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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2010-2011 Faculty of Law 2. Faculty Information
2. Faculty Information
Contact Information

Location: Murray Fraser Hall Room 2380

Student Information: 403.220.4155

Faculty number: 403.220.7115

Email address: law@ucalgary.ca

Web page URL:


The LLB program is the central reason for the Faculty of Law's existence. The overriding purpose of the program is to provide a sound basis for the intellectual, human and professional development of the legally trained person throughout that person's career lifetime. The content and structure of the LLB program recognizes that the learning of the law and its application is a life-long process.


One of the greatest strengths of the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Faculty of Law is the modern curriculum that permits students to study all important areas of law. Students are provided with basic substantive knowledge and skills in their first year before pursuing general or specialized interests in their second and third years.

The ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Faculty of Law also boasts special strengths in areas of energy, environment and natural resources along with skills training all in a context of social responsibility. The LLB program is designed to develop students' skills in important areas including research, legal problem-solving (including planning), legal communication, advocacy, interviewing, counselling and negotiation. An emphasis is placed on the human element involved in any legal career, including considerations of professional responsibility, ethics, and working in a diverse society.

The Faculty's academic strengths are complemented by an exceptional learning environment. Small class sizes make it possible for learning to occur in a more intimate setting. Murray Fraser Hall is incorporated with recent technologies, including audio-visual equipment and a microcomputer laboratory. In addition, the teaching staff is comprised of both faculty members and practicing lawyers. This close interaction of faculty with members of the practicing profession, both of whom are committed to teaching and learning, enriches the learning process.


There are no set pre-law requirements. The Law School recognizes that attracting students into the Law School from a variety of disciplines makes for an enriched climate within the school. The modern law school will attract students not only from the humanities and the social sciences but also from the fields of pure and applied science, from social work, from environmental studies, from education, and from business. Notwithstanding the lack of formal prerequisites, it is strongly recommended that students take several courses at university which stress the appropriate and creative use of the English language. In any legal endeavour, the ability to articulate an argument orally, and in writing is of vital importance. Also worthy of consideration are courses which give students an opportunity to develop and test their powers of analysis and to employ both information and judgement in comprehending and solving complex problems of human choice. For students who desire to develop a program which will give them some background in the social, historical, political, philosophical and economic milieu in which law operates, a series of courses are available at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ in both the humanities and social sciences which provide these perspectives. The disciplines involved include Sociology, Anthropology, History, Political Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, Religious Studies, and Greek and Roman Studies.

The Law Program

The overriding purpose of the program for the LLB degree is to provide a sound basis for the intellectual, human and professional development of the legally trained person throughout that person's career lifetime. The content and structure of the program recognizes that the learning of the law and its application is a life-long process.

The Faculty of Law has identified the following minimum standard of competence for our graduates:

A graduate must be able to find and use relevant legal principles to identify issues, formulate an argument, advocate a position, plan transactions and resolve problems in a professionally responsible manner.

There are many components to this standard:

  • The student must be able to find relevant legal principles. This means that he/she must have knowledge of a critical mass of substantive law, must be able to retrieve legal information and must possess the analytical ability to distil the particular legal principle from its context, while still understanding the importance of that context.
  • The use of the law connotes the ability to make assessments of relevance and cogency. Using the law involves a number of skills which are developed further below.
  • Identifying the issues requires an overall understanding of the subject matter and an appreciation that the formulation of the question is a crucial aspect of problem-solving.
  • In formulating an argument, the student must be able to see the reasons both for and against the application of existing principles to a new fact situation and to develop those reasons using a persuasive style. This requires clarity, organization and well developed communication skills as well as an understanding of the importance of policy and the changing values of society.
  • Advocating a position is a broader concept than appellate argumentation in an adversarial context. It includes the ability to put forward, plan and protect a client's needs in a solicitor's practice and the ability to use the law in formulating arguments relating to broader interests than those of an individual client.
  • Resolving problems and planning transactions require many different skills and styles, and the knowledge of the possibilities and how to use them responsibly are necessary elements in being able to perform these functions.

One of the consequences of these trends is an increasing demand for the services of lawyers and legally trained people in a wide variety of social roles. Traditionally, with minor exceptions, law was seen as the preserve of the general private practitioner. Today private practice is only one of the ways in which lawyers or legally trained persons can apply their expertise and talents. The services of lawyers and legally trained persons are sought by government as advocates, solicitors, drafters, legal advisors, diplomats and policy-makers; by industry and business as counsel, executives and managers; and by public interest and community groups as staff lawyers, advocates and community organizers. As in the past, a high percentage of legislators are lawyers by background. Moreover, almost all our judges were previously members of the legal profession. In addition to the proliferation of the demand for lawyers and legally trained individuals in this variety of roles, the growth of the law into previously unregulated spheres of human activity has also expanded the need for private practitioners. Furthermore, within the private sector of the legal profession, there has been a distinct movement from general practice to specialization, in some instances involving totally new areas of the law. Administrative law, commercial law, company law, family law, criminal law, insurance law, resource law, labour law, taxation and land use planning are just some of the areas in which some lawyers are now effectively engaged as specialists.

Within private practice, lawyers perform a wide range of functions. They may be advocates, drafters, planners, negotiators, or arbitrators. There are signs, too, that both the general public and the legal profession are recognizing more fully the facultative qualities of law and the need for sound planning of the legal affairs of clients. This notion of the preventive practice of law is also being applied to a broader range of clients than traditionally enjoyed the benefits of quality legal service. Increasingly, a premium is set upon the services of lawyers who can use their creative talents and knowledge effectively to plan the affairs of their clients and prevent future conflicts.