²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : 3.4 Student Standing


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Summary of Revisions
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2013-2014 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 3. Faculty Regulations 3.4 Student Standing
3.4 Student Standing

For continuation of study in the DVM program in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, a student must satisfy the conditions as presented below.

The regular University grading system will normally apply to all courses in the DVM program. To calculate the grade point average (GPA) for the year under review, grades will be weighted on the basis of course credits. Courses that are given a grade of CR/F will not be included in the calculation of the GPA.

General Requirements

1. To be promoted to the next year of the DVM program, a student must achieve a satisfactory academic standing and clear any failed or incomplete courses. Satisfactory academic standing means having achieved a GPA of 2.00 or higher in the year since admission or the previous review.

2. At the discretion of the Associate Dean (Academic), supplemental privileges may be granted to a student who has received a "D+", "D", or "F" grade in a course. The student must make application to write the supplemental examination to the Associate Dean (Academic) within 7 days of the release of grades for the semester within which the "D+", "D", or "F" grade was received.

3. Any student granted a supplemental privilege must meet with the Director of Student Services who will inform the student of resources available that might help the student with his or her academic difficulties.

4. A student will be deemed to have failed a course if they attain an "F" grade in the course and they are not eligible for a supplemental privilege, or if they attain an "F" grade in the course and they subsequently attain a grade of "D+", "D", or "F" on a supplemental exam.

5. Successful completion of a supplemental exam will result in a "C-" being awarded for the course. If a student who originally received a "D+" or "D" on a course attains a lower mark on their supplemental examination, the original mark will stand.

6. A student attaining an "F" grade in a course may be granted supplemental privileges only once for that course. Any student who fails a course once, then attains an "F" grade after repeating the same course, will be required to withdraw from the DVM program.

7. No more than two supplemental privileges may be granted to a student in one year of the program, and no more than four supplemental privileges will be granted to a student over the whole program. Any student who attains an "F" grade in a fifth course will be required to withdraw from the DVM program.

8. A student who fails one course may be required to repeat all courses in the year, depending upon the nature and size of the course, and a review of the academic performance of the student. A student who fails two courses will be required to repeat the year.

9. Students must normally repeat a failed course, or year, in the academic year immediately following that in which the failure occurred.

10. Normally, students may carry a maximum of one course with a grade of "D" or "D+" in their program. Students who receive a grade of "D" or "D+" in a second course must raise the mark to "C-" through a supplemental exam before being considered for promotion to the next year of the program.

11. Students required to withdraw from the DVM program will not normally be considered for re-admission.

Students Previously in Satisfactory Standing

1. With a GPA of 2.00 or higher for the year under review will retain the standing of satisfactory academic performance.

2. With a GPA of less than 2.00, but not less than 1.70, will be placed on probationary status.

3. With a GPA of less than 1.70 in any year under review will be required to withdraw from the DVM program.

Students on Probation

1. Upon completion of first or second year will have their probation cleared if they attain a GPA of at least 2.00 by the end of second or third year respectively.

2. Upon completion of the third year of the program will not be permitted to proceed to fourth year until they have cleared probation. The Associate Dean (Academic) will establish appropriate remediation requirements that must be fulfilled in order for the students to clear probation and obtain the standing of satisfactory performance. These remediation requirements may include repeating a component of a course, one or more entire courses, or an entire year.

3. Will be required to withdraw from the DVM program if their GPA at the end of the following year is less than 2.00. This is consistent with University regulations, which state that students will be required to withdraw rather than be placed on probation for a second time.