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Faculty of Arts
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Information for Undergraduate Students
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Arts and Science Honours Academy
4.2 African Studies
4.3 Ancient and Medieval History
4.4 Anthropology
4.5 Archaeology
4.6 Applied Energy Economics - Collaborative Program
4.7 Architectural Studies Program
4.8 Art
4.9 Art History
4.10 Asian Studies
4.11 Canadian Studies
4.12 Chinese
4.13 Classical and Early Christian Studies
4.14 Communication and Culture
4.15 Communications Studies
4.16 Comparative Literature
4.17 Creative Writing
4.18 Dance
4.19 Development Studies
4.20 Drama
4.21 Earth Science
4.22 East Asian Language Studies
4.23 East Asian Studies
4.24 Economics
4.25 English
4.26 Film Studies
4.27 French
4.28 French, Italian and Spanish
4.29 Geography
4.30 German
4.31 Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies
4.32 Greek
4.33 Greek and Roman Studies
4.34 History
4.35 History and Philosophy of Science
4.36 Indigenous Studies
4.37 International Indigenous Studies
4.38 International Relations
4.39 Italian Studies
4.40 Japanese
4.41 Latin
4.42 Latin American Studies
4.43 Law and Society
4.44 Linguistics
4.45 Linguistics and Language
4.46 Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Studies
4.47 Multidisciplinary Studies
4.48 Museum and Heritage Studies
4.49 Music
4.49.1 BA in Music
4.49.2 BA Honours Music
4.49.3 BMus in Composition
4.49.4 BMus in Integrated Studies
4.49.5 BMus in Music History and Theory
4.49.6 BMus in Performance
4.49.7 Concurrent BMus (Music Education)/BEd
4.49.8 Minor in Music
4.49.9 Minor in Sonic Arts
4.49.10 Concentration in Sonic Arts
4.50 Philosophy
4.51 Political Science
4.52 Primatology
4.53 Psychology
4.54 Religious Studies
4.55 Religious Studies and Applied Ethics
4.56 Russian
4.57 Science, Technology and Society
4.58 Social and Cultural Anthropology
4.59 Sociology
4.60 South Asian Studies
4.61 Spanish
4.62 Urban Studies
4.63 Visual Studies
4.64 Women's Studies
5. Administration
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental Design
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Nursing
Qatar Faculty
Schulich School of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Work
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Co-operative Education/Internship
Continuing Education
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ݮƵ Calendar 2011-2012 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.49 Music
4.49 Music
Overview of Programs and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Music

BA Honours in Music

Bachelor of Music (BMus) in Performance, Composition, Music History and Theory or Integrated Studies

Concurrent BMus in Music Education and Bachelor of Education

Notes: A Minor is offered in Music.


The Department of Music offers a four-year Bachelor of Music Degree that is designed for students wishing to enter a professional career in music, either as performers, teachers, composers, theorists, historians or critics. The BMus degree provides the opportunity for students to Major in Performance, Composition, or Music History and Theory or Integrated Studies.  In addition there is a major in Music Education that is available in the context of a combined BMus/Bachelor of Education degree. All BMus programs have a common first year.

The Department also offers four-year programs leading to BA (Music) and Honours BA (Music) degrees for the student who wishes to pursue a general liberal arts education with an emphasis on Music. As such it is an ideal degree for students who are interested in music but may wish to pursue careers in law, medicine, arts administration, media studies, elementary education, digital arts, and so on. In addition to music courses, Bachelor of Arts (Music) students have the flexibility to take a large number of courses outside of the department of Music, allowing them to create degree plans that cater to their individual interests and needs.

Students in all Music Programs are encouraged to meet with an Advisor early in their degree to plan and create a focus for their degrees.

Contact Information and Program Advice

Department Head: W. Jordan

Department Office: Craigie Hall D 100

Department Phone: 403.220.5379

Department Fax: 403.284.0973

Department Email: music@ucalgary.ca

Department Website:


For guidance on where to get program advice, see the Faculty of Arts website under .

Advising Location: Student Success Centre, Taylor Family Digital Library, 3rd Floor

Advising Phone: 403.220.5881

Advising Email: success@ucalgary.ca

Admission to the BA in Music

Prospective students wishing to enter the BA (Music) Program must meet the criteria in the section of this Calendar on A.2 “Admission Requirements” at the ݮƵ. Annual application deadlines are set in the Applications for Admission Schedule.

Admission requires evidence of successful completion of Grade III Royal Conservatory Theory/Harmony or the departmental music theory diagnostic exam.

Admission to the BA Honours Music

Students wishing to be considered for admission into  BA Honours (Music) Program must have completed at least five full-course equivalents in the BA (Music) Program and must meet the criteria established by the Faculty of Arts in section 3.4.3 Honours Degrees with a Major Field. The application deadline is May 1.

Admission to BMus Degrees

Prospective students wishing to enter BMus Programs in the Department of Music must meet the criteria in the section of this Calendar on A.2 “Admission Requirements” at the ݮƵ. Annual application deadlines are set in the Applications for Admission Schedule.

Admission requires evidence of successful completion of Grade III Royal Conservatory Theory/Harmony or the departmental music theory diagnostic exam.

Admission to BMus Programs is also contingent on an audition and interview where applicants are assessed not only on actual performance, but also on talent, potential, and musicality.

Audition Dates

Auditions occur in March with late auditions in early May. Applicants are encouraged to audition in March as these are the primary auditions.  Auditions in May are only to fill in any leftover spaces.  Applicants must audition in March to qualify for Department of Music Scholarships.

Applicants should complete the audition forms available on line at .

Live Audition application form deadline: February 26 (for March audition); May 1 (for May audition).

Taped Audition application form/recording deadline: February 26.

Audition Requirements

Applicants should be prepared to perform two pieces (except for piano and voice, who should be prepared to perform three pieces), each from a different style period; singers and instrumentalists should provide their own accompanist. Applicants should be prepared to perform for approximately 10 minutes; in addition, they will be asked to sight-read a short piece of music appropriate to their instrument or voice.

Applicants audition on the instrument of their choice or in voice. Those who would like to audition on two instruments may do so. The jury will determine which instrument (or voice) will become the major when the applicant is admitted to a Music program.

Previously accepted students who have not been enrolled in a performance practicum course for a year or more may be required to re-audition in order to determine if the previous level of attainment has been maintained.


As an indication of the level for admission to the Music Department, the following guidelines should be noted:

  • Pianists and vocalists should be prepared to perform repertoire at the Grade X level.
  • All others should be prepared to perform repertoire at the Grade VIII level. Students who have not reached the Grade VIII level, but who have a serious interest in a career in music, are encouraged to apply and to audition at the level of performance they have reached. Suggested audition repertoire guidelines are available from the website at: .

Applicants Who Live Outside a 150 Km Radius of Calgary

BMus applicants who live further than 150 km from Calgary may submit a video or audio recording. If a recording is submitted, the student may be required to perform a live audition upon arrival. The recording should consist of approximately 10 minutes of music and conform to the requirements for auditions given above. The recording should have been made not more than two months prior to submission, should be of good quality and should be solo or solo with accompaniment. Audition tapes must be received by the Music Advisor by February 26.

Bachelor of Music (BMus) - Major Fields of Specialization

Within the Bachelor of Music students take a common first-year program of study and then select one of the following Major Fields of specialization:

  • Composition
  • Integrated Studies 
  • Music Education 
  • Music History and Theory
  • Performance

Admission to each Major is conditional on:

1. The completion of Music History and Literature 201 and 203, Music Theory and Composition 201, 203 and 221, and Music Performance 291 and 293 with an average of "B-" (2.70) or better in those courses.
2. Grades of "B" (3.00) or better in courses in their area: Composition; Music History and Theory; or Performance.
3. Approval of the Department Head.

Keyboard Proficiency Tests

The Department has a required minimum level of keyboard proficiency, which all Bachelor of Music students must achieve in order to graduate. Applicants who have never played a keyboard instrument, or whose proficiency does not meet the required level, will be advised to take remedial work in keyboard, either through the Department or privately.

Courses and Registration

In planning their programs, students should bear in mind that some senior courses are not offered every year.

Field of Music

The Field of Music consists of all courses labeled Music Education MUED, Music History and Literature MUHL, Music Performance MUPF, and Music Theory and Composition MUTC.