Faculty of Nursing
Faculty Regulations
Deadlines | Refer to the Applications for Admission Schedule in this Calendar for application deadlines. BN Regular Track program 路 June 30 for documents from transfer students 路 August 1 for documents from high school students BN Accelerated Track program 路 June 30 for documents BN Accelerated Track program (January entry) 路 September 1 for application 路 September 30 for documents Combined BKin (General)/BN (Regular Track) program 路 June 30 for documents (Note: First Year - apply to Faculty of Kinesiology for admission, Second Year - apply by March 1 to transfer to combined BKin/BN program) BN program at the Medicine Hat College Site 路 December 1 for applications to the 草莓污视频导航 (Students will apply by November 1 through the Medicine Hat College Registrar's Office; completed applications will be forwarded to the 草莓污视频导航 by December 1) 路 June 30 for documents Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing program for Registered Nurses 路 June 30 for documents New applicants should refer to "Admission Requirements" in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for regulations regarding University admission requirements. |
General Requirements | Students wishing to begin a Bachelor of Nursing degree program must meet minimum admission requirements as set out in the Program Details section. Also see the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. Applicants wishing to enter the Bachelor of Nursing degree program must commence their degree program course of study in September (Fall Session) with the exception of students wishing to enter the Bachelor of Nursing Accelerated Track degree program who may commence their degree program course of study in September (Fall Session) or January (Winter Session). An interview may be required by the Faculty of Nursing. |
English Language Proficiency | The Nursing profession requires a high level of spoken and written communication skills in order to ensure patient safety. Students who, after admission, show an inadequate command of spoken or written English must improve their proficiency to the Faculty's satisfaction in collaboration with the Learning English for Academic Purposes program. Students may be asked to withdraw from the program if their inadequate command of English interferes with their ability to provide patient care. Students should also be aware of the "English Language Proficiency" requirements as outlined in the "Academic Regulations/Admission" section of this Calendar. Of particular note is the requirement for Nursing students to present a minimum score of 237 on the computer-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and a score of 50 on the Test of Spoken English; or a minimum score of 580 on the paper-based TOEFL examination and a score of 50 on the TSE; or a minimum score of 90 on the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) examination and a score of 50 on the TSE . |
Health Regulations | Applicants are required to complete a Health Questionnaire. In addition, all nursing students are requested to have completed a program of immunization and a chest x-ray as required. The necessary report forms will be mailed out by the Faculty of Nursing with the offer of admission. Throughout their BN program, students are expected to keep their immunizations up to date and must provide proof of such updates to the Faculty of Nursing. Failure to do so may result in students being removed from their clinical course work until such time as adequate proof has been provided. |
Students should refer to the Registration section of this Calendar for registration procedures. | |
Accuracy of Registration | All students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration and for arranging their course selections to meet all program requirements as detailed in this Calendar. |
Interruption of Program Leading to a Degree | Students who interrupt their degree program in the Faculty of Nursing are warned that after an absence of one calendar year from academic study at university level, they may be required to comply with any regulations which may have come into effect in regard to their program and requirements. Students who choose to withdraw for a year will not be required to re-apply for admission. However, they must notify the Faculty of Nursing in writing by March 1 of their intention to return. Students who are required to withdraw for academic reasons must re-apply for admission. |
Effective Writing Requirement | All BN Regular Track students and students in the BN at Medicine Hat College must satisfy the Effective Writing Requirement as outlined in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. |
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Certification | All BN students will be required to submit proof of current CPR Certification at the Basic Rescuer or Basic Cardiac Life Support or "C" level prior to the commencement of clinical practice courses. Evidence of such certification is to be shown to the clinical instructor. Students will be responsible for obtaining course training and certification. |
Course Work
Course Load | Only those students who attain a grade point average of 3.00 in a Fall or Winter Session will be permitted to register for one additional course in the next session. It should be noted that extra courses represent a substantial burden and may influence overall performance. Opportunities for accelerated progress in non-nursing courses exist through credit courses in the Spring and Summer Sessions. |
Transfer Credit | Core Nursing courses considered for advanced credit must have been completed within the last five years. There is no time limit on completion of support courses which include non-core Nursing options. Students should be aware that advanced credits awarded to them are part of the basis on which they have been admitted to the Faculty of Nursing, and therefore are not used in the calculation of grade point averages for promotion purposes. However, in the case of Post Diploma students, advanced credits will be used for graduation purposes in the calculation of Degrees with Distinction and the Gold Medal Award. Students refused transfer credit may wish to seek credit "by special assessment" (see below). Prospective students should consult with the Faculty of Nursing if they are planning to take courses through the Faculty of Communication and Culture or through another institution such as Athabasca University. See Program Details section for specific program regulations. |
Course Work at Other Institutions for Transfer of Credit - Visiting Student Status | Students may be authorized to take some of their program course work at another institution if their registration as a Visiting Student is acceptable to that institution, and if they are in good academic standing in the Faculty of Nursing. Permission for such authorization will be given on a Letter of Permission form and requires the approval of the Faculty of Nursing. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for each Letter of Permission. On completion of studies, it will be the responsibility of the student to ensure that official transcripts of grades are forwarded directly to the Student Advisor in the Faculty of Nursing so that appropriate credit may be awarded. Students are advised that taking courses at the end of their program may affect their graduation date. Please contact the Student Advisor for more information. |
Credit in Courses "By Special Assessment" | Students are referred to the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for University regulations on obtaining course credits "by special assessment." Students wishing to complete nursing courses "by special assessment" must obtain written permission from the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs), on the appropriate form headed "Permission to Take Courses By Special Assessment." Students wishing to complete non-nursing courses "by special assessment" require the final approval of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) in addition to that of the Department offering the course. Courses previously failed or one in which a higher grade is sought may not be taken subsequently "by special assessment," nor may any course be attempted more than once in this way. Not more than the equivalent of ten half courses (both Nursing and other courses) completed "by special assessment" may be counted towards a BN degree. |
Student Standing
General Requirements | The academic performance of students registered in the Faculty of Nursing is assessed at the end of each Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer Session except as indicated within specific program requirements listed below. In order to obtain satisfactory standing in the Faculty of Nursing, students must attain a minimum grade of "C" in all laboratory nursing courses and must attain a "credit" grade in all clinical nursing courses. Students may carry a maximum of one "D" grade (i.e., "D+" or "D") in all non-clinical/non-laboratory nursing courses. A grade of "C-" or lower in a laboratory nursing course must be cleared and satisfactory standing achieved before students may progress to any further nursing courses. Students who receive a second "D" grade in non-clinical nursing courses must clear one of these two "D" grades before progressing to any further nursing courses. Students who fail to attain satisfactory standing as defined above in either a clinical nursing course or a corequisite theory nursing course may be required to repeat both courses, and will meet with the Course Co-ordinator and the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) to determine their progress through the program. "F" grades in all required nursing courses must be cleared by repeating those courses before students may progress to any further nursing courses. "F" grades in required support courses must be cleared by repeating those courses. "F" grades in optional support courses must be cleared by repeating those courses or by substituting other approved options in their place. Students may repeat a course previously failed or one in which a higher grade is sought. However, students usually will be permitted to repeat a particular course only once. Exceptions to this regulation may be made only in unusual circumstances and at the discretion of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs). Students will not be permitted to withdraw more than once from a particular course. Students will be required to withdraw if they have accumulated a total of more than ten half-course equivalent withdrawals while in attendance at the 草莓污视频导航. All grades (including original grades in repeated courses) are used in the calculation of grade point averages for purposes of the official University transcript of record and for progression in the Nursing programs as outlined in the sections "Students Previously in Satisfactory Standing" and "Students on Probation." |
Policies Relative to Clinical Experience | Students are advised to read the general University regulations regarding attendance in the section of this Calendar headed "Academic Regulations." Students may be required to complete clinical experience at sites other than the location of their residence. Students' clinical experience may also be scheduled at various hours, including evenings, nights and weekends. Students must demonstrate satisfactory clinical performance as delineated in the behavioural objectives of the course. Participation in all activities that are related to clinical courses is mandatory. Failure to fully participate in clinical and tutorial sessions will be reviewed by the faculty members teaching the course. Students are advised that evaluation will be based in large measure on their day-to-day performance. A student who does not meet the course objectives due to absence may apply to the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) for a deferral of term work. Students are cautioned that, even under extenuating circumstances, added clinical or tutorial experience is not always available, and therefore, in such cases, permission to defer term work will be denied. Normally, a student will not be permitted to withdraw from a clinical course in order to avoid a failing grade in that course. An instructor may prohibit a student from attending or completing a clinical experience if there is evidence that the student has acted in a manner that is detrimental to patient care or that patient safety is at risk. The Associate Dean will be consulted or informed about any such situation or action. A student who wishes to appeal such a decision will follow the appeals process as outlined below under Appeals Process. |
Students Previously in Satisfactory Standing | 1. Will retain that standing if they have achieved a grade point average of at least 2.00 (first and second years) or at least 2.50 (third and fourth years and Post Diploma students) on all courses taken since their previous review. 2. Will be placed on probation for a maximum of one academic year if they have achieved a grade point average of 1.70 to 1.99 (first and second years) and 2.00 to 2.49 (third and fourth years and Post Diploma students) since their last review. 3. Will be placed on probation if they are required to repeat any nursing course, regardless of their grade point average. 4. Will be required to withdraw if they have a grade point average of less than 1.70 (first and second years) or less than 2.00 (third and fourth years and Post Diploma students) since their last review. 5. Will be allowed academic probationary status only once while registered in the Faculty of Nursing. |
Students on Probation | 1. May be permitted to proceed to higher level non-clinical nursing courses with the consent of the Associate Dean and Administrator (Undergraduate Programs), and as space permits. 2. Will be reinstated in satisfactory standing if they have achieved the required cumulative grade point average over all courses taken since and including those on their previous review. 3. Will be required to withdraw if they fail to achieve the required cumulative grade point average over all courses taken since and including those on their previous review. 4. Will be required to withdraw if they fail to obtain satisfactory standing in any subsequent nursing course, regardless of cumulative grade point average. Students placed on probation or required to withdraw will be advised in writing. Students required to withdraw may not apply for readmission in the twelve-month period following their withdrawal. Written application must then be made to the Dean. |
Unsatisfactory Standing | The Faculty Council may refuse permission to a student or prospective student to enter any year of any course, if, in the opinion of the Council, the student shows a lack of general educational attainment. Further, a student whose performance in the clinical area, in the classroom, in tests, or in final examinations is unsatisfactory, may at any time be required to withdraw from the Faculty. |
Aegrotat Standing | Aegrotat standing (i.e., standing granted to a candidate who is prevented by illness from attending examinations) may be granted by the Faculty Council to a student registered in either of the last two years of the program. Any student wishing to take advantage of this privilege should apply to the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing. |
Dean's List | The Dean's List recognizes the outstanding academic achievement of all BN students in the Faculty. It is compiled annually at the end of the Winter Session and a statement of inclusion on the Dean's List will be recorded on the student's transcript. To be included on the Dean's List, a student must achieve a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in four or more half courses or equivalent in each of the previous Fall and Winter Sessions. |
Requirements | To be awarded the Bachelor of Nursing degree from the 草莓污视频导航, all BN students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in first and second years and 2.50 in third and fourth years as set out in the Academic Performance Regulations section above. BN students at the Medicine Hat College Site who opt for the nursing diploma exit at the end of third year will graduate from Medicine Hat College. Students who choose to exit with an RN diploma are required to complete all Nursing and support courses in the first three years of the curriculum. Students in the fourth year of the program who are in unsatisfactory standing may not retroactively apply for the RN diploma exit. |
Degrees with Distinction | The notation "With Distinction" will be inscribed on the permanent record and graduation parchment of all BN students whose grade point average is 3.60 or better in their most recent ten full-course equivalents taken through the 草莓污视频导航 Faculty of Nursing. Students who have taken part of their course work at another institution or who have transferred into the Faculty with fewer than ten full-course equivalents remaining to be completed for BN requirements may be granted a degree with distinction at the discretion of the Faculty. |
Appeals Process
Reappraisal/Appeals | Appeals initiated by students in the BN, BN at Medicine Hat College Site and Post Diploma programs will be governed by the University's regulations and procedures. Appeals at the Faculty level must be in writing, directed to the Dean and submitted within 15 days of the event or ruling giving rise to the appeal. Any such appeal must specify (a) exactly what is being appealed, (b) grounds for the appeal, and (c) the remedy sought. If sufficient grounds are not specified in the letter of appeal, the Chairperson of the Committee on Appeals may refuse to entertain the appeal. Also see section on Reappraisal of Grades and Academic Appeals in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. |
Fees and Expenses
Tuition | Please refer to the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for a breakdown of tuition fees. BN students who take courses in Spring/Summer Sessions to complete degree requirements will be assessed standard University tuition fees for these courses. |
Residence | Students may obtain a brochure with up-to-date information on residence costs by contacting the Residence Services Office. |
Miscellaneous Expenses | Additional expenses will include: 路 Uniforms, Shoes 路 Laboratory Coat 路 Laboratory Kits, Stethoscope 路 Textbooks, Course Syllabi, Reading Packages 路 Security Clearance/Criminal Record Check 路 CPR Certification/Re-certification 路 Immunizations 路 Travel to and from Clinical Areas 路 Parking Fees at Clinical Locations 路 Sundry (Name Badges, etc.) 路 Nurse Registration Examinations 路 Letters of Permission for Visiting Student Status |