²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : 3.2.4 Course Load



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Werklund School of Education
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Faculty Regulations
3. Werklund School of Education Regulations
3.1 Admission
3.2 Registration and Courses
3.2.1 Accuracy of Registration
3.2.2 Registration Planning and Consultation
3.2.3 Residency
3.2.4 Course Load
3.2.5 Withdrawal from Courses
3.2.6 Repetition of Courses
3.2.7 Deferral of Term Work
3.2.8 Leave of Absence
3.2.9 Duration of Study
3.3 Student Standing and Academic Review
4. BEd Program Details
5. Administration
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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2016-2017 Werklund School of Education 3. Werklund School of Education Regulations 3.2 Registration and Courses 3.2.4 Course Load
3.2.4 Course Load

The BEd program is a full-time program. Only students admitted to the BEd will be permitted to register in Education (EDUC) courses. Students must complete all of the required courses in the term and sequence as they are prescribed. Students cannot be enrolled in any other program, either graduate or undergraduate, at the same time as the BEd, unless in an approved Concurrent program.

Additional Courses Outside of Werklund School of Education

Since the BEd program is a full-time professional program, students are not allowed to take more than 15 units (2.5 full-course equivalents) per each Fall or Winter Term without the express permission of the Associate Dean. This includes courses outside the Werklund School of Education.

Courses From Other Institutions

All Education (EDUC) courses must be taken through the Werklund School of Education.

Students in the Four-Year BEd (Community-Based) program may choose to take additional coursework at another institution to use towards their required non-education courses. Students may apply online for authorization by requesting a Letter of Permission through their online Student Centre. Students should check with student advisors in the Werklund School of Education to ensure that the courses taken would meet requirements prior to enrolling.

Students in the Five-Year BEd (Concurrent) program should consult with their co-operating Faculty if they are interested in taking courses from another institution to be used towards their non-education degree requirements.

Students in the Two-Year BEd (Consecutive) program may choose to take additional coursework at another institution to meet certification requirements prior to admission to the program. The GPA calculation for certification purposes are based only on Education (EDUC) courses.

After a request for a Letter of Permission is approved, an appropriate letter will be sent to the Registrar of the other university. The Letter of Permission must be obtained before the student registers for the courses at the other institution.

It will be the responsibility of the student to ensure that an official transcript of grades is forwarded directly to the Registrar of the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ in order that appropriate credit may be officially recorded.

Students with poor academic performance, including those on probation or having a large number of withdrawals, will not be allowed to take courses at another institution.