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Summary of Changes
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Kinesiology 3. Faculty Regulations 3.2 Registration
3.2 Registration
Course Load

The equivalent of five half-courses per academic term represents a normal course load in all Faculty of Kinesiology programs. It should be stressed that extra courses represent substantial burdens and may damage overall performance. Opportunities for accelerated progress exist through courses offered in Spring and Summer Terms.

Transfer Credit from Other Institutions

No more than 10 full-course equivalents taken at other institutions and acceptable for transfer of credit may be counted towards the degree. Students must have obtained a grade of at least "D" or its equivalent in courses proposed for transfer of credit. Grades obtained in transfer courses are not used in the computation of grade point averages for graduation purposes.

A maximum of 10 Kinesiology Core half-course equivalents (listed under 4. Program Details) can be transferred from other institutions. The Faculty reserves the right to determine any student's sequence of courses; credit for a course will not be awarded unless the prerequisite for that course (as listed in the Calendar) has been completed with a minimum grade of "C-."

Students may be authorized to take some of their course work at another university if their registration as a visiting student is acceptable to that university. Requests for such authorization should be made through the Student Programs Office.

It is the responsibility of the student to provide full details of the courses proposed for transfer at the time of application. It is also the responsibility of the student to ensure that upon completion of the courses an official transcript is forwarded to the Admissions Office of this University in order that the appropriate credit may be officially recorded. Students must obtain a grade of "D" or better for transfer of credit.

Accuracy of Registration

All students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration and for arranging their course selections to meet all program requirements as detailed in this Calendar.

Duration of Degree

All courses counting towards the degree must be completed within 10 consecutive calendar years from the time of first registration in the Faculty.

Courses Bearing a Prerequisite

A student must obtain a grade of "C-" or better in a prerequisite course to be eligible for the subsequent course. Students who do not have the specified prerequisite course on their academic record but feel that they have completed equivalent course work should contact the Student Programs Office.

Withdrawal from Courses

A student may withdraw from any course via the student registration system. In any full course or half course the request must be submitted by the deadline as specified in the Academic Schedule. Before withdrawing from any course, a student is strongly recommended to seek advice from the instructor or the Student Programs Office.

Students wishing to withdraw completely from the University should refer to the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

Students will not be permitted to withdraw more than once from a particular course. Students will be required to withdraw from the Faculty if they have accumulated a total of more than five full-course equivalent withdrawals while in attendance at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½.

Repetition of Courses

Students may repeat a course previously failed or one in which a higher grade is sought. However, a student will usually be permitted to repeat a particular course only once. Failure to achieve a minimum grade of "C-" in a required prerequisite course after two attempts will result in immediate required withdrawal from the Faculty, subject to the right of written appeal to the Kinesiology Appeals Committee.