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Summary of Changes for 2020/21 Calendar
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2020-2021 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions C Civil Engineering ENCI
Civil Engineering ENCI

For more information about these courses, see the Department of Civil Engineering: .

Senior Courses
Civil Engineering 300       Introduction to Civil Engineering Design
Introduction to engineering design theory, tools, and techniques, with application to civil engineering problems. Emphasis on the use of digital tools such as computer aided design, 3D printing and spreadsheets for analysis and design, and oral and written communication for technical reporting. Introduction to team based design and team management
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-3)
Credit for Civil Engineering 300 and 337 will not be allowed. 
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Civil Engineering 317       Mechanics of Solids
Axial-force, shear-force and bending-moment diagrams; stress and strain; stress-strain relations; elastic and plastic behaviour; elastic constants; simple statically indeterminate (one-degree) problems; review of moment of inertia, product of inertia and principal axes of inertia; elastic torsion of circular shafts; elastic and plastic bending about principal axes of beams with symmetrical cross-section; composite beams; shear stresses due to bending; Mohr's circle for stress; thin-walled pressure vessels; deflection of beams by integration; Euler buckling.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1.5T-3/2)
Engineering 202 and Mathematics 275 or Applied Mathematics 217.
Credit for Civil Engineering 317 and Engineering 317 will not be allowed.
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Civil Engineering 400       Application of Civil Engineering Design Concepts
Team based design applying conceptual and preliminary design principles to civil engineering projects. Application of the design process to open-ended projects that encompass the subdisciplines of civil engineering. Effective oral and written communication of the design proposal through engineering drawings, technical reports and models.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Civil Engineering 300.
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Civil Engineering 402       Hydraulics
Quantitative and qualitative investigation of pipe flow and free-surface fluid flow. Application of fundamental laws of mechanics to fluid flow, including conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Use of theoretical and numerical analysis methods. Review of basic concepts of fluid motion; pressurized pipe network flow; open channel flow; uniform and non-uniform flow.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Mechanical Engineering 341.
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Civil Engineering 413       Introduction to Civil Engineering Materials
Engineering properties, materials science and applications of Civil Engineering materials: strength, elasticity, fatigue, creep, shrinkage, durability, thermal deformation; introduction to fracture mechanics; microstructure and fundamental principles underlying performance; mass transport processes, corrosion and phase transformations causing deterioration. Practical examples from difference materials sectors: steel, aggregates, cement, Portland cement concrete, masonry, asphalt concrete, natural and synthetic polymers.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-5/2)
Engineering 201; and Engineering 317 or Civil Engineering 317.
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Civil Engineering 423       Geotechnical Engineering I
Identification and classification of soils; soil compaction; seepage; effective stress concept; stresses in a soil mass; settlement; one dimensional consolidation; shear stress and strength; introduction to slope stability; selected laboratory and design exercises with computer applications.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T-2)
Geology 471.
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Civil Engineering 451       Structural Engineering I
Review of analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Structural building materials; principles of structural analysis and design process; loads on structures; structural systems; idealized models; load paths for gravity lateral loads; structural safety; philosophy of limit states design. Design principles for main structural members in steel, plain and reinforced concrete/masonry, and timber.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T-1)
Civil Engineering 461.
Civil Engineering 413.
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Civil Engineering 461       Mechanics of Solids and Structures
Analysis of statically determinate structures: reactions, member forces in trusses, bending moment, shearing force and axial force diagrams for frames; introduction to indeterminate structures; effects of moving loads, influence lines, Muller-Breslau principle; determination of displacements using moment area theorems, energy theorems and virtual work; Maxwell's theorem; normal stresses in non-symmetric sections; principal axes, shear centre; plastic torsion of circular shafts, torsion of non-circular sections; principal stresses, failure theories; elastic buckling of columns.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1.5T)
Engineering 317 or Civil Engineering 317.
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Civil Engineering 471       Project Management I
Introduces techniques that provide rational solutions to a range of project management decision-making problems encountered in engineering projects. Students are expected to gain a detailed understanding of some of the techniques, tools and processes available and their application in planning and managing engineering and construction projects. The course covers project management fundamentals including project planning and scheduling techniques, cash flow forecasting, performance evaluations and decision analysis. Introduction to operations research.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
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Civil Engineering 473       Transportation Engineering I

Goals and objectives of urban and regional transportation planning; introduction to transportation modes; transportation demand models; fundamentals of traffic flow theory; shockwave theory; car following models; highway capacity and level of service; traffic signal warrants; traffic signal design.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Engineering 319.
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Civil Engineering 481       Environmental Engineering I
Analyze and develop civil engineering solutions, at a conceptual level, to human health and environmental problems associated with human activities; fundamental aspects of air, water and land pollution; water quality assessment and control; environmental aspects of non-renewable energy development; introduction to sustainability concepts in construction and transportation; solid waste management technologies; introduction to land pollution prevention and control.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1/2T-2/2)
Chemistry 209.
Credit for Civil Engineering 481 and either Energy and Environment, Engineering 377 or 519.09 will not be allowed.
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Civil Engineering 502       Civil Engineering Aspects of Sustainable Communities
Definition of sustainability; global urbanization; emissions from transportation systems; economics of urban development from a civil infrastructure point of view, water/wastewater, land use/transportation; public transportation; travel demand management for sustainability; construction industry - energy use and emissions.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Civil Engineering 473 and 481.
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Civil Engineering 504       Uncertainty Concepts in Civil Engineering
Fundamentals of uncertainty, risk, reliability and decision making in Civil Engineering applications. Probability as a measure of uncertainty based on frequency data, least presumptive methods and use of odds; Bayes’ Theorem; known probability distributions and how they apply to civil engineering problems. Advanced topics including applications of extreme value distributions, joint probability distributions and stochastic optimization. Risk as a function of both probability and disutility. Risk analysis through Bayesian Decision Theory.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Engineering 319.
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Civil Engineering 508       Environmental Aspects of Energy
Environmental assessment and management in the energy sector. Ecological footprint introduction. Site investigation, field techniques and program implementation; remedial planning and design; cost and time analysis; physical, chemical and biological remediation techniques; biomass and waste to energy; energy use and emissions in transportation systems; energy efficiencies and emissions in building construction; assess problems with energy use from an environmental setting; develop and apply engineered solutions; ecological and environmental footprints of energy industries.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1)
3 units from Civil Engineering 481, Energy and Environment, Engineering 377 or 519.09.
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Civil Engineering 513       Structural Concrete Design
Structural systems for buildings. Flexural design in reinforced concrete. Design of continuous beams and one-way slabs using moment coefficients. Shear design. Bond and development. Serviceability. Two-way slab and flat plate systems: direct design method, punching shear. Biaxially loaded and long columns. Walls: laterally loaded walls, bearing walls, shear walls. Footings: wall footings, isolated footings. Pre-stressed concrete: introduction, elastic analysis, deflections, flexural and shear strength. Use of computer programs where applicable.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Civil Engineering 451.
Civil Engineering 551.
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Civil Engineering 523       Geotechnical Engineering II
Sub-surface investigations; soil shear strength, critical states and laboratory tests; shallow and deep foundations in sands and clays; bearing capacity and settlement of structures; lateral earth pressures and retaining structures; seepage analysis; slope stability analysis, selected laboratory design exercises, solution to slope stability and other problems using computer programs.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T-2/2)
Civil Engineering 423.
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Civil Engineering 551       Structural Engineering II
Review of analysis of statically determinate structures. Static and kinematic indeterminacy. Principle of superposition. The force/flexibility and displacement/stiffness methods for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. Calculation of displacements. Inelastic buckling of columns. Use of computers for the analysis of plane frames and grids. Plastic analysis of continuous beams, frames and plates. Yield line theory.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Civil Engineering 461.
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Civil Engineering 557       Structural Steel Design
Principles of limit states design of steel structures. Floor systems; resistance to horizontal forces. Properties of steel. Tension members. Eccentrically-loaded bolted and welded connections; connection details. Axially-loaded compression members. Laterally unsupported beams. Members subjected to bending and axial forces; beam-column effect. Composite beams. Plate girders. Design of a simple steel structure and use of available computer software to assist in analysis and design of steel structures.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Civil Engineering 451 and 551.
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Civil Engineering 565       Project Management II

Introduces fundamentals of engineering and construction management techniques, tools and processes. The course covers understanding of design and contract documents, estimating and cost control; project organizations, design of temporary facilities including formwork and safety related matters, construction processes, dispute resolution, social, economic and environmental impacts, regulatory requirements, project completion and commissioning.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Civil Engineering 471.
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Civil Engineering 570       Civil Engineering Design Project

Team design project applying engineering and project management principles to civil engineering design problems. Consideration of technical, resource allocation and business aspects of project. Development of project scope, design, specifications, sustainability, scheduling and documentation. Elements of practical team management and leadership. Specific guidance provided by academic and industry advisors.

Course Hours:
6 units; (0-4)
Civil Engineering 400 and 21 out of the following 24 units: Civil Engineering 402, 413, 423, 451, 461, 471, 473, 481.
Concurrent enrolment in Civil Engineering 570 and one or more of Internship 513.01, 513.02, 513.03, and 513.04 will not be allowed.
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Civil Engineering 571       Introduction to Road Safety
Theory and evidence in accident analysis and prevention. Topics include Haddon's matrix, crash data analysis, traffic enforcement, road safety advertising, fleet safety, road safety audits, vehicle safety and program evaluation.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Civil Engineering 473 and Engineering 319.
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Civil Engineering 575       Transportation Engineering II

An introduction to the fundamentals of how various transportation systems are designed and operated. Topics to be covered include: public transit design and operation, highway engineering and design, airport design, traffic system design and operations, before and after studies and Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Civil Engineering 473 and Engineering 319.
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Civil Engineering 581       Environmental Engineering II

Water and wastewater quantities and quality, water distribution and wastewater collection systems, hydraulic considerations, design of sanitary sewers, storm drainage systems, physical, chemical, and biological processes for water and wastewater treatment; aeration, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, single and multi-media filtration, disinfection, activated sludge system and trickling filter, adsorption, reverse osmosis, membrane filtration, advanced oxidation, sludge processing and disposal, industrial water and wastewater treatment, water conservation, reuse and recycling.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1)
Civil Engineering 481 and Mechanical Engineering 341.
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Civil Engineering 595       Special Topics
Current topics in Civil Engineering.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1)
Consent of the Department Head.
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Civil Engineering 597       Civil Engineering Project I
Individual work on an assigned Civil Engineering topic under the supervision of a faculty member. The project will normally involve a literature review, theoretical and laboratory or field work. Submission of a mid-term progress report defended orally and a final report.
Course Hours:
3 units; (0-5)
Consent of the Department.
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Graduate Courses

Registration in all courses requires the approval of the Department of Civil Engineering. For a more complete listing of Environmental Engineering graduate courses look under Environmental Engineering.

Civil Engineering 611       Bituminous Materials
Origin of bituminous materials. Production, composition, and internal structure. Natural and petroleum-refined bituminous materials. Characteristics of bituminous materials and their measurement. Basic material and rheological tests. Application of bituminous materials in asphalt paving technologies. Hot mixes and asphalt emulsions. Paving mix design, properties and testing. Main failure modes of asphalt pavements. Industrial asphalts. Environmental impacts of asphalt technologies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 617       Fracture of Civil Engineering Materials
Cohesive strength; plasticity. Fracture mechanics in relation to structural steel, stress intensity, fracture toughness, energy release rate, LEFM, COD, J-Integral, R-Curve, fatigue. Compressive fracture of concrete, masonry and rocks; cracking patterns, fracture theories, damage models, test methods and effects.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 619       Special Problems
Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member. Students would be required to consider problems of an advanced nature.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 621       Computer Analysis of Structures
Review of the displacement method of structural analysis, energy theorems, and transformation of force and displacement matrices. Computer analysis of framed structures: banded stiffness matrices, assemblage of stiffness matrices, displacement and support conditions and calculation of reactions, solution of banded equations. Structural symmetry, anti-symmetry and cyclic symmetry. Analysis of large structures by substructuring. Analysis of shear wall structures. Introduction to the finite element method: displacement functions, stiffness matrix formulation, consistent load vectors, isoparametric elements. Non-linear analysis: effect of axial forces combined with large displacements, geometric stiffness matrix, Newton-Raphson techniques, examples of geometric non-linearity, non-linear buckling, cable networks including membrane elements, analysis of structures made of non-linear materials. Structuring and composition of available structural analysis computer programs, and their applications.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 623       Behaviour and Design of Reinforced Concrete Members
Behaviour and strength of reinforced concrete members; materials; safety; design of members subjected to flexure, compression, compression and flexure including biaxial bending, shear, torsion; bond and anchorage; slender columns; deep beams; serviceability; rotation capacity; relation between results of research and current design codes.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 627       Sustainable Serviceability of Concrete Structures
Material properties affecting serviceability: creep and shrinkage of concrete and relaxation of prestressed steel. Displacement method of analysis of strains and stresses due to temperature, creep and shrinkage; composite sections; cracked sections. Time-dependent internal forces; effects of loading, prestressing and construction in stages. Displacements of cracked members; crack spacing; stabilized cracks; force-induced and displacement-induced cracking. Deflections of beams, frames, slabs and floor systems. Non-linear effects of cracking on internal forces. Effects of temperature. Fatigue of cracked prestressed members. Corrosion; effects of cracking. Serviceability considerations of miscellaneous structures, e.g., bridges, water-retaining structures and pavements.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 629       Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures
Discussion of linear finite element analysis; non-linear analysis and iterative techniques; constitutive relations and failure theories; modelling of reinforcement and prestressing; cracking models and post-cracking behaviour; tension stiffening and strain softening; models for shear transfer; time-dependent effects of creep, shrinkage and temperature; behaviour under cyclic loading and dynamic effects; numerical examples and computer applications on analysis of beams, frames, slabs, shear panels and walls, thin shells, axisymmetric solids and three dimensional structures.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 633       Fibre Reinforced Polymers for Construction and Repair of Structures
Properties and behaviour of various types of Fibre-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) materials. Limit States Design, procedures and design philosophy of structures reinforced or strengthened with FRP. Flexural and shear design. FRP systems for flexural and shear strengthening of structures. Axial strengthening of columns. Concrete prestressed with FRP. Durability and fire resistance, blast mitigation and repair using FRP. Case studies and field applications.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 635       Behaviour and Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridges and Other Structures
Forces due to prestressing in statically indeterminate structures such as continuous beams, frames, slabs, using load balancing method, force method and prestressing influence coefficients. Limit analysis of continuous prestressed concrete structures. Design of prestressed flat slabs. Initial and time-dependent deflections. Effect of creep and shrinkage in statically indeterminate structures; effect of differential settlement; creep behaviour of structures made continuous by cast-in situ concrete. Discussion of various types of prestressed concrete bridges; selection of cross-section, pier arrangement, abutments, approach slab, bearings. Loads. Design of skew and curved bridges. Cable layout in skew and curved bridges. Methods of bridge construction. Aesthetic considerations in bridge design.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Civil Engineering 637.
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Civil Engineering 637       Behaviour and Design of Prestressed Concrete Members
Flexural analysis and design of prestressed and partially prestressed concrete members based on stresses, deflections and strength. Design of members subjected to shear, torsion, compression or tension. Fire resistance. Composite members. Bond and anchorage zones. Prestressing losses and time-dependent deformations. Discussion of current design standards.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 639       Structural Dynamics
Numerical analysis of simple systems; rigorous analysis of one-degree systems; lumped mass multi-degree systems and structures with distributed mass and load; approximate analysis and design methods; earthquakes, blast-resistant design, beams subjected to moving loads; calculation of results by analog and digital computer.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 641       Seismic Analysis and Design
Introduction to seismology, ground movements, typical accelograms. Response spectra for linear and non-linear responses, role of damping and inelastic behaviour. Equivalent lateral load for design, code requirements. Structural design concepts to mitigate seismic effects. Design of steel structures for earthquake motions. Design of concrete frames and walls for earthquake motions.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Civil Engineering 639.
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Civil Engineering 643       Structural Masonry Design
Component materials and their properties, masonry properties, quality control, plain and reinforced masonry, beams, walls, slender walls, columns, load-moment interaction curves, concentrated load bearing, shear load distribution, shear walls, code provisions, building envelope, detailing, differential movement, geometric walls, prestressed masonry, arches.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 645       Risk Analysis
The objective of this course in engineering risk analysis and risk assessment is to familiarize students with the principles and techniques of quantitative risk analysis. Key focus points are the treatment of uncertainties, the attitude of conservatism, risk perception, the careful use of quantitative risk measures, and a discussion of the dangers tasks facing risk-based decision makers. Includes: Hazards, risk, risk analysis, risk assessment; risk measures; probability, uncertainty modelling, stochastic variables; using and misusing data, reliability, tails; risk assessment frameworks, models in health and environmental risk analysis, models in engineering risk analysis; risk perception, risk comparison; and practical case studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 647       Structural Reliability Analysis
Concepts of risk and reliability, uncertainties, and engineering decision making. Techniques for reliability-based assessment of structural components and systems. Time-dependent structural reliability analysis including load, load effect, and resistance modelling. Code calibration using structural reliability. Reliability assessment of existing structures. Applications focus on design and optimization of uncertain systems such as structures, soils, and infrastructure systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 649       Conservation of Heritage Structures I
Introduction to heritage conservation. Heritage value. Heritage materials and their heterogeneity. Structural systems. Load paths, funicular analysis and thrust lines. Analysis of arches, vaults and domes. Stability versus strength, causes of cracking, collapse mechanisms, geometric considerations. Inspection methodology, investigation and monitoring techniques. Damage assessment and interpretation. Non-destructive and semi-destructive tests. Case studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 651       Conservation of Heritage Structures II
Modeling and analysis: numerical modeling, macro and micro modeling, Dynamics: resonance and seismic excitation. Intervention techniques: rehabilitation, strengthening, replacement, structural and environmental effects, compatibility of materials, durability. Case studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Civil Engineering 649.
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Civil Engineering 653       Theory and Applications of the Finite Element Method
Conceptual framework of the finite element method with emphasis on applications to structural analysis: shape functions, continuity at nodes, numerical integration, matrix assembly. Scope of the method, use of basic equations of elasticity, displacement (stiffness) method of analysis. Sources of error and poor performance; mesh sensitivity; element types, their selection and behaviour. Applications in structural analysis, heat conduction and other non-structural problems; use of available finite element programs.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 655       Numerical Methods for Modelling Geomaterials
Methods of theoretical analysis for solving partial differential equations associated with Geotechnical and Structural Engineering. Variational Principles, Principle of Virtual Work and Galerkin Method. Theory of finite element and focus on its computer implementation for analysis of engineering problems. Typical applications include two- and three-dimensional stress analysis, seepage flow, and coupled fluid flow-solid deformation problems. Advanced topics: numerical strategies for solving material and geometric non-linearities (plasticity and large deformations), poro-elasticity and plasticity, strain localization, and presentation of other numerical techniques such as finite difference, boundary element, discrete element methods.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 657       Airport Planning and Engineering
Planning of airport systems; planning and design of the airfield; airside capacity and delay; air traffic control; planning and design of the passenger terminal; analysis of airport operations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 659       Sustainable Infrastructure
Sustainability and durability issues of structural materials; properties and uses of non-renewable and recycled materials; energy efficient design and green material selection; life cycle cost analysis. Constructability. Aesthetics. Infrastructure management, inventory, assessment/monitoring, performance and remaining service life. Preservation of existing infrastructure; repair and rehabilitation, strengthening and retrofitting to extend service life of structures. Structural composites: properties and applications to improve performance and sustainability of infrastructure.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 665       Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour
Principle of effective stress in saturated soil, unsaturated soil and clay. Engineering properties of soils. Shear strength and deformation characteristics of soils in static, cyclic, drained and/or undrained loading. Laboratory testing of soils. One-dimensional consolidation, poro-elastic deformation, swelling mechanism, time-dependent deformation and soil contamination in soils.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 667       Applied Rock Engineering
Engineering properties of intact rock and rock mass. Rock classification. Slope and underground excavation; groundwater flow in fractured rock; poro-elastic deformation analysis; hydraulic fracturing.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 669       Permafrost Engineering
Development, characteristics and significance of permafrost, including the thermal and hydrological processes and resulting periglacial geomorphology and geotechnical implications. Contemporary topics in science and engineering of seasonally and perennially frozen ground.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 671       Advanced Foundation Engineering

Application of geotechnical engineering in the design and analysis of foundations. Includes shallow foundations, deep foundations, earth retaining structures, embankments. Use of bearing capacity theory to calculate ultimate loads. Use of typical elasticity solutions to evaluate settlement. Introduction to Limit State Design. Introduction to the use of geosynthetics to improve soil behaviour in foundation design. Design problems and computer applications in geotechnical foundation engineering.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 673       Constitutive Laws for Geomaterials
Definition of a continuous medium. Description of deformable continuous media; concepts of stress, strain and their invariants. Constitutive equations geomaterials as a generic for soil, rock and concrete materials in civil engineering. Review of elasticity theory. Introduction to yielding, plastic flow and failure phenomena in geomaterials. Limit analysis with applications to both geotechnical and structural engineering. Stress-strain behaviour for both cohesive and granular materials. Constitutive models based on critical state theory will be presented. Other topics such as strain localization and fracture phenomena may be included as appropriate.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Civil Engineering 689       Advanced Project Management Practices and Principles
Advanced practices, tools and concepts in managing complex volatile or large projects. SMART project management based on best practices in diverse industries forms the basis of this course.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Civil Engineering 691 and 697; or Engineering 684 and Civil Engineering 697.
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Civil Engineering 691       Fundamentals of Project Management
Application of management principles to the project environment; planning, control, scope, time and cost processes; project organization and human resource issues. Students review aspects of a current major capital project and submit and defend a project report.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Civil Engineering 691 and either Business and Environment 691 or Engineering 684 will not be allowed.   
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Civil Engineering 693       Project Engineering Management
Role of the engineering manager in the project management team. The engineering firm, its organization and function; project development, engineering project control; design control; scope and estimate control; engineering interfaces with procurement and construction; engineering responsibility in project commissioning start-up and operations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Engineering 684.
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Civil Engineering 695       Project Construction Management
Role of the construction manager in the project management team; project options for the management of construction; managing the contractor's business; labour relations; claims; contractor(s) responsibility in project commissioning start-up and operations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Engineering 684.
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Civil Engineering 697       Project Planning and Control
Strategic and tactical planning; planning for scope, quality, time and cost; selection and implementation of project management information system; economic and risk analysis; planning for construction labour relations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Engineering 681 and 684.
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Civil Engineering 699       Law for Project Managers
Legal issues related to the effective management of projects. Introduction to the legal system and processes; environmental law; intellectual property non-disclosure; professional liability; contract law; strategic alliances; employment law; the builder's lien act. Cases are reviewed and students are expected to complete a number of assignments requiring research into case law.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
This course may not be taken for credit towards the JD or LLM degrees.
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Civil Engineering 707       Theory of Transport Demand Modelling
Modelling for transport planning; data in transport modelling; trip generation modelling; trip distribution modelling; modal split modelling; direct demand models; traffic assignment; equilibrium in transport modelling; discrete-choice models; specification and estimation of logit models; aggregation issues; simplified transport demand models; model updating and transferability.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Department.
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Civil Engineering 709       Practice of Transport Demand Modelling
Sample enumeration modelling; practical aspects of logit model estimation and calibration; disaggregate choice behaviour data; practical four-step transport demand modelling using conventional software packages; application of computer-based network assignment models.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-4)
Civil Engineering 707.
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Civil Engineering 711       Advanced Analysis and Modelling of Public Transit Systems
Role of public transport in a city; concepts of public and private benefits; economies of scale; main modes of urban public transport systems: rail, bus, van and other vehicles; advanced mathematical modelling of mode of operation, route alignment, access, station and stop location, transfer protocols, time table, vehicle and fleet size, reliability; concepts of utility and value of time; detailed functional design and optimization of a bus route, rail line; bus, rail and metro networks.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
An undergraduate degree in engineering or instructor approval.
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Civil Engineering 715       Transport Economics
Economic characteristics of transport; movement and location; transport demand; direct costs of transport; the value of travel time; external costs of transport; shadow prices; pricing of transport services; containment of external costs of transport; private and public sector investment analysis in transport; transport and economic development; transport policy.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Department.
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Civil Engineering 717       Dynamic Traffic Flow and Network Modelling
Fundamental traffic flow characteristics; moving bottlenecks and standing queues; macroscopic traffic flow models, shockwave theory and queuing theory; Traffic instabilities such as capacity drop, wide moving jams and hysteresis loops; Higher order traffic models; Microscopic models (i.e. car-following models); Static assignment including the concepts of user equilibrium and system optimum, shortest path and Braece paradox; Formulation of traffic assignment as a mathematic programming and solution algorithm; Basic concepts of dynamic traffic assignment including dynamic network loading and route choice; advanced traffic management with particular emphasis on advanced traffic management and control and discussion of microscopic simulation models.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Department.
Also known as:
(formerly Civil Engineering 703)
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Civil Engineering 741       Biological Processes for Wastewater Treatment
Specialized biological wastewater treatment processes for removal of impurities not effectively removed by conventional secondary wastewater treatment systems, such as nutrients (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus), residual organics, residual solids, bacteria and viruses.  Wetlands.  Activated sludge modelling. Biological nutrient removal. Sludge management. Disinfection.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Also known as:
(Environmental Engineering 663)
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Civil Engineering 745       Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Sites Management
Integrated waste management. Functional and fundamental properties of hazardous waste. Toxicological properties of contaminants. Contaminant release mechanisms. Fate and transport of contaminants in the environment. Contaminated site assessment principles. Quantitative human health risk assessment (QHHRA) as applied to contaminated sites. Hazard identification, exposure pathway analysis, risk characterization. Risk management and site remediation. Methods of hazardous waste treatment and contaminated site remediation. Secure land disposal of hazardous waste and contaminated soils and sludges.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Also known as:
(Environmental Engineering 655)
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Civil Engineering 747       Contaminated Soil Remediation
Overview of soil remediation engineering. Contaminant partitioning in air, water and gas phases. Phases of site assessments, Physical and chemical treatment processes, soil vapour extraction, air sparging, soil washing, soil flushing, thermal desorption and incineration, solidification and stabilization, vitrification, biological treatment processes, bioremediation kinetics, ex situ and in situ techniques. Liquid phase bioremediation as it pertains to soil remediation.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Also known as:
(Environmental Engineering 653)
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Civil Engineering 749       Environmental Aspects of Waste Disposal Systems
Soil-chemical interactions and implications in waste disposal system design; landfill design principles; leachate production, leachate migration in the unsaturated/saturated zones; analytical and numerical solution of flow and transport equations; applications and case studies of groundwater contamination; design and construction of barrier systems; bioreactor landfills; landfill closure issues; greenhouse gas control systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Civil Engineering 749 and Environmental Engineering 651 will not be allowed.
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