For more information about these courses see the Department of Communication, Media and Film website: .
Note: Communication and Media Studies (COMS) courses were formerly named Communications Studies (COMS). For prerequisite purposes, all Communication and Media Studies (COMS) courses are equivalent to the former Communications Studies (COMS) courses with the same number.
Communication and Media Studies
Introduction to Communication and Media Studies
A general mapping of the field, with an emphasis on its breadth in the areas of media studies, communication of science and technology and rhetorical communication. General examination of how Communications Studies emerged during the twentieth century and how the field relates to issues of social and cultural change.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-1)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 201 and Communications Studies 201 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
New Media
An introduction to the social, political and cultural aspects of new media. Examines the social factors that influence the use of new media, as well as the effects of new media on different spheres of social life. Topics may include the historical development of new media; participatory cultures; copyright and Internet law; creative industries; and surveillance and governance in new media.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-1)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 203 and either Science, Technology,and Society 341 or Communications Studies 203 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Professional and Technical Communication
An introduction to professional and technical communication in diverse media. Examines the rhetorical dimensions of workplace settings as well as the process of planning, composing and delivering professional and technical communication for various audiences.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
24 units.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 363 and Communications Studies 363 or Engineering 213 will not be allowed.
Preference in enrolment is given to Majors and Minors in the Department of Communications, Media and Film Studies, majors in Geography, students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Culture, the Haskayne School of Business and the Schulich School of Engineering. Most sections of this course will be offered online.
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Communication and Media Studies
Visual Communication and Culture
Critical study of images in society. Topics may include formal image analysis; theories of the image; the politics and ethics of visual representation; portraiture and identity; advertising images; spectacle and modern media; war and propaganda imagery; circulation and the networked image; iconoclasm and censorship.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Communication and Media Studies 201.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 367 and Communications Studies 367 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Rhetorical Communication
An introduction to the basic principles of rhetorical theory, criticism and practice. Examines rhetorical perspectives on elements of communication such as argumentation, persuasion, audience, situation, genre and ethics. Students will apply rhetorical theory to the criticism of samples of public communication and will practice their rhetorical skills through in-class activities and assigned writing and oral presentations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Prerequisite or Corequisite: Communication and Media Studies 201 or Communications Studies 201.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 369 and either Communications Studies 361 or 369 will not be allowed.
Preference in enrolment is given to Majors and Minors in Communication and Media Studies and the Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies.
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Communication and Media Studies
Critical Media Studies
Emphasizes major critical approaches and theoretical foundations of media studies research. Explores the contexts in which these theories arose, identifies their major strengths and weaknesses and analyzes how critical theory engages the social world. Areas covered include the Frankfurt School, structuralism and semiotics, cultural studies, post-structuralism and feminist media studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-1)
Communication and Media Studies 201 or Communications Studies 201.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 371 and Communications Studies 371 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Communications History
A general survey of how various communication systems and practices developed through history and of the social contexts within which they emerged, transformed and adapted through time. Examines major technological developments in the history of human communication and uses theory to understand their origins and impacts on social organization and everyday life.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-1)
Prerequisite or Corequisite: Communication and Media Studies 201 or Communications Studies 201.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 381 and either Communications Studies 380 or 381 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Introduction to Public Relations
Public relations theory and practice, with a particular emphasis on Canadian examples. Focus on links between public relations and new media, ethical standards of practice, and critical perspectives on public relations as well as on the development of practical skills.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 383 and either Communications Studies 383 or 483 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Special Topics in Communication and Media Studies
Critical study of contemporary topics or issues related to communications media, technology, culture, or discourse. Past topics have included gaming, the music industry, feminism, video activism, propaganda, fan cultures, and women in sport.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Communication and Media Studies
Communication and Canadian Society
Explores aspects of Canadian communication, including historical development, theoretical approaches, challenges posed by advances in technology, and policy questions such as media ownership, Canadian content requirements and the relationship between media and democracy.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Communication and Media Studies 201 or Communications Studies 201.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 435 and either Communications Studies 335 or 435 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Rhetorical Communication in Online Environments
Rhetorical theory, criticism, production and editing of professional communication in online environments (organizational websites and blogs, professional uses of social media, project management applications, collaborative writing applications, corporate and community discussion forums and intranets). Experiential learning through team projects that critique and develop an organization’s online content.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
One of Communication and Media Studies 363, 383, 369, Communications Studies 363, 383, or 369.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 463 and Communications Studies 463 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Rhetorical History and Criticism
A study of rhetorical thought and action from selected periods, cultures and authors from the classical period to the modern age, with an emphasis on the interaction between rhetoric and philosophical, social and political change. Theories will be applied to the criticism of historical and contemporary public communication.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Communication and Media Studies 369 or Communications Studies 369.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 469 and either Communications Studies 461 or 469 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Popular Culture
Introduces critical tools for deconstructing and evaluating the social significance of popular cultural texts, including music, television, film, advertising, memes and viral content. Particular focus on audience reception as a key method for understanding fan practices and subcultures
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Communication and Media Studies 371 or Communications Studies 371.
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Communication and Media Studies
Food Culture and Communication
A theoretical and experiential introduction to food cultures as processes and products of communication. Examines how food is constructed and represented through text, film, television, art and tourism. Political and economic constructions of food culture, security and sustainability will also be explored.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 477 and either Communications Studies 401.03 or 477 will not be allowed.
This course may involve off-campus field trips during class time. A supplementary fee will be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course. Alternatively, the course may be packaged along with others as part of a Study Abroad opportunity requiring an application and pre-term study and preparation. Contact the instructors or the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Study Abroad program for more information.
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Communication and Media Studies
Feminist Media Studies
Introduces critical perspectives and practices of feminist media studies and interrogates how gendered, racialized and sexualized subjectivities are produced, circulated and consumed through media cultures and texts. A key focus will be relationships between power, media and identity.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Communication and Media Studies 371.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 479 and 401.36 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Advanced Studies in New Media and Society
Examines the nature, origins and social implications of new media with a focus on the Internet. Evolving forms of interpersonal, group and public communication based on the Internet will be assessed in terms of the role they play in identity formation, cultural integration, learning, political participation, commerce and work.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Communication and Media Studies 203 and 371.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 481 and Communications Studies 481 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Environmental Media and Communication
Examines the mutual entanglements of media, communication and the environment, with a particular focus on media representations of the environment and environmental risks. May also examine environmental issues related to communications technologies and global communications infrastructures.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 485 and 401.46 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Introduction to Acoustic Communications and Acoustic Ecology
Concepts, techniques and applications of the fields of Acoustic Communications (the ways in which speech and music convey meaning) and Acoustic Ecology (the effects of sound in natural and human environments). These interdisciplinary areas weave together communication theory, cognitive psychology, sociology, musicology, physical sciences, health sciences and aesthetics.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 491 and either Communications Studies 391 or Communication and Media Studies 401.12 will not be allowed.
There is no scheduled tutorial or lab, but some field work (off campus) and research out of class time is required.
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Communication and Media Studies
Research in Selected Topics
Supervised individual study of a special topic.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Department.
Students who wish to propose a topic must secure a supervisor and have the topic approved by the Department at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes.
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Communication and Media Studies
Political Economy of Communication
Examines power relations between public, government and commercial forces in communication. Looks at how media dynamics have shifted historically and how current policies, structures and institutions impact our daily media interactions.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Communication and Media Studies 371 or 435.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 502 and 503.04 will not be allowed.
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Communication and Media Studies
Advanced Special Topics in Communication and Media Studies
Advanced study of contemporary topics or issues related to communications media, technology, culture or discourse.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
One of Communication and Media Studies 371 and 381 and admission to a major or minor program in Communication and Media Studies.
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Communication and Media Studies
Experiential Learning in Communications and Media
Supervised individual study through guided experiential learning. Opportunity provided to combine interests in communications research and theory with experiential learning opportunities in an organization or university unit. Involves a communication-related placement or project that engages students in critical reflection on community experience in the context of their formal education.
Course Hours:
3 units; (0-4)
Communication and Media Studies 201 or Communications Studies 201; and one additional course labelled Communication and Media Studies or Science, Technology and Society 341, 421 and admission to a majors or minor program in the Department of Communication, Media and Film and consent of the Department.
Credit for Communication and Media 507 and either Communications Studies 407 or 507 will not be allowed.
Students should contact the Department of Communication, Media and Film at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes to arrange an independent study course.
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Communication and Media Studies
Senior Project in BCMS/BFS
An advanced research and experiential project incorporating academic research and media production. The project will be produced in a medium appropriate to the student's specialization: print, radio, television, video, film or digital media.
Course Hours:
3 units; (1-2)
Admission to the Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies program or Bachelor of Film Studies program. One of Communication and Media Studies 369, 371, 381 or one of Communications Studies 369, 371, 381 or one of Film 321, 323, 331 or 333; and first year of an applicable diploma program from SAIT or an approved equivalent.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 581 and Communication and Media Studies 580 or Communications Studies 580 will not be allowed.
Students must present their diploma transcript to the Department of Communication, Media and Film for consent to register in this course. An unofficial transcript will suffice.
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Communication and Media Studies
Honours Seminar
Individual research and seminar activities (e.g., critiques, presentations, and peer reviews of drafts) to produce a proposal and a paper to be used as the basis for the Honours Thesis.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2S-0)
Communication and Media Studies 313 or Communications Studies 313 and admission to the Honours Program.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 595 and Communication and Media Studies 590 or Communications Studies 590 will not be allowed.
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Graduate Courses
For more information, see the Department of Communication, Media and Film: .
- Communication and Media Studies (COMS) courses were formerly named Communications Studies (COMS). All are COMS courses and considered equivalent for prerequisite purposes.
- Not all courses will be offered each year. Registration is open to graduate students admitted into the program. All other students require consent of the Department’s Graduate Program Director.
Communication and Media Studies
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Communication and Media Studies
An overview of theories, problematics and approaches in communication and media.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 601 and either Communications Studies 601 or Culture and Society 601 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 601)
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Communication and Media Studies
Communication and Cultural Theory
An examination of the major perspectives in communication and cultural theory through a historical analysis of classic works and an overview of contemporary approaches and applications.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 613 and either Communications Studies 613 or Culture and Society 613 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 613)
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Communication and Media Studies
Representation and Identity
An investigation of various issues related to representation and identity, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 617 and Culture and Society 603 will not be allowed
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 617)
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Communication and Media Studies
Communications and Cultural Industries
An analysis of the governmental and social contexts which inform the current development of telecommunications, communications, cultural industries and new media in Canada.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 619 and Communications Studies 619 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 619)
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Communication and Media Studies
Social Contexts of Science and Technology
Theoretical perspectives for understanding central debates in the study of science and technology in their social, political, cultural, and communication contexts.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 623)
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Communication and Media Studies
Social and Media Activism
A critical overview of how digital media are being taken up by social justice movements and the implications of these new media practices in relation to politics and activism.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 631 and Culture and Society 607 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 621)
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Communication and Media Studies
International Communication
An examination of cultural/communication issues and practices in international contexts. Examines the role of media systems in processes of culture, development, and identity formation.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 641 and Communications Studies 641 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 641)
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Communication and Media Studies
Methods in Film Studies
An examination of key approaches to studying film, including its aesthetic, historical, and theoretical dimensions.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-3)
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Communication and Media Studies
Media and Democracy
An examination of the role played by media in democratic systems past and present. Draws from classic and contemporary democratic theory to explore the changing positions of traditional and new media, focusing on the interrelationships of media, political institutions and citizenship.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
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Communication and Media Studies
Communication and Health
Critically exploring the concept of health through the lens of communication, examines cultural and media representations of health, along with questions of health and identity, health promotion and advocacy, health risk and regulation, and social movements.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
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Communication and Media Studies
PhD Theory Seminar
A seminar that enables PhD students to focus their research interests and to explore theories relevant to their areas of specialization.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to the Communication and Media Studies PhD program.
Credit for Communication and Media Studies 713 and Communications Studies 713 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 713)
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Communication and Media Studies
Selected Topics in Communication, Media and Film
A variety of communication, media and film topics based on faculty expertise.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Also known as:
(formerly Communication and Culture 717)
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