²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : I.1 General Principles



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I. Reappraisal of Grades
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I.2 Reappraisal of Graded Term Work
I.3 Reappraisal of Final Grade
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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2017-2018 Academic Regulations I. Reappraisal of Grades I.1 General Principles
I.1 General Principles

1. Students should recognize that reappraisals of term and final grades occur at the department/faculty level that originated those decisions.

2. Students should recognize that appeals of grade reappraisals and other academic decisions will be handled at the level of appeal closest to the level at which the decision was made.

3. Students must begin the reappraisal/appeal process at the appropriate level and proceed through successive levels of appeal in order, and with no omissions.

4. At every level, students should attempt, to the utmost of their ability, to present their arguments as effectively and as fully as possible. Mere dissatisfaction with a decision is not sufficient grounds for the appeal of a grade or other academic decision.

5. The General Faculties Council’s (GFC) Student Academic Appeals Committee will hear all appeals relating to academic misconduct. The GFC Student Academic Appeals Committee will hear reappraisal of grades and other academic appeals only if it can be demonstrated that there is (a) alleged bias, and/or (b) alleged unfair procedures at a lower level of appeal, and/or (c) substantial new evidence which could not have been presented at an earlier stage.

6. Students may obtain help in understanding the appeals process and in writing appeal letters from the Student Ombuds Office. For more information, refer to their website: .

Students who wish to apply for a reappraisal of graded term work or final grades, or wish to appeal those reappraisals, and students who wish to appeal what they feel are unfair academic decisions by their faculty should follow the guidelines stated below.