ݮƵ : B.14.3 Extenuating Circumstance Withdrawal



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B.14 Withdrawal from Courses and Withdrawal from the Term
B.14.1 Withdrawal from a Course(s)
B.14.2 Withdrawal from a Term
B.14.3 Extenuating Circumstance Withdrawal
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ݮƵ Calendar 2019-2020 Academic Regulations B. Registration B.14 Withdrawal from Courses and Withdrawal from the Term B.14.3 Extenuating Circumstance Withdrawal
B.14.3 Extenuating Circumstance Withdrawal

Extenuating Circumstance Withdrawals (EW) are defined as unexpected and uncontrollable circumstances that make it impossible for a student to complete the term or a course. EWs typically consider situations such as medical emergencies, compassionate grounds, or unforeseen conditions/situations that arise after the start of term and are considered on a case-by-case basis. Short-term illnesses or pre-existing, unmanaged conditions are not typically considered for an EW.

EWs are considered when a student must withdraw from all courses in a given term or from a specific course due to the circumstance(s) that has been presented. Inability to achieve a high or passing grade in a specific course is not considered grounds for an EW.

Normally, EW requests must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the last day of the term to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar will review the request in consultation with the student’s home Faculty. If a student is unable to submit the request on their own, the Associate Dean of their faculty may submit on the student’s behalf. Application information is kept in strict confidence.

Typically, a student must withdraw by the withdrawal deadline for an EW application to be considered. Approved EW applications will result in an “EW” being placed on the transcript to replace a “W” notation. Normally, students who attempt the final exam are not considered for an EW.

EWs are not included in the withdrawal limit noted in section B.14.1 (Withdrawal from a Course). The impact of EWs on the program completion time will vary by faculty or program. Faculties will review extensions to program completion times on a case-by-case basis.

In cases where an EW request is denied, students may file an appeal in writing to the Office of the Vice-Provost (Student Experience) within 10 business days of the date EW decision notification. Students must provide: a) a copy of the decision; b) a statement of the basis for appeal; c) a statement of facts relevant to the basis of appeal; d) a statement of the outcome sought; and e) any supporting documentation to which the student intends to refer at the appeal hearing.

For more information on how to apply for an EW visit: