Art History ARHI
Instruction offered by members of the Department of Art in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Department Head - A. Nishimura
Junior Courses
Art History 201 H(3-0)
Survey of Western Art in its Cultural Context: Prehistory to the Later Middle Ages
A chronological examination of art and architecture in relation to significant historical and cultural events from Pre-history to about 1300 C.E.
Art History 203 H(3-0)
Survey of Western Art in its Cultural Context: Proto-Renaissance to Neo-Classicism
A chronological examination of art and architecture (with some reference to the other arts) in relation to significant historical and cultural events from about 1300 to about 1800.
Art History 209 H(3-0)
- July 28, 2008
Art: World War II to the Present
A chronological examination of Western art in relation to significant historical and cultural events from World War II to the present.
Senior Courses
Art History 301 H(3-0)
Art of Canada: 1600-1900
Forms and concepts in art in Canada from the Early French and English Colonial periods to 1900.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 303 H(3-0)
Art of Canada: 1900 to the Present
Forms and concepts in Canadian art from 1900 to the present; the Group of Seven, Nationalism, Regionalism and more recent developments in Canadian art.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 305 H(3-0)
Architecture of Canada to 1900
A chronological, thematic and regional examination of architectural developments in Canada to c.1900.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 309 H(3-0)
Architecture of Canada since 1900
A chronological, thematic and regional examination of Canadian architecture since c.1900.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 323 H(3-0)
Survey of Far Eastern Art: India and Related Civilizations
A chronological examination of the art and architecture of ancient India and related civilizations, with special emphasis on Buddhist, Hindu and Islamic art.
Art History 325 H(3-0)
Survey of Far Eastern Art: China and Related Civilizations
A chronological examination of the art and architecture of ancient China and related civilizations, with special emphasis on Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist art.
Art History 327 H(3-0)
Renaissance Art
A chronological examination of the arts and architecture from the Proto-Renaissance in Italy to the threshold of the High Renaissance (c. 1300-1500). Special attention will be given to the artistic cultures of Florence and Flanders.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 329 H(3-0)
High Renaissance and Mannerism
A chronological examination of the arts and architecture from about 1500 to the end of the 16th Century. Special attention will be given to the key artistic personalities representing the High Renaissance and Mannerism in northern and southern Europe.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 357 H(3-0)
Italian Baroque Art
A chronological examination of the art and architecture during the 17th Century. Special attention will be given to Rome.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 359 H(3-0)
Northern Baroque and Rococo Art
A chronological examination of the art and architecture in northern Europe from c. 1600 to 1789.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 365 H(3-0)
Survey of Far Eastern Art: Japan
A chronological examination of the art and architecture of dynastic Japan, with special emphasis on Shinto and Buddhist traditions.
Art History 367 H(3-0)
Native North American Art in its Cultural Context
Survey of the forms and purposes of Native art in Woodlands, Plains, Northwest Coast and Southwest cultures throughout the prehistoric and historic periods and in conjunction with a study of cultural development and change.
Art History 369 H(3-0)
Northern and Inuit Sculpture in its Cultural Context
Focus on the three-dimensional artistic expression of the prehistoric to contemporary Eskimo and Inuit of Canada, Greenland and Alaska, based on Arctic cultural history and archaeology.
Art History 405 H(3-0)
Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Art
A chronological examination of European painting and sculpture from the late eighteenth century through the Romantic period.
Prerequisites: Art History 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 407 H(3-0)
Mid to Late Nineteenth Century Art
A chronological examination of European painting and sculpture of the Realist, Impressionist and Post-Impressionist periods.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 411 H(3-0)
Selected Topics in the History of Art
Topics to be announced. Possible topics include: The Art of Michelangelo, Surrealism, Abstract Art in Canada, Painting in New York from WW II to Present, Art of the West African Sudan, The Canadian Landscape
.411.01. Selected Topics in the History of Art
I411.02. Selected Topics in the History of Art II
Prerequisites: Three full-course equivalents in Art History or consent of the Department.
Art History 413 H(3-0)
Modern Art: 1880s to the First World War
Forms and concepts in painting, sculpture and architecture from the late 19th century to the advent of the First World War.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 415 H(3-0)
Modern Art: From the End of the First World War through the 1950s
Study of the forms and concepts in painting, sculpture, and architecture from the end of the First World War through the 1950s.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Art History 419 H(3-0)
Photography in the Nineteenth Century
Origins of photography and its development as technology and art up to 1900.
Art History 423 H(3-0)
Photography in the Twentieth Century
The development of photography from 1900 to the present, with attention to the theory and criticism of photography as an art form.
Art History 425 H(3-0)
Architecture in the Western World Since 1900
A survey of the most significant examples of modern architecture, defining their stylistic character in light of developments in technology, the history of ideas, and social and historical factors.
Prerequisites: Art History 201 and 203 or consent of the Department.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Environmental Design Architecture 525 or Environmental Design 683.15.
Art History 469 H(3-3)
Graphic and Textile Arts of the Inuit
An in-depth examination of the graphic and textile arts of the Canadian Inuit, including comparisons with these areas in Alaska and Greenland, based in part on Inuit legends and traditions.
Note: Some background knowledge in Inuit Culture is recommended.
Art History 501 H(0-3T)
Independent Research in Art History I
Independent research projects for advanced students in art history.
Prerequisites: Five full-course equivalents in Art History and/or consent of the Department.
Art History 503 H(0-3T)
Independent Research in Art History II
Continuation of Art 501.
Prerequisites: Art History 501 or consent of the Department.
Art History 511 H(3-0)
Seminar in the History of Art
Topics to be announced. Possible topics include: The Art of Bernini, Cubism, The Group of Seven in Canada.
Prerequisites: Four full-course equivalents in Art History including 411, or consent of the Department.
Graduate Courses
Art History 613 H(3-0)
Independent Study in Art History
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art History 615 H(3-0)
Conference Course in Art History
Specialized study in an area of art history selected on the basis of particular interest and need.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.