The Department of French, Italian and Spanish offers instruction in the fields of French, Italian and Spanish together with courses bearing the title Romance Studies. (The latter courses do not constitute a Major Field of study.)
Advanced Placement and Credit by Special Assessment
French, Italian and Spanish-speaking students or students with more than high-school matriculation in these languages (including graduates of a bilingual or immersion program) must consult the Department to be placed in a course corresponding to their level of linguistic competence.
Students seeking credit by special assessment should consult the Department regarding courses available for credit in this manner. Native speakers are not eligible to take language courses by special assessment or to receive advanced credit for them.
Study Abroad
Noting that the advancement of knowledge and understanding is a global enterprise, the Mission Statement of the 草莓污视频导航 strongly advocates international contacts among staff and students. In this context, the Department of French, Italian and Spanish encourages its students to take advantage of possibilities for studying off-campus, wherever one of its target languages is spoken. Detailed information on courses and programs in French (in Quebec or elsewhere), Italian and Spanish is available from the Department and/or the Centre for International Students and Study Abroad.
Students planning to study off-campus must obtain a letter of permission from their faculty. They are strongly advised to consult the Department of French, Italian and Spanish beforehand to discuss details concerning course selection and transfer of credit.
Programme menant au certificat de langue fran莽aise/Certificate Program in French Language Studies
En collaboration avec l'Education permanente et le Centre fran莽ais, le D茅partement de fran莽ais, italien et espagnol offre un programme menant au certificat de langue fran莽aise. Ce programme r茅unit des cours avec cr茅dit, des cours sans cr茅dit et des activit茅s culturelles. Pour de plus amples renseignements, pri猫re de s'adresser au Centre fran莽ais, 403.220.7226, .
In collaboration with Continuing Education and the French Centre, the Department of French, Italian and Spanish offers a Certificate Program in French Language Studies combining credit and non-credit courses with participation in cultural activities. Complete information may be obtained from the French Centre at 403.220.7226 or .
Le Centre fran莽ais/The French Centre
Le D茅partement de fran莽ais, italien et espagnol travaille de pr猫s avec le Centre fran莽ais qui fait partie de l'Education permanente. Situ茅 脿 Craigie Hall (C 301), le Centre propose un choix de cours sans cr茅dit et d'activit茅s culturelles, administre le programme menant au certificat de langue fran莽aise et g猫re "Le francofonne," lieu de rencontre et centre multim茅dia o霉 l'on peut se d茅tendre dans une ambiance francophone. Le Centre g猫re aussi des cours accr茅dit茅s donn茅s en fran莽ais dans diff茅rentes disciplines (French Language Instruction Program ou FLIP) permettant 脿 l'茅tudiant de renforcer sa ma卯trise de la langue. Pour de plus amples renseignements, pri猫re de s'adresser au Centre fran莽ais, 403.220.7226, .
The Department of French, Italian and Spanish maintains close links with the French Centre, a facility operated by Continuing Education. Located in Craigie Hall (C 301), the Centre offers a variety of non-degree courses and cultural activities, administers the Certificate Program in French Language Studies, and operates "Le francofonne," a drop-in and media learning centre for those wishing to relax in a francophone atmosphere. Through the French Language Instruction Program (FLIP), credit courses are offered in other departments providing students with another opportunity to perfect their French. Detailed information may be obtained from the Centre at 403.220.7226 or .