Instruction offered by members of the Department of Art in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Department Head - A. Nishimura
Art 101 (0-1)
Graduating Exhibition
Submission of work to be considered for inclusion in the departmentally supervised exhibition of graduating students' works.
Prerequisites: One of Art 437, 443, 453, 473, 483.
Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: One of Art 535, 541, 551, 571, 581.
Art 103 (0-1)
Visiting Artists and Scholars
A series of presentations by visiting artists and scholars. Attendance is compulsory.
Corequisites: Any 300 or 400-level studio course.
Art 104 (0-1)
Visiting Artists and Scholars
A series of presentations by visiting artists and scholars. Attendance is compulsory.
Prerequisites: Art 103 or consent of the Department.
Note: Must co-register in 500-level studio.
Junior Courses
Art 205 H(3-3)
Introduction to the Foundations of Art Education
An introduction to the history, theory and philosophy of art education through participatory learning events.
Note: this course is required for students wishing to pursue the concentration in Developmental Art. Enrolment is restricted to students taking degree programs offered by the Department of Art.
Art 231 H(3-3)
Art Fundamentals: 2D
Two-dimensional activities and the structural, organizational, perceptual, social and psychological aspects of art.
Art 233 H(3-3)
Art Fundamentals: 3D
Three-dimensional activities and the structural, organizational, perceptual, social and psychological aspects of art.
Art 235 H(3-3)
Introduction to Photography
An introductory course in current photographic methods, including digital photography, digital image processing, film photography, film developing and printing and the presentation of photographs in both digital and paper-based media..
Note: Not open to students with 300-level credit or above in photography. .
Note: Credit for only one of ART 235 or 335 will be permitted.
Note: Each student must have uninterrupted access to a good-quality digital camera and to a 35 mm single-lens reflex camera in full operating condition.
Note: A course fee covering a range of materials and supplies is required.
Art 241 H(3-3)
Drawing I
Basic theory and practice of drawing, involving mainly still life and figure projects in monochromatic media.
Art 299 H(3-0)
Art in Theory and Practice I
An introduction to modern and contemporary art practice. Twentieth and Twenty-first Century art in the context of social, political and technological developments will be examined.
Note: This is a required course for students in the first year of the BFA (Visual studies) program. Enrollment is restricted to students taking degree programs offered by the Department of Art.
Senior Courses
Art 301 H(3-0)
Studies in Contemporary Canadian Art
Study of recent Canadian art from a range of perspectives in art criticism.
Prerequisites: ART 299 or consent of Department.
Art 305 H(3-3)
(formerly Art 211)
Applied Concepts in Early Childhood Art
Theory and methods of creating meaningful art experiences for young children (ages 3-8), with a practical component.
Prerequisites: Art 205, 231 and 233 or consent of Department.
Art 307 H(3-3)
Applied Concepts in Art with Children
Theory and methods of creating meaningful art experiences for children aged 6 to 12, with a practical component.
Prerequisites: Art 205, 231 and 233 or consent of Department.
Art 321 H(3-3)
Web Art: Theory and Practice
Examination of the work of Web artists and investigation of the Internet as a vehicle to extend art and design practice.
Art 331 H(3-3)
Contemporary Art Forms I
Electronic visualization involving computer applications in drawing, painting, and image manipulation.
Prerequisites: One half-course in Art or consent of the Department.
Art 333 H(3-3)
Contemporary Art Forms II
An extension of work done in Art 331, using contemporary media.
Prerequisites: Art 331.
Art 335 H(3-3)
Photography I
Fundamental technical and aesthetic considerations in the use of the still camera and silver-based photographic materials; basic use of the microcomputer in support of digital image processing in art.
Prerequisites: Art 231, 233 and 243.
Note: Credit for both Art 235 and 335 will not be allowed.
Art 337 H(3-3)
Photography II
Further work in photography, including intensive use of the variables of exposure, development and printing of photographic materials; exploration of corresponding digital image controls.
Art 339 H(3-3)
Applied Colour Theory
Investigations into the notions and concepts which have determined theories of colour in the visual arts.
Art 341 H(3-3)
Drawing III
Theory and practice of drawing at an intermediate level involving an extended range of drawing media.
Art 343 H(3-3)
Drawing IV
Continuation of Art 341 extending the range of concepts and practices.
Prerequisites: Art 341.
Art 345 H(3-3)
Anatomical Drawing I
Perceptual and drawing skills pertaining to human anatomical relationships.
Art 347 H(3-3)
Anatomical Drawing II
Continuation of Art 345. Further study and work in anatomical drawing.
Prerequisites: Art 345.
Art 349 H(3-3)
Drawing for the Biological Sciences
Basic and more complex principles of drawing from subjects pertaining to the biological sciences; drawing from observation, exploration of foundational skills in a cross-disciplinary context.
Note: Cannot be used a prerequisite for other Art courses
Art 351 H(3-3)
Painting I
Painting on a two-dimensional surface; the use of oils and acrylics.
Art 373 H(3-3)
Printmaking, Lithography I
Basic concepts and techniques of lithographic printing.
Art 377 H(3-3)
Printmaking, Serigraphy I
Basic concepts and techniques of silk-screen printing.
Art 379 H(3-3)
Printmaking, Relief and Intaglio
Basic concepts and techniques in relief and intaglio printmaking.
Art 381 H(3-3)
Sculpture I
Development and realization of sculpture with various techniques and materials.
Art 393 H(3-3)
Applied concepts in Art with Adolescents
Development of teaching rationales and strategies for students aged 12 to 18 with a practical component.
Prerequisites: Art 205, 231 and 233 or consent of Department.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Art 390.
Art 395 H(3-3)
Introduction to Visual Art I
Exploration of materials, processes, concepts and history related to the visual arts. This is a course for non-majors.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Art 233
Note: Not open to BFA (Visual Studies) students.
Note: Art 395 does not serve as a prerequisite for further study in BFA (Visual Studies) program.
Art 397 H(3-3)
Introduction to Visual Art II
Further exploration of materials, processes, concepts and history related to the visual arts. This is a course for non-majors.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Art 231.
Note: Not open to BFA (Visual Studies) students.
Note: Art 397 does not serve as a prerequisite for further study in BFA (Visual Studies) program.
Art 399 H(3-0)
Art in Theory and Practice II
Theories of art, critical methodologies, and aesthetics in the visual arts.
Prerequisites: Art 299 or consent of the Department.
Art 401 H(3-0)
July 3, 2008
Studies in Contemporary International Art
Study of recent international art practices from a range of perspectives in art criticism.
Art 411 H(3-0)
Selected Topics in Developmental Art
Possible topics include, but are not limited to: Multiculturalism and Art Education, Creativity and Art Education, Developmental Issues in Art Education, Art Education with Special Needs Learners.
Prerequisites: Art 205 and one of 305, 307 or 393.
Art 431 H(3-3)
Contemporary Art Forms III
Studies in digital visualization involving multimedia software.
Prerequisites: Art 331.
Art 435 H(3-3)
Photography III
Investigation of technical and conceptual aspects of Zone System photography; individual study and work in silver-based and microcomputer-based photography.
Prerequisites: Art 337.
Art 437 H(3-3)
Photography IV
Continuing work in photography, with emphasis on hand-coated printing media.
Prerequisites: Art 435.
Art 439 H(3-3)
Introduction to Electronic Media
Theory and practice of art using electronic media; introduction to technical, aesthetic and conceptual aspects of video and audio art.
Prerequisites: One studio half course at the 300-level or consent of the Department.
Art 441 H(3-3)
Drawing V
Drawing at an intermediate level with an increased emphasis on individual initiative and contemporary concepts in defining objectives.
Prerequisites: Art 343.
Art 451 H(3-3)
Painting III
Intermediate work in painting intended to increase ability to deal with painting concepts through appropriate media-technical means.
Prerequisites: Art 353 or consent of the Department.
Art 461 H(3-3)
Advanced Studio I
Directed studio research and production.
Prerequisites: Four studio half-courses at the 300 level, which must include two in the proposed area of studio.
Note: Portfolio and statement of intent required. Consent of Department will be given to students based on the results of the portfolio review.
Art 465 H(3-3)
Selected Topics in Studio Research
Prerequisites: One full-course equivalent in 300-level studio art course.
Art 471 H(3-3)
Intermediate Printmaking: Technique
Intermediate work in printmaking with an emphasis on technique and a concentration in one of the four (relief, etching, silkscreen, lithography) print media.
Art 473 H(3-3)
Intermediate Printmaking: Colour
Intermediate work in printmaking with an emphasis on colour and a concentration in one of the four (relief, etching, silkscreen, lithography) print media.
Art 481 H(3-3)
Sculpture III
Problems of three-dimensional form in a variety of materials and techniques.
Prerequisites: Art 383.
Art 485 H(3-3)
Sculpture. Three Dimensional Study from the Human Figure I
An introduction to and development of three dimensional study skills in which the student works directly from the human figure using clay and plaster.
Prerequisites: Art 231, 233 and 243 or consent of the Department.
Art 487 H(3-3)
Sculpture. Three Dimensional Study from the Human Figure II
Further study from the human figure together with the introduction of a variety of materials.
Prerequisites: Art 485.
Art 491 H(2-1)
Community-Based Art Experiences I
A seminar and field experience course introducing prospective educators to all facets of planning and implementing positive art experiences in a non-school setting.
Art 499 H(3-0)
Art in Theory and Practice III
Examination and discussion of theoretical issues associated with current practice in art.
Note: Restricted to BFA (Visual Studies) students.
Art 509 H(3-0)
Curriculum Building for Art
Analysis and development of curriculum structure based on current theory with a field research component.
Prerequisites: Art 305, 307, or 393 and three full courses in Art.
Art 515 H(3S-0)
Designing Programs for Art
A seminar course devoted to the analysis and design of program structures derived from current theory with a field research component.
Prerequisites: Art 305, 307, or 393 and three full courses in Art.
Art 535 H(3-3)
Photography V
Photography for advanced students taking individual directions with special attention to the interrelation of technique and aesthetics.
Prerequisites: Art 437.
Art 537 H(3-3)
Photography VI
Photography for advanced students taking individual directions in black and white and colour photography, with emphasis on the presentation of groups of photographs of related theme or technique.
Prerequisites: Art 535.
Art 541 H(3-3)
Drawing VII
Drawing for advanced students taking individual directions.
Prerequisites: Art 443.
Art 543 H(3-3)
Drawing VIII
Drawing for advanced students taking individual directions.
Prerequisites: Art 541.
Art 551 H(3-3)
Painting V
Painting for advanced students taking individual directions.
Prerequisites: Art 453.
Art 553 H(3-3)
Painting VI
Painting for advanced students taking individual directions.
Prerequisites: Art 551.
Art 560 F(1T-5)
Studio Thesis
Independent studio research and production supported by a research paper, culminating in a Thesis Exhibition.
Prerequisites: Art 461.
Note: Normally completed concurrently with Art 561 and 563, but requires a body of studio production distinct from that of Art 561 and 563.
Art 563 H(3-3)
Advanced Studio III
Further directed studio research and production.
Prerequisites: Art 561.
Art 571 H(3-3)
Advanced Printmaking: Technique
Printmaking for advanced students taking individual directions with emphasis on technique.
Prerequisites: Two half courses in 400-level printmaking.
Art 573 H(3-3)
Advanced Printmaking: Colour
Printmaking for advanced students taking individual directions with emphasis on colour.
Prerequisites: Two half courses in 400-level printmaking.
Art 581 H(3-3)
Sculpture V
Sculpture for advanced students taking individual directions. Workshop facilities are available for work in plastics, metal, wood, stone, clay and related materials.
Prerequisites: Art 483.
Art 583 H(3-3)
Sculpture VI
Sculpture for advanced students taking individual directions. Workshop facilities are available for work in plastics, metal, wood, stone, clay and related materials.
Prerequisites: Art 581.
Art 591 H(2-1)
Community-Based Art Experiences II
A seminar and field experience course in which students take increased individual responsibility for implementation of educational strategies in diverse field settings.
Prerequisites: Art 491.
Art 595 H(1T-6)
Studio Research
Independent studio research.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Corequisites: Art 541 or Art 563.
Art 599 H(3-0)
Professional Aspects of Art
Examination and discussion of the issues associated with the professional aspects of surviving as an artist. Presentations by professional artists practicing in the field will form a major component of the course.
Prerequisites: Art 499 or consent of the Department.
Note: Restricted to BFA (Visual Studies) students.
Graduate Courses
Art 601 H(0-3T)
History of Art I
Individual study: In consultation with the instructor, the student will select a research topic in art history or art criticism.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 603 H(0-3T)
History of Art II
Individual study: In consultation with the instructor, the student will select a research topic in art history or art criticism.
Prerequisites: Art 601 or consent of the Department.
Art 605 H(0-3T)
Critical Study and Research
Individual study and research in the area of studio specialization, critical theory, methodological issues and/or historical topics.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 631 H(2T-10)
Advanced Electronic Media
Individual study in electronically generated art forms, including digital media.
631.01. Advanced Electronic Media I
631.02. Advanced Electronic Media II
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 635 H(2T-10)
Advanced Photography
Individual study in photography.
635.01. Advanced Photography I
635.02. Advanced Photography II
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 641 H(2T-10)
Advanced Drawing
Individual study in drawing.
641.01. Advanced Drawing I
641.02. Advanced Drawing II
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 651 H(2T-10 )
Advanced Painting
Individual study in painting.
651.01. Advanced Painting I
651.02. Advanced Painting II
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 661 H(2T-10)
Advanced Studio Practice
Individual study that is not limited to a single medium.
661.01. Advanced Studio Practice I
661.02. Advanced Studio Practice II
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 671 H(2T-10)
Advanced Printmaking
Individual study in printmaking.
671.01. Advanced Printmaking I
671.02. Advanced Printmaking II
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 681 H(2T-10)
Advanced Sculpture
Individual study in sculpture.
681.01 Advanced Sculpture I
681.02 Advanced Sculpture II
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Art 691 H(1-3)
Practicum in Post-Secondary Art Instruction
Supervised practical application of techniques of planning and teaching art in a post-secondary curriculum.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Note: This course consists of three hours of supervised practicum per week and one hour of seminar every two weeks.
Note: Not open to students in their first term of program.
Art 699 H(3S-3T)
Graduate Seminar
A seminar in art criticism and theory.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.