²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : 4.3.2 Course Selection and Registration



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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2018-2019 Cumming School of Medicine 4. Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours 4.3 Faculty Regulations 4.3.2 Course Selection and Registration
4.3.2 Course Selection and Registration
Accuracy of Registration

Students are responsible for ensuring that their annual course selections are in accordance with all Calendar requirements, including the completion of prerequisite courses with a satisfactory grade and registration in corequisite courses as appropriate. Students are advised not to register in a course unless they have achieved a grade of at least "C-" in each prerequisite course. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that they meet all prerequisite requirements. A student who has received credit for a course without having the normal prerequisite course(s) may not subsequently register in the prerequisite course(s) for program credit. Taking or repeating a course that is a prerequisite for a higher level course after having completed the higher level course with a grade of "C-" or better will only be allowed with the permission of the Associate Dean (UHSE). Registration in any course(s) contrary to regulations may be cancelled by the School after the beginning of classes. Registration must be appropriate to the major being followed. Students with inappropriate course selections may have their registration cancelled by the Associate Dean (UHSE). Students should seek advice from the Associate Dean (UHSE) or the BHSc Program Co-ordinator.

Students are responsible for ensuring that they meet degree and program Major requirements. Although the BHSc Office endeavours to assist all students as they proceed in the various Majors, a final and thorough check is not done until application for graduation. Any departure from standard requirements must receive prior authorization in writing from the Associate Dean (UHSE). It is strongly recommended that students consult with the Associate Dean (UHSE) or the BHSc Program Co-ordinator before submitting their final registration.

First-year students should obtain a copy of the Course Registration and Planning Guide from the Office of the Registrar or visit .

Withdrawal from Courses

Students will not be permitted to withdraw more than once from a particular course. Students will be required to withdraw from the Cumming School of Medicine if they have accumulated a total of more than 30 units (5.0 full-course equivalents) withdrawals while in attendance at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½. A student who wishes to withdraw from a course must do so before the deadline specified in the Academic Schedule. Students should consult with the BHSc program prior to withdrawing from a course.

Repetition of Courses

A student will be permitted to repeat a particular course only once. This regulation applies not only to individual courses but also to sets of courses where it is stated that credit for more than one of the sets is not allowed. A withdrawal counts as an attempt.

Opportunities to Take Courses at Another Institution for Transfer of Credit

Students may request to take some program course work at another university. Students are advised to meet with the Program Co-ordinator to receive the necessary approved Letter of Permission to undertake course work at another university. It will be the responsibility of the student to ensure that an official transcript of grades is forwarded directly to the Registrar of this University in order that appropriate credit may be officially recorded.

Credit in Courses by Special Assessment

Students who feel that they know the material covered in a certain course without having received formal University credit may apply for special assessment in the course. Students should obtain the form headed "Permission to Take Courses by Special Assessment" from the Office of the Registrar and submit their application to the faculty offering the course. A course in which the student was previously registered may not be taken subsequently by special assessment, nor may any course be attempted more than once in this way. The School will not allow more than 30 units (5.0 full-course equivalents) completed by special assessment to count towards a degree. See also the general University regulations concerning special assessment (see B.10.1 in Academic Regulations).