Research Study Lifecycle

The lifecycle of research studies carried out at the SFMRRC

1. Under Review

Study is undergoing Scientific Review. This stage begins with Requesting a Study and ends with receipt of approval from the Scientific Review Committee.

2. Approved

Study is in the final stages prior to becoming active. Please ensure that all supporting documentation (ethics, amendments) are provided. Stage ends after imaging protocol development (if required) has ended and satisfactory completion of the Study Kick Off Meeting.

3. Active

Study is approved and booking subjects is now possible. Stage ends generally when recruitment target is reached. This stage is where the Study Execution phase occurs.

4. Finished

Study has reached its recruitment target or recruitment has otherwise ended. No more subjects can be booked unless the ethics and scientific review approvals are modified. Stage ends when a study is formally closed.

5. Closed

Study has completed data analysis. Images maybe removed from the Seaman Family Centre storage system, unless other suitable arrangements are made. The Centre does not provide long term archival storage of closed studies.