1. Auditing privileges are extended to students who have applied for admission and have been officially admitted to the University and to Visiting and Open Studies students.
2. (a) The audit fees are outlined in the Fees section of this Calendar.
(b) All auditing fees are non-refundable.
ACADEMIC STAFF, POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS and VISITING SCHOLARS (not to be interpreted as visiting students) are eligible to audit without payment of fees, are not required to seek admission to the University, but must obtain written permission from the instructor of the course on a "Permission to Audit" form obtainable from Enrolment Services. Such audits will not be recorded on an official transcript. Academic staff and visiting scholars who wish to have an audit course recorded on an official transcript must pay the regular audit course fees.
4. A course in which the student is registered and attends as an auditor, will be entered on the student's record. It will not count towards any degree or diploma program, nor will the student in an undergraduate faculty be permitted to change registration in that course from audit to credit or credit to audit status after the change deadline at the beginning of the term in which the course begins. (Since attendance in an audit course is compulsory, the Registrar shall be informed when any student registered as an auditor is not attending the course and/or has been required to withdraw by the instructor. The course shall be deleted from the student's record.)
5. The auditing students shall, before admission to the class concerned, obtain written permission on a "Permission to Audit" form from: first, the dean of the faculty in which they are registered; and second, the instructor teaching the course. (Permission obtained from a dean shall not bind the instructor to accept a student as an auditor in the class.) In addition, students wishing to audit courses offered by quota faculties must obtain the approval of the dean of the quota faculty.
6. The auditing student shall not participate in class discussions, assignments, examinations or in laboratory or like parts of the course. An invitation by the instructor for a student to participate in activities other than class discussions must be subsequently approved by the head of the department offering the course.
7. Applicants may audit a course which was previously successfully completed and may take for credit a course which was previously audited. Approval will be required as stated above.
8. Any student seeking to audit courses must meet all admission, registration and fee deadlines applying to regular students.