²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : Mechanical Engineering ENME


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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2012-2013 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions M Mechanical Engineering ENME
Mechanical Engineering ENME

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in the Schulich School of Engineering.

Department Head – R. Hugo

Director (Undergraduate Program, Mechanical Engineering Program) - L. Sudak

Director (Graduate Program, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) – A. Ramirez-Serrano

Mechanical Engineering 101       Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Block Course
Special topics in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. Research and industry presentations, software training, informational sessions, and field trips as resources permit.
Course Hours:
H(32 hours)
Presented during block week in the Fall Term over 4 days. All Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering students must complete this course prior to entry to their third year of studies.
Also known as:
(formerly Mechanical Engineering 001)
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Senior Courses
Mechanical Engineering 337       Computing Tools for Engineering Design
Application of high-level software to the solution of design problems. Evaluation and validation of alternate solution approaches. Numeric and symbolic computation, visualization, data analysis, model-based analysis. Topics will be derived from real engineering problems.
Course Hours:
Engineering 233.
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Mechanical Engineering 341       Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Basic principles of mechanics of fluids. Fluid statics: forces on surfaces, buoyancy, stability. Continuity, energy and momentum equations applied to control-volume analysis. Dimensional analysis and physical similarity. Introduction to external flows and flow through pipes. Applications to a variety of problems in mechanical engineering.
Course Hours:
Engineering 201 and 349 or 249 and Applied Mathematics 219.
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Mechanical Engineering 339       Engineering Graphics and CAD
Technical sketching.  Orthographic projections.  Multiviews, auxiliary views and section views.  Dimensions and tolerances.  Working drawings.  Design applications.  Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software is used for 3-D modelling and 2-D drawing.
Course Hours:
Engineering 233
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Mechanical Engineering 421       Materials I
Fundamentals of materials science with emphasis on the structure of materials and structure/property relationships: atomistic models; equilibrium phase diagrams; kinetics and nonequilibrium transformation diagrams; thermal-mechanical processing; microstructure formation and control; ductility mechanisms; material selection; and an introduction to fracture.
Course Hours:
Completion of Physics 269 or 369, Chemistry 209, Engineering 311 and 317 prior to this course will be of definite advantage.
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Mechanical Engineering 461       Foundations of Mechatronics

Modelling and analysis of dynamic systems, including mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, fluidic, thermal, and mixed systems.  Stability and response of linear time-invariant systems.   Performance analysis in the time domain and frequency domain.  Series, parallel, and feedback interconnections of subsystems.  Applications: design, identification, and feedback control of dynamic systems.

Course Hours:
Engineering 225 or 325 or Biomedical Engineering 327.
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Mechanical Engineering 471       Heat Transfer
Modes of heat transfer; conduction, convection, radiation. Conduction in plane walls and cylinders. Conduction-convection systems, fins. Principles of convection. Empirical and practical relations for forced convection heat transfer. Natural convection. Condensation and boiling heat transfer. Heat exchangers. The log-mean temperature difference method.
Course Hours:
Engineering 311 or Energy and Environment, Engineering 311 and Mechanical Engineering 341.
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Mechanical Engineering 473       Fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
Basic mechanisms and linkages in machinery. Position, velocity, acceleration and dynamic forces in planar mechanisms. Cam design and dynamic analysis. Gears and gear trains. Planetary trains.
Course Hours:
Engineering 249 or 349.
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Mechanical Engineering 479       Mechanics of Materials
Analysis of stress and strain. Transformation, Equilibrium and compatibility equations, and boundary conditions. Constitutive behaviour of materials. Elasticity, viscoelasticity and plasticity. Flow rule. Two-dimensional problems in linear elasticity. Airy stress function. Axial symmetry. Failure criteria for ductile and brittle materials. Principle of virtual work and energy methods. The Rayleigh-Ritz and the finite element numerical methods in solid mechanics.
Course Hours:
Engineering 317.
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Mechanical Engineering 485       Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics
Review of fundamentals; thermodynamic properties; flow and non-flow processes; Carnot cycle; Rankine cycle including reheat and regeneration. Engine gas cycles including simple gas turbines; gas turbines with reheat, intercooling and heat exchange. Reciprocating air compressors and expanders. Applications of humidity considerations; heat-pump and refrigeration cycles and their performance criteria. One-dimensional steady flow through nozzles. Combustion processes, chemical equilibrium, dissociation.
Course Hours:
Engineering 311 or Energy and Environment, Engineering 311.
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Mechanical Engineering 493       Machine Component Design
Introduction to the principles of machine component design. Design for stiffness, strength, and endurance. Surface contacts, wear, and lubrication. Tolerances and fits. Design and selection of mechanical elements such as shafts, bolted joints, welded joints, hydrodynamic bearings, ball and roller bearings, gears, belts, brakes, clutches, and springs.
Course Hours:
Engineering 317.
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Mechanical Engineering 495       Fluid Mechanics
Control volume methodology for multi-dimensional systems as applied to conservation principles (mass, linear and angular momentum); Navier-Stokes equations applied to pipe and boundary layer flows; basic principles of potential flow theory and aerodynamics and an introduction to compressible flow (convergent-divergent channels and normal shocks).
Course Hours:
Engineering 311 or Energy and Environment, Engineering 311, Mechanical Engineering 341.
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Mechanical Engineering 519       Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Advanced topics in Mechanical Engineering.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Department.
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Mechanical Engineering 521       Materials II
Fundamentals and applications of materials science to engineering design: welding metallurgy; deformation and strength behaviour of real materials; failure analysis; fiber reinforced composites; fracture mechanics; fatigue; and creep.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 421.
Completion of Mechanical Engineering 479 and 493 prior to this course will be of definite advantage.
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Mechanical Engineering 523       Biomechanics of Joints
Introduction to musculoskeletal biomechanics, including experimental and analytical approaches to movement analysis, experimental instrumentation and devices, and joint dynamics. Analysis of the contribution of external loading, forces generated by muscles and constraints provided by other musculoskeletal structures to predict forces and stresses in musculoskeletal joints and tissues. Numerical and modelling approaches, including inverse dynamics, and optimization, and determination of segmental inertial properties. Applications in orthopaedic engineering, movement assessment, ergonomics and joint injury and replacements.
Course Hours:
Fourth year standing or consent of the Department.
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Mechanical Engineering 538       Mechanical Engineering Design Methodology and Application

Preliminary and detailed engineering design of a product or system with the emphasis on the design process as it is associated with mechanical and manufacturing engineering. Topics include design methodology and general design principles for engineers, project management, decision making processes, reliability and robust design, embodiment, detailed drawing and product life-cycle design. A team-based design project may be sponsored by industry or the Department. Also, an emphasis is given to project management and technical communication, including presentations to a committee from the Department and/or industry.

Course Hours:
Fourth year standing.
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Mechanical Engineering 547       Finite Element Method
Review of basic concepts in the Theory of Elasticity. Stress, strain, equilibrium. Stress-strain relations. The principle of virtual work and its use in deriving exact and approximate equilibrium equations. Example: beam theory. Matrix analysis of framed structures. The stiffness method. The finite element method and other discretization procedures. The 4-node plane stress rectangular element. Shape functions. Derivation of stiffness matrix by means of the principle of virtual work. Isoparametric elements, completeness. Numerical integration of scheme. Programming Considerations. Solution of problems with the aid of a computer. Additional topics: Dynamics, heat transfer, fluid dynamics.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 479 or Manufacturing Engineering 405.
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Mechanical Engineering 560       Mechatronics Design Laboratory
A hands-on laboratory experience in the design and analysis of microprocessor-controlled electro-mechanical components. Emphasis will be on laboratory projects in which teams of students will configure, design, and implement mechatronic systems. Laboratories cover topics such as aliasing, quantization, electronic feedback, power amplifiers, digital logic, encoder interfacing, and motor control leading to prototyping and design of commercially viable products. Lectures will cover comparative surveys, operational principles, and integrated design issues associated with the spectrum of mechanism, electronics, and control components.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 461.
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Mechanical Engineering 583       Mechanical Systems in Buildings
Fundamentals of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems in buildings. Heating and cooling loads. Codes, regulations, and standards. System selection, generation equipment, heat exchangers, distribution and driving systems, terminal units, controls and accessories, and cost estimating. Energy efficiency and renewable energy applications. Elevators and escalators. Lifting devices. Sewage systems.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 471 and 485.
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Mechanical Engineering 585       Control Systems
Modelling of physical systems; feedback control; stability; performance specification in the time and frequency domains; root locus plots; Bode and Nyquist plots; Proportional/Integral/Derivative (PID) control and dynamic compensation.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 461.
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Mechanical Engineering 593       Energy Systems
Energy resources. Energy conservation and management. Thermal power plants, internal and external combustion engines. Introduction to fuel technology and processing. Alternative energy systems: hydroelectric, solar, wind, nuclear, magnetohydrodynamics, thermoelectrics, thermionics, photo-voltaic, fuel cells.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 471 and 485.
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Mechanical Engineering 595       Gas Dynamics
Fundamentals of one-dimensional gas dynamics. Isentropic and non-isentropic flows, applications of dynamical similarity to shock waves. Oblique shocks, supersonic nozzles, flows with friction or heat transfer. Introduction to computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 495.
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Mechanical Engineering 597       Turbomachinery
Performance of turbomachines, machine selection, Reynolds number and scale effects. Two dimensional flow in turbomachines, degree of reaction and vector diagrams; flow irreversibilities and loss coefficients; pump, compressor and turbine efficiencies. Design of pumps, fans, centrifugal compressors, axial-flow compressors, and axial-flow turbines. Combination of machines with pipes or ducts.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 485 and 495.
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Mechanical Engineering 599       Vibrations and Machine Dynamics
Linear vibration theory: free and forced vibration of single- and multi- degree-of-freedom systems; damping in machines; vibration absorbers; experimental modal analysis. Balance of rotating machinery: sources of unbalance, rigid rotors, flexible rotors, critical speeds, balancing principles. Lagrange equations: application to mechanical systems.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 473 or Manufacturing Engineering 473.
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Graduate Courses
Mechanical Engineering 603       Physical Fluid Dynamics
Physical phenomena of incompressible fluid motion for a variety of flows, e.g. pipe and channel flow, flow past a cylinder, and convection in horizontal layers. The derivation of the basic equations of fluid mechanics using Cartesian tensor notation. High and low Reynolds number flows including some solutions of the viscous flow equations, inviscid flow, and elementary boundary layer theory. Thermal free convective flows.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 605       Combustion Processes
Review of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics of combustion. Fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer in combustion phenomena. Autoignition and source ignition, flames and detonation. Quenching and explosion hazards, flammability and detonation limits. Heterogeneous combustion, combustion practical systems, combustion as affecting pollution and efficiency, some experimental combustion methods.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 607       Mechanics of Compressible Flow
One-dimensional steady and unsteady motion with application to the analysis of supersonic nozzles, diffusers, flow in conduits with friction, shock tubes. Two-dimensional flow of ideal fluid. Small perturbation theory, method of characteristics with application to design of supersonic nozzles. Waves in two-dimensional flow.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 613       Research Seminar I
Reports on studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all MSc and thesis-route MEng students and must be completed before the thesis defence.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 615       Instrumentation
Basic principles relating to measurement systems. Static and dynamic characteristics of signals. Measurement system behaviour.  Application of probability and statistics to measurement systems. Uncertainty analysis. Data acquisition: analog/digital devices and sampling theory. Application of theory to various measurement systems such as pressure, velocity, strain, concentration, temperature.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 619       Special Problems
Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member. Students would be required to consider problems of an advanced nature.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 625       Unsteady Gas Dynamics
Origins of unsteady flow; one-dimensional unsteady flow in pipes and ducts; simplified method of analysis, method of characteristics; boundary conditions for method characteristics analyses; graphical and numerical procedures for solving the characteristics equations; application of solution techniques for practical problems; pressure exchangers and other devices utilizing unsteady flow.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 629       Fuel Science and Technology
Review origins of fuels, reservoir technology and geology. Past, present and future energy supply and demand. Classification of fuels. Physical and chemical properties. Fuel handling and fire hazards. Requirements of conventional and non-conventional power and heating plants. Ecological and efficiency considerations. Some non-conventional fuels.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 631       Numerical Methods for Engineers
Introduction, mathematical modelling, sources of errors in the process of numerical analysis and solution methodology; Elements of numerical analysis, Taylor series, round-off error, truncation error, concept of stability, consistency and convergence; Linear algebra, normal forms, Gauss elimination method, LU-decomposition, tridiagonal systems of equations; iterative methods, Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, SSOR methods, conjugate gradient methods and preconditioning and principles of the multi-grid methods; Elliptic "equilibrium" equation, Laplace and Poisson equations, finite difference and finite control volume concepts and stability analysis; Parabolic equations: explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson methods, time-splitting method, method of lines, Stability analysis; Hyperbolic equations; Introduction to other methods; future challenging problems.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 633       Mathematical Techniques for Engineers
Application of mathematical techniques to the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations arising in engineering problems. Methods that will be considered are: separation of variables, method of characteristics, transform methods and complex variable methods.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 637       Thermal Systems Analysis
Fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer; thermal and energy systems, heat exchangers, co-generation; Second law of thermodynamics and concept of entropy generation and thermo-economics; Environmental issues and pollution control; Renewable energy system; Co-generation design; Heat exchanger design; Energy storage systems; Optimization process.
Course Hours:
Engineering 311 and Energy and Environment, Engineering 311 or equivalent.
Also known as:
(Environmental Engineering 673)
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Mechanical Engineering 639       Numerical Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Review of solution techniques for ordinary differential equations. Stability, consistency and convergence. Order of accuracy. Fourier methods for stability. Numerical techniques for one,- two- and three-dimensional linear parabolic problems. Courant condition. Implicit and semi-implicit schemes. Boundary conditions for parabolic problems. Techniques for linear hyperbolic problems. CFL condition. Characteristics, domain of dependence and domain of influence. Boundary conditions for hyperbolic problems. Nonlinear conservation laws. The Burger's equation as a test problem. Strong and weak solutions. Conservative and integral forms. Conservative schemes. Entropy condition. Godunov theorem and flux limiters. Godunov, ENO and TVD schemes. Implementation in gas dynamics.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 641       Advanced Control Systems
Introduction to multivariable systems; state space models; analysis of linear systems; stability; Cayley-Hamilton theorem; controllability and observability; state feedback control; pole placement designs; introduction to linear optimal control and estimation; Kalman filtering; separation theorem and duality; performance specifications; controller reduction concepts; introduction to robust control.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 643       Optimal and Adaptive Control
Discrete time and sampled-data system models and properties; discrete time domain controller design principles; system identification using least-squares analysis; self-tuning control; indirect adaptive control; model reference adaptive control; sliding mode control in continuous and discrete time; optimal design of sliding mode controllers; sensitivity functions and their role in control theoretic performance specification; robust stability and robust performance objectives; Kharitonov stability.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 645       Robotics and Vision Systems
An introduction to robotics. Kinematics, statics, dynamics, and control of robot arms. Digital image processing and robot vision. Robot programming and applications. Project: design of mechanisms or software related to these topics.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 647       Combustion in Gas Turbines
Basic design features of combustion chambers, their types and requirements for aero and industrial applications; combustion fundamentals relevant to gas turbines; aerodynamics; fuel types and fuel injection systems; ignition, flame stabilization, heat transfer, combustion efficiency and how they affect performance and emissions.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 650       Mobile Robotics
Overview of Unmanned vehicles, Mobile robot locomotion systems, Wheeled rovers, Walking machines, Mobile-manipulators, Mobile robot sensors and actuators, Simulation, modelling and analysis of mobile robot behaviour, Robot-environment interaction analysis, 2D navigation techniques and localization, Mobile robot simulation tools.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 645, or equivalent.
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Mechanical Engineering 653       Continuum Mechanics in Engineering
Review of linear algebra and tensor analysis; kinematics of the deformation; deformation and strain tensors; strain rates; balance equations and equations of motion; stress principle; stress power and conjugated stress-strain couples; stress rates; elements of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics for discrete and continuum systems; thermomechanics and constitutive theory; isotropic and anisotropic hyperelasticity; composite materials.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 655       Analysis of Shells and Plates
General linear and nonlinear equations of the theories of thin shells. Approximate, membrane, and shallow shell theories. Plates as special cases of the shell. Finite elements for plates and shells. Stability and optimum design of plates and shells. Stress concentrations and local loads. Large deflections and limit loads. Applications to the design of pipelines, large containers, pressure vessels, and other mechanical structures.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 661       Corrosion Science
Electrochemical thermodynamics. Kinetics of electrode processes. Experimental polarization curves. Instrumentation and experimental procedures. Passivity. Galvanic, pitting, crevice and intergranular corrosion. Corrosion-deformation interactions. Atmospheric corrosion. Oxidation and high temperature corrosion. Protection techniques. Materials selection and design.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 663       Advanced Muscle Mechanics and Physiology
A look at problems associated within muscle mechanics and contractility. Also the use of muscle mechanics as a scientific discipline to critically learn and evaluate the scientific process. Basic anatomy and physiology of muscle contraction including the cross-bridge theory, and the force-length, force-velocity and force-time relationships of actively and passively contracting muscles will also be covered.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Medical Science 663)(Kinesiology 663)
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Mechanical Engineering 665       Elements of Materials Engineering
The course covers a variety of material aspects and provides a fundamental understanding of Materials Science and Engineering. The course emphasizes the understanding of advanced dislocation theory and its application in illustration of diffusion, deformation and fracture of metals. Fundamentals of material strengthening mechanisms are covered. Practical aspects that are relevant to material uses and failures, such as environmental-induced cracking, creep, fatigue, strain aging and corrosion, are discussed. Typical surface analysis techniques for material characterization are introduced.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 667       Fracture Mechanics
Basic fracture theory, failure criteria, overview of fracture mechanics, brittle and ductile failure, crack tip parameters, geometric considerations, methods of analysis, fracture toughness and testing standards. Applications in design, fatigue subcritical crack growth, creep and impact.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 669       Fatigue of Materials
History and origin of fatigue. Stress life, strain life and fracture mechanics approaches. Low and high cycle fatigue. Low and high temperature fatigue. Combined stresses, initiation, and propagation of cracks. Environmental and statistical effects. Testing techniques and variables. Design and specific material behaviour. Mechanisms of fatigue.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 683       Applications of 3D Rigid Body Mechanics in Biomechanics
Applications of 3D motion analysis and rigid body mechanics to musculoskeletal system locomotion, and movement. Experimental, theoretical and numerical methods for optical motion imaging, 3D analysis of joint kinematics and kinetics, joint angle representations, prediction of joint forces, data analysis and filtering, error propagation, inverse and forward dynamics approaches, and applications to clinical and orthopaedic engineering.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 685       Biomechanics of Human Movement
Introduction to the measuring methods (accelerometry, goniometry, film and film analysis, video systems) of biomechanical analysis of human movement (force and force distribution). Description of the mechanical properties of bone, tendon, ligaments, cartilage, muscles and soft tissues. The relation between structure and function of biomaterials. Introduction to descriptive analysis of human movement.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Faculty.
Credit for more than one of Mechanical Engineering 685, Medical Science 685 and Kinesiology 685 is not allowed.
Also known as:
(Medical Science 685)
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Mechanical Engineering 698       Graduate Project
Individual project in the student's area of specialization under the guidance of the student's supervisor. A written proposal, one or more written progress reports, and a final written report are required. An oral presentation is required upon completion of the course. Open only to students in the MEng (courses only) program.
Course Hours:
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Mechanical Engineering 701       Advanced Mechanical Vibrations
Introduction to nonlinear vibrating systems. Qualitative methods: autonomous conservative systems; concept of a phase plane; singular points and problem of stability; example of a nonlinear pendulum. Quantitative methods: perturbation method; method of slowly-varying amplitudes; energy balance method; piecewise-linear method.
Course Hours:
Mechanical Engineering 599, or equivalent.
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Mechanical Engineering 713       Research Seminar II
Reports on studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all PhD students and must be completed before the candidacy examination.
Course Hours:
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