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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2013-2014 Who's Who Professors Emeriti
Professors Emeriti

Abra, J.C.; PhD (NWU), BA (UofM), BA (Hons) (UofM), MA (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Adam, I.W.; BA (Hons) (UofA), MA (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Adam, J.A.; BA (Hons) (USYD), PhD (USYD); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Addicott, J.F.; BA (UC), MSc (UMICH), PhD (UMICH); Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences (Biological Sciences)

Afxentiou, P.C.; BA (AUEB), PhD (CU), MA (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Aggarwala, B.D.; BA (Hons) (Punjabi), MA (Punjabi), PhD (Punjabi); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Akierman, A.R.; DABP, FRCPC, LMCC, MB BS (UWI); Associate Professor Emeritus of Paediatrics (Paediatrics)

Alam, S.N.; BA (Hons) (DU), MSSc (ISS), MA (Yale), PhD (Yale); Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Alexander, F.; FRCPC, MRCPATH, MBBChBAO (QUnBelf), MD (QUnBelf); Professor Emeritus, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)

Altmann, H.A.; BSc (MSU), MA (UNCO), EdD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Education Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Anderson, B.A.; BN (McGill), MSN (Texas), Diploma (UofS), PhD (Utah); Associate Professor, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Anderson, J.M.; BA (UW), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Linguistics (Linguistics)

Anderson, P.K.; Professor Emeritus, Zoology (Biological Sciences)

Anger, C.D.; BA (UC), MA (UC), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Anton, F.R.; MA (UC), BSc (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Anton, N.; BA (Cairo), MA (UofC); Instructor Emeritus of French (French Italian & Spanish)

Arai, H.P.; BA (UC), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences (Biological Sciences)

Arai, M.N.; MA (U of T), PhD (UCLA), BSc (UNB); Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences (Biological Sciences)

Archer, C.I.; PhD (LaTrobe), MA (StonyBrook), PhD (StonyBrook), BA (UVIC); Professor Emeritus of History (History)

Archer, K.A.; PhD (Duke), BA (Windsor), MA (Windsor); Professor Emeritus of Poli Sci (Political Science)

Atkinson, M.H.; FACP, FRCPC, MD (UofA), MSc (UofA); Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Badakhshan, A.; BSc (Birmingham), PhD (Birmingham); Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Bakal, D.A.; BA (UofM), MA (UofM), PhD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Baker, B.M.; BLitt (Oxford), BA (Hons) (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Baker, C.M.; BSc (MSVU), MLS (UWO); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Baldwin, B.; BA (Hons) (UON), PhD (UON); Professor Emeritus, Greek, Latin, & Ancient History (Greek & Roman Studies)

Barker, P.A.; MB BS (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry (Psychiatry)

Barton, T.H.; Professor Emeritus, Electrical Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Baskett, H.K.; PhD (Sussex), BA (UBC), MA (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Bayliss, P.; BEng (UNSW), MSc (UNSW), PhD (UNSW); Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Bean, J.D.; DEdPostGrd (UofLondon), MEd (VUM); Associate Professor Emeritus, Physical Education (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Beck, J.S.; PhD (UC), MD (WUStL); Professor Emeritus, Medical Biophysics (Faculty of Medicine)

Bell, J.M.; MSc (LLU), PhD (UofC), BSc (WallaWalla); Assoc Prof Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Belyea, B.; BA (UBC), MA (UON), PhD (UofA), Cert (UofC); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Benedict, P.M.; MFA (UofA), BFA (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Drama (Drama)

Benn, M.H.; BSc (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Bennion, D.W.; BSc (OU), MSc (PSU), PhD (PSU); Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Bentley, M.M.; PhD (McMaster), BA (Wooster); Associate Professor, Genetics (Biological Sciences)

Berg, G.J.; MASc (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Electrical Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Bergman, J.S.; CCFP, MD (U of T); Associate Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine (Family Medicine)

Betz, H.K.; BA (Heidelberg), MA (Heidelberg), PhD (Utah); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Bharadwaj, B.B.; FACC, FRCSC, MB BS (Nagpur), BSc (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Surgery (Surgery)

Biddle, F.G.; PhD (UBC), BSc(Hons) (Windsor), MSc (Windsor); Professor Emeritus (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor Emeritus (Medical Genetics)

Binding, P.A.; BA (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), PhD (Cambridge); Professor Emeritus of Math & Stats (Mathematics & Statistics)

Birdwell, J.A.; BSc (ENMU), MA (ENMU), PhD (UofC); Senior Counsellor Emeritus (Student and Enrolment Services)

Birtwistle, G.M.; BSc (Sheffield), PhD (Sheffield); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Bishnoi, P.R.; PEng, BEng (Bombay), MSc(Eng) (Bombay), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Black, A.J.; PhD (Birmingham), BA (Hons) (UofA), MA (UofA); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Black, D.B.; EdD (UW), BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Teacher Education & Supervision (Faculty of Education)

Blackman, W.J.; MA, PhD, BA (BSU); Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Blais, J.A.R.; PEng, MA (U of T), PhD (UNB), BSc (UdeM); Professor Emeritus, Geomatics Engineering (Geomatics Engineering)

Bland, B.H.; PhD (UWO), BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC); Professor Emeritus (Psychology)

Bland, C.J.; PhD (UofLondon), RCSA (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Boberg, A.L.A.; BA (StMaryMich), MA (UD), PhD (UMICH); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Bond, R.B.; BA (McMaster), MA (McMaster), Unknown (RCCO), Unknown (RCMTO), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Boorman, P.M.; BSc(Hons) (UON), PhD (UON); Prof Emeritus of Chemistry (Chemistry)

Bos, L.P.; BSc (U of T), MSc (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus of Math & Stats (Mathematics & Statistics)

Boyd, N.D.; BSc (Leeds), MSc (Leeds), PhD (UWO); Associate Professor Emeritus, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)

Bradley, J.; PhD, BSc(Hons) (Queen's); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Bramwell, R.D.; Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Bratton, R.D.; BSc (GeorgeWill), MSc (UC), PhD (UI); Professor Emeritus, Physical Education (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Braun, C.; PhD (UM), BA (UofM), BEd (UofM), MEd (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Brebner, A.; BSc (Reading); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Brebner, M.A.; FIMA, BSc(Hons) (Reading), MSc (Reading); Associate Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Bresky, D.; LLD (Charles), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Breugelmans, R.; BA (UGent), MA (UGent), PhD (UGent); Professor Emeritus, German (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Brinkerhoff, M.B.; BA (BYU), MA (BYU), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Brown, A.M.; LRSM, EdD (FSU), BMus (UdeM); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Brown, M.C.; MA (Cornell), PhD (Cornell), BA (Hons) (Dalhousie), MA (Queen's); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Brown, R.I.; BSc (UofLondon), BSc(Spec) (UofLondon), Diploma (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Bruton, L.T.; PEng (APEGA), MEng (Carleton), PhD (UNCL), BSc(Hons) (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Bryan, L.E.; FRCPC, MD (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Microbiology & Infectious Disease (Microbio Immu & Infect Disease)

Buckmaster, H.A.; PEng, MA (UBC), PhD (UBC), BSc(Hons) (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Buehning, W.P.; DMA (UO), MMus (UO), BMus (Williamete); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Burgess, K.R.; Diploma (DCA), Cert (RolleCol); Professor Emeritus, Dance (Dance)

Buss, H.M.; Cert (U of T), BA (UofM), MA (UofM), PhD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Cahoon, A.R.; BA (BYU), MSc (BYU), PhD (SU); Professor Emeritus, Organizational Behaviour in Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Cairns, K.V.; BEd (UofA), MEd (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Eduation (Faculty of Education)

Calkin, J.D.; BSc(Nur) (U of T), MSc (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Cammaert, L.P.; MA (UO), PhD (UO), BA (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Campbell, F.A.; FRSC, PhD (Princeton), MA (Queen's), BSc (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Campbell, G.W.; DU (Montpelier), BA (Hons) (UofA), MA (UofA); Professor Emeritus, French, Italian & Spanish (French Italian & Spanish)

Carnie, R.H.; MA (StAndrew's), MA (Hons) (StAndrew's), PhD (StAndrew's); Professor Emeritus of English (English)

Carswell, R.J.B.; BA (UBC), EdD (UF), MAT (UF); Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Cavey, M.J.; BA (UVA), MSc (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences (Biological Sciences)

Chadbourne, R.M.; BA (Brown), MA (Yale), PhD (Yale); Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Challice, C.E.; Professor Emeritus, Physics (Physics & Astronomy)

Challis, E.B.; CCFP, LMCC, MD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Family Medicine (Family Medicine)

Chan, W.C.; PEng, BSc (NTU), PhD (UBC), MSc (UNB); Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Chapman, R.S.; BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Chatterjee, R.; FIP, BSc (Calcutta), MSc (Calcutta), PhD (Calcutta); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Chellas, B.F.; BA (FSU), PhD (Stanford); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Chivers, T.; FCIC, FRSC, BSc (Durham), DSc (Durham), PhD (Durham); Prof Emeritus of Chemistry (Chemistry)

Choksy, L.D.; BS (JHU), MScM (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Chorny, M.; BEd (UofA), EdD (UofA), MEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Church, R.B.; PhD, BSc (UofA), MSc (UofA), Diploma (Uppsala); Professor Emeritus, Medical Biochemistry (Biochem & Molecular Biology)

Clark, T.A.; BSc(Hons) (Leeds), PhD (Leeds); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Clark, W.B.; BA (MTA), BDiv (Pine Hill), MSc (SU), PhD (SU); Associate Professor Emeritus of Education (Faculty of Education)

Cochrane, W.A.; FACP, FRCPC, MD (U of T), LLD (Hons) (UofC); President Emeritus (President's Office)

Cogger, L.L.; BA (UofS), MA (UofS), PhD (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Cole, J.H.; BSc(Hons) (Bristol), PhD (McGill), MSc (Sheffield); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Cole, R.F.; BA (SGWU), MEd (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Cole, W.K.; EdD (Columbia), MA (Columbia), BA (UW); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Colijn, A.W.; BSc (UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (Waterloo); Prof Emeritus Computer Science (Computer Science)

Conklin, R.C.; BA (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Connellan, P.G.; MSc (UO), BEd (UofA), BPE (UofA); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Physical Education (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Consul, P.C.; BSc (Agra), MSc (Agra), PhD (Agra); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Cook, E.D.; BA (ChungAng), MA (ChungAng), MA (UH), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Linguistics (Linguistics)

Cook, F.A.; PhD (Cornell), BSc (UW), MSc (UW); Professor Emeritus of Geoscience (Department of Geoscience)

Cooper, R.M.; PhD (McGill), BA (UofM), MA (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Costello, C.G.; MSc (Durham), PhD (UofLondon), BA (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Coulson, M.R.C.; BA (Hons) (Durham), MA (KU), PhD (KU); Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Cramer, E.C.; PhD (BU), MM (Yale), BM (Yankton); Professor Emeritus, Musicology (Music)

Creasey, J.M.; CMA; Controller Emeritus, (Finance)

Cromwell, L.D.; BSc (KSC), MA (UNCO), PhD (UO); Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Cropp, M.J.; BA (Oxford), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Greek & Roman Studies (Greek & Roman Studies)

Crozier, S.D.R.; CPSYCHOL, BEd (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Senior Counsellor Emeritus (Student and Enrolment Services)

Curry, B.; FCAP, FRCPC, MRCPATH, MBChB (Glasgow); Prof Emeritus - Clinical Neuro (Clinical Neurosciences), Professor Emeritus, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)

Curry, C.L.; BSc (PITT), MSc (PSU), PhD (PSU); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Botany (Biological Sciences)

Dahlie, H.; BA (UBC), BEd (UBC), MA (UBC), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Dais, E.E.; JD (Harvard), BA (UC); Professor Emeritus, Law (Faculty of Law)

David, N.C.; FRAI, BA (Cambridge), AM (Harvard), PhD (Harvard); Professor Emeritus, Archaeology (Archaeology)

Davies, R.W.; BSc (Wales), BSc(Hons) (Wales), DSc (Wales), Diploma (Wales), PhD (Wales); Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences (Biological Sciences)

Davies, W.K.D.; BSc(Hons) (Wales), PhD (Wales); Professor Emeritus of Geography (Geography)

Davis, A.; MA (U of T), BA (Hons) (Ubishop), PhD (York); Curator Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Davis, R.C.; BA (Indiana), MA (UNB), PhD (UNB); Professor Emeritus of English (English)

Day, R.L.; PEng, BASc(Hons) (U of T), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

De Guzman, V.P.; BSc(Eng) (NTC), MA (UC), PhD (UH); Associate Professor Emeritus, Linguistics (Linguistics)

De Leeuw, G.J.A.; PhD (Texas), BA (UofA), BEd (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Teacher Preperation (Faculty of Education)

De Paiva, H.A.R.; PEng, MSc (UI), PhD (UI), BSc(Eng) (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Detomasi, D.D.; BSEE (Utah), PhD (Utah); Professor Emeritus, Economics & Planning (Environmental Design)

Dewar, R.E.; BA (MTA), PhD (McMaster), MA (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Dickerson, M.O.; BA (UNC), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Dickin, J.P.; PhD (UofA), BA (UofC), LLB (UofC), MA (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Communication and Culture (Faculty of Arts)

Dickson, A.D.; MA (Cambridge), MBBChBAO (QUnBelf), MD (QUnBelf); Professor Emeritus, Anatomy (Cell Biology & Anatomy)

Diemert, H.M.; BA (CSB), DEd (PSU), MA (UM); Professor Emeritus, Art Education (Art)

Dilger, W.H.; PEng, DEng Sc (Stuttgart), Diploma (Stuttgart); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Di Santo, J.E.; BSPEd (BHS), MSc (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Associate Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Dixon, E.A.; MRIC, PhD (UVIC), BSc (UofLondon); Associate Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Dixon, G.H.; FRS, FRSC, BA (Hons) (Cambridge), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Medical Biochemistry (Biochem & Molecular Biology)

Dobbie, B.J.; MSc (CU), BN (McGill), PhD (UII); Associate Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Dodd, E.M.; BA (Durham), Diploma (Durham), MA (OSU); Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Doige, A.G.; PhD (Purdue), BEng (UofS), MSc (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Donaldson, E.L.; MA (SFU), PhD (U of T), BA (UBC), Diploma (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Doolittle, J.D.; MA (Indiana), BS (Ithaca); Professor Emeritus, Drama (Drama)

Doolittle, Q.D.; MM (Indiana), BS (Ithaca), DMA (U of R); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Dugan, J.S.; BA (Lehigh), MA (Lehigh), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus of Drama (Drama)

Duncan, I.W.; PEng, BSc (UofA); Director Emeritus, Campus Development (Facilities Management)

Dunn, B.E.; BSc (NWU), MSc (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Edgington, E.S.; BSc (KSU), MSc (KSU), PhD (MSU); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Edwards, M.V.; LTCL (TCM), MME (UM), BEd (UofL); Professor Emeritus of Music (Music)

Elder, P.S.; BA (Hons) (Queen's), LLB (UBC), LLM (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Planning (Environmental Design)

Elford, R.W.; CCFP, FRCPC (RCPSC), MD (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Family Medicine (Family Medicine)

Emes, C.G.; MA (UO), PhD (UO), BPE (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Enns, E.G.; BSc (UBC), PhD (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Entwisle, M.; Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry (Psychiatry)

Evans, S.J.; BSc(Nur) (UWO), MSN (UWO), PhD (UWO), RN (Wellesley); Associate Professor Emeritus of Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Evetts-Secker, J.; BA (Hons) (UofLondon), MPhil (UofLondon); Associate Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Fathi, A.; BA (AUB), LLB (Teheran), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Fauvel, O.R.; Emeritus Mech & Manuf Eng (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Fisher, A.W.F.; BSc(Hons) (VUM), MB BS (VUM), MD (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Anatomy (Cell Biology & Anatomy)

Fisher, L.A.; PhD (UC), BEd (UofA), BSc (UofA), MEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Medicial Education (Faculty of Medicine)

Fitzgerald, A.A.; FRCPC, BSc(Hons) (UofA), MD (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Fleising, U.; BSc (McGill), PhD (RU); Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Fogarasi, M.; BSc (UofA); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Ford, G.T.; ABIM, FACCP, FACP, FRCPC, LMCC, MD (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Foreman, C.L.; BM (Indiana), DipArt (U of T), MMus (U of T); Professor Emeritus of Music (Music)

Fothergill-Payne, P.A.; Diploma (Cambridge), BA (Hons) (Oxford), MA (Oxford); Associate Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Fouts, G.T.; BA (Indiana), MA (Iowa), PhD (Iowa); Prof Emeritus of Psychology (Psychology)

Franken, R.E.; PhD (CMC), BA (Hope); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Freiberg, S.K.; BA (UW-Mlwke), MA (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Associate Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Fremont, D.J.; MSc (UofA), BA (UofS); Sr Instructor Emeritus Comp Sc (Computer Science)

Fritz, J.O.; EdD (Indiana), MSc (Indiana), MA (UM), BComm(Hon) (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Frost, B.P.; FBPsS, MA (Tasmania), BA (Hons) (USYD), PhD (UofLondon), Post Gradu (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Educational Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Gaines, B.R.; CEng, FBSC, BA (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), PhD (Cambridge); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Gandhi, R.S.; BA (MSUBaroda), MA (MSUBaroda), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Gaucher, G.M.; PhD (UPenn), BSc(Hons) (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry (Biological Sciences)

Geist, V.; BSc (UBC), PhD (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Getz, D.P.; PhD, MA (Carleton), BES (Waterloo); Professor Emeritus of Tourism (Haskayne School of Business)

Ghali, A.; PEng, BSc (Cairo), Grad Dip (Cairo), MSc (Cairo), PhD (Leeds); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Ghent, E.D.; PhD (UC), BSc (Yale); Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Gibb, A.A.; EdD (Stanford), MSc (Stanford), MA (U of T), BEd (UofA), BSc(Hons) (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Gibbins, R.; MA (Stanford), PhD (Stanford), BA (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Gibson, D.; BA (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Gilby, W.R.; BA (Hons) (UBC), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, German (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Gill, B.; PhD (AixMarseil), BA (Hons) (UofLondon), MA (UofM); Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Gillmor, R.D.; MArch (MIT), BArch (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Architecture (Environmental Design)

Giovinetto, M.B.; MSc (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Glockner, P.G.; MSc (MIT), BEng(Hons) (McGill), PhD (UMICH); Professor Emeritus, Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Goddard, J.T.; Cert (Cambridge), PhD (UofA), BEd (UofS), MEd (UofS); Prof Emeritus of Education (Faculty of Education)

Goldenberg, S.; MA (NWU), PhD (NWU), BA (Hons) (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Gonzalez, A.; BA (Clark), MA (NWU), PhD (Texas); Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Goodman, H.J.A.; MEd (Harvard), BA (Hons) (UBC), MA (UBC), EdD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Gordon, C.J.; PhD (UM), BA (UofA), BEd (UofA), Diploma (UofC), MEd (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Management (Faculty of Education)

Gordon, T.M.; PEng, MSc (Princeton), PhD (Princeton), BASc (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Goren, H.J.; PhD (SUNY), BSc (U of T); Professor Emeritus (Biochem & Molecular Biology)

Goresky, G.V.; FRCPC, BSc (McGill), MD/ChM (McGill); Professor Emeritus, Anaesthesia (Anaesthesia)

Gougeon, T.D.; BSc (NDU Nelson), MEd (UVIC), PhD (WASU); Associate Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Graham, J.B.; MBA (UWO), PhD (UWO), BSc (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Grant, N.K.; PhD, BSc(Nur) (UWO); Associate Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Grassick, G.P.; BA (UofC), MSW (UofC); Counsellor Emeritus, (Student and Enrolment Services)

Greaves, A.A.; BA (UON), PhD (UON); Associate Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Greig, G.M.; MA (Hons), BA (Hons) (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Gretener, P.E.F.; MSc (SIT), PhD (SIT); Professor Emeritus, Geology & Geophysics (Department of Geoscience)

Gu, P.; PEng (APEGA), PhD (McMaster), BEng (Tianjin), MEng (Tianjin); Professor Emeritus of Mech & Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Guenter, C.A.; FRCPC, BS MD (UofM), MD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Guy, R.K.; Diploma (Birmingham), BSc (Cambridge), MSc (Cambridge), LLB (Hons) (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Hall, J.S.; DipArt (ACAD), DipFA (ACAD); Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Hall, R.A.; BEd (UofA), Diploma (UofC), MEd (UofC); Counsellor Emeritus, (Student and Enrolment Services)

Hall, R.L.; PhD (McMaster), BSc(Hons) (UNE), MSc (UNE); Associate Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Hallworth, H.J.; FBPsS, PhD (Birmingham), AKC (UofLondon), BA (Hons) (UofLondon), Diploma (UofLondon), MA (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Computer Applications & Educational Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Hamill, L.; BSc (SU), MSc (SU), PhD (UW); Associate Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Hamilton, A.B.; MSc (UofA), BSc (UofM), EdD (WVU); Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Hammond, L.M.; BSc(Nur) (UofS), MEd (UofS); Associate Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Handy, L.C.; BSc (ISU), MSc (ISU), PhD (UO); Sr Counsellor Emeritus (Student and Enrolment Services)

Hannah, R.S.; BSc (UofM), MSc (UofM), PhD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Anatomy (Cell Biology & Anatomy)

Harasymiw, B.; BA (Queen's), PhD (U of T), MA (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Harms, A.; PhD (CU), BA (UofS), BA (Hons) (UofS); Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Harper, N.L.; EdD (ASU), BMus (BYU), MA (BYU); Associate Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Harris, S.A.; BSc(Hons) (QMUL), MSc (QMUL), DSc (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Harrison, A.W.; BSc(Hons) (Bristol), BEd (UofC), MSc (UofS), PhD (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Harrison, D.B.; BEd (UofA), BSc (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Hartland-Rowe, R.C.B.; BSc (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Zoology (Biological Sciences)

Hartman, F.T.; CEng, PEng (APEGA), BSc (BrightonPo), MSc (LboroughU), PhD (LboroughU); Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Haslett, J.W.; PEng (APEGA), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC), BEng (UofS); Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Hatt, D.G.; BA (UC), MA (UC), PhD (UC); Associate Professor Emeritus of Anthropology (Anthropology)

Hauck, R.P.; BA (NUI), BComm (NUI), PhD (UO), Diploma (UofC), MEd (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Hawes, M.R.; Diploma (LboroughU), BSc (UO), MSc (UO), PhD (UO); Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Hebert, Y.M.; PhD (UBC), BA (Utah), MA (Utah); Prof Emeritus Languag&Diversity (Faculty of Education)

Heidemann, R.A.; PEng, BSc (WUStL), DSc (WUStL); Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Heintz, J.W.; PhD (Duke), BA (SLU); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Hemmings, M.; BA (Concordia), MLS (McGill), LLB (UofC), MA (UofC); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Herbert, M.D.; MSW (McGill), BSW (UofM), BA (UofS); Associate Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Herman, A.; EdD (UM), MA (UM), BEd (UofA), BA (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Educational Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Herrem, P.D.; BA (UM), MA (UM); Senior Instructor Emeritus (Geography)

Herrero, S.M.; BA (UC), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Hertz, T.; MMus (MSM), BMus (TAU), BMusEd (TAU); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Heyman, E.P.; Diploma, MA (Hons); Instructor Emeritus, General Studies (Faculty of Arts)

Hiebert, B.A.; MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA), BEd (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Education (Faculty of Education)

Higgin, J.R.; FACOG, FRCPC, FRCSC, BSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

Hill, D.R.; CEng, PEng, BA (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), MSc (LboroughU); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Hills, L.V.; BSc(Hons) (UBC), MSc (UBC), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Geology & Geophysics (Department of Geoscience)

Hinks, Y.R.; Cert, BLSc (UofA), BA (UofM); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Horna, J.L.; PhD (Bratislava), MA (Charles); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Horvath, J.K.; DIP(MAeqv), Dip(BAeqv); Associate Professor Emeritus of Music (Music)

Howard, G.L.; MEd (Linfield), BA Ed (USD); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Hritzuk, J.; MEd (UBC), PhD (UofA), BA (UofS), BEd (UofS); Associate Professor Emeritus, Teacher Education & Supervision (Faculty of Education)

Huber, R.E.; PhD (UC), BSc (UofA), MSc (UofA); Prof Emeritus of Biological Sc (Biological Sciences)

Huber Dyson, V.; PhD (Zurich); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Hudson, H.C.; BA (UBC), MSW (UM), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Huff, A.P.; RN, BSc(Nur) (UofA); Director Emeritus, Nursing (Student and Enrolment Services)

Hughes, D.N.; PhD (CU), RN (CalGenHosp), BA (UofC), MSc (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Hughes, M.E.; LLM (UMICH), MSW (UMICH), BA (UofS), LLB (UofS); Professor Emeritus of Law (Faculty of Law)

Hung, C.L.; BA (Hons) (HKU), MA (HKU), MSc (UBC), PhD (UBC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Marketing (Haskayne School of Business)

Hunsberger, M.R.; BA (Goshen), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor, Education (Faculty of Education)

Hunter, W.J.; BA (KSU), PhD (KSU); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Hutcheon, I.E.; MSc (Carleton), PhD (Carleton), BSc (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Hutton, S.I.; BA (EWU), MEd (EWU), EdD (WASU); Associate Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Hyne, J.B.; FCIC, BSc (StAndrew's), PhD (StAndrew's); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Inlow, E.B.; PhD (JHU), MA (UC), BA (UW); Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Irwin, J.A.; MFA (Mills), BFA (Tyler); Associate Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Izzo, H.J.; AM (UMICH), BA (UMICH), BSc (UMICH), PhD (UMICH); Professor Emeritus, Linguistics (Linguistics)

Jackson, R.C.; MPE (UBC), PhD (UW-Mlwke), BA (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Jahn, J.; PhD (UW), BEd (UofC), MA (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, German (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Jamieson, W.; PEng, PhD (Birmingham), MSc (HeriotWatt), BA (York), MES (York); Professor Emeritus, Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Jenkins, D.D.; BA (Redlands), BEd (UofA), MEd (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, General Studies (Faculty of Arts)

Jennett, P.A.; MA (MSU), PhD (MSU), BA (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Community Health Sciences (Community Health Sciences)

Jessop, E.L.; PEng, BSc(Hons) (Leicester), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Director Emeritus, Research Services (VP Research)

Jewell, P.M.; MM (U of R), BMus (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Jewell, R.D.; PhD (Brown), BA (ReedColl), MA (UO); Associate Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Johnston, C.D.; BSc(Hons) (QUnBelf), PhD (QUnBelf); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Johnston, E.E.; BA (UC), MA (UC), PhD (UO); Associate Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Johnston, R.H.; Conversion (Conversion), BSc (UofA), Conversion (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Johnstone, D.K.; Professor Emeritus, Drama (Drama)

Joldersma, H.; BA (Hons) (CC), MA (Princeton), PhD (Princeton); Professor Emeritus, Germanic, Slavic & East Asian Studies (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Jones, D.R.W.; BFA (UofC), BSc (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Associate Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Jones, J.P.; BSc (UW), MSc (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Jones, J.W.; BSc(Hons) (Sheffield), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Jorgensen, J.L.; BA (BYU), MBA (Stanford), PhD (UPenn); Professor Emeritus, Insurance & Risk Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Joshi, R.C.; PEng, MSc (ISU), PhD (ISU), MSc (PU), BEng (Rajasthan); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Jullien, G.A.; PEng, PhD (Aston), MSc (Birmingham), BTech (LboroughU); Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Kalbach, M.A.; BA (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (York); Prof Emeritus of Sociology (Sociology)

Kapoor, M.; BSc (Delhi), MSc (Delhi), PhD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Microbiology (Biological Sciences)

Karch, A.J.; BSc (GeorgeWill), MSW (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Karim, G.A.; PEng (APEGA), BSc(Hons) (Durham), Diploma (ICSTM), DSc (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus of Mech and Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Kawamura, Estate of, L.S.; BA, MA (Kyoto), MA (RU), PhD (UofS); Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies (Religious Studies)

Kearns, J.L.; BA (UWO), Diploma (UofC), MEd (UofC); Senior Instructor Emeritus of Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Keith, R.C.; BA (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (UofLondon); Prof Emeritus of Political Sc (Political Science)

Kelley, D.H.; BA (Harvard), PhD (Harvard); Professor Emeritus, Archaeology (Archaeology)

Kelley, J.N.H.; PhD (Harvard), BA (TTU), MA (Texas); Professor Emeritus, Archaeology (Archaeology)

Kendall, E.J.M.; BSc(Hons) (Birmingham), MSc (Birmingham), PhD (Birmingham); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Kentfield, J.A.C.; PEng, BSc (SOTON), DIC (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Kerr, B.A.; BPE (UBC), PhD (UW-Mlwke), MA (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Physical Education (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Kerr, M.G.; BSc(Hons), FACOG, FRCPC, FRSC, MB BS; Professor Emeritus, Medicial Education (Faculty of Medicine)

Kher, I.N.; MA (McMaster), BA (Panjab), MA (Panjab), PhD (UofA), FRSA (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Killian-Dewitt, V.C.; BA (UofA), MA (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

King, M.H.; BLISc (U of T), BA (UVIC); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

King-Shaw, E.M.; MA (Iowa), PhD (Iowa), BEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Curriculum & Instruction (Faculty of Education)

Kirchner, A.K.; Cert (Columbia), BLISc (McGill), MA (TUB); Medical Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Kiyooka, H.M.; MFA (CU), MA (MSU), BEd (UofA), BFA (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Kizlyk Scarpari, O.M.; BA (UofA), BLISc (UofA), MLS (UofA); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Kline, D.W.; MA (USC), PhD (USC), BA (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Psychology (Psychology)

Knafla, L.A.; FELLOW, BA (CMC), MA (UC), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, History (History)

Knoll, P.J.; LLB (Dalhousie); Professor Emeritus of Law (Faculty of Law)

Kobrinsky, V.H.; MA (UBC), PhD (UBC), BA (UofM); Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Koch, E.L.; EdD (Cornell), BSc (SUNY), MEd (UB); Professor Emeritus, Educational Poligy & Administrative Studies (Faculty of Education)

Krakiwsky, E.J.; PEng, BSc (OSU), MSc (OSU), PhD (OSU); Professor Emeritus, Geomatics Engineering (Geomatics Engineering)

Krivy, G.J.; PhD (UA), BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA); Registrar Emeritus (Student and Enrolment Services)

Krouse, H.R.; BSc(Hons) (McMaster), PhD (McMaster); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Krueger, P.J.; FCIC, PhD (Oxford), BSc(Hons) (UofM), MSc (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Kurian, G.; MA (ISS), MSc (ISS), PhD (SUU), BA (UNOM); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Kurtz, S.M.; MA (DU), PhD (DU), BA (Eliztown); Prof Emeritus of Education (Faculty of Education)

Kwok, S.; BSc (McMaster), MSc (UM), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Kydd, R.A.; BSc(Hons) (UBC), PhD (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Labercane, G.D.; BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Lagrange, A.V.; BEd (UofA), Diploma (UofA), PhD (UofA), MEd (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Learning (Faculty of Education)

Lagu, S.G.; MSc (MUN), BSc(Hons) (Poona), MSc (Poona), PhD (UofC); Instructor Emeritus, Engineering (Schulich School of Engineering)

Laidlaw, W.G.; MSc (CalTech), BSc (UWO), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Laishley, E.J.; BSc (McGill), MSc (McGill), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus, Microbiology & Infectious Disease (Biological Sciences)

Lalande, V.M.; BA (Hons) (UofA), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus of Education (Faculty of Education)

Lambert, R.A.; BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Teacher Education & Supervision (Faculty of Education)

Lampkin, H.; FRSS, BSc (UofLondon), Diploma (UofLondon), MSc (UofLondon); Associate Professor Emeritus, Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Lancaster, P.; FRSC, PhD (NUS), BSc (ULiverpool), MSc (ULiverpool); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Lane, G.S.; CMA, MA (UW), PhD (UW), BComm (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Langan, B.W.; BSc (UofA), MSc (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Langdon, J.M.; BSc(Nur) (UBC), MN (UW); Assistant Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Langford, C.H.; BA (Harvard), PhD (NWU); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Lannigan, R.; FRCP, FRCPC, PhD (Birmingham), DSc (Glasgow), MB BS (Glasgow), MD (Glasgow); Professor Emeritus, Pathology (Pathology & Laboratory Med)

Larsen, C.C.; BA (Denison), MA (Indiana), PhD (Indiana); Senior Counsellor Emeritus (Student and Enrolment Services)

Larsen, D.E.; MA (Indiana), BA (UM), PhD (Yale); Professor Emeritus, Community Health Sciences (Community Health Sciences)

Lashuk, M.; MSc (SIU), BPE (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Laue, H.J.; Diploma (Hamburg), MSc (NWU), PhD (Yale); Associate Professor Emeritus, Physics (Physics & Astronomy)

Lawson, R.F.; BA (UMICH), MA (UMICH), PhD (UMICH); Professor Emeritus, Educational Policy & Administrative Studies (Faculty of Education)

Laychuk, J.L.; PhD (Charles), BA (Hons) (UofA), MA (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Russian & Chinese (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Leblanc, F.E.; FACS, MD (Ottawa), FRCPC (RCPSC), BSc (SFX), MSc (UdeM), PhD (UdeM); Professor Emeritus, Clinical Neurosciences (Clinical Neurosciences)

Lee, E.; BA (UI), MA (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, History (History)

Lee, R.G.; FRCPC, MD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Clinical Neurosciences (Clinical Neurosciences)

Leiper, J.M.; MA (Iowa), BPE (UBC), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Physical Education (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Lepper, M.G.S.; BLISc (UBC), BSc (UofLondon); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Levene, C.; MBBChBAO (QUnBelf), MD (QUnBelf); Professor Emeritus, Anatomy (Cell Biology & Anatomy)

Levin, R.; BA (UofM), MSW (UofM); Associate Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Lewis, D.J.; FAPA, BA (McGill), MD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry (Psychiatry)

Lewkonia, R.M.; ABIM, FACP, FRCPC, LMCC, MRCP, RCPL, DCH (ULiverpool), MB BS (ULiverpool); Professor Emeritus Medicine, Paediatrics and Medical Genetics (Department of Medicine)

Li, A.K.F.; Diploma (Birmingham), PhD (HKU), BA (Lakeforest), DHL (Lakeforest), MA (Hons) (USYD); Professor Emeritus, Educational Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Lischeron, J.A.; PhD (Sheffield), BA (Windsor), MA (Windsor); Associate Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Long, W.A.; MBA (DU), BSc (RMC), PhD (Utah); Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Loose, K.D.; PhD (UF), BEd (UofC), MEd (UofC); Assoc Prof Emer,Comp Science (Computer Science)

Loov, R.E.; PhD (Cambridge), MSc (Stanford), BSc (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Lorscheider, F.L.; MSc (MSU), PhD (MSU), BSc (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Physiology & Biophysics (Physiology & Pharmacology)

Loutzenhiser, R.D.; BSc (MSU), MSc (MSU), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus of Physiology & Pharmacology (Physiology & Pharmacology)

Love, E.J.; MD (UWO), PhD (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Community Health Sciences (Community Health Sciences)

Lowry, R.B.B.; DSc, FRCPC, MD (QUnBelf); Professor Emeritus, Medicial Genetics (Medical Genetics)

Lucier, G.E.; BA (Ottawa), MSc (Ottawa), PhD (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Physiology & Biophycis (Physiology & Pharmacology)

Luethy, I.C.E.; MA (UBC), BA (UC), MA (UC), PhD (UW); Associate Professor Emeritus, German (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Lukasiewicz, S.A.; PEng (APEGA), Dr Habil (PW), MSc (PW), PhD (PW); Prof Emeritus Mech & Manuf Eng (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Lumby, C.E.; MA (MSU), PhD (UofA), BEd (UofS); Associate Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Lundquist, E.E.; Director Emeritus, Academic Administration (Finance)

Lupri, E.; BA (McPherson), MA (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Lyons, R.T.; BLISc (UBC), BEd (UofA); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

MacCannell, K.L.; FRCPC, LMCC, BS MD (UofM), MD (UofM), PhD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Medicine and Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Department of Medicine)

MacDonnell, C.R.; MA (NSCAD), BA (Hons) (Queen's), EdD (UBC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Art Education (Art)

MacFadyen, A.J.; BA (McGill), PhD (PSU); Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

MacKie, M.M.; BA (UofA), MA (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

MacKinnon, F.P.T.; LLD (Hons) (Dalhousie), BA (Hons) (McGill), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T), LLD (Hons) (UNB); Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

MacMillan, M.G.M.; PhD (NUI), RN (SMSN), BA (Hons) (UofG), MA (UofG); Associate Professor Emeritus of Political Science (Political Science)

MacRae, S.G.; BA (UBC), BLISc (UBC); Librarian Emeritus, Law (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Magee, W.H.; PhD (U of T), BA (Hons) (UBC), MA (UBC); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Majumdar, S.R.; BA (Hons) (Calcutta), MA (Calcutta), PhD (Jadavpur), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Malik, O.P.; PEng, MEng (Roorkee), Diploma (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Maltby, J.R.; FRCA, FRCPC, MA (Cambridge), MBBChBAO (Cambridge); Professor Emeritus, Anaesthesia (Anaesthesia)

Mamo, P.S.; BA (Hons) (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Mandin, H.; FRCPC, MD (UofA); Professor Emeritus - Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Manley, M.B.; PhD (Princeton), BSc (Utah); Senior Counsellor Emeritus (Student and Enrolment Services)

Marini, A.E.; MA (U of T), PhD (U of T), BEd (UWO), BA (Hons) (Waterloo); Assoc Prof Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Martin, C.B.; BA (BU), PhD (Cambridge); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Martin, J.S.; BA (Hofstra), MA (UGA), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Associate Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Martin, J.S.A.; Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Martin, R.H.; FCCMG, BSc(Hons) (UBC), PhD (UBC); Professor Emeritus of Medical Genetics (Medical Genetics)

Mash, E.J.; BA (CCNY), PhD (FSU), MA (Temple); Professor Emeritus of Psychology (Psychology)

Matheson, A.A.; MLS (UBC), BA (UofA), BLSc (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Libraries & Cultural Resources (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Mathews, T.; BSc (UNOM), MA (UNOM), Diploma (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Physics (Physics & Astronomy)

Mato, D.; PhD (Indiana), BA (WSU), MA (WSU); Professor Emeritus, History (Art)

Maxwell, T.H.; MSc (UO), BEd (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus of Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

McArthur, R.G.; FAAP, FRCPC, MD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Paediatrics (Paediatrics)

McCormack, W.C.; AM (Stanford), BA (Stanford), BA (UC), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

McCoy, P.M.; BA (UA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Drama (Drama)

McCullough, D.T.; BA (Hope), MA (NWU), MFA (NWU); Professor Emeritus of Drama (Drama)

McDonald, J.R.; PhD (Bradford), MSW (Ottawa), BA (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

McDougall, D.; BEd (UofA), MEd (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

McDougall, G.M.; DABPN, FRCPC, MD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry (Psychiatry)

McEwen, A.C.; LLM (UEA), LLB (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Geomatics Engineering (Geomatics Engineering)

McGillis, R.F.; MA (McMaster), PhD (Reading), BA (Hons) (U of T); Professor Emeritus of English (English)

McGinley, C.C.; Diploma (USYD), BPT (UofA); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

McHutchion, M.E.; BSc(Nur) (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

McIntyre, M.P.J.; MSW (UofM), BA (UofS); Associate Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

McKenna, M.C.; BSc (Columbia), MA (Columbia), PhD (Columbia); Professor Emeritus, History (History)

McKeough, A.M.; MEd (Gonzaga), BA (SFX), BEd (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus of Education (Faculty of Education)

McKiel, R.E.; Dip Nurs P (HolyCross), BN (McGill), MEd (UBC), PhD (UofA); Assoc Prof Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

McKinnon, S.G.A.; BA (UofC); Associate Vice-President (Human Resources) Emeritus (Human Resources)

McLachlan, D.L.; BA (Leeds), PhD (Leeds); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

McLay, C.M.; BA (McMaster), MA (U of T), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, English (English)

McMahon, B.R.; PhD (Bristol), BSc (SOTON); Professor Emeritus, Zoology (Biological Sciences)

McMillan, D.D.; FRCPC, LMCC, BSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Paediatrics (Paediatrics)

McMordie, M.J.; PhD, BArch (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

McMullen, A.E.; BSc (UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Mehmet, Y.; BSc (METU), MSc (METU), PhD (UofC); Instructor Emeritus of Chemistry (Chemistry)

Meikle, S.A.; MA (Glasgow), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Mikulcik, E.C.; PhD (Cornell), BSc (UofS), MSc (UofS); Associate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Miller, R.M.; EdD (UC), BA (UofA), MA (UofA), MAT (Yale); Professor Emeritus, Educational Policy & Administrative Studies (Faculty of Education)

Mills, D.L.; AM (Stanford), PhD (Stanford), BA (UI); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Milone, E.F.; BA (Columbia), MSc (Yale), PhD (Yale); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Mitchell, S.H.; BA (UC), MA (UC); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Mitra, P.K.; BA (Hons) (Calcutta), MA (Calcutta), PhD (Fribourg), Diploma (ISLUX); Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Moffat, N.L.; BA (UofA), MLS (UofA); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Mohtadi, F.M.; FCIC, PEng, BSc(Hons) (Birmingham), PhD (Birmingham), BEng (Teheran); Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Mokkelbost, P.B.; Diploma (BI), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus, Finance (Haskayne School of Business)

Monk, D.; BA (Carleton), BA (Hons) (Carleton); Associate Professor Emeritus of Dance (Dance)

Morrall, J.F.; PEng, BEng (Carleton), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Professor Emeritus, Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)

Mosley, J.L.; PhD (UWO), BA (Hons) (Windsor), MA (Windsor); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Mueller, J.H.; BSc (MU), MSc (SLU), PhD (SLU); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Munro, M.C.; MSc (UM), PhD (UM), BComm(Hon) (UofS); Prof Emeritus Mgmt Info System (Haskayne School of Business)

Murch, R.A.; MBA (UofC), BMath(Hon) (Waterloo); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Management Information Systems (Haskayne School of Business)

Mydlarski, D.M.; Cert (Laval), BEd (UofA), MA (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Mydlarski, H.; PhD (CU), BEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Myles, S.T.; FRCPC, Diploma (McGill), MSc (McGill), MD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Clinical Neurosciences (Clinical Neurosciences), Prof Emeritus - Surgery (Surgery)

Nasim, C.; BSc (PU), MA (PU), PhD (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Nechka, A.A.; MLS (UBC), BEd (UofC), Cert (UofC); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Nelson, S.J.; PhD (McGill), BASc (UBC), MASc (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Department of Geoscience)

Neufeldt, A.H.; Diploma (KRU), PhD (UH), BA (Hons) (UofS), MA (UofS); Prof Eme Comm Health Sciences (Faculty of Medicine)

Neufeldt, R.W.; PhD (Iowa), BTh (MBBC), BA (WLU); Professor Emeritus, Religious Studies (Religious Studies)

Newsted, P.R.; BA (Brown), PhD (CMU), MA (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Management Information Systems (Haskayne School of Business)

Newton, D.M.; MSc (BYU), EdD (UNCO), BEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Physical Education (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Nicholls, J.W.; BSc (TCU), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Nichols, S.T.; PhD (Carleton), BSc (UofA), MSc (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Electrical Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Nielsen, K.E.; PhD (Duke), BA (Hons) (UNC); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Nielsen, K.L.; BMus (UMICH), MMus (UMICH); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Nishimura, A.H.; Diploma (NAIT), BEd (UofL); Associate Professor Emeritus of Art (Art)

Nkemdirim, L.C.; BSc (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus of Geography (Geography)

Norrie, D.H.; PhD (Adelaide), BEng(Hons) (Canterbury), BSc (Otago); Professor Emeritus, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Norton, P.G.; CCFP, FRCPC, MD (U of T), BSc(Hons) (UBC), MA (UBC); Prof Emeritus Family Medicine (Family Medicine)

Nutter, R.W.; BSc (MSC), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Oberle, K.M.; BSc(Nur) (UofA), MN (UofA), PhD (UofA), Reg. Nurse (UofA); Professor Emeritus of Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Ogawa, J.; BSc (Tokyo), DSc (Tokyo); Professor Emeritus, Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Ogden, D.C.; Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

O'Grady, J.K.; AA (OCAD), MBA (OSU), MA (RCA), PhD (UofC), BA (UofG); Associate Professor Emeritus of Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Oliva, F.D.; EdD (UO), BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Educational Policy & Administrative Studies (Faculty of Education)

O'Reilly, R.R.; BA (LoyolaColl), MEd (SMCVT), BEd (UdeM), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Orteza Y Miranda, E.; MA (CWRV), EdD (UC), BSc(Eng) (UP); Professor Emeritus, Educational Policy & Administrative Studies (Faculty of Education)

Oyler, J.E.; PhD (NWU), BA (Hons) (UofA), MA (UofA); Professor Emeritus, German (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Parboosingh, I.J.T.; BSc(Hons), MB BS; Professor Emeritus, Medical Education and Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

Parel, A.J.; PhD (Harvard); Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Parsons, H.G.; MSc (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Paediatrics (Paediatrics)

Pask, E.D.; LLM (UC), BSc (UofS), LLB (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Law (Faculty of Law)

Paterson, J.D.; BA (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Paul, R.; PhD (Durham), BSc(Hons) (Lucknow), MSc (Lucknow), MSc (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Pearce, K.I.; MB BS (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry (Psychiatry)

Peattie, R.W.; BA (MUN), MA (MUN), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Pechiulis, D.D.; MSc (CU), BSc(Nur) (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Penelhum, T.M.; MA, DLitt (LU), BPhil (Oxford), LLB (Hons) (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Religious Studies (Religious Studies)

Perkins, M.L.; BFA (MICA), MA (UNM); Associate Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Perks, W.T.; BEng (McGill), MCD (ULiverpool); Professor Emeritus, Planning (Environmental Design)

Pharis, R.P.; BSc (UW); Professor Emeritus, Botany (Biological Sciences)

Pineo, G.F.; FACP, FRCPC, MD/ChM (Dalhousie); Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Plattor, E.E.; Professor Emeritus, Teacher Education & Supervision (Faculty of Education)

Poewe, K.O.; BA (Hons) (U of T), PhD (UNM); Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Ponak, A.M.; MLIR (MSU), BA (McGill), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Industrial Relations (Haskayne School of Business)

Ponting, J.R.; MA (OSU), PhD (OSU), BA (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Pool, J.A.; MA (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Physical Education (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Prager, C.A.L.; BA (UW), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Associate Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Prentice, C.A.; BComm (UBC), PhD (UC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Accounting (Haskayne School of Business)

Price, G.D.; DMA, MM, BMus (U of T); Professor Emeritus of Music (Music)

Price, P.G.; BSc (McMaster), PhD (UWO); Associate Professor Emeritus, Anatomy (Cell Biology & Anatomy)

Pritchard, G.; PhD (UofA), BSc (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Ecology (Biological Sciences)

Proudfoot, A.J.; EdD (UO), MEd (UO), BEd (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Teacher Education & Supervision (Faculty of Education)

Proudfoot, S.B.; MBA (Columbia), BComm (Queen's), PhD (UMICH); Instructor Emeritus, Strategy & Global Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Pruden, B.B.; PhD (McGill), MASc (UBC), BEng (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Pyrch, T.; EdD (UBC), BA (UofA), MA (UofA); Professor Emeritus of Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Ramraj, R.S.; MA (UNB), BA (Hons) (UofLondon); Instructor Emeritus of English (English)

Ramsay, R.F.; MSW (McGill), BA (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Rao, N.D.; PEng, BEng (Andhra), MEng (IISC), PhD (IISC); Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Rasporich, A.W.; BA (Hons) (Queen's), MA (Queen's), PhD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, History (History)

Rasporich, B.J.; BA (Queen's), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor Emeritus, History (Faculty of Arts)

Rauk, A.; BSc(Hons) (Queen's), PhD (Queen's); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Ray, D.E.; PhD (Rice), BA (TCU); Associate Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Reddick, B.G.; LTCL, MA (Leeds), BEd (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, Drama (Drama)

Reeves, B.O.K.; BA (UofA), BSc (UofA), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Archaeology (Archaeology)

Reid, D.M.; BSc (QUnBelf), PhD (QUnBelf); Professor Emeritus, Biological Science (Biological Sciences)

Remmers, J.E.; BA (Dartmouth), BMSc (Dartmouth), MD (Harvard); Prof Emer Med, Phys&Biophysics (Department of Medicine)

Revel, R.D.; BSc (NDU Nelson), PhD (UBC); Professor Emeritus of Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Rewcastle, N.B.; FRCPC, LMCC, Cert (RCPSC), MB BS (StAndrew's), MA (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences (Pathology & Laboratory Med)

Rich, H.; BA (McGill), MA (U of T), PhD (UC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Richards, L.; MSW (McGill), BA (SGWU), MA (U of T), MPhil (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Social Welfare (Faculty of Social Work)

Roberts, D.A.; BA (Delaware), EdD (Harvard), MEd (Harvard); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Roberts, W.G.; BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Educational Policy & Administrative Studies (Faculty of Education)

Robertson, E.B.; BSc(Hons) (UofA), PhD (UofA); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Robertson, R.E.; FRSC, BSc(Hons) (MTA), MSc (MTA), PhD (McGill); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Robinson, I.M.; Professor Emeritus, Urban Planning (Environmental Design)

Robinson, J.M.A.; PhD (OSU), BSc (UW), MBA (UW); Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Roche, R.S.; FCIC, FRSC, BSc (Glasgow), PhD (Glasgow); Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry & Chemistry (Biological Sciences)

Rod, D.L.; BSc (MIT), MSc (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Rodway, M.R.; MEd (UofC), PhD (UofC), BA (UofM), Diploma (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Rogers, C.A.; BSc(Nur) (McMaster), MHSc (McMaster); Associate Professor Emeritus of Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Rogers, T.B.H.; Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Roman, Z.; MA (U of T), PhD (U of T), BMus (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Romney, D.M.; BSc(Spec) (Bristol), PhD (UNCL), Diploma (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Romney, J.C.E.; PhD (Paris); Professor Emeritus, French (French Italian & Spanish)

Rorstad, O.P.; FRCPC, LMCC, PhD (McGill), BSc (UBC), MD (UBC); Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Rosenal, T.W.; FRCPC, BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Critical Care Medicine (Critical Care Medicine)

Rosenberg, H.I.; BSc (CCNY), PhD (UB); Associate Professor Emeritus, Biological Sciences (Biological Sciences)

Roseneder, J.M.; Cert, BA (UofA), BLSc (UofA); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Rosenvall, L.A.; PhD (UC), BSc (Utah), MSc (Utah); Associate Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Ross, H.B.; BSc (UofC); Instructor Emeritus, Microbiology (Biological Sciences)

Ross, W.A.; PhD (Stanford), BSc(Hons) (UofM); Professor Emeritus of Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Rothery, M.A.; PhD (U of T), MSW (UBC), BA (UofS); Professor Emeritus of Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Roukes, N.M.; BA (Fresno), MA (Stanford); Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Rounthwaite, H.I.; BA (U of T), LLM (UMICH), LLB (Windsor); Professor Emeritus of Law (Faculty of Law)

Rowe, R.D.; PEng, BA (Oxford), MA (Oxford), PhD (Oxford), MSc (UC); Professor Emeritus, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Rowland, G.L.; BSc (BYU), MA (Hollins), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Associate Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Rowlands, S.; BSc(Hons) (ULiverpool), PhD (ULiverpool); Professor Emeritus, Medical Biophysics (Faculty of Medicine)

Rowse, J.G.; PhD (UM), BA (Hons) (UofM); Professor Emeritus of Economics (Economics)

Ruether, B.A.; FRCPC, MD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Ryan, J.; BA (Carleton), MEd (UA), PhD (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Sainsbury, R.S.; MA (Dalhousie), BA (MTA), PhD (McMaster); Professor Emeritus Psychology (Psychology)

Salkauskas, K.; BASc (U of T), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Samuels, M.T.; PhD (Cornell), BA (McGill); Professor Emeritus, Education (Student and Enrolment Services)

Sandals, L.H.; BA (Parsons), PhD (UofC), MA (Xavier); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Sanders, D.R.; MLS (U of T), BA (UW-Madison); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Sanderson, K.E.; PhD (Cornell), BSc(Agri) (UofM), MSc (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Microbiology (Biological Sciences)

Sawai, N.; BA, MFA (UM); Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Schloder, M.E.; MSc (ASU), PhD (ASU), BA Ed (UA); Senior Instructor Emeritus of Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Schmiel, R.C.; BA (NWC), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Classics (Greek & Roman Studies)

Schultz, G.A.; BSc, MSc, PhD; Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (Biochem & Molecular Biology)

Schultz, W.R.; BM (CosmoMusic), MM (U of R); Associate Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Schulze, A.H.; PhD (UBC), BA (UofA), MA (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, German (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Schumacher, M.E.; MEd (Columbia), MSc (Columbia), BSc(Nur) (WestResrv); Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Schurch, F.S.; MSc (SIT), PhD (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Physiology & Biophysics (Physiology & Pharmacology)

Schurch-Halas, R.M.; BA (Hons) (UWO), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Instructor Emeritus, French, Italian & Spanish (French Italian & Spanish)

Schwartz, A.M.; BA (Hons) (McGill), PhD (U of T), MEd (UofC), Cert (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Schwarz, K.P.; PEng, Dipl, ING (RFWU), DEng Sc (TUB), MSc (UNB); Professor Emeritus, Geomatics Engineering (Geomatics Engineering)

Scott Wright, M.; MA, PhD; Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Searchfield, J.W.; BA (Oxford), MA (Oxford); Professor Emeritus, Music (Music)

Seastone, D.A.; BA (DU), MA (DU), PhD (UO); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Seiler, R.M.; PhD (ULiverpool), BA (UofC), MA (UofC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Communication & Culture (Faculty of Arts)<)

Seiler, T.P.; BA (BYU), AA (Cottey), PhD (UofA), MA (York); Professor Emeritus of Canadian Studies (Faculty of Arts)

Serl, V.C.; BA (UBC), PhD (UO); Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Sethi, S.K.; PhD (CU), BScN(Hons) (Delhi), MA (NYU), MA (Panjab); Assoc Prof Emeritus Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Severson, D.L.; PhD (UBC), BSc(Hons) (UofA); Professor Emeritus of Physiology and Pharmacology (Physiology & Pharmacology)

Shaw, M.L.G.; PEng, PhD (Brunel), BSc (UofLondon), MSc (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Shaw, W.J.D.; PEng (APEGA), BSc (UofS), MSc (UofS), PhD (UofS), Post Gradu (UofS); Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Sheehan, B.S.; PEng, MSc (MIT), BEng (TUNS), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Silver, E.A.; DSc (MIT), BEng (McGill); Professor Emeritus, Operations Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Silverman, E.L.; BA (UC), PhD (UCLA); Professor Emeritus, Women's Studies (Faculty of Arts)

Simony, P.S.; BSc (McMaster), MSc (McMaster), DIC (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Geology (Department of Geoscience)

Singh, M.C.; BSc (PU), MSc (UM), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Sinkey, L.O.; MSc (PSU), BArchEng (WASU); Director Emeritus, University Computing Services (Finance)

Sinkey, M.S.; BA (Aurora), MLS (UI); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Sivertsen, R.H.; PEng, BSc (UofA); Director Emeritus, Communications Media (Teaching & Learning Centre)

Skau, K.G.; PhD (Texas), BEd (UofC), MEd (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Teacher Education & Supervision (Faculty of Education)

Slawinski, E.B.; PhD (MAW), MSc (Warsaw); Associate Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Smith, D.D.B.; MA (Laval), BA (Hons) (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus of History (History)

Smith, D.G.; PhD (JHU), BA (UM), MA (UM); Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Smith, D.J.; Diploma (Exeter), BPE (UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus of Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Smith, E.R.; FRCPC, MD (Dalhousie); Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Smith, W.A.S.; BA (Redlands), MA (UPenn), PhD (UPenn); Professor Emeritus, Psychology (Psychology)

Smits, H.; BA (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus Education (Faculty of Education)

Snyder, F.F.; FCCMG (CCMG), MSc (McMaster), BSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus of Med Genetics&Biochem&Molclr Bio (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor Emeritus of Med Genetics&Biochem&Molclr Bio (Medical Genetics)

Sorensen, T.S.; PhD (UW-Madison), BSc(Hons) (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Sparks, F.L.; DNEd (CalGenHosp), BSc (UC), MSc (UC); Associate Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Spencer, R.J.; BA (CU), PhD (JHU), MSc (UNLV); Professor Emeritus Geoscience (Department of Geoscience)

Spier, S.; BSc(Hons) (McGill), MD (McGill), MS (McGill), FRCPC (RCPSC); Associate Professor Emeritus of Paediatrics (Paediatrics)

Spira, A.W.; BSc (CCNY), MSc (UMICH), PhD (UMICH); Professor Emeritus, Anatomy (Cell Biology & Anatomy)

Spratt, D.A.; FGAC, PG (APEGA), MA (JHU), PhD (JHU), BSc (U of R); Professor Emeritus of Geoscience (Department of Geoscience)

Srebrnik, P.T.; MA (UMICH), PhD (UMICH), BA (UW); Assoc Prof Emeritus of English (English)

Sreenivasan, S.R.; PhD (Gujarat), BSc (Mysore), BSc(Hons) (Mysore); Professor Emeritus, Physics & Astronomy (Physics & Astronomy)

Srivastava, R.P.; BA (Lucknow), MA (Lucknow), PhD (Sauger); Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Stamp, R.M.; MA (U of T), BA (UWO), PhD (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Education (Faculty of Education)

Standera, O.L.; DEng Sc (CTU); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Stanislav, J.F.; MSc (CTU), PhD (CTU); Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Staum, M.S.; PhD (Cornell), BA (Hons) (Princeton); Professor Emeritus of History (History)

Stebbins, R.A.; BA (MacAlester), MA (UM), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus, Sociology (Sociology)

Steele, A.L.; BLISc (U of T), BA (Hons) (Windsor); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Stein, R.A.; PhD (UBC), MSc (UI), BSc (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Stein, S.M.; BA (BC), PhD (UofC); Senior Instructor Emeritus of Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Stevenson, K.J.; BSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry (Biological Sciences)

Stewart, D.H.; BA (UC), MA (UC); Senior Demonstrator Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Stone, M.G.; PhD (CU), MSc (LSU), BA (Wesleyan); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Stratton, S.B.C.; MA (CU), PhD (CU), BA (Lawrence); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Struc, R.S.; BA (Innsbruck), MA (UW), PhD (UW); Professor Emeritus, Germanic, Slavic & Comparative Literatures (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Sugars, E.G.K.; PhD (PSU), BComm (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Sullivan, E.J.; MA (St.Michael), STB (St.Michael), BA (U of T); Assistant to VP (Research) Emeritus (VP Research)

Sutherland, C.T.; MA (McGill), BA (Oxford), Diploma (Oxford), MA (Oxford); Professor Emeritus of Communications (Faculty of Arts)

Svilpis, J.E.; MA (U of T), PhD (U of T), BA (UofG); Associate Professor Emeritus of English (English)

Svrcek, W.Y.; PEng (APEGA), BSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Prof Emer Chem&Pet Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Swaddle, T.W.; FCIC, FRSC, PhD (Leicester), BSc(Hons) (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Tamaoki, T.; MSc (Purdue), BSc (Tokyo), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Oncology (Biochem & Molecular Biology)

Tamlyn, D.L.; PhD (Dalhousie), BA (McGill), MEd (Ottawa), DNEd (VicHospNur); Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Taras, D.; BA (SGWU), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor Emeritus of Communication and Culture (Faculty of Arts)

Taub, K.J.; ABIM, BSc (McGill), MD (Ottawa), MBA (UWO); Associate Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Taylor, D.M.; MRAIC, BArch (Texas), MArch (UPenn); Professor Emeritus, Architecture (Environmental Design)

Taylor, W.H.; PhD (UofA), MEd (UofC), BEd (UofS); Associate Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Tener, J.F.; BA (UofC), MA (UofC); Univeristy Archivist Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Tener, R.H.; BA (UBC), DEd (UBC), MA (UBC), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Terentiuk, F.; MA (UBC), PhD (UBC), BSc(Hons) (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Thompson Isherwood, R.A.; BN (McGill), RN (NSN), MEd (UBC); Associate Professor Emeritus of Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Thorpe, T.A.; BSc(Agr) (ALLDUNIV), MSc (UC), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Botany (Biological Sciences)

Toews, J.A.; FRCPC, LMCC, MD (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry (Psychiatry)

Toews, J.B.; MA (CU), PhD (CU), BA (Tabor); Professor Emeritus, History (History)

Tollefson, E.L.; PhD (U of T), BA (UofS), MA (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)

Travers, T.H.E.; BA (McGill), MA (McGill), MPhil (Yale), PhD (Yale); Professor Emeritus, History (History)

Trofimenkoff, F.N.; PEng, DIC (UofLondon), PhD (UofLondon), BEng (UofS), MSc (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Truax, D.R.; BSc (UWO), PhD (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Trute, B.; MSW (McGill), PhD (UC), BA (UofS); Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Tschuikow-Roux, E.; BSc (UC), PhD (UC), MSc (UW); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Tu, P.N.V.; PhD (ANU), BComm (UNSW), MCom (UNSW); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Tulczyjew, W.M.; MSc (Warsaw), PhD (Warsaw); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Tull, C.E.; MSc (U of T), BA (Hons) (UWO), MLIS (UWO), PhD (York); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Turner, J.; Registrar Emeritus (Student and Enrolment Services)

Turner, L.E.; PEng (APEGA), BSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Electrical & Computer Engineering (Electrical & Computer Eng)

Tyberg, J.V.; FACC, BA (Bethel), MD (UM), PhD (UM); Professor Emeritus of Cardia Science (Cardiac Science)

Unger, B.W.; BSc(Eng) (LMU), PhD (UC), MSEE (USC); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Unruh, W.R.; PhD (Stanford), BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Valentich, M.E.; PhD (DU), BA (Hons) (McMaster), MSW (Ottawa); Professor Emeritus, Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Van De Panne, C.; PhD (Birmingham); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Van De Sande, J.H.; BSc (Leiden), PhD (UofA); Prof Emer Biochem& Mole Bio (Biochem & Molecular Biology)

Van Rosendaal, G.M.A.; FRCPC (U of T), BSc (UWO), MD (UWO), MSc (UWO); Professor Emeritus of Community Health Sciences and Medicine (Community Health Sciences)

Varadarajan, K.; PhD (Columbia), BA (UNOM); Professor Emeritus, Mathematics & Statistics (Mathematics & Statistics)

Veale, W.L.; FRSC, MSc (Purdue), PhD (Purdue), BSc (UofM); Professor Emeritus, Physiology & Biophysics (Physiology & Pharmacology), Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology (Faculty of Kinesiology)

Vermeulen, P.J.; PhD (Rice), BSc (VUM), MSc (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Vinogradov, O.G.; PEng (APEGA), PhD (IRT), MSc (KPI), MSc (RSU); Professor Emeritus of Mech and Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Von Morstein, P.; CAND PHIL (WWU); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Vrba, C.H.; Director Emeritus, Animal Care (VP Research)

Wagner, N.E.; MA (U of T), PhD (U of T), BA (UofS), MDiv (UofS), LLD (Hons) (WLU); President Emeritus (President's Office)

Wah, F.J.; MA (SUNY), BA (UBC); Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Walbank, M.B.; BA (Hons) (Bristol), MA (UBC), PhD (UBC); Professor Emeritus, Green, Latin, & Ancient History (Greek & Roman Studies)

Waldman, E.; BA (GW), MA (GW), PhD (GW); Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Walker, D.C.; Candicacy (UC), MA (UC), PhD (UC), BA (UofA), MA (UofA); Professor Emeritus of French, Italian and Spanish (French Italian & Spanish)

Walker, S.; Diploma (ExeterCol), Diploma (ICSTM), BSc (Leeds), PhD (Leeds), MDES (RCA); Professor Emeritus of Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Wani, J.K.; PhD (McGill), BSc (Poona), BSc(Hons) (Poona), MSc (Poona); Professor Emeritus, Statistics & Actuarial Science (Mathematics & Statistics)

Wanner, R.A.; MSc (UW-Madison), PhD (UW-Madison), BSc (UW-Mlwke); Professor Emeritus of Sociology (Sociology)

Wardell, R.W.; BA (Hons) (Waterloo), MASc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Associate Professor Emeritus of Environmental Design (Environmental Design)

Wardlaw, N.C.; PhD (Glasgow), BSc (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Geology & Geophysics (Department of Geoscience)

Ware, R.X.; BA (Cornell), PhD (Oxford); Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (Philosophy)

Warnica, J.W.; FACC, FACP, FRCPC, MD (UofM); Professor Emeritus of Cardiac Science and Medicine (Cardiac Science)

Warren, C.E.; BEd (UofA), BSc (UofA), MEd (UofC), PhD (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Continuing Education (U of C Continuing Education)

Watanabe, M.; FRCPC, BSc (McGill), MD (McGill), PhD (McGill); Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Waters, N.M.; BA (Hons) (Cambridge), MA (UWO), PhD (UWO); Professor Emeritus, Geography (Geography)

Watson, S.G.S.; PhD (SFU), BA (UCT), BA (Hons) (UCT), BFA (UCT); Professor Emeritus, Anthropology (Anthropology)

Wayman, T.E.; BA (Hons) (UBC), MFA (UC); Associate Professor Emeritus of English (English)

Webber, C.F.; PrATeachCt, MEd (UO), PhD (UO), BEd (UofC); Professor Emeritus of Education (Faculty of Education)

Weber, M.L.; BSc (MIT), MA (UM), PhD (UM); Associate Professor Emeritus, Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics (Haskayne School of Business)

West, A.A.; MA (Aberdeen), MA (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor Emeritus, English (English)

Westra, H.J.; MA (U of T), PhD (U of T), BA (UBC); Professor Emeritus of Greek and Roman Studies (Greek & Roman Studies)

Weyant, R.G.; FAPA, PhD (Iowa), MA (KSU), BA (Lafayette); Professor Emeritus, General Studies (Faculty of Arts)

White, M.E.; MA (McGill), MLS (U of T), BA (UMICH); Librarian Emeritus (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Whitelaw, W.A.; MD (McGill), MSc (McGill), PhD (McGill), BSc(Hons) (U of T); Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine)

Wierzba, I.; PEng (APEGA), MSc (MIAT), PhD (PW); Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)

Wiesenberg, F.P.; CPSYCHOL, BEd (U of T), PhD (UofA), MEd (UofS), BA (Hons) (York); Associate Professor Emeritus of Applied Psychology (Faculty of Education)

Wieser, H.; BSc (UBC), PhD (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Wilkens, J.L.; BA (OU), MSc (Tulane), PhD (UC); Professor Emeritus, Biolgical Science (Biological Sciences)

Will, J.A.; MFA (Iowa), BA (UNI); Professor Emeritus, Art (Art)

Williams, D.; PhD (Oxford), BA (Wits), BA (Hons) (Wits), MA (Wits), PhD (Wits); Professor Emeritus, History (History)

Williams, M.R.; PhD (Glasgow), BSc (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Williams, R.G.; Diploma, BEd (McGill), MLitt (Oxford), MLS (UWO), MA (UofLondon); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)

Willis, P.B.R.; BA (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor Emeritus, French, Italian & Spanish (French Italian & Spanish)

Wiseman, C.S.; BA (Hons) (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), PhD (Strathclyd); Professor Emeritus, English & Creative Writing (English)

Wittig, R.J.; BSc (UofC); Associate Director Emeritus, High Performance Computing (Information Technologies)

Woodcock, J.F.; BASc (U of T); Director Emeritus, University Computing Services (Finance)

Woods, D.E.; BSc (NMSU), MSc (NMSU), PhD (Texas); Professor Emeritus of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Microbio Immu & Infect Disease)

Woods, J.T.; PhD (Stanford), BA (UWO), MA (UofM); Associate Professor Emeritus, Political Science (Political Science)

Woodward, R.S.; PhD (Exeter), BSc(Econ) (UPenn), MScE (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Management (Haskayne School of Business)

Wright, L.M.; PhD (BYU), MSc (UH), BSc(Nur) (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Nursing (Faculty of Nursing)

Wright, R.W.; BComm (UofA), MA (UofA), PhD (VUM); Professor Emeritus, Economics (Economics)

Wyse, D.G.; FRCPC, LMCC, PhD (McGill), BSP (UBC), MSc (UBC), MD (UofC); Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Department of Medicine), Professor Emeritus, Cardiac Science (Cardiac Science), Professor Emeritus, Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Pharmacology & Therapeutics)

Wyvill, B.L.M.; PhD (Bradford), BSc (UofLondon); Professor Emeritus, Computer Science (Computer Science)

Yacowar, M.; PhD (Birmingham), MA (UofA), BA (UofC); Professor Emeritus, English & Film Studies (English)

Yamdagni, R.; BSc (ALLDUNIV), MSc (ALLDUNIV), PhD (ALLDUNIV); Senior Instructor Emeritus of Chemistry (Chemistry)

Yeager, H.L.; BSc (PITT), MSc (UW-Madison), PhD (UofA); Professor Emeritus, Chemistry (Chemistry)

Yu, C.J.; MA (HIT), PhD (HIT), BComm (TKU); Senior Instructor Emeritus, Germanic, Slavic, & East Asian Studies (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)

Zachariah, M.; PhD (CU), BEd (Delhi), MSc (SUNY), BA (UNOM); Professor Emertius, Education (Faculty of Education)

Zaitzeff, S.I.; BA (Indiana), MA (Indiana), PhD (Indiana); Professor Emeritus, Spanish (French Italian & Spanish)

Zapf, M.K.; PhD (U of T), MSW (UBC), BA (Waterloo); ProfessorEmeritus of Social Work (Faculty of Social Work)

Zimon, K.E.; BA (Hons) (UBC), BLISc (UBC), MA (UBC); Librarian Emeritus, (Libraries & Cultural Resources)