Note: Applications to this program are currently suspended while the program is under review. Students currently in the BSc in Communication and Culture should continue to follow the program as described below.
The Bachelor of Science in Communication and Culture is a four-year multidisciplinary degree focusing on courses in the Domain of Science, which includes all courses offered by the Faculty of Science and many additional science-based courses from disciplines within the Faculty of Arts. For more information, see the list of “Courses in the Domain of Science” in Section 4.14.11.
Students interested in a multidisciplinary program with a focus on science should also consider the BSc (Natural Sciences) Program offered by the Faculty of Science.
Note: The BSc in Communication and Culture is not available with Honours and it may not be used in a Combined Degree Program or subsequently completed as a Second Baccalaureate Degree with any of the following programs:
- Bachelor of Communication and Culture degree or equivalent
- BA or BSc (Major) program
- BA or BSc in Communication and Culture
- Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies
- Bachelor of Film Studies
A. Faculty of Arts Requirements
1. Overall Program: Successful completion of an approved program consisting of 120 units (20.0 full-course equivalents).
2. Program Focus: Successful completion of the multidisciplinary requirements listed below.
3. Academic Achievement:
(a) A minimum GPA of 2.00 must be achieved over all courses.
(b) A maximum of 18 units (3.0 full-course equivalent) "D" or "D+" grades overall.
4. ݮƵ Study: A maximum of 60 units (10.0 full-course equivalents) in eligible post-secondary transfer credits from other institutions may be counted toward the degree.
5. Depth: A maximum of 48 units (8.0 full-course equivalents) at the junior or 200 level.
6. Breadth: A minimum of 6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) from the Faculty of Science.
7. Physical Activity Courses: A maximum of 6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) may be taken from: Dance Education Activity/Theory, Outdoor Pursuits Activity/Theory and Physical Education Activity/Theory.
B. Multidisciplinary Requirements
1. Minor Field: Successful completion of an approved Minor Field. Note: It may be difficult to complete Minors that require limited enrolment courses. Not more than 36 units (6.0 full-course equivalents) may be from any one Department or from any group of courses that would comprise a Major Field.
2. Interdisciplinary Course: General Studies 300.
3. Literature: 3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) in English literature or other literature, including Comparative Literature.
4. Writing: 3 units (0.5 full-course equivalent) chosen from Communication and Media Studies 363, 369 or Science 311.
5. Intercultural Requirement to be fulfilled in one of the following two ways:
(a) Successful completion of at least 6 units (1.0 full-course equivalent) from an approved post-secondary Term Abroad, Group Travel Study or Individual Travel Study program. See the Centre for International Students and Study Abroad for programs that are currently offered.
(b) Successful completion of 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) from the Domain of Intercultural Courses.
6. Science Requirement: At least 63 units (10.5 full-course equivalents) must be from the Courses in the Domain of Science (See section 4.14.11).