counselling website |
15. Faculty Members/Research Interests
Research interests of faculty members and adjunct faculty can be found at: and from the Division office. |