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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2009-2010 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions H History HTST
History HTST

Instruction offered by members of the Department of History in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Department Head – W.M. Elofson

Junior Courses
History 200       Events and Ideas that Shook the World
This course introduces students to the historical craft through a series of short lecture sequences that focus on specific events, ideas, and individuals that changed the course of world history.
Course Hours:
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History 201       The History of Europe
Selected topics may include formation and breakdown of political structures: cultural, social, and technological continuity and change; development of religious and secular belief systems; interactions among cultures. Course content will vary each session. Please consult the History Department for more specific information.
Course Hours:
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History 205       Encounters in History
Selected topics may include formation and breakdown of political structures: development of societies, cultures, religious and secular belief systems; developments in technological science and economies, anywhere on earth. Course content will vary each session. Please consult the History Department for more specific information.
Course Hours:
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History 207       The History of the Americas
Thematic treatment of the history of the American continents, with special attention to multicultural encounters, immigration and migration, economic and labour systems, social structures, and the frontiers of European settlement. Course content will vary each session. Please consult the History Department for more specific information.
Course Hours:
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History 209       The History of China
A survey of thought in China from the cultural heroes to the present, with emphasis on philosophy, religion, and ideology. Topics covered include Shang religion, Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, minor schools of thought, Legalism, Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism, Qing textual studies, republican ideologies, nationalism, Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought, and late twentieth-century reformist movements.
Course Hours:
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History 211       Canada: Origins to 1867
An introduction to the dynamic themes in early Canadian history. Special attention will be devoted to social, economic, and political development, White-Aboriginal relations and the settlement of the Maritimes and the Canadas, and the opening of the West.
Course Hours:
Note: Not open to students with credit in History 203 or 339.
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History 213       Canada Since 1867
Themes in the development of the Canadian nation from Confederation to the present, with particular attention to federal-provincial relations, economic development, social movements, and western political protest.
Course Hours:
Note: Not open to students with credit in History 203 or 341.
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Senior Courses
History 301       The World to 1500
An historical survey of the development and rise of civilizations, their divergent and interacting patterns of belief, social and political organization and material life.
Course Hours:
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History 303       Great Explorations
The concept of exploration from the time of Columbus to the space voyages, based on the reading of primary sources. Topics include the idea of conquest, views of different races and religions, and myths and realities of explorers and discovered lands.
Course Hours:
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History 307       The Contemporary World
The contemporary world from the nineteenth century era of industrialism and empire, through to twentieth century struggles of underdeveloped countries for independence. Stress will be laid on growing global interdependency and the rise and the erosion of western cultural, economic, and political hegemony.
Course Hours:
Note: Not open to students with credit in Social Sciences 202.
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History 309       African History
History of Africa with special reference to economic, social and political developments. Topics include society and the natural environment; migration of peoples, ideas and religions; trading networks; the impact of the slave trade; African reactions to European rule; nationalism and the road to independence.
Course Hours:
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History 311       South Asia and the Indian Ocean from 2500 B.C.E. to the Present
Major events and themes in the history of South Asia and the Indian Ocean littoral. Topics include state formation, the trading world of the Indian Ocean, social and religious developments, the impact of Islamic and European states and economies, modes of reaction to colonial rule, and the course of nationalism.
Course Hours:
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History 315       East Asia to 1800
China, Japan and Korea from antiquity to 1800, highlighting continuities, discontinuities, and salient cultural features. Topics include the relationships between society, political institutions and thought during certain key periods in the history of China and Japan.
Course Hours:
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History 317       East Asia from 1800
The modern histories of China, Japan and Korea beginning with the Mid-Qing dynasty in China and the Late Tokugawa period in Japan.
Course Hours:
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History 319       Early Medieval Europe, 410-1076
The sack of Rome to the eve of the Investiture Controversy. The economic, social and institutional features of Western Europe, including the origins and rise of the Church, monasticism, barbarian kingdoms, feudalism and the agrarian economy.
Course Hours:
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History 321       High and Late Medieval Europe, 1076-1418
Western Europe from the emergence of national states to the end of the Great Schism. The evolution of the economic, social, religious and cultural structures of Medieval Europe: the revival of agrarian, commercial and urban economies, the development of religious divisions, and the rise of church and state powers.
Course Hours:
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History 323       Renaissance Europe, 1350-1550
Political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual developments which transformed Europe at the end of the Middle Ages.
Course Hours:
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History 325       Reformation Europe, 1460-1559
Roots of religious schism and its impact on politics, diplomacy and society. Special emphasis on religious thought and its repercussions upon society.
Course Hours:
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History 327       Europe in the Era of Religious War, 1559-1715
The clash of Protestant and Catholic forces, the eventual decline in religious passions, and the general crisis of the seventeenth century.
Course Hours:
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History 329       Eighteenth-Century Europe, 1715-1815: Age of Enlightenment and Revolution
State building and international relations; aristocracy, peasants, and the urban middle classes; popular culture; critical spirit of the Enlightenment; crises of the old regimes; the era of the French Revolution and Napoleon.
Course Hours:
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History 331       Nineteenth-Century Europe, 1815-1914: Material Progress and Political Collapse
New ideologies of liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, and socialism, nineteenth-century revolutions; industrialization and its social consequences; emergence of new nation-states; imperialism, partial emancipation of women; new cultural trends; successes and ultimate failure of the European power balance.
Course Hours:
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History 333       The Age of Totalitarianism
Europe from 1900 to the Cold War. Emphasis will be placed on totalitarian regimes in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union; war and society in the two world wars; the Holocaust; and the Cold War.
Course Hours:
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History 334       Medieval Britain Origins to 1460
The birth and development of political, social, legal, religious, military and economic institutions; the history and successive interaction of Pict, Celtic, Roman, Germanic, Norman and Angevin societies.
Course Hours:
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History 336       Early Modern Britain 1461-1714
From a feudal to a mercantilist society: Renaissance and Reformation; Tudor and Stuart constitutions; class and social structure; urban development; the British Empire; international relations.
Course Hours:
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History 337       Twentieth Century Canada
Explores major themes in the emergence of modern Canada, with emphasis on the rise of a national consciousness, military and diplomatic involvements, the role of the state, socio-economic developments and national unity.
Course Hours:
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History 338       Modern Britain 1714 to Present
The Industrial Revolution; nationalism and imperialism; the rise of the middle and working classes; the social welfare state; emergence of modern British society, economy, politics, and constitution.
Course Hours:
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History 343       History of Women in Canadian Society
Topics may include the role of women in the economy, politics, social reform, the law, health care, the domestic sphere, life course experiences, and culture.
Course Hours:
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History 345       Canadian Native History
Aboriginal Canada, from the beginnings of contact with Europeans in the sixteenth century, to the present, with particular emphasis on Native-Newcomer relations.
Course Hours:
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History 347       Western Canada
A topical approach to Western Canadian history. Possible topics include: the native people, European exploration, settlement, rural and urban society, social and political reform, the New West, and culture.
Course Hours:
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History 349       Canadian Military History
Survey of the history of the Canadian military in peace and war from 1867 to the present. Emphasis will be placed on Canada's role in World War I and World War II and on the development of the Canadian military in the Cold War era.
Course Hours:
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History 351       A History of Canadian Politics
The historical development of Canadian politics and political culture since Confederation. Major themes will include the emergence and changing role of parties, the impact of federalism, political insurgency and reform, and leadership.
Course Hours:
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History 353       Canadian Social Development
The growth of Canadian society from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on European and American backgrounds of Canadian social institutions and their development in various regional settings. Consideration will be given to the role of immigrants, social and ethnic groups, health, crime and punishment, education, religion, the arts, and recreation.
Course Hours:
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History 357       Wild West/Mild West? Comparative History of the U.S. and Canadian Wests
The similarities and differences in the histories of the Canadian and U.S. Wests from the pre-colonial periods to the present. Topics may include the place of frontier and the West in national historical narratives, myths, and imaginations; aboriginal peoples; immigration and settlement; land policy and land use; and the social relationships and economies that characterize the U.S. and Canadian Wests.
Course Hours:
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History 359       The United States to 1877
A history of the United States from colonial settlement through the era of Reconstruction.
Course Hours:
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History 361       The United States since 1877
A history of the American people since the era of Reconstruction.
Course Hours:
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History 365       Latin America before Independence
The history of colonial Latin America with particular reference to political, social and economic themes such as race relations, imperial rivalries and the struggle for national independence.
Course Hours:
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History 367       Latin America since Independence
A history of the Latin American nations since independence with special attention devoted to political change, economic dependency and modernization, social and economic revolution, and inter-American relations.
Course Hours:
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History 371       Magic, Science, and Religion in Europe to 1600
The relationships among magic, science, and religion as manifested in the concepts of the Devil, Witchcraft, Alchemy, Astrology, the Hermetic Tradition, and the emergence of science from the time of Augustine to the time of Galileo.
Course Hours:
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History 373       Magic, Science, and Religion in Europe after 1600
The relationships among these traditions from 1600 to the present. Topics will include their role in the Scientific Revolution, Science and Religion in the Enlightenment, and the debates about evolution and Christian thought.
Course Hours:
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History 375       Religion in Modern European Society
Topics in religious history from the late eighteenth century to the present, focusing on the relationship between religious belief and modernization; religion and the French Revolution; secularization; religious revival; religious dissent and minorities; the impact of capitalism, socialism, and urbanization; church-state relations; totalitarianism and religion; problems of gauging religious belief.
Course Hours:
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History 377       The Historian's Craft
An introduction to the basic skills for historical research and writing, an inquiry into historical interpretation and analysis and an understanding of various historical or theoretical studies.
Course Hours:
One 200-level History course.
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History 379       War and Society I: From the Medieval Period to the Age of Napoleon
A survey of military history from the Crusades to the Age of Revolution. The emphasis will be on European warfare, and its extension overseas. Topics include: the origins and causes of war; the impact of new inventions on tactics and strategy; military and naval innovation and resistance to innovation, the changing relationship of offense and defence; and the relationship of military institutions to society.
Course Hours:
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History 381       War and Society II: From Waterloo to the Nuclear Age
A survey of military history from 1815 to the modern era. The emphasis will be on the impact of technology on offensive and defensive warfare, and on the nature and limits of naval, military and air power. Topics include: civil military relationships; the concept of mass war; themes such as the development of military medicine, the evolution of methods of supply and transport, and military theory.
Course Hours:
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History 383       War and Society III, The Cold War Era and Beyond
A historical survey of limited and conventional warfare in the nuclear age. The emphasis will be on conflict and tensions since 1945 in such regions as Europe, Asia (Korea and Vietnam), the Middle East, Latin America and Africa. Topics may include military theory, guerrilla warfare, new technology, the logistics of war, and civil-military relations.
Course Hours:
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History 385       The History of Taiwan
Survey of Taiwan history from ca. 1550 to the present, emphasizing pre-Chinese aboriginal history, migration to the island, government, society, inter-communal relations, Taiwan's international status, and recent democratization.
Course Hours:
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History 389       Government and Politics of Japan since 1850
Political development of modern and contemporary Japan, and Japan's diplomatic relations with its Asia-Pacific neighbors.
Course Hours:
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History 401       African History from 1800
Thematic treatment of African societies, their subjugation to colonial rule, with the origins and impact of nationalism and decolonization.
Course Hours:
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History 403       South Asian History from 1750 to 1947
Thematic treatment of South Asian societies from the end of the Mughal period to independence in 1947; the interplay of British and South Asian factors; nationalism and anti-colonialism in India.
Course Hours:
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History 405       Topics in East Asian History
Thematic treatment of East Asian societies. The topic or topics for a given session will be announced in advance and may vary from year to year.
Course Hours:
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History 407       Chinese History

Chinese history through the twentieth century; archaeological and traditional accounts to the middle of the Ming dynasty; modern China from 1500 through the Qing dynasty and the early twentieth century; the history of the Communist movement in China to the death of Mao Zedong in 1976; cultural, intellectual, po litical, social, diplomatic and military history of China.

407.01. Premodern China to 1500

407.02. Modern China, 1500-1950

407.03. Communist China, 1917-1976

Course Hours:
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History 411       Russian and Soviet History
A survey of Russian history from the tenth century to the present. Topics include: the role of Orthodox Christianity in Russian society, the rise of Muscovy, the emergence of Imperial Russia, the institution of serfdom, the revolutionary movement, social and economic change, and a comprehensive survey of Soviet history, with special attention to the origins, nature and fate of the Communist Revolution.
Course Hours:
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History 412       Russia and the Soviet Union
A short introduction to pre-19th century Russian history and a survey of the history of Russia and the Soviet Union in the 19th and 20th centuries, finishing with a brief examination of post-Soviet Russia.
Course Hours:
One 300 level History course or Russian 317.
Not open to students with credit for History 411.02.
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History 413       German History

German history from the Thirty Years' War to the present. Themes include the rise of Brandenburg-Prussia, Austro-Prussian "dualism," mercantilism, Enlightenment, the impact of the French Revolution and Napoleon, the reform movements, sociocultural change in the nineteenth century, liberalism, the revolutions of 1848, German unification, the social and economic foundations of the Second Empire, German overseas expansion, the origins and conduct of both world wars, the Weimar Republic, Nazism, the Holocaust, the postwar settlement, the social, cultural and political impact of the Cold War, and the fall of the Berlin wall and German reunification.

413.01. Germany, 1648 to ca 1870

413.02. Germany, ca. 1870 to the Present

Course Hours:
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History 415       History of Spain and the Spanish Empire

Spain from its ancient Iberian, Greek, Roman, and Islamic roots to the present. Special attention will be given to the Christian Reconquista, the rule of the Catholic Kings, the formation of the Spanish Empire in the New World, and the rise and decline of Spain as European and world power. Themes will include the eighteenth-century Bourbon reforms, the War of Independence, and the nineteenth-century conflicts. In the twentieth century, special attention will be given to the Second Spanish Republic, the Civil War (1936-1939), the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, and contemporary Spain.

415.01. Spain from Iberian Origins through the 1808-1814 War of Independence

415.02. Modern Spain, 1808-Present: Liberalism, Militarism, Regionalism

Course Hours:
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History 421       French History

France to the Fifth Republic; France from the end of the Hundred Years' War, emphasizing the institutional and political development of the state and monarchy in the context of social and political upheaval, the development of royal absolutism in theory and practice, and France's role in European affairs; fading Splendour of Versailles; society and institutions of the Ancien Régime; failure of reform; the era of the Revolution and Napoleon; the second cycle of monarchy, republic, and empire; triumph and tragedy in war; the new commitment to modernity.

421.01. France, 1453-1715: Recovery, Crisis, and Royal Absolutism

421.02. France, 1715-1968: Decadence, Revolution, and the Search for Stability

Course Hours:
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History 423       Marriage in Feudal Society: Sacrament, Contract and Alliance
The introduction and evolution of marriage in Western Europe - especially in England, France, and Italy - from the barbarian invasions to the Reformation. The emphasis will be on the influence of the sacramental character of marriage in its various legal, political and social forms.
Course Hours:
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History 427       Ideas that Shaped Modern Europe: The Nineteenth Century
A historical study of romanticism, liberalism, nationalism, socialism, Darwin and Darwinism, the rediscovery of the "irrational," the rise of the social sciences, literary and artistic alienation.
Course Hours:
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History 431       Canada During the World Wars
The nature, course and impact of Canada's involvement in the two world wars, with emphasis on home front developments.
Course Hours:
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History 432       Fur Trade to Free Trade: Canadian Trade Traditions, Policies and Debates from Colonial Era to the Present Day
Canadian history in the perspective of its trade-oriented economy. Topics include the colonial staples economy, emerging trade priorities in nineteenth century politics and society, protectionism, preference and free trade theories, and tariff policy. Emphasis will be placed upon the social context of trade debates, Canada's "culture" of economic nationalism, infant industry protectionism, and later strategic trade policies in the contexts of crises, prosperity and globalization.
Course Hours:
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History 433       Public History
An introduction to the practice of history in historic sites, museums and other public agencies, and to the skills, methods and techniques employed in these settings. Attention will be given to recent public controversies involving historical interpretation.
Course Hours:
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History 435       Prophets, Priests and Prodigals: Selected Topics in Canadian Religious History
A historical analysis of the pluralistic character of Canadian religions. Themes will include missions, native religions, awakenings, revivalism and social reform, fundamentalism and modernism, secularization and belief.
Course Hours:
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History 437       Canadian Environmental History
Historical development of Canadian attitudes towards nature, from the First Nations and the first European settlers to the present day.
Course Hours:
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History 439       Topics in Western Canada

A history of Aboriginal societies, the fur trade, Red River settlement, establishment of Canadian institutions, and an agricultural economy, and the resistances of 1869 and 1885; themes in the historical development of the agrarian community in Western Canada; political movements among the western farmers, the nature of plains technology and work, and the economic evolution of the prairies; prairie towns and cities with an emphasis on planning, transportation, population, government, social structure.

439.01. The Early West to 1896

439.02. Rural Society in Western Canada

Course Hours:
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History 441       Images of Western Canada
Views of the Canadian West from varying perspectives in Canadian history: e.g., early British and American travellers, early scientific expeditions, Canadian political groups, entrepreneurs, writers, immigrant literature, social reformers, historians and Western farmers.
Course Hours:
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History 445       The History of Quebec
Quebec from the founding of New France to the present. Although the primary focus will be on Quebec, the history of the French speaking communities outside of the St. Lawrence Valley will also be discussed.
Course Hours:
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History 447       History of the Canadian North
Historical development from the beginnings of European exploration to the present day. Topics include: the native peoples, Arctic exploration, Canadian sovereignty, the politics of northern development.
Course Hours:
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History 449       History of Popular Culture in Canada - 1850 to Present
Selected themes in the historical development of popular ideas, customs, beliefs and attitudes. Topics include: recreation, leisure and sports; class and ethnocultures; the mass media; popular entertainment and music.
Course Hours:
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History 451       Intellectual Roots of Modern Canada
Themes in Canadian intellectual history, including various expressions of nationalism, and the perception of English and French Canadian intellectuals and social reformers of the nature and impact of an urban, industrial and technological society.
Course Hours:
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History 453       Canadian Business History
A survey of Canadian business from the earliest times to the twentieth century. Topics include trading companies, partnerships, banks, insurance companies, industry, managerial capitalism, international enterprise, business-government relations, and businessment and the social order.
Course Hours:
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History 455       Colonial Society in North America
A comparative study of French, Dutch, Spanish and British colonial settlements in North America. Topics will include exploration and development, government institutions, religion and immigration with particular attention to social and cultural aspects and experiences.
Course Hours:
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History 457       The Origins of North American Immigration, 1600 to the Present
The social, economic and political conditions which brought millions of immigrants to the United States. Topics will include emigration, settlement in the United States, and Canadian-American migration movements.
Course Hours:
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History 459       Topics in U.S. Social History
Topics vary from year to year and may include gender, class, race and ethnicity, slavery, labour, and social movements.
Course Hours:
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History 460       The Civil War Era in the United States
The political, economic and social history of the United States in the decades leading up to the Civil War, the military conflict itself and the aftermath of war.
Course Hours:
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History 461       The Impact of Religious Movements on the United States
The social, political and economic impact of American Catholic, Protestant and Jewish religious institutions and their offshoots.
Course Hours:
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History 462       Topics in United States Political History
Aspects of the history of American politics from the Revolution to the twentieth century. Emphasis on the process of governing; elections and party politics; legal and constitutional affairs.
Course Hours:
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History 463       The United States, 1945 to the Present
The development of a national consensus on the world at home and abroad and the breakdown of that consensus. Topics will include the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam; the social upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s, especially the Black revolution, the Feminist movement, the development of a Youth culture, and the evolution of the imperial presidency to the Watergate Crisis.
Course Hours:
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History 464       The Early National United States
An examination of the history of the early American republic (1783 to 1850), focusing on political, economic, social, and cultural developments.
Course Hours:
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History 465       Topics in U.S. Regional History

History of the U.S. West or South. Topics will vary from year to year. Regional history of the U.S. West may include issues of gender, settlement, the Mythic West, frontier and region, or historiography. Regional history of the U.S. South may include the rise and fall of slavery, sectional crisis and the Civil War, the New South and the Civil Rights movement.

465.01. The History of Women in the American West

465.02. The American West: Imagination, Myth, and History

465.03. The U.S. South

Course Hours:
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History 467       Mexican History

A social and economic history of Spain's most important colony, New Spain. Focus will be placed upon the introduction of European institutions, the great hacienda, mining, frontier expansion, regionalism, and the wars for independence. Mexico's national experience since independence. Special themes will include nineteenth century political and economic struggles, foreign interventionism, the twentieth century Mexican Revolution, regionalism, relations with the United States, and the rise of the modern republic.

467.01. Mexico: Roots and Traditions to Independence

467.02. Mexico, The Making of the Modern Nation, 1824 to the Present

Course Hours:
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History 469       Latin America: A Study in Diversity Since the Conquest
Selected themes and issues in Latin American History, with an emphasis on social and cultural history.
Course Hours:
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History 471       The Military in Latin America
The history of warfare and the armed forces in Latin America from colonial times to the present. Emphasis upon modern wars, militarism, the rise of caudillos, and the impact of the military on society.
Course Hours:
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History 472       Ecological Transformation in British Frontier Societies since 1500
The ecological history of British frontier societies. Topics may include the Columbian exchange and fatal impact theses; contemporary and modern perceptions of the environment, land use, and settlement patterns; and investigation into indigenous and European approaches to biological, ecological, and climatological management. Regions may include the Americas, India and the East Indies, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
Course Hours:
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History 473       History of Crime and Criminal Justice in England
Crime and the development of the criminal courts and jurisdictions, the police, punishments, and correctional institutions, from medieval to modern times. Attention will be given to the relationship of criminality to moral attitudes and socio-economic conditions, and to the historic role of crime and punishment in local communities, society and the state.
Course Hours:
One European History course or consent of the Department.
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History 474       English Legal History
The common, canon, and international law in England from medieval to modern times. Topics include the development and application of legal doctrine; the evolution of courts and the constitution; and English contributions to theories of international law. Attention is given to the relationship between law and social, economic, and political issues.
Course Hours:
One European History course or consent of the Department.
Note: Not open to students with credit in History 369.
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History 475       History of Crime and Criminal Justice in Canada
Crime and the development of the criminal law, criminal courts and jurisdictions, the police, punishments, and correctional institutions in eastern, central and western Canada from the late seventeenth to the late twentieth centuries. Attention will be given to the relationship of criminality to moral attitudes and socio-economic conditions, and the historic role of crime and punishment in local communities, society and the state.
Course Hours:
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History 477       History of Science

Historical development of ideas about the natural world from the ancient myths and philosophies of the Middle East and Greece through the time of Galileo. Emphasis on the emergence of Greek science, science in the Middle Ages, and the Copernican Revolution. Historical development of post-Galilean science: the mechanical philosophy, Descartes, Boyle, Newton; 18th-century Newtonianism; the rise of the theory of evolution, Darwin, genetics through the discovery of DNA.

477.01. History of Science, Ancient Times to Galileo

477.02. History of Science, 17th to 20th Centuries

Course Hours:
History 477.01 is a prerequisite to 477.02.
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History 483       World War I
An examination of the nature and course of the First World War (1914-1918), with an emphasis on the Western Front. Topics will include the historiography of the war, strategy and tactics, the impact of technology, and the effect of the war on the nations involved.
Course Hours:
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History 485       World War II
The nature, course and short-term results up to 1950 of the Second World War in its global dimensions. The political as well as the military side of the Allied/Axis conflict will be studied.
Course Hours:
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History 487       Brazilian History since 1500
Economic development, political institutions, social and cultural trends, and the interaction between men and women and the environment.
Course Hours:
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History 488       Great Britain as a Great Power, 1690 - 1970
A study of British military, diplomatic and imperial history between 1690 and 1970, with a focus on the roots of Britain's power.
Course Hours:
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History 489       Espionage and the State, 500 BCE - 1939
The rise of modern intelligence services in the West. Changes in the role, importance and technology of intelligence will be assessed. The contribution of intelligence to political and military strategy in selected conflicts will be examined.
Course Hours:
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History 490       Espionage and the State, 1939 to the Present
Intelligence during the Second World War, the Cold War, and afterward. Changes in the role, importance and technology of attention will be assessed. The contribution of intelligence to political systems, international relations and military operations will be assessed.
Course Hours:
Note: Not open to students with credit in History 489.02.
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History 491       Diplomatic History

A history of international relations and of the foreign policies of states in Europe and the world between the French Revolutionary Wars and the First World War. A history of international relations and of the foreign policies of states in Europe and the world between the end of the First World War and the end of the Cold War.

491.01. Diplomatic History, 1793-1918

491.02. Diplomatic History, 1919-1989

Course Hours:
Either History 489 or History 491.01 is a prerequisite for 491.02.
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History 492       Comparative World Diplomacy
A comparative study of the origins and development of world diplomatic practices and ideas of international relations. Analysis of the forms and processes of diplomacy and ideas of international relations of major world cultures, and international contacts from an intercultural perspective, from antiquity to the 1840s CE.
Course Hours:
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History 493       Special Topics in History
The topic or topics for a given session will be announced in advance and will vary from year to year.
Course Hours:
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History 495       Film and History
Film as a historical document, in particular as a source of social and intellectual history. Topics include: the role of film at moments of decisive historical change; the content and dissemination of political ideologies and social values; film as a source of propaganda; changing attitudes to minority groups; preservation of historical detail.
Course Hours:
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History 498       Historical Methods and Philosophies of History
A seminar for Honours students on the interrelationship between the philosophies of History and historical methodology.
Course Hours:
Restricted to Honours students and open to other qualified senior students with the permission of the Department.
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History 499       Latin American Economic History
The internal and external factors that have shaped Latin America's economic growth and development since 1492.
Course Hours:
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500-Level Courses

Note: Preference in enrolment will be given to Majors in History, Ancient and Medieval History Majors, and graduate students in History. All others will require special permission from the department to register while registration restrictions are in place. Registration information can be found on the Enrolment Services website .

History 501       Topics in the History of British Imperialism
A thematic and comparative approach to British Imperialism in Africa and South Asia. Topics can include: race, sex and class and the fashioning of imperial cultures, methods of coercion and resistance in imperial territories, medicine and imperialism, and law and imperialism.
Course Hours:
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History 502       Empire and Settlement in the British Atlantic World, 1550-1700
An investigation of the ways the British discovered, established sovereignty over, settled, and used portions of the Atlantic world, circa 1550-1700. Topics include comparative analysis of British and European justifications for claiming new found lands, settlement and migration patterns, and impact upon native peoples and the landscape.
Course Hours:
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History 503       Topics in East Asian History
Topics may include Japanese and Chinese responses to western culture and expansion, ideas, politics.
Course Hours:
One of East Asian Studies 317, East Asia 300, History 209, 301, 315, 317, 405, 407.01, 407.02, 407.03, or consent of the Department.
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History 505       History of Western Monasticism from 600 to 1500
The history of monastic spirituality in Western Europe. The origins, nature, and various forms of monasticism and their evolution from the Benedictine to the Friar in the context of the commercial revolution.
Course Hours:
History 319 or 321, or consent of the Department.
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History 506       The Century of the Black Death: Economy, Society and Religion
A global examination of the fourteenth-century crises: famine, epidemics, civic unrest, warfare, and Papal politics. Selected topics will lead to the comparative study of the period from England, France, Italy and the Holy Roman Empire, with a critical assessment of the impact of the Black Death on late medieval society.
Course Hours:
History 319 or 321 or, consent of the Department.
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History 507       Gender and Sexuality in Modern Europe
An overview of gender theory in modern European history, with emphasis on issues of sexuality.
Course Hours:
A European History course at the 300 or 400 level or consent of the Department.
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History 508       Topics in Twentieth-Century German History
Topics may include: thematic explorations and/or comparisons of dictatorial regimes (Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic); the history of the GDR; the two Germanies during the Cold War; memory and memorialization in popular culture; the contested formation of a multicultural society; and social protest in the post-WWII period. For further information on specific topics to be offered in any year, consult the History Department.
Course Hours:
One of History 307, 333, 375, 381, 383, 411.02, 413.02, 483, 485, 490, 491, or consent of the Department.
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History 509       Religion, Politics, and Culture in Early Modern Europe
Topics may include the nature of late medieval religion, the social impact of the Reformations, religious violence and co-existence, and the nature and practice of royal absolutism.
Course Hours:
History 323 or 325 or 327, or consent of the Department.
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History 511       The Age of Enlightenment and the Era of Revolution and Napoleon

Enlightenment ideas and institutions, including the challenge to religious orthodoxy, the salons and early feminism, the new "universal" laws of the human sciences, and ideas of progress and the origins and course of the Revolution; the liberal and democratic revolutions; Terror and Virtue; failure of the Republic; the imperial saga in France and Europe.

511.01. The Age of Enlightenment

511.02. Revolution and Napoleon

Course Hours:
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History 513       Topics in Modern Russian and Soviet History
Topics may include: the establishment and dismantling of the imperial service state; the social, cultural, and economic transformation of late imperial Russia; women and gender; the experience of empire; the origins and fate of the Bolshevik Revolution; Stalinism; the Cold War.
Course Hours:
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History 515       History of the Holocaust
Nazi persecution and destruction of the European Jews during World War II. Topics will include: the roots of modern anti-Semitism; Nazi policy towards the Jews of Germany in the 1930s; the Nazi "New Order" in occupied Europe; the technology of murder; Jewish resistance; the attitudes/actions of occupied peoples and Allied governments; the war crimes trials.
Course Hours:
History 333 or 413.02, or consent of the Department.
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History 517       Social and Political History of Modern Britain
Topics in social, cultural and political history in early modern and modern times: e.g., the rise of the gentry and the middle class, working class identity, radical ideology and two-party politics.
Course Hours:
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History 519       Canada from Laurier to Pearson
Political developments in Canada from 1896-1968, with emphasis on the national scene.
Course Hours:
History 337 or 351, or consent of the Department.
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History 520       Canada and the First World War
Discussion topics will focus on the major themes in Canada's Great War military experience, including the Canadian Expeditionary Force's recruitment and training, leadership, tactical doctrine, and integration within the British Expeditionary Force, as well as developments in civil-military relations, conscription politics and the country's postwar military legacy.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(Strategic Studies 613)
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History 521       Canadian Biography
A thematic approach to Canadian personalities, emphasizing the biographer's method and changing interpretations of major Canadian figures, e.g., the prime ministers, prominent women, radicals, prophets, scientists, explorers, entrepreneurs, journalists and artists.
Course Hours:
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History 523       Topics in Alberta History
Selected topics in Alberta history with emphasis upon the use of local archival sources.
Course Hours:
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History 526       The Canadian Military in the Second World War
Through examination of topics such as leadership and adapting to warfare, this course will examine the Canadian military's ability to cope with the harsh realities of war. Emphasis will be placed on the political parameters imposed by the Canadian government on the military, the quality of Canadian leadership, and the "fit" between British forms of military organization and the fighting quality of Canadian soldiers, sailors and aircrew.
Course Hours:
History 349 or History 431, and consent of the Department
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History 525       Topics in Canadian Intellectual History
Ideas of Canadian political, economic, and cultural theorists and social reformers in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Course Hours:
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History 527       History of Canadian Foreign and Defence Policy from 1919 to the Cold War Era
Selected topics in Canadian foreign policy and defence policy from the end of World War I to the 1980's.
Course Hours:
One course in Canadian History and consent of the Department.
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History 529       Topics in Native History
A history of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada: the First Nations, Inuit and Metis.
Course Hours:
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History 531       Canadian Historiography
Major schools of historical writing in Canada: imperial, continental and nationalist interpretations; regional historiography of the Maritimes, central Canada and the West; selected historians and their historical methods.
Course Hours:
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History 533       Gender, Race, Class and Women in Canada
The history of women's diverse experience in Canada will be examined through the study of aboriginal, immigrant, working-class and farm women.
Course Hours:
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History 535       Topics in American History
Selected topics in the history of the United States from the colonial period to the present.
Course Hours:
History 359 or 361, or consent of the Department.
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History 537       Great Awakenings: Revival Religion in U.S. History, 1720-1900
The origins and development of evangelical Christianity and its relationship to the American Revolution, industrialization, the Civil War, and social reform movements.
Course Hours:
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History 541       Topics in the History of Science
Selected aspects of the history of science, e.g., the scientific revolution, science and religion in the seventeenth century, history of scientific methods, studies of individual scientists such as Galileo, Boyle, Newton, or Darwin. For further information in the specific topics to be offered in any year, consult the History Department.
Course Hours:
At least one of the following courses: History 371, 373, 477.01 or 477.02.
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History 543       Topics in Great Power Diplomacy and Intelligence
An exploration of selected themes in the history of modern statecraft. Topics may include: theories of international relations, war origins, treaty-making, Fascist diplomacy, appeasement, wartime alliances, intelligence and policy, cold war diplomacy. A seminar in which primary sources will be used.
Course Hours:
One of History 483, 485, 489, 491.01, 491.02, or consent of the Department.
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History 545       Topics in Military History
An examination of selected problems in modern military history. Topics may include: military theory; guerrilla warfare from the 18th century to the 20th century; evolution of tactics in World War I; development of military medicine; innovation in European armies; colonial wars.
Course Hours:
One of History 349, 379, 381, 383, 431, 471, 481, 483, 485, 489, 491, or consent of the Department.
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History 551       Women in Canadian Politics
A political history of women in Canada in the 20th and 21st centuries. Topics include campaigns for suffrage, legal personhood and equality rights, women's political activism, the evolution of public policy concerning women, and the participation of women in public life.
Course Hours:
Political Science 321, or History 343, or consent of the Department.
Also known as:
(Political Science 551)
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History 553       Circum-Caribbean Archaeology and History
The prehistory and history of the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean from the first peopling of the islands to the early contact period.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Department.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Archaeology 531.61.
Also known as:
(Archaeology 553)
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History 565       Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1492-1888
Themes may include the slave trade, plantation and urban slavery, resistance and rebellion, women, culture and religion, abolition, free people of colour in slave societies, and the post-abolition legacy.
Course Hours:
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History 567       United States Constitutional History
History of constitutionalism in the U.S. from colonial times to the present. The process of constitutional development through judicial interpretation of the basic law.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(Political Science 567)
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History 569       Latin America and the Outside World
The Latin American nations in world affairs with special reference to their intellectual, economic, and political relations with Europe, North America, Africa, and the Pacific Rim. Themes will be drawn from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.
Course Hours:
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History 571       Religion in History
A thematic approach to religious beliefs, rituals, and behaviour in Europe and North America from the medieval era to the present.
Course Hours:
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History 583       The United States and the World since 1890
A historical and analytical examination of the development of modern United States foreign policy from the late nineteenth century to the present. Topics include the institutional structure of foreign policy decision-making, including the role of the President, Congress, State Department, Pentagon, and public opinion, and the relationship between domestic politics and foreign policy. Historical dimensions include the turn to imperialism, World War I, the coming of World War II, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Latin American relations, strategic arms limitations talks, and detente.
Course Hours:
Third or fourth year standing and one of History 361, Political Science 381 or consent of the Department.
Also known as:
(Political Science 583)
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History 591       Directed Reading and Research
The analysis of historical problems and the use of primary sources. The content of each course will reflect the interests of the instructor.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Department.
May not be used to fulfill the 500-level requirement for a Major in history without the written consent of the Department.
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History 593       Selected Topics in History
Topics will vary from year to year, and will be announced in advance.
Course Hours:
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History 597       Honours Directed Reading
Directed readings for Honours students in their third or fourth year.
Course Hours:
May be repeated for credit with consent of the Department.
Note: Not open to students with credit in History 596.
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History 598       Honours Special Subject
The Honours Essay for Honours students in their fourth year.
Course Hours:
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Graduate Courses

Note: Only a limited number of these 600-level courses will be offered in any one year. Students may obtain further information from the Department.

History 601       Topics in Imperial History

Course Hours:
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History 603       Topics in Religious History

Course Hours:
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History 607       Topics in Western Canadian History

Course Hours:
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History 623       Topics in Canadian History
An examination of crucial issues in Canada's political, economic, social and cultural history.
Course Hours:
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History 633       Topics in Modern European History

Course Hours:
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History 637       Topics in Military History

Course Hours:
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History 639       Topics in History of Science
Topics may include the scientific revolution, science and religion, and the reception of scientific ideas.
Course Hours:
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History 641       Topics in Medieval or Early Modern European History

Course Hours:
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History 645       Topics in U.S. History

Course Hours:
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History 647       Topics in Latin American History

Course Hours:
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History 651       Research and Methods Seminar

Course Hours:
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History 655       Classics of Strategy
Strategic thought from Sun Tzu to Clausewitz, Mahan to Corbett. Analyzes the writings of classic strategic thinkers, and then by way of case studies examines their theories as they pertain to military and political planners from the Peloponnesian War to the present.
Course Hours:
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History 673       Topics in Legal History

Course Hours:
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History 675       Selected Topics in History

Course Hours:
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History 690       Historiography and the Theories of History

Course Hours:
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History 691       Conference Course in Special Topics

Course Hours:
Open only to graduate students.
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History 791       Conference Course in Special Topics (Advanced Level)

Course Hours:
Open only to graduate students.
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History 795       Advanced Seminar in Historiographical Interpretations

Course Hours:
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History 797       Advanced Seminar in Historical Research

Course Hours:
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