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Faculty of Nursing

Program Details

Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track (BNRT) Program at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½

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The ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ offers a flexible, innovative Bachelor of Nursing degree to prepare students for the opportunities and challenges of a nursing career in a changing health care system. Throughout the program, students are provided with a sound theoretical base and supervised clinical experience in a variety of nursing practice settings. Students entering the Regular Track program directly from high school will likely take four academic years to complete the program. However, transfer students with prior post-secondary course work may be able to complete the Regular Track program in three or three and one half years depending on availability of clinical and faculty resources and student demand.

Admission to the Program

See admission regulations in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

(a) Standard (high school) Admission: English Language Arts 30-1, Pure Mathematics 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30 and one other "30" level 5-credit subject.

(b) Adult Student Admission: English Language Arts 30-1, Pure Mathematics 30, Biology 30 and Chemistry 30. The fifth 5-credit subject is waived.

(c) Transfer Admission: This shall be determined on the basis of the grade point average calculated over the most recent course work to a maximum of five full-course equivalents (²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). All grades within a session will be included except where the number of courses taken within a session exceeds that required to fulfill (to a maximum of) five full-course equivalents, in which case the highest grades will be used. Transfer students must also present the required matriculation subjects as outlined in (a) or (b) above.

Limitation of Enrolment

Enrolment in the BN program is limited. Applicants will be accepted on the basis of academic standing in high school and/or previous post-secondary education completed. As a consequence of the limitation on enrolment the following procedures apply:

Preference is given to Alberta residents.

Course Requirements

The four-year curriculum outlined below is intended primarily for high school students.

Transfer students who have prior post-secondary credit in non-nursing support courses

may be eligible to complete the BN in a shorter timeframe. Details will be made available

to students as this program is phased in, and will be dependent on clinical and faculty

resources and student demand.

1st Year

Fall Session

Nursing 201/203/205

Zoology 269

Science option (Biology 231 recommended)

Winter Session

Nursing 207/209/211

Humanities option (Jr. English recommended)

Social Sciences option (Psychology 205 or Sociology 201 recommended)

Spring Session

Nursing 213 (2 week consolidation)

2nd Year

Fall Session

Nursing 301/3021

Nursing 311


Winter Session

Nursing 303/3051

Nursing 309

Nursing 307

Open option

3rd Year

Fall Session

Nursing 401/4021

Senior open option

Philosophy option

Winter Session

Nursing 403/4041

Nursing 405

Senior open option

Spring/Summer Sessions

Nursing 406 (4 week consolidation) 3

Nursing 501/5023

4th Year

Fall Session

Nursing 406 (13 week consolidation) 3

Senior open option

Senior open option

Senior open option

Winter Session

Nursing 501/5023

Senior open option

1Corequisite Theory/Practice courses in second and third years will run back to back (one-half class each session).

2Students may take any one of the following statistics courses: Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301, Psychology 312, Sociology 311/315, 211, 217, 333, or 357. Students who complete a full-year course or equivalent (e.g., Psychology 312 or Sociology 311/315) may also receive credit for a half senior Social Sciences option or a half senior open option in the BN program.

3Fast Track Option

Transfer students who have completed all of their support course options may be able to complete Nursing 406/501/502 within Spring/Summer Sessions, or Spring/Fall Sessions and complete the BN degree in three or three and one half years.

Other Requirements

Students who are unable to complete Nursing 201/203/205 in the Fall Session will be required to apply for readmission in a subsequent year. Students who complete Nursing 201/203/205 in the Fall Session but who are unable to complete Nursing 207/209/211 in the Winter Session and Nursing 213 in the Spring Session will not have to apply for readmission, but will be registered in subsequent sessions of these courses only as space permits.

Promotion from year to year is by recommendation of the Faculty of Nursing. For purposes of promotion, the academic year is considered to be from September 1 of one year to August 31 of the next. Hence, Spring/Summer Session grades are calculated with the previous Fall/Winter Session grades. The minimum requirement is a grade point average of 2.00 in each of the first two years and 2.50 in each of the last two years.

Program Regulations

Duration of Degree Program

Except with special permission of the Dean, the BN degree must be completed within seven calendar years from the date of initial registration in the program.

Transfer Credit

Students transferring from other institutions or faculties within the University are considered on an individual basis. However, students will be required to complete the equivalent of not fewer than ten half courses, at least six of which must be Nursing courses taken as a BN student.

Nurse Registration Examinations

In order to be considered eligible to write the nurse registration examinations, BN students are required to complete the fourth year program requirements with a minimum 2.50 grade point average.

Bachelor of Nursing Accelerated Track (BNAT) Program

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The two-year Bachelor of Nursing Accelerated Track (BNAT) program was developed in response to an expressed need by transfer students, particularly degree holders, to be able to complete a degree in Nursing in a shortened timeframe. The BNAT is a flexible, innovative program that will prepare students for the opportunities and challenges of a nursing career in a changing health care system. Students will receive a sound theoretical base and supervised clinical experience in a variety of practice settings throughout the program.


The BNAT program is intended for students who hold an approved baccalaureate degree with at least 15 full courses from an accredited post-secondary institution recognized by the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½. Admission will be granted on a competitive GPA basis (calculated on the most recent five full-course equivalents), and in the case of equivalent applications, preference will be given to degree holders who have completed the Anatomy/Physiology and Statistics courses. Due to the extremely heavy nature of the program, it is recommended that students plan not to work while they are taking this program. Hence, students should ensure that they have financial resources in place prior to starting this program.


Fall Semester Entry

3rd Year

Fall Session

Nursing 201/203

Nursing 207/209/211

Zoology 269

13 week session (normal timeframe) 22-27 hours/week

Winter Session

Nursing 205

Nursing 301/302

Nursing 307

Nursing 311

13 week session (normal timeframe) 28 hours/week

Spring Session

Nursing 303/305

6 week session (early May - mid June) 28 hours/week

Summer Session

Nursing 403/404

9-10 week session (mid June - mid August) 27-30 hours/week

4th Year

Winter Semester Entry

3rd Year

Fall Session

Nursing 401/402

Nursing 309


13 week session (normal timeframe) 25-28 hours/week

Winter Session

Nursing 405

Nursing 501/502

13 week session (normal timeframe) 30 hours/week

1 Students may take any one of the following statistics courses: Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301, 211, 217, 333 or 357.

Winter Session

Nursing 201/203

Nursing 205/211

Zoology 269

13 week session (normal timeframe) 16 hours/week

Spring Session

Nursing 207/209/311

7 week session (early May - mid June) 26 hours/week

Summer Session

Nursing 301/302

9 week session (end of June - end of August) 28 hours/week

Fall Session

Nursing 303/305

Nursing 307/309


13 week session (normal timeframe) 19 - 22 hours/week

Winter Session

Nursing 401/402

Nursing 405

13 week session (normal timeframe) 22 hours/week

Spring Session

Nursing 403/404

7 week session (early May to mid June) 39 hours/week

Summer Session

Nursing 501/502

10 week session (end of June to early September) 37 hours/week

1 Students may take any one of the following statistics courses: Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301, 211, 217, 333 or 357.

Other Requirements

Students admitted to the Fall Semester Entry who are unable to complete the Fall Session of third year will be required to apply forreadmission in a subsequent year, or will be considered for transfer to the BN Regular Trackprogram only as space permits. Students admitted to the Winter Semster Entry who are unable to complete the Winter Session of third year will be required to apply for readmission in a subsequent year, or will be considered for transfer to the BN Regular Track program only as space permits. BNAT students admitted to the Fall Semester Entry who complete the Fall Session of third year but are unable to complete any of the remaining sessions will be registered in those remaining sessions of BNAT only as space permits, or will be considered for transfer to the BN Regular Track program, only as space permits. BNAT students admitted to the Winter Semester Entry who complete the Winter Session of third year but are unable to complete any of the remaining sessions will be registered in those remaining sessions of BNAT only as space permits, or will be considered for transfer to the BN Regular Track program, as space permits.

Promotion from year to year is by recommendation of the Faculty of Nursing. For purposes of promotion, the academic year for students admitted to the Fall Semester Entry of the BNAT program is considered to be from September 1 of one year to August 31 of the next. Hence, Spring/Summer Session grades are calculated with the previous Fall/Winter Session grades. The academic year for students admitted to the Winter Semester Entry of the BNAT program is considered to be from January 1 of one year to December 31 of the next. Students must achieve a minimum 2.00 GPA in third year (first and second years in the Regular Track program) and a minimum 2.50 GPA in fourth year (third and fourth years in the Regular Track program).

Conditions and Regulations

BNAT students will be subject to the standard Faculty of Nursing conditions and regulations found in this section of the Calendar, e.g. Health Regulations, Criminal Record Checks, CPR Certification, Clinical Policies, Dean's List, Degrees with Distinction, Gold Medal Award, etc.

Duration of Degree Program

Except with special permission of the Dean, the BN degree must be completed within seven calendar years from the date of initial registration in the program.

Transfer Credit

Students transferring from other institutions or faculties within the University are considered on an individual basis. However, students will be required to complete the equivalent of not fewer than ten half courses, at least six of which must be Nursing courses taken as a BN student.

Nurse Registration Examinations

In order to be considered eligible to write the nurse registration examinations, BNAT students are required to complete their fourth year with a minimum 2.50 grade point average.

Combined Bachelor of Kinesiology (General)/Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track Program

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The five-year program sponsored jointly by the Faculties of Kinesiology and Nursing (and administered by the Faculty of Nursing) leads to both the Bachelor of Kinesiology (General) and Bachelor of Nursing degrees.


Students wishing to pursue this program will normally apply to enter the combined degree after successful completion of at least eight half-course equivalents in the Faculty of Kinesiology. Biology 231 and Kinesiology 261 must be included in these eight half courses. Entrants into the combined program (i.e., Faculty of Nursing) must meet the transfer admission criteria that apply to the Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track program.

Students who apply to the combined program from a Faculty other than Kinesiology (or students who apply from an outside institution) must meet the annual admission criteria of both the Faculties of Kinesiology and Nursing plus present a minimum of eight half-course equivalents (which include Biology 231 and Kinesiology 261). Students should consult with the Student Affairs office in each Faculty prior to applying to the combined program.


Students are strongly advised to adhere to the following program of studies.

1st Year

Apply by March 1 to Faculty of Kinesiology for admission

Fall Session

Kinesiology 201

Kinesiology 203

Kinesiology 243

Kinesiology 251

Kinesiology 261

Winter Session

Biology 231

Kinesiology 213

Kinesiology 245

Kinesiology 253

Kinesiology 263

2nd Year

Apply by March 1 to transfer to combined BKin/BN program

Fall Session

Nursing 201/203/205

Kinesiology 237

Zoology 361

Winter Session

Nursing 207/209/211

Kinesiology 355

Zoology 363

Spring Session

Nursing 213

3rd Year

Fall Session

Nursing 301/302

Nursing 311

Humanities option

Winter Session

Nursing 303/305

Nursing 307

Nursing 309


Spring Session

Kinesiology 4732

4th Year

Fall Session

Nursing 401/402

Kinesiology 473

Senior Kinesiology option

Winter Session

Nursing 403/404

Nursing 405

Philosophy option

Spring Session

Nursing 4063

5th Year

Fall Session

Nursing 4063

Senior open option

Senior Kinesiology option

Senior Kinesiology option

Winter Session

Nursing 5013

Nursing 5023

Senior open option

1Students may take any one of the following statistics courses: Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301, 211, 217, 333 or 357.

3Students who wish to fast track the fifth year Nursing courses may be able to take Nursing 406 in the Spring Session of fourth year and take Nursing 501/502 in Summer or Fall Session of fifth year, depending on clinical and faculty resources and student demand.

2Students may take Kinesiology 473 in Spring Session to avoid timetable conflicts.

Other Requirements

Once admitted to the combined program, a student may elect to remain in it or switch to either of the two separate degree programs, as long as the requirements of each Faculty continue to be met. Failure to meet requirements will result in a student being required to withdraw.

Conditions and Regulations

Combined degree students will be subject to the standard Faculty of Nursing conditions and regulations found in this section of the Calendar, e.g. Health Regulations, Criminal Record Checks, CPR Certification, Clinical Policies, Duration of Degree Program, Transfer Credit, Dean's List, Degrees with Distinction, Gold Medal Award, Nurse Registration Examinations, etc. The promotion and graduation requirements of each Faculty apply.

Bachelor of Nursing Program at the Medicine Hat College Site

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The BN program at Medicine Hat College is a three and one-half year partnership program offered entirely on the Medicine Hat College Site. It was developed jointly by the nursing faculty at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ and Medicine Hat College in order to allow students in the Medicine Hat area increased access to a baccalaureate program without having to relocate. The program has a focus on gerontology and rural nursing, and will prepare students for professional nursing practice in a wide variety of community and business settings.

Admission to the Program

Students will apply to enter the program in year one at Medicine Hat College. Upon successful completion of their first two years of the program and upon meeting the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Faculty of Nursing admission criteria (minimum 2.00 GPA on the last 5 full-course equivalents), students apply to enter the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ as third year students. The remaining courses will be completed as ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ students. The third and fourth year courses will be delivered on the Medicine Hat College Site with ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Faculty of Nursing professors as instructors of record. The fourth year is fast-tracked in the Fall Session, allowing students to complete the BN program in three and one half years.

Course Requirements

1st Year

First and Second Years of the program are Medicine Hat College courses.1

Fall Session

Biology 275

Humanities/ Health Studies 210

Nursing 200

Psychology 205

Winter Session

Biology 277

Nursing 251

Nursing 256

Nursing 263

Psychology 351

Spring Session

Nursing 264

2nd Year

Fall Session

Nursing 351

Nursing 353

Nursing 361/3622

Winter Session

Nursing 363/3642

Nursing 365

Nursing 367

Open option

3rd Year

Fall Session

Nursing Offsite 451/4522

Statistics 3333

Senior Open Option

Winter Session

Nursing Offsite 453/4542

Nursing Offsite 455

Philosophy 3133

Spring Session

Nursing Offsite 457/458

4th Year

Fall Session

Nursing Offsite 551/553/554

1 First and Second Year course descriptions will not be listed in the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar since students must complete them prior to their admission to this institution.

2 Corequisite Theory/Practice courses in second and third years will run back to back (one-half class each session).

3 Students in the Fall Session of third year will register in ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ courses (Nursing Offsite 451/452 or 453/454 while concurrently taking Medicine Hat College Statistics 333 and Philosophy 313). Fees for the latter will be due and payable to Medicine Hat College.

Other Requirements

Promotion from third year to fourth year is by recommendation of the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Faculty of Nursing. For purposes of promotion, the academic year is considered to be from September 1 of one year to August 31 of the next. Hence, Spring/Summer grades are calculated with the previous Fall/Winter Session grades. The minimum requirement is a grade point average of 2.50 in each of the third and fourth years.

Program Regulations

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Duration of Degree Program

Except with special permission of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs), the BN degree must be completed within seven calendar years from the date of initial registration in the program. Students wishing to exit with a Medicine Hat College nursing diploma at the end of third year must declare their intention to do so to the Medicine Hat College Registrar by December 1 of third year, and will have a maximum of five calendar years from the date of initial registration in the program to complete the course requirements for the nursing diploma.

Students exiting with a nursing diploma may apply for readmission into the program to enable completion of the final session and exit with a BN degree. No additional course work is required for diploma graduates in order to be readmitted into the final session of the program, space permitting and within a three-year time limit. Applications for readmission from Diploma graduates must be submitted by March 1 of the year they intend to re-enter. Their final session must be completed within two years following readmission.

Transfer Credit

Students transferring from post-secondary institutions other than Medicine Hat College are considered on an individual basis. However, students will be required to complete the equivalent of not fewer than ten half courses, at least six of which must be Nursing courses taken as a BN student at the Medicine Hat College Site.

Nurse Registration Examinations

In order to be considered eligible to write the nurse registration examinations, BN students at the Medicine Hat College Site are required to complete the fourth year program requirements with a minimum 2.50 grade point average. Students who satisfactorily complete the program by December of their fourth year will be eligible to write the nurse registration examinations in February and will be awarded their degree in June of the following year. Students who decide to exit with an RN diploma from Medicine Hat College must complete the third year of the program with a minimum 2.50 grade point average.

Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program

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The Faculty of Nursing at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ is committed to baccalaureate education for nurses, and to making such education easily available. The Faculty offers a Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing (PDBN) program for nurses who have obtained a nursing diploma from a hospital or community college. In keeping with the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½'s strategic direction, the Faculty of Nursing has endeavoured to meet student demands for flexible, accessible programming by offering non-traditional delivery methods using the Internet/World Wide Web. In addition, the Faculty has engaged in contracts with two colleges to facilitate baccalaureate completion by graduates of their programs.

1. The Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program for Web-Based Students (PDBN-WWW)

The Post Diploma program is offered exclusively via the World Wide Web. A sufficient number of option courses are available via the Web to enable all students to complete degree requirements. Students in Calgary and environs may also elect to take their support courses on-campus in the traditional way. Students should be aware that Web courses are subject to Outside Tuition Policy (i.e. tuition fees are higher).

2. The Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program for Centennial College Nursing Program Graduates (PDBN - CENT)

Graduates of the three-year Centennial College (Scarborough, Ontario) Nursing program can complete the Post Diploma program via the Web. Through extensive program evaluation, it has been determined that graduates admitted to Centennial College in Fall 1996-Fall 2000 inclusive will be permitted to take a reduced number of courses (11 half-course equivalents) for degree completion at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½. Web courses are subject to Outside Tuition Policy (i.e. tuition fees are higher).

3. The Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program for Medicine Hat College Nursing Program Graduates (PDBN - MHC)

Graduates of Medicine Hat College (Medicine Hat, Alberta) can complete the Post Diploma program via the Web. Through extensive program evaluation, it has been determined that graduates admitted to the Medicine Hat College Southern Alberta Collaboration for Nursing Education (SACNE) program in Fall 1994-Fall 1998 inclusive will be permitted to take a reduced number of courses (10 half-course equivalents) for degree completion. Web courses are subject to Outside Tuition Policy (i.e. tuition fees are higher).

Admission to the Program

See admission regulations in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

For adult student admission, applicants must present Alberta Grade XII English Language Arts 30-1 and Biology 30 with no grade lower than 50 per cent. Biology 30 may be waived if applicants present an Anatomy and Physiology course as part of their RN diploma program. In lieu of Biology 30, transfer students may present Biology 231, which will be credited as a half Science option in the program.

Applicants are required to submit two copies of each of the following documents to the Admissions Office:

· Official high school transcripts.

· Official school of nursing program transcripts.

· Official transcripts from university or any other educational institution attended by the applicant.

Details regarding transcript regulations may be found in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

Applicants must complete an Information Sheet; a standardized form will be sent to the applicant by the Faculty of Nursing.

Applicants who are successful in gaining admission must provide proof of current CPR Certification at the Basic Rescuer or Basic Cardiac Life Support level prior to the commencement of clinical practice courses, Nursing 441, 533 and 543. Applicants must also submit proof of current, active provincial/international nurse registration prior to the commencement of Nursing 533 and 543. Evidence of such certification is to be shown to the clinical instructor.

Limitation of Enrolment

Enrolment in the Post Diploma Program is limited. Applicants will be accepted on the basis of academic standing in high school and/or previous post-secondary education completed. As a consequence of the limitation on enrolment the following procedures apply:

(a) Preference for admission to all PDBN routes is given to applicants who have demonstrated academic ability at the university or community college (post diploma) level with a minimum grade point average of 2.50.

(b) Work experience, educational background, career plans, community and professional service will also be taken into consideration in the selection of candidates.

Course Requirements

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Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program for Web-Based Students (PDBN - WWW)

Core Nursing Courses1

Nursing 411 Nursing Scholarship

Nursing 441 Health Assessment

Nursing 531 Community Health Nursing Theory

Nursing 533 Community Health Nursing Clinical Practice

Nursing 537 Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing 539 Research in Nursing

Nursing 543 Senior Practicum

One half senior Nursing option chosen from Nursing 421/461/503.08/511

Support Courses2

Applied Psychology 301

Three half open options chosen from courses offered by the Faculties of Humanities, Science and/or Social Sciences.

Three half open options

1 Nursing 531 is a prerequisite to 533. Nursing 441/533 are prerequisites to 543.

2 At least three of the six half open options must be at a senior level (300 or higher) and a maximum of two of the six half open options may be Nursing options.

Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program for Centennial College Nursing Program Graduates (Admitted to Centennial College in Fall 1996 to Fall 2000) (PDBN - CENT)

Core Nursing Courses1

Nursing 411 Nursing Scholarship

Nursing 421 Nursing of Families

Nursing 441 Health Assessment

Nursing 531 Community Health Nursing Theory

Nursing 533 Community Health Nursing Clinical Practice

Nursing 537 Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing 543 Senior Practicum

Support Courses2

Applied Psychology 301

Science option

Open option

Open option

1 Nursing 531 is a prerequisite to 533. Nursing 441/533 are prerequisites to 543.

2 At least three of the four half support courses must be at a senior level (300 or higher). One of the open options may be a Nursing option (e.g. Nursing 503 - Selected Topics).

Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program for Medicine Hat College Nursing Program Graduates (Admitted to Medicine Hat College in Fall 1994 to Fall 1998) (PDBN - MHC)

Core Nursing Courses1

Nursing 421 Nursing of Families

Nursing 461 Pathophysiology

Nursing 531 Community Health Nursing Theory

Nursing 533 Community Health Nursing Clinical Practice

Nursing 537 Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing 539 Research in Nursing

Nursing 543 Senior Practicum

Support Courses2

Applied Psychology 301

Open option

Open option

1 Nursing 531 is a prerequisite to 533. Nursing 533 is prerequisite to 543.

2 At least two of the three half support courses must be at a senior level (300 or higher). One of the open options may be a Nursing option (e.g. Nursing 503 - Selected Topics).

Other Requirements

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Students' performance will be initially reviewed for promotion in the program when they have completed not less than the equivalent of six half courses. Students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.50.

Post Diploma students will not be allowed to register in courses which duplicate content already taken in their RN diploma program.

Computer System Requirements

In order to participate in web-based course work, students must be familiar with navigating on the internet and must own or have access to specific computer hardware and software. Please refer to the Faculty of Nursing website (www.ucalgary.ca/NU) for the most current computer requirements.

Program Regulations

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Duration of Degree Program

The baccalaureate program for registered nurses must be completed within seven calendar years from the date of initial registration in the program. Students may complete the program on a full- or part-time basis. Part-time students are encouraged to complete some or all of the support courses prior to making application to the program.

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit from outside the Faculty of Nursing is limited to ten half courses. Students must complete the remainder of the program, including six half nursing courses, while registered at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½.

Courses taken at a university or community college level may be transferable for credit provided that these courses were not used towards the RN diploma.

Students should also be aware that regardless of the number of transfer credits awarded, the program cannot be completed in less than three academic sessions.