²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : 4.46.10 BA Honours Linguistics



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1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Information for Undergraduate Students
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Arts and Science Honours Academy
4.2 African Studies
4.3 Ancient and Medieval History
4.4 Anthropology and Archaeology
4.5 Archaeology
4.6 Applied Energy Economics - Collaborative Program
4.7 Architectural Studies
4.8 Art
4.9 Art History
4.10 Asian Studies
4.11 Canadian Studies
4.12 Chinese
4.13 Classics and Religion
4.14 Communication, Media and Film Studies
4.15 Communications Studies
4.16 Comparative Literature
4.17 Creative Writing
4.18 Dance
4.19 Development Studies
4.20 Drama
4.21 Earth Science
4.22 East Asian Language Studies
4.23 East Asian Studies
4.24 Economics
4.25 English
4.26 Film Studies
4.27 French
4.28 French, Italian and Spanish
4.29 Geography
4.30 German
4.31 Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies
4.32 Greek
4.33 Greek and Roman Studies
4.34 History
4.35 History and Philosophy of Science
4.36 Indigenous Studies
4.37 International Indigenous Studies
4.38 International Relations
4.39 Italian Studies
4.40 Japanese
4.41 Latin
4.42 Latin American Studies
4.43 Law and Society
4.44 Linguistics
4.45 Linguistics and Language
4.46 Linguistics, Languages, and Culture
4.46.1 BA in East Asian Language Studies
4.46.2 Minor in Chinese
4.46.3 Minor in Japanese
4.46.4 BA in East Asian Studies
4.46.5 Minor in East Asian Studies
4.46.6 BA in German
4.46.7 BA Honours German
4.46.8 Minor in German
4.46.9 BA in Linguistics
4.46.10 BA Honours Linguistics
4.46.11 Concentration in Applied Linguistics
4.46.12 Concentration in Speech-Language Sciences
4.46.13 Minor in Linguistics
4.46.14 Minor in Speech-Language Sciences for Linguistics Majors
4.46.15 BA in Russian
4.46.16 BA Honours Russian
4.46.17 Minor in Russian
4.47 Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Studies
4.48 Multidisciplinary Studies
4.49 Museum and Heritage Studies
4.50 Music
4.51 Philosophy
4.52 Political Science
4.53 Primatology
4.54 Psychology
4.55 Religious Studies
4.56 Religious Studies and Applied Ethics
4.57 Russian
4.58 School of Creative and Performing Arts
4.59 Science, Technology and Society
4.60 Social and Cultural Anthropology
4.61 Sociology
4.62 South Asian Studies
4.63 Spanish
4.64 Urban Studies
4.65 Visual Studies
4.66 Women's Studies
5. Administration
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Faculty of Environmental Design
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Law
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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2016-2017 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.46 Linguistics, Languages, and Culture 4.46.10 BA Honours Linguistics
4.46.10 BA Honours Linguistics


Students must adhere to the applicable Faculty of Arts requirements in 3.4 Graduation.


Students must successfully complete a minimum of 51 units (8.5 full-course equivalents) and a maximum of 72 units (12.0 full-course equivalents) in the Field of Linguistics while fulfilling the following requirements:

1. Core: Linguistics 201, 301, 303, 319, 341, 353, 401, 403 and 407.

2. Capstone: Linguistics 598.

3. Experiential Course: 3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) from: Linguistics 311, 313, 331, 441, 467, 505.

4. Linguistics Options: At least 15 units (2.5 full-course equivalents) from the field of Linguistics (exclusive of Linguistics 321).

5. Advanced Linguistics: Of the courses used to fulfill requirements 3-4 above:

(a) at least 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) must be at the 400 level or above, and

(b) at least 3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) must be at the 500 level or above.


1. Language: At least 6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) from courses in languages other than English including the following courses on programming languages: Computer Science 217, 219, 231, 313, 355, 449.

2. Methods: At least 3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) from the following list of formal-methods courses: Linguistics 560, Philosophy 279, 377, Psychology 312, Sociology 311 and Statistics 213.

3. Supporting Courses: At least 3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) from each of the following three disciplines: Anthropology, Philosophy and Psychology.


The BA Honours in Linguistics can be taken with Co-operative Education. See section 3.4.4 Co-operative Education Programs for information and requirements.

The BA in Linguistics can be taken with a concentration in Applied Linguistics or Speech-Language Sciences (see 4.46.11 or 4.46.12).


  • In special circumstances, the Undergraduate Advisor may approve the following substitute methods courses: Anthropology 411, Geography 339, Political Science 399 or Sociology 313.
  • Honours students, in particular, are strongly encouraged to meet specific degree requirements as early in their program as possible.
  • Students are strongly advised to take the Linguistics 301/401 sequence in a single academic year, and the Linguistics 303/403 sequence in a single academic year.
  • Linguistics 341 should be taken either before or concurrently with 303.
  • The Honours thesis must be completed during the last year. Students are governed by the Honours Thesis Guidelines available from the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures.