ݮƵ : 3.1 Admissions



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ݮƵ Calendar 2017-2018 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 3. Faculty Regulations 3.1 Admissions
3.1 Admissions

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine generally accepts 30-32 students per year. Students must be Alberta residents, as defined by the Province of Alberta. The Admissions Committee recommends students for admission to the program on the basis of academic and non-academic factors. Students are assessed academically on performance in their last four full undergraduate terms and in the required courses (see Minimum Academic Requirements below). Selected applicants are invited for an interview where non-academic factors are assessed. At interview day, applicants are required to complete an on-site essay and participate in a series of interviews and other activities. The interview day will normally take place on a week-end in March at the Foothills campus. Applicants must attend interview day at their own expense. Three references are required. References must include an instructor at a post-secondary institution, a supervisor from a work/volunteer setting and a personal reference who is a non-relative.

Consistent with UCVM's mandate, preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate the attributes for successful careers in veterinary practice that support rural development and sustainability, and for careers related to our areas of emphasis. While no specific animal or veterinary-related experience is required, such experience is an asset. Understanding of the veterinary profession and animal industries relevant to the applicant's career interests is expected. This can be obtained through practical experience or through other means.

The application deadline will normally be in November for admission in the next fall term, with interviews in March in Calgary. The exact dates will be published each fall on our website and included in the application manual. Applicants will typically be notified of the Admissions Committee's decision no later than mid-June in the year of admission.

Applicants to the ݮƵ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine should ensure they have read the application manual which can be found on the Faculty website . The application manual details the latest requirements, processes and timelines for admissions.


To be eligible to apply, you must be an Alberta resident. The Alberta Government Guidelines within the Student Financial Assistance Regulations will be used to determine residency status. Details of the residency requirements can be found on the Alberta Government website at: .

Proof of Alberta residency will be required with your application. Supporting documents could include: Alberta Health Care card or Alberta driver’s license. If you have any questions regarding your residency status, please email: vet.admissions@ucalgary.ca.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine does not normally accept applications from students who have withdrawn, who have been required to withdraw, or who have been expelled from any school or college of veterinary medicine.

In selecting students, no consideration shall be given to factors irrelevant to performance such as gender, age, race, or religion. Nor will the vocation of an applicant's parent, guardian, or spouse be a consideration in the selection process.

Physical and learning disabilities must not prevent the applicant, upon graduation, from demonstrating competency in the skills and procedures expected of an individual who has completed a DVM degree in an accredited institution.

Minimum Academic Requirements

Normally, the minimum academic requirements for an applicant to be considered for admission are:

(a) Completion of four or more terms (semesters) of full-time post-secondary undergraduate education at a recognized university or at a college providing university-equivalency in coursework. A full-time term is defined as a minimum of four courses per term (semester) completed during the standard Fall (September to December) and/or Winter (January to April) Terms. Repeat attempts on a course may not be used to meet the requirements of a full-time term (see “d” below). The third and/or fourth terms may be in progress at the time of application but at least four terms of undergraduate education must be completed by April 30th of the year of admission.

(b) A minimum combined grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 ("B" or its equivalent) over each of the last four full-time terms of undergraduate academic years, as defined above. The combined GPA of the last three undergraduate terms as of January of the year of admission will be used to calculate GPA for interview eligibility and selection. The last four terms as of April of the year of admission will be used to calculate GPA to determine eligibility and rank for admission. Applicants may use the average GPA of courses from their most recent graduate program to count towards their most recent full-time term provided that the graduate degree will be completed in the year of application prior to registration in the DVM program.

(c) A minimum overall average of 3.00 ("B" or its equivalent) with a passing grade in each of the following required courses. Once this requirement has been met, the average GPA from the required courses will not be used further in the admissions process.

Two Introductory Biology courses
Two Introductory Chemistry courses
One Introductory English course
One Introductory Organic Chemistry course
One Introductory Statistics course
One Introductory Biochemistry course
One Introductory Genetics course
One Introductory Ecology course

A required course may not be repeated more than once for consideration. Grades achieved in a course or its equivalent completed three or more times will not be considered. No more than four of the required courses may be repeated.

Applicants must have completed or be in the process of completing the required courses, with at least seven of the ten required courses being completed before December 31 in the year preceding admission. In-progress courses must be completed by April 30 of the year of admission. Repeat courses may not be used towards meeting the definition of a full-time term (see “b” above). A grade that is achieved from a repeat attempt on a required course cannot be used towards the four-term GPA.

(d) Courses completed more than 10 years prior to the application date will not normally be considered in the admissions process. Rare exceptions may be made for applicants who have continued to work or study in a health sciences-related field following completion of an undergraduate degree.

Applicants are advised to monitor the UCVM website for any exceptions or changes to these requirements. Students requesting an exception to any aspect of the minimum academic requirements must do so at the time of application by completing the necessary section of the application form. Such requests will normally only be considered on submission of a complete application.

English Language Proficiency

English language proficiency must be demonstrated for all applicants for whom English is not their first language. English language proficiency can be demonstrated in one of the following ways:

(a) Completion of at least two full years within a degree program offered by an accredited university in a country which the ݮƵ recognizes as English language proficiency exempt.

(b) A minimum score of 92 on the Internet-based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and a minimum score of 50 on the Test of Spoken English (TSE); or a minimum score of 237 on the computer-based TOEFL and a minimum score of 50 on the TSE; or a minimum score of 580 on the paper-based TOEFL and a minimum score of 50 on the TSE.


Online application forms and the current-year application manual for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are available on the Faculty website . Applicants to the ݮƵ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine should ensure they have read the application manual and are familiar with the latest requirements and processes regarding the admissions process. Application deadlines are strictly followed.

Applications will be considered from those applicants who meet the stated residency, English and Minimum Academic Requirements. Application packages are to be submitted by the established deadlines along with the application fee. A current set of official transcripts must be submitted directly to the UCVM Admissions office. Applicants should delay submission of the first transcript until final marks from their Fall Term are available; the final submission deadline for Fall transcripts will be established each year but will normally be in the last week of January. Applicants are also required to provide official transcripts for the Winter Term as soon as they are available; the final submission deadline for Winter transcripts will be established each year but will normally be in the last week of May. Please consult the current year application manual for details.

Transcripts should be sent directly to the UCVM Admissions Office:

UCVM Admissions
TRW 2D03, 3280 Hospital Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6

Offers of Admission will be sent by email, typically during the first two weeks of June. You will have five working days to reply either by email (vet.admissions@ucalgary.ca) or telephone (403.220.8699) to this offer. You will have five working days from the date of your email or telephone call to submit (hand delivery, regular mail or courier) the signed acceptance page. You must also submit a deposit of $500.00 electronically to your Student Centre. Such deposits will be applied to the first year's fees. Failure to do so may result in the position being assigned to another applicant. An applicant who accepts a position but later rescinds the acceptance will forfeit the entire $500.00 deposit.

Official acceptance letters will be mailed upon receipt of the signed acceptance page and deposit. Letters to waitlisted students and students not offered admission will be sent in the second week of June. If and when additional spaces become available, waitlisted students will be notified immediately. Please note that placements may be available well into the summer.