ݮƵ : K.5.2 Notations and Penalties



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ݮƵ Calendar 2018-2019 Academic Regulations K. Statement on Principles of Conduct K.5 Plagiarism/Cheating/Other Academic Misconduct K.5.2 Notations and Penalties
K.5.2 Notations and Penalties

Where a Dean or designate is satisfied that a student is guilty of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct, a notation of academic misconduct will be placed on the student’s university record until the student is approved for graduation. This notation is not considered a penalty; it is for internal administrative tracking purposes and does not appear on the student’s official transcript.

In addition to the notation, students may receive penalties as described below and may be required to complete an educational workshop on an aspect of academic integrity.

1. Failing Grade – A student may be given a failing grade on either course work (assignment, test etc.) or a course in which that student is found guilty of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct. A failing grade will be applied in conjunction with other penalties mentioned in this section except when leniency is warranted. When leniency is warranted, a failing grade is the only penalty that will be applied. When a student is registered in a faculty other than that in which the course is given, a failing grade is the only penalty which shall be applied by the host faculty. A student may not avoid a failing grade by withdrawing from the course.

2. Disciplinary Probation – Students are entitled to proceed with their program, but only on the condition that registration will be forfeited and the student suspended or expelled, if they are found guilty of a further academic offence. A student who is placed on disciplinary probation is eligible to continue in the faculty, as per usual, after the satisfactory completion of their probationary period. This penalty shall be applied by the faculty in which the student is registered at the time of the offence and will be noted on the student transcript for the duration of the probationary period or until graduation, whichever comes first. In addition a notation of academic misconduct will be placed on the student record until graduation.

Note: If there is evidence that an offence has been committed, yet there is doubt as to the existence of a clear intention to deceive or otherwise commit an academic offence, the normal penalty will be disciplinary probation.

3. Suspension – Suspension takes place when a student is denied registration within a degree or other academic program for a specified period of time. A student who has been placed under suspension is conditionally eligible to reapply for admission or registration at either the end of a specified period of time or thereafter. Suspension does not imply automatic readmission; a student must satisfy the Dean and/or the faculty concerned of their eligibility for readmission. This penalty shall be applied by the faculty in which the student is registered at the time of the offence and a notation of academic misconduct will be placed on the student record until graduation.

Note: If a student is guilty of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct in circumstances which suggest a clear intention to deceive or otherwise commit an academic offence, the normal penalty will be either suspension or expulsion from the faculty. If there is more than a single offence, the normal penalty will be expulsion from the faculty, and in the most serious cases, expulsion from the University.

4. Expulsion – A student who is expelled from a faculty is dismissed permanently from the faculty with no right to apply for readmission to that faculty. This penalty shall be applied by the faculty in which the student is registered at the time of the offence and a notation of academic misconduct will be placed on the student record.

5. Effects of Suspension or Expulsion from a Faculty – A student suspended or expelled from a faculty normally may not apply or be considered for readmission to the University in another faculty, until at least twelve months after the end of the session in which the academic offence takes place.

6. Expulsion from the University – If, upon suspending or expelling a student from a faculty, the Dean and/or faculty determine that the severe sanction of expulsion from the University is warranted, such a recommendation may be made to the Vice-President (Academic), who may act to expel the student from the University. A notation of expulsion due to academic misconduct will appear permanently on the student transcript.

7. Credential Rescission – If a Faculty determines that credential rescission is warranted, the Dean (or designate) may make the recommendation to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic). The original conferring of a degree, diploma or certificate is permanently deleted from the student’s academic record. A notation of “<Degree/Diploma/Certificate> Rescinded” and the date of rescission will appear permanently on the student transcript.