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Summary of Changes for 2020/21 Calendar
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2020-2021 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions N, O Nursing NURS
Nursing NURS

For more information about these courses, see the Faculty of Nursing: .

Courses are restricted to students admitted to the Faculty of Nursing.

Note: Where applicable, Clinical Practice courses must be taken concurrently with the theoretical components.

Junior Courses
Nursing 201       Introduction to Nursing
Basic concepts of nursing, individual, family, community, health, environment, and the relationships among them. Historical development of the nursing profession, its unique position within the health-care system, and the roles of various health-care providers.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 223 and 207.
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Nursing 202       Biochemistry and Microbiology for Nurses
Introduces foundational biochemistry and microbiology concepts that support understanding of human functioning and adaptive and disease responses.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Nursing 203       Foundations for Nursing Practice
Development of skills applicable to nursing practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (0-3)
Students must obtain a grade of "C" or better to proceed with program.
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Nursing 205       Therapeutic Interventions
Nursing therapeutics and pharmacology in wellness and illness states across the lifespan.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 209 and 211.
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Nursing 206       Introduction to the Nursing Profession
Students explore nursing as a knowledge profession, with a focus on nurses’ theoretical knowing, ways of thinking and reasoning, evidence informed practice, and the collaborative nature of nursing in an inter-professional team.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Credit for Nursing 206 and any of 201, 207, and 418 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 207       Nursing Inquiry
Continuing development of a conceptual framework for nursing practice. Development of a theoretical base for understanding various human responses to health experiences.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 201 and 223.
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Nursing 208       Perspectives and Influences of Health
Students explore health and wellness through a primary health care and equity lens. Students examine concepts, theories and evidence for various perspectives about what creates and compromises health. Students engage with well persons across the life-course through education projects and wellness visits to gain beginning competence to work in community and primary health care settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Credit for Nursing 208 and any of 201, 401, 420 and 531 will not be allowed.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 209       Nursing Practice
Continuing development of skills for nursing practice with opportunity to apply assessment, psychomotor and communication skills in the helping relationship.
Course Hours:
3 units; (104 hours)
Nursing 201 and 203.
Nursing 205 and 211.
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Nursing 210       Nursing Concepts and Therapeutics I
Students explore fundamental physical and mental health concepts in the context of health and wellness. The focus is on homeostatic adaptive responses and the application of select nursing therapeutics.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2-2S)
Nursing 202 and 221.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 223)
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Nursing 211       Health Assessment
Knowledge and basic skills needed to complete a health history and a holistic assessment of healthy individuals. Students will practice health assessment skills on each other.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-3)
Nursing 201, 207, 221 and 223.
Nursing 222 and 224.
Students must obtain a grade of "C" or better to proceed with program.
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Nursing 213       Consolidation Practicum I
Integration of learning and continuing development of professional relationships with individuals and families experiencing health challenges in selected settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (80 hours in Spring Intersession)
Nursing 211, 221, 222 and 224.
Nursing 227.
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Nursing 221       Anatomy and Physiology I
The use of lecture and laboratory approaches to introduce students to the study of the human body. Students first explore introductory concepts related to basic chemical processes, then examine cellular physiology and tissues, and subsequently review various body systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Biology 30 and admission to Bachelor of Nursing in Qatar.
Credit for Nursing 221 and either Zoology 269 or Kinesiology 259 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 222       Anatomy and Physiology II
Building on Nursing 221, students continue to study the human body. Students gain further understanding of various body systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 221 and admission to Bachelor of Nursing in Qatar.
Credit for Nursing 222 and either Zoology 269 or Kinesiology 260 will not be allowed.        
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Nursing 223       Foundational Concepts in Nursing Practice I
This theory and experiential course introduces health care concepts foundational to nursing practice. Students apply basic therapeutic nursing skills that support health in laboratory, simulation, and practice settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2S-2)
Nursing 201, 207 and 221.
Credit for Nursing 223 and 203 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 224       Foundational Concepts in Nursing Practice II
This theory and experiential course builds on learning about health care concepts foundational to nursing practice from Nursing 223. Students build their basic therapeutic nursing skills that support health in laboratory, simulation, and practice settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2S-2)
Nursing 223.
Nursing 211 and 222.
Credit for Nursing 224 and 209 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 227       Nursing Therapeutics for Alterations in Health I
This theory and experiential course provides an integrated view of the pathology of injury and disease and pharmacological interventions for the nurse. Foundational concepts of pathophysiology and pharmacology are introduced.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 221 and 222.
Credit for Nursing 227 and 205 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 285       The Discipline and Profession of Nursing I: Foundational Professional Concepts
The study of concepts foundational to the profession and discipline of nursing. Exploration of concepts of complexity, transition, social justice, ethic of caring, health promotion and principles of population health. Emphasis on understanding the social commitments and contributions made by nursing within its professional scope of practice. Includes an overview of the Canadian health-care system.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 287, 288 and 289.              
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Nursing 287       The Science of Health I: Communities and Populations
Determinants of health, health indices, principles and methods of epidemiology, and population-based health management are emphasized. Conduct of health surveys and use of population-based health data to identify health risk are addressed. Integration of concepts of microbiology and risk elevation related to ages and stages of the lifespan. Basic tenets of the meaning of evidence-based practice will be introduced.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 285, 288 and 289.        
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Nursing 288       Supporting Health I: Communities and Populations
Focus on a broad understanding of health and the basic frameworks and principles of population health promotion, primary health care and upstream thinking. Explores how health can be created and supported in a society. Emphasis on developing communication and relationship building skills to work effectively in a group or a team. Strategies to assess protect and promote the health of groups and communities.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 285, 287 and 289.         
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Nursing 289       Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices I: Learning, Praxis and Scholarship in the Practicum Setting
Integration and application of theoretic knowledge in simulated and nursing practice settings. Develop skills and competencies in nursing of groups, communities, and populations within a collaborative practice model.
Course Hours:
6 units; (228 hours)
Nursing 285, 287 and 288.                  
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Senior Courses
Nursing 301       Adult Health Theory
Focus on expanding the theoretical understanding of the adult experiencing complex acute and chronic illness.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only).
Nursing 302.
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Nursing 302       Adult Health Practice
Managing care from a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective for more acutely and chronically ill patients with a primary focus on the adult in acute medical/surgical settings.
Course Hours:
6 units; (208 hours within one term)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only) and 327.
Nursing 301.
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Nursing 303       Psychiatric/Mental Health Theory
Exploration of concepts related to individuals and families experiencing mental health and illness.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only).
Nursing 305.
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Nursing 305       Psychiatric/Mental Health Practice
Application of concepts, values, and skills with individuals, groups, and families experiencing mental health and illness.
Course Hours:
3 units; (128 hours within one term)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only).
Nursing 303.
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Nursing 306       Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Concepts
Students explore concepts related to beginning alterations in cellular and tissue function and their relation to pharmacology mechanisms. Students gain fundamental skills for the safe administration of medications.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 206, 208, 210 and 222.
Credit for Nursing 306 and 227 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 307       Nursing of Families
Exploration of family nursing theory, models, and relational nursing practices which involve and support families within a variety of nursing practice contexts.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only).
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Nursing 308       Introduction to Health Assessment
Students explore concepts related to health assessment, with a focus on well and stable adults. Students learn anatomical landmarks, the use of tools and technology to assess human structure and function, and understand normal physiological function and adaptive responses.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
Nursing 206, 208, 210 and 222.
Credit for Nursing 308 and either 211 or 441 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 309       Research in Nursing
Concepts related to the fundamentals of research, with a focus on reading, critiquing, and applying evidence in nursing.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Statistics 205.
Credit for Nursing 309 and 539 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 310       Nursing Concepts and Therapeutics II
A continuation of fundamental physical health concepts in the context of health and wellness. Homeostatic responses and the application of nursing therapeutics for select concepts are a focus.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 206, 208, 210 and 222.
Credit for Nursing 310 and either 223 or 224 and will not be allowed.
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Nursing 311       Pathophysiology
An overview of human pathophysiological concepts at the cellular, organ and systems level.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 221 and 222.
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Nursing 312       Introduction to Integrated Practice
Professional and therapeutic communication and participation in an integrated practice experience. A focus on expanding and integrating knowledge about nursing concepts, applying communication skills, building professional relationships, and practicing basic nursing therapeutics with stable persons.
Course Hours:
3 units; (0-2S-7)
Nursing 210 and 222.
Credit for Nursing 312 and 213 will not be allowed.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 313       Nursing for Alterations I
An exploration of human pathophysiology at the cellular, organ, and systems level with emphasis on alterations related to select biophysical and psychosocial concepts. Gaining competence in health assessment and pharmacotherapeutics for various altered states of health is a focus.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 306, 308, 310 and 312.
Credit for Nursing 313 and either 327 or 419 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 314       Families in Transition
The application of concepts, theories, and evidence related to the care of well and stable infants, children, adolescents, and childbearing individuals in the context of person- and family-centred care. Students learn to conduct family and mental health assessments. Preparation to care for families experiencing various transitions across diverse practice settings is a focus.
Course Hours:
6 units; (3-0)
Nursing 306, 308, 310 and 312.
Nursing 316.
Credit for Nursing 314 and any of 307, 403 or 421 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 316       Nursing Practice for Families
During this integrated practice experience, students apply theoretical concepts, theories and evidence and work in various family centres, maternity, and paediatric settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (192 hours)
Nursing 313.
Nursing 314.
Credit for Nursing 316 and 404 will not be allowed.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 327       Nursing Therapeutics for Alterations in Health II
This theory and experiential course builds on an integrated view of pathophysiological and pharmacological and the concepts from Nursing 227.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 227.
Credit for Nursing 327 and 311 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 350       Advanced Communication for the Nurse
The application of advanced oral and written techniques in a variety of challenging patient and professional interactions. Students practice and evaluate their therapeutic and professional communication skills. Students learn to formulate and deliver strategic arguments to advocate for health system improvement.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 201 and 224 (BNRT students only).
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 503.02)
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Nursing 385       The Discipline and Profession of Nursing II: Inter-Professional Practice and Professional Accountability
Concepts of inter-professional practice and its core competencies are introduced. Examination of the contributions of nursing and nursing sensitive outcomes. Full scope nursing roles on intraprofessional and interprofessional teams are explored, in particular as pertains to the complex health-care needs of families in transition and at risk. Of primary focus is exploration of the scholarly and research foundations of the profession as the basis of the professional role of a Registered Nurse.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 285, 287, 288 and 289.
Nursing 387, 388 and 389.
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Nursing 387       The Science of Health II: Families in Transition

Holistic models addressing bio/psycho/social/spiritual/cultural dimensions of family health processes are addressed. Focus on the epidemiological, physiological, pathology, and mental health knowledge that underlies the assessments of key family transitional periods. Young and senior families are highlighted.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 285, 287, 288 and 289.
Nursing 385, 388, and 389.
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Nursing 388       Supporting Health II: Families in Transition
Focus on how health, inclusive of mental health and wellness, is created and supported in families. The study of how health can be enhanced or compromised in important transition periods across the lifespan - from young to senior families. Examination of the manner in which nursing practice and health education serve to enhance family health.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 285, 287, 288 and 289.
Nursing 385, 387 and 389.
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Nursing 389       Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices II: Learning, Praxis and Scholarship in the Practicum Setting
Integration and application of theoretic knowledge in simulated and nursing practice settings. Develop skills and competencies in nursing families in transitional periods across the lifespan. Focus on optimizing family health and functioning while mitigating health risks to family members.
Course Hours:
6 units; (160 or 228 hours)
Nursing 285, 287, 288 and 289.
Nursing 385, 387 and 388.
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Nursing 401       Community Health Theory
Exploration of concepts related to the focus of the community as a client. Public health, populations at risk for physical and psychosocial disruptions in health, environmental health, cultural health patterns and beliefs, group dynamics and communications with groups.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only).
Nursing 402.
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Nursing 402       Community Health Practice
Application of concepts, values, and skills with the community as the focus of care. Experiences are drawn from a variety of rural and urban settings.
Course Hours:
6 units; (208 hours)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only).
Nursing 401.
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Nursing 403       Childbearing/Childrearing Families - Theory
Maternity and child health with family as context; the role of nursing pertinent to wellness patterns and alterations in health in these populations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (5-0)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only) and 327.
Nursing 404.
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Nursing 404       Childbearing/Childrearing Families - Practice
Facilitating and assisting childbearing and childrearing families to identify and respond to needs related to health promotion, health maintenance, and illness intervention in a variety of nursing practice settings.
Course Hours:
6 units; (208 hours within one term)
Nursing 213 (BNRT students only) and 327.
Nursing 403.
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Nursing 405       Issues in Professional Practice
The nursing role related to the dynamics of the nursing profession and the health-care system; nursing and contemporary health issues.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 301, 302, 303 and 305.
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Nursing 406       Consolidation Practicum II
Consolidation experience which includes theory and practice opportunities, and prepares students for the final year and selected area of focus.
Course Hours:
6 units; (160 hours within one term)
All Nursing courses with the exception of Nursing 307, 309 or 405 and Senior Nursing Options.
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Nursing 408       Clinical Leadership and Management
Concepts, theories, and evidence related to nursing leadership and management within an intra- and inter-professional context.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 409, 410 and 413.
Credit for Nursing 408 and any of 501, 537 or 518 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 409       Acute Mental and Physical Health Alterations
An integrated approach to concepts, theories, and evidence related to care of persons across the life course with acute, episodic and life threatening mental and physical conditions. Students are prepared to practice in medical, rehabilitation, mental health, trauma, and surgical settings.
Course Hours:
6 units; (3-0)
Nursing 313, 314 and 316.
Nursing 410.
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Nursing 410       Nursing Practice for Acute Health
During this integrated practice experience, students apply concepts, theories, and evidence learned about the care of persons and families experiencing acute mental and physical health challenges. Students are prepared to work in various medical, mental health, rehabilitative, and trauma, and surgical settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (192 hours)
Nursing 313, 314 and 316.
Nursing 409.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 411       Nursing Scholarship
An inquiry-based approach to issues and trends in nursing scholarship.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Nursing 412       High Acuity and Complex Health
Second part of a two-part sequence in care of persons with acute, episodic, and life-threatening health challenges with increased degrees of acuity and complexity. Students learn to provide palliative and end of life care and continue to build competence to practice in acute and trauma care settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 409, 410 and 413.
Nursing 416.
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Nursing 413       Nursing for Alterations II
Human pathophysiology at the cellular, organ, and systems level. Students examine alterations for select biophysical and psychosocial concepts and expand their competence in health assessment and pharmacotherapeutics for various altered states of health.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 313, 314 and 316.
Credit for Nursing 413 and 519 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 414       Chronic and Life-Limiting Conditions
Students apply concepts, theories, and evidence related to care of persons with chronic and life-limiting conditions. A focus is on chronic disease prevention and management within a socio-ecological systems framework.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 409, 410 and 413.
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Nursing 416       Nursing Practice for High Acuity and Chronic Conditions
During this integrated practice experience, students apply concepts, theories and evidence learned in the theoretical courses about caring for persons with high acuity, complex, chronic, and life-limiting health challenges. Students are prepared to work in various long-term care, rehabilitative, specialty, and acute and chronic care units.
Course Hours:
3 units; (192 hours)
Nursing 409, 410 and 413.
Nursing 412.
Credit for Nursing 416 and 526 will not be allowed.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 418       Nursing as a Knowledge and Relational Profession
Students explore nursing as a knowledge profession, with a focus on nurses’ theoretical knowing, ways of thinking and reasoning, and evidence informed practice, and interprofessional practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Diploma).
Credit for Nursing 418 and any of 201, 202 or 207 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 503.03)
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Nursing 419       Assessment and Therapeutics for Alterations in Health I
Students explore human pathophysiology at the cellular, organ, and systems level for select biophysical and psychosocial concepts. Building on experience as a diploma nurse, students gain competence in health assessment and pharmacotherapeutics for various altered states of health.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 441.
Credit for Nursing 419 and either 313 or 327 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 420       Family and Community Health
Health and wellness through a primary health care and equity lens. Various perspectives about health, its determinants, and the care of families in the context of person-and family-centred care are a focus.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Diploma).
Credit for Nursing 420 and any of 202, 206, 307, 401, 421 or 531 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 421       Nursing of Families
Nursing of families in a variety of settings and clinical populations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Nursing 441       Health Assessment Across the Life-Course
Concepts related to health assessment, with a focus on well and stable persons across the life-course. Students build competence to identify anatomical landmarks, use tools and technology to assess human structure and function, and identify normal physiological function and adaptive responses.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2-3)
Admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Diploma).
Credit for Nursing 441 and either 211 or 308 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 450       Cardiovascular Nursing Care
Students integrate new and previously acquired knowledge, skills and attributes to expand their competence in nursing care of individuals, families, and communities at risk of, or experiencing alterations in cardiovascular function.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 301 and 302 (BNRT students only).
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 503.01)
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Nursing 451       Trauma and Injury
Students integrate new and previously acquired knowledge, skills and attributes to expand their competence in nursing care of individuals, families and communities at risk of, or experiencing trauma and injury.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 301 and 302 (BNRT students only).
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 503.03)
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Nursing 452       Global Health
An introduction in global health examining the foundational concepts of global health. Students gain understanding of key global health issues and strategies to address global health concerns, and critically examine the role of nursing within the global health context.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 401 and 402 (BNRT students); Nursing 531 and 533 (PDBN students).
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 503.12)
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Nursing 453       Pain and Pain Management
Provides an in-depth exploration of nursing care related to patients and family experiencing acute and chronic pain. Students gain an increased awareness of patient's pain experience, possible impacts of pain on the patient and their family, advanced knowledge in assessing pain, and therapeutic interventions to manage pain.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 327 (BNRT students only).
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 503.27)
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Nursing 454       Cancer and the Role of the Nurse
Students gain knowledge about cancer and issues associated with caring for patients with cancer and their families across the illness trajectory including prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and reoccurrence.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 301, 302 and 327 (BNRT students only).
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 503.44)
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Nursing 461       Pathophysiology
Selected pathophysiological concepts and their relationship to human systems with an opportunity to explore an area of pathophysiology in depth.
Course Hours:
3 units; (4-0)
A course in human anatomy and physiology.
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Nursing 485       The Discipline and Profession of Nursing III: Furthering Inquiry and Scholarship in Nursing
Focus on strategies for the development of evidence-informed nursing practice. Examination of strategies to critique and facilitate the use of evidence for practice. Introduction to basic quantitative and qualitative methods used in nursing research,
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 385, 387, 388 and 389.
Nursing 487, 488 and 489.
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Nursing 487       The Science of Health III: People Experiencing Life-Threatening Health Challenges
Theoretic understanding of the holistic experience of acuity and life-threat for individuals and families is presented.  Epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic studies, complex physical and other nursing assessments relevant to common life-threatening health challenges, including mental health disorders.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 385, 387, 388 and 389.          
Nursing 485, 488, and 489.
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Nursing 488       Supporting Health III: People with Life-Threatening Health Challenges
Addresses nursing practices in acute unstable illness, injury and disease. The study of application of nursing assessments, technological interventions and best evidence nursing practices in common major acute illnesses in individuals of all age groups, set within the context of their families and communities. Emphasis is on attaining knowledge of secondary and tertiary prevention strategies. Pharmacological applications to major acute disease conditions.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 385, 387, 388 and 389.
Nursing 485, 487 and 489.
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Nursing 489       Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices III: Learning, Praxis and Scholarship in the Practicum Setting
Integration and application of theoretic knowledge in simulated and nursing practice settings. The focus in this course is nursing care of clients and families experiencing life-threatening health challenges. Development of skills of complex communication and relationship building, high-level assessment and clinical reasoning, and nursing care planning and implementation.
Course Hours:
6 units; (228 hours)
Nursing 385, 387, 388 and 389.
Nursing 485, 487 and 488.
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Nursing 495       The Discipline and Profession of Nursing IV: Understanding the Challenges of Leadership and Systems of Care
This course explores knowledge related to the current health-care system, systems of care responsive to the needs of clients with chronic health disruptions, and nursing roles of leadership and delegation. Evidence examining the efficacy of systems of care and the efficacy of nursing roles, practices, and contributions are highlighted. Examination of selected approaches to nursing research.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 485, 487, 488 and 489.
Nursing 497, 498 and 499.
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Nursing 497       The Science of Health IV: People Experiencing Chronic Health Challenges
Experience of living with chronic health challenges, including common complications. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic studies, complex physical and other nursing assessments relevant to common chronic health challenges, including mental health disorders. A holistic perspective is taken to examine the challenges of ongoing health management faced by populations of chronically ill individuals and their families.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 485, 487, 488 and 489.
Nursing 495, 498, and 499.
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Nursing 498       Supporting Health IV: People With Chronic Health Challenges
Nursing practices in caring for the chronically ill. A focus on practices to achieve healthful transitions and preservation of quality of life are emphasized. Common treatment modalities are presented including nursing therapeutics and pharmacological approaches to management of common chronic diseases. Tertiary prevention is emphasized and concepts and approaches to ongoing health assessment, health education, self-management, harm reduction, support, restoration, and palliation are addressed.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 485, 487, 488 and 489.
Nursing 495, 497 and 499.
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Nursing 499       Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices IV: Learning, Praxis and Scholarship in the Practicum Setting
Integration and application of theoretic knowledge in simulated and nursing practice settings. Long-term nursing care of individuals, families and populations with chronic health challenges. Implementation of effective therapeutic relationships, complex assessments, reasoned clinical decision-making, client and family health education, client self-management and collaborative practice models.
Course Hours:
6 units; (228 hours)
Nursing 485, 487, 488 and 489.
Nursing 495, 497 and 498.
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Nursing 501       Advanced Concepts in Nursing Practice
Leadership, management and change within the context of nursing and health care. Exploration of strategies for transition to the graduate role and responsibilities inherent in being a nursing professional.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 301, 302, 303, 305, 401, 402, 403 and 404.
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Nursing 502       Senior Clinical Practicum
Synthesis, application and further acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a selected nursing practice setting. Emphasis on complexity of nursing care with clients (individuals, families and/or aggregates). Selection of focus area will be made through consultation with faculty.
Course Hours:
6 units; (328 hours within one term)
All required Nursing courses except Nursing 501 (BNRT students only).
Prerequisite or Corequisite: Nursing 501.
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Nursing 503       Selected Topics in Nursing
Courses provide an in-depth exploration of nursing related to a clinical population and quality care topic.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Nursing 504       Critical Examination Nursing Issues
Students critically examine contemporary issues affecting the nursing profession and prepare to transition from a nursing student to a beginning registered nurse practitioner.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 408, 412, 414 and 416.
Credit for Nursing 504 and any of 405, 411 or 524 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 505       Population and Global Health
Students critically examine population and global health issues from a human rights and equity framework for select communicable diseases, chronic diseases, injuries, emergencies and disasters, and sustainable development goals.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 408 and 416.
Credit for Nursing 505 and 546 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 506       Exploratory Nursing Practice
Students integrate and refine entry-level nursing knowledge, skills, and attributes by completing a placement in a nursing practice, policy, or research setting of their choice.
Course Hours:
6 units; (240 hours)
Nursing 408, 412, 414 and 416.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 516       Transition to Practice: Consolidation
During this final practice experience, students consolidate nursing knowledge and entry-to-practice competences through a mentored experience.
Course Hours:
15 units; (440 hours)
Nursing 504, 505 and 506.
Credit for Nursing 516 and 502 will not be allowed.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 517       Philosophy and Practice in Palliative Care
Examination of the philosophy of palliative/hospice care, taught by faculty from many disciplines. An important focus includes the students' self-exploration of their own beliefs, values, and attitudes about life, illness, death, and dying, and how this self-exploration shapes interactions with those we care for.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498, 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 544, 545, 546, 547, 549, 551.
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Nursing 518       Advanced Clinical Leadership and Management
Students examine concepts, theories, and evidence related to nursing leadership and management within an intra- and inter-professional context. Completion of a change management project is a required component of the course.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 418 and admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Diploma).
Credit for Nursing 518 and any of 408, 501 or 537 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 519       Assessment and Therapeutics for Alterations II
Second part of a two-part sequence on human pathophysiology at the cellular, organ, and systems level. Students continue to gain competence in health assessment and pharmacotherapeutics for various altered states of health.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
Nursing 419 and admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Diploma).
Credit for Nursing 519 and 413 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 524       Critical Analyses of Nursing Issues
Students critically examine and analyze contemporary issues affecting the nursing profession through the lens of an experienced nurse.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 518 and admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Diploma).
Credit for Nursing 524 and any of 405, 411 or 504 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 526       Consolidation for Advanced Practice
During this consolidated practice experience, students integrate learning from all nursing courses in preparation to transition from diploma to degree nurse and advanced practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (160 hours)
Nursing 519 and admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Diploma).
Credit for Nursing 526 and any of 416, 502 or 543 will not be allowed.
Students may be required to complete clinical experience at locations that require travel and be scheduled during evenings, nights and week-ends. Nursing students are responsible for all travel, parking and accommodation costs related to clinical practice.
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Nursing 531       Community Health Nursing Theory
Concepts and models related to population-focused nursing with emphasis on community, health promotion, team building, assessment strategies, and planning approaches.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
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Nursing 533       Community Health Nursing Clinical Practice
Application and synthesis of concepts and models related to population-focused nursing.
Course Hours:
3 units; (128 hours within one term)
Nursing 531 and proof of current, active nurse registration.
Credit for Nursing 533 and 532 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 537       Nursing Leadership and Management
Professional and interpersonal relationships in nursing practice with an emphasis on leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the management of nursing care at macro and micro levels.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Nursing 539       Research in Nursing
Concepts and process necessary for critiquing research and application to nursing practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Completion of a statistics course is strongly recommended prior to taking Nursing 539.
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Nursing 541       Using Research in Nursing Practice: Moving Evidence to Action
Focus on implementation of evidence-informed practice in the clinical practice setting. Builds on previous course work and leads to examining strategies to become a change agent and creating a culture conducive to engaging in evidence-informed practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498, 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 544, 545, 546, 547, 549, 551.
Credit for Nursing 541 and 503.41 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 543       Senior Practicum
Synthesis and application of theoretical concepts within a selected area of practice with emphasis on further development of self-directed skills and professional attitudes.
Course Hours:
3 units; (128 hours within one term)
Nursing 441, 533 and proof of current, active nurse registration.
Credit for Nursing 543 and 542 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 544       Exploring Cancer and the Role of the Nurse
Issues associated with caring for cancer patients and their families across their illness trajectory including prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, ambulatory care, survivorship, reoccurrence, palliative, hospice and bereavement. Applying recent research findings and best evidence available through the supportive care framework and the standards of care established by the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) to how nursing knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and judgments assist individuals and families
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 517, 541, 550, 552, 553.
Credit for Nursing 544 and 503.44 will not be allowed.  
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Nursing 545       Transitions in Child and Youth Health
A focus on transitions is integral to working with children, youth and their families in health and illness. An expansion on developmental, transitional, health promotion, and family centered care theories underlying nursing therapeutics for working with these populations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 517, 541, 550, 552, 553.  
Credit for Nursing 545 and 503.45 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 546       Older Adult Nursing: Managing Complexity
Develop the reasoning, knowledge and skills required to respond to the unique presentation of acute illness in older adults. The demystification of popular aging beliefs and related care practices offers students the opportunity to develop care that combines theory, best practice, research and experience in caring for individuals impacted by acute health crises as they age.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.   
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 517, 541, 550, 552, 553.
Credit for Nursing 546 and 503.46 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 547       Perinatal Nursing Care: Emerging Trends and Issues
Maternity and infant health is examined within the context of the family. The role of family centered nursing addressing wellness patterns and alterations in perinatal family health will be investigated from a multi-setting, multicultural and holistic perspective. Current perinatal trends will be addressed.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 517, 541, 550, 552, 553.
Credit for Nursing 547 and 503.47 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 549       Addictions and Mental Health Care
Re-conceptualizing mental health and addictions across the lifespan to prevent illness, and strengthen lifelong health and wellbeing. Critical analysis focuses on the ecological, socio-cultural, political, and complex health and illness situations with a view to furthering social justice. Core concepts include risk and resilience, brain plasticity, intergenerational transmission, cumulative burden, mental illness and addictions. Comprehensive assessment, intervention and prevention are highlighted with a view to leadership in practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 517, 541, 550, 552, 553.
Credit for Nursing 549 and 503.49 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 550       Promoting Health in Vulnerable Populations
Focused on the health of those facing significant barriers, such as poverty, addictions, displacement, trauma, and systemic discrimination across the lifespan. An exploration of historically significant sociopolitical factors that precede health inequities, uncover existing strengths and internal capacity, and critically examine existing strategies that seek to promote the health of selected vulnerable populations in Canada including: Indigenous Peoples, immigrants and refugees, people who are homeless, people living with disabilities and people who are sexually exploited.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 544, 545, 546, 547, 549.
Credit for Nursing 550 and 503.50 will not be allowed.   
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Nursing 551       Rural Health
Using a social determinant of health perspective, an examination and solutions to health, health care beliefs, and health care challenges of people living in rural communities, as well as the strengths of rural communities. An exploration of the implications for rural health care theory, practice, education, ethics and research as well as geographical, historical, sociocultural, economic, and political variables that affect health. Multidisciplinary and international content and nursing practice experience in rural settings will also be explored.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 517, 541, 550, 552, 553.
Credit for Nursing 551 and 503.51 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 552       Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice: Nurse as Educator
Offers an exploration of the role of the nurse as educator relative to the concept of health education as an intervention to empower clients to achieve their wellness potential and ultimately to improve quality of care outcomes and quality of life. The nurse as educator role will also be explored as it relates to nursing education of students and intra-disciplinary colleagues; emphasizing quality of care practices and the phenomena of competency and leadership as they contribute to quality of care outcomes.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 544, 545, 546, 547, 549, 551.
Credit for Nursing 552 and 503.42 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 553       Quality Care Practices: System and Patient Safety
Building on knowledge of nursing and interdisciplinary practice specifically in the context of the provision of safe, quality health care. The changing focus from the individual nurse/patient to the larger health care system in relationship to safe, quality care. Integration of new concepts as they relate to a system approach to patient/client safety.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589, 585 and 3 units from Nursing 544, 545, 546, 547, 549, 551.
Credit for Nursing 553 and 503.43 will not be allowed.
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Nursing 585       The Discipline and Profession of Nursing V: Preparing for Professional Role Transition
This course focuses on the integration of senior students into the environment of professional nursing practice with an evidence-informed emphasis on the essentials of leadership, relational and practice ethics, effective inter and intra-professional collaboration, communication and conflict management for the purpose of facilitating a healthy transition to the role of a new graduate professional nurse within a contemporary health-care climate.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 589 and two Senior Nursing Option courses.
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Nursing 589       Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices V: Learning, Praxis and Scholarship in the Practicum Setting
This focused clinical experience, supported by two corequisite substantive nursing option theory courses, is aimed at refining critical thinking and competent use of theoretic frameworks and evidence to support clinical reasoning processes including: comprehensive assessment, holistic analysis and interpretation of client data, and competence and confidence in clinical decision-making. Students will choose a focused area of nursing practice.
Course Hours:
6 units; (228 hours)
Nursing 495, 497, 498 and 499.
Nursing 585 and two Senior Nursing Option courses.
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Nursing 599       Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices VI: Transition to Nursing Practice
Synthesis, application and further acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a selected nursing practice setting. Emphasis on complexity of nursing care with clients (individuals, families, and/or aggregates). Selection of focus area will be made through consultation with faculty.
Course Hours:
15 units; (378 or 418 hours)
Nursing 585, 589 and two Senior Nursing Option courses.
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Graduate Courses
Nursing 601       Seminar on Special Topics Related to Health Care and Nursing

Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 602       Theoretical Perspectives in Aging
Overview of key theories of aging and explores contemporary and emerging issues associated with aging populations. Students will consider the provision of health and social services to older adults across different care continuums and explore their roles in the care of older adults at individual, community, and population levels.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Contemporary Topics in Aging Certificate.   
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Nursing 603       Independent Supervised Clinical Practicum

Course Hours:
3 units; (156 hours)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 604       Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Philosophy and principles of a comprehensive geriatric assessment. The impact of age-related changes that contribute to older adults’ presentation and the responses to therapeutic management will be explored. Students will utilize this knowledge and explore how it relates to advanced practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Contemporary Topics in Aging Certificate.   
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Nursing 605       Philosophical Knowledge and Advanced Nursing Practice
Exploration of the philosophical knowledge of advanced nursing practice. A process of critical analysis, reflection and inquiry into the various philosophical approaches, ways of knowing, theories concepts and paradigms leading to a philosophically informed analysis of the knowledge practices activated during the conduct of nursing work.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 606       Focused Studies in Aging
Explores contemporary clinical issues of significance to an older adult population in detail. Students will select specific topics and may choose three modules from among the following: 1) Co-Morbidity and Chronicity; 2) Frailty and progressive changes in Functioning; 3) Cognitive Issues in Aging; 4) Palliation; and 5) Disability. Also covers principles of practice development and practice improvement using a quality improvement framework and development of a practice demonstration.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Contemporary Topics in Aging Certificate.   
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Nursing 607       Independent Guided Study

Course Hours:
3 units; (39 hours)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 608       Specialized Practice Demonstration
Integrates content knowledge with practice development or improvement processes, in order to enact a specialized workplace practice demonstration. Students will be supported by faculty to undertake their practice demonstration and to evaluate the effects of change on key stakeholders.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Contemporary Topics in Aging Certificate.      
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Nursing 609       Applied Statistics for Nursing Research                                  

The understanding of the conceptual basis, use, and pitfalls of common bio statistical methods used in the analyses of data, as well as, being able to analyze data using computer software.  This course minimizes mathematical theory and concentrates on the ‘when to use’, ‘why to use’, and ‘what the results mean’ bio statistical issues.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 611       Theoretical Knowledge and Advanced Nursing Practice         
Introduction to substantive theory related to advanced nursing practice. As students identify their population focus they will examine frameworks for advanced nursing practice that inform their care for individuals, families and communities of practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 612       Understand Comorbidity: Advanced Assessment, Screening, and Practice Implications
Selected theories and models of addiction and mental health relevant to advancing specialized practice and including advanced assessment, screening and implications for practice innovation and leadership.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Addiction and Mental Health Certificate.   
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Nursing 614       Therapeutic Practices: Counselling, Treatment Planning, and Sustained Recovery
Selected therapeutic practices in addiction and mental health including but not limited to therapeutic relationships, therapeutic use of self, counseling (individual, group, family), motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy and contingency management and trauma informed care.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Addiction and Mental Health Certificate.
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Nursing 616       Specialized Practice Integration
Specialized practice seminar focused on integration of advanced knowledge, practice and ethics; active engagement in critical debriefing of complex case scenarios augmented with virtual simulation; and development of a practice demonstration proposal.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Addiction and Mental Health Certificate.
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Nursing 617       Philosophy and Practice in Palliative Care
Examination of the philosophy of palliative/hospice care, taught by faculty from many disciplines. An important focus includes the students' self-exploration of their own beliefs, values, and attitudes about life, illness, death, and dying, and how this self-exploration shapes interactions with those we care for.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 618       Specialized Practice Demonstration
Implementation and evaluation of a proposed practice demonstration with a final report and recommendations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Addiction and Mental Health Certificate.
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Nursing 621       Quantitative Designs and Analysis                                              
Critical analysis of nursing research. Emphasis on the study of research designs appropriate to clinical nursing problems, measurement, reliability and validity issues, and critique criteria.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 622       Foundational Philosophy for Teaching and Learning Across Contexts
Prepares students to teach in direct settings, simulation, online, as well as conventional classrooms. Focuses on building a philosophy for teaching and learning that incorporates foundational teaching and learning theory applicable to a variety of student contexts.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Innovations in Teaching and Learning Certificate.   
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Nursing 623       Hermeneutic Research
Inquiry into the philosophical and historical influences that have shaped hermeneutic phenomenology as an approach to nursing and health care research.  Exploration of interpretive practices essential to the conduct of hermeneutic research.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 624       People, Places, and Relationships
Involves the critical examination of teaching and learning specific to advancing professional practice with emphasis on cultivating relationships for learning, learning across diversity. Also focuses on generation of possibilities for change and innovation and consolidation of preferred teaching and learning practices in a selected focus of study.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Innovations in Teaching and Learning Certificate.   
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Nursing 625       Nursing Leadership
Exploration of leadership style and behaviour; self-awareness and presentation of self; interpersonal and group effectiveness; and team management in the context of nursing leadership and organizational change in health systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Also known as:
(formerly Nursing 601.62)
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Nursing 626       Integrative Seminars: Current Trends in Teaching and Learning
Introduces specialized topics in teaching and learning and provides an opportunity to engage in critical reflection and analysis. Students will explore a variety of teaching and learning strategies within multiple contexts and develop their individualized teaching practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Innovations in Teaching and Learning Certificate.   
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Nursing 627       Academic Scholarly Writing                                                    
An intensive writing course with additional pre-course reading and writing. Students will prepare for the course by reading texts and writing scholarly accounts that may be based in their nursing practice.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (18 hours)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 628       Teaching and Learning Demonstration Project
Students will provide a demonstration of innovative teaching and learning strategies within a focused context (online, simulation, classroom, or clinical practice). Formulation and delivery of a proposed teaching and learning advanced practice demonstration will include a final report and recommendations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Innovations in Teaching and Learning Certificate.     
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Nursing 629       Evidence-Informed Nursing                                                            
Building on foundations of critical inquiry by emphasizing the evaluation and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative research, students develop an enhanced ability to use systematic reviews and research-based innovations in making evidence-based decisions for client care, nursing knowledge and organizational or system improvement.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (18 hours)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 633       Advanced Nursing- Leadership I
A critical examination of theories and principles of leadership and leadership development as it relates to individual leadership practices, leading multidisciplinary teams, and leadership within the broader health system. Students will explore and discuss the influence of leaders and leadership on the healthcare workplace, on client/population outcomes, and the health care system. In the project students will utilize evidence to assess their leadership skills and competencies, and how they relate to the development and evaluation of their project.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2S-1T-8)
Nursing 605 and 611.
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Nursing 634       Advanced Nursing - Leadership II and III                                           
The purpose of clinical practicums II and III is to follow through with the project that was proposed in Nursing 633 including: implementing the study, analyzing and interpreting the findings, writing and submitting the paper for publication and/or presenting the paper at a conference.
Course Hours:
6 units; (2S-8)
Nursing 633.
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Nursing 642       Nurse Practitioner Practicum I and Role Integration             
Building on the foundational knowledge of advanced pathophysiology, advanced health assessment and pharmacology, this course provides an opportunity for students to begin to acquire advanced knowledge and skills related to clinical diagnosis, decision-making and management of commonly presented acute and chronic health problems. Additionally this course will address issues related to nurse practitioner role integration.
Course Hours:
6 units; (52S-180 within 8-week block)
Nursing 661, 663 and 665 or consent of the Faculty, registration in Post-Master's NP Diploma program or the integrated MN/NP program.
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Nursing 644       Nurse Practitioner Practicum II
Diagnostic and management skills related to care of patients. Further development of skills in clinical history taking, physical assessment, and diagnostic testing.
Course Hours:
6 units; (52S-180 within 8-week block)
Nursing 642.
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Nursing 646       Nurse Practitioner Practicum III
Learning opportunities and practice experience with emphasis on clinical diagnosis, diagnostic imaging, laboratory tests, differential diagnosis, and patient management.
Course Hours:
6 units; (52S-180 within 8-week block)
Nursing 644.
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Nursing 650       Nurse Practitioner Practicum IV
Consolidation of components of NP role in specialty focus.
Course Hours:
6 units; (16S-292 within 8-week block)
Nursing 646.
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Nursing 652       Healthcare Information and Big Data
Introduces many of the key concepts, and methods used in the management and use of large healthcare data assets. Issues relating to access, confidentiality, privacy and data stewardship will be examined. Focuses on application and implications of big data use within the healthcare context and is not intended as a methods course.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to Healthcare Innovation and Design Graduate Certificate or Master of Nursing degree.
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Nursing 654       Design in Healthcare
Examines design in healthcare from a variety of facets. Principles and practices of industrial and architectural design will be explored. The process of design and development will be illustrated and opportunities for end-user participation within the design processes will be highlighted.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to Healthcare Innovation and Design Graduate Certificate.
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Nursing 656       Emerging Technologies in Healthcare
A focused exploration of emerging trends and issues in healthcare technology. Case studies and exemplars will be used to expand understanding of the intended and unintended consequences of the integration of technology in healthcare.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to Healthcare Innovation and Design Graduate Certificate.
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Nursing 658       Specialized Health Design Project
Formulation of a healthcare design project developed through team collaboration that addresses a real-life healthcare challenge posed by industry partners and healthcare leaders. Focus on improving quality of healthcare and application and synthesis of learning from previous courses.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to Healthcare Innovation and Design Graduate Certificate.
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Nursing 660       Cultivating Personal Leadership
Exploration of relational leadership including self-awareness and development of leadership capacity. Students will explore their personal leadership style and the influence of leadership on workplace cultures, team dynamics and quality of healthcare delivery.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Leadership for Health System Transformation Certificate.   
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Nursing 661       Advanced Pathophysiology and Therapeutics
Study of pathophysiological phenomena and therapeutics at an advanced level. Classes will be a combination of didactic presentations, seminars and case studies. Students are invited to explore morbidity and mortality in the Canadian population in general and in their area of focus in particular.
Course Hours:
3 units; (4-3T)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 662       The Future of Nursing: The Future of Health Systems
Examines the health delivery system focusing on accessibility, acceptability, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency and safety. Students will apply leadership principles to challenges inherent in a complex and dynamic health care system. Focuses on the role of nurses as leaders and transformers of health systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Leadership for Health System Transformation Certificate.
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Nursing 663       Pharmacotherapeutics in Advanced Nursing Practice
Principles of drug action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacotherapeutics in the context of advanced nursing practice. Opportunity to investigate pharmacotherapies specific to student's individual client populations.
Course Hours:
3 units; (4S-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 664       Innovation in Health Systems
Focused exploration of the principles of innovation, and practices for leading innovation applied to complex healthcare environments. Students will apply design thinking, entrepreneurial practices and examine the value proposition and challenges of innovation in a health system context.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Leadership for Health System Transformation Certificate.   
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Nursing 665       Advanced Health Assessment
Builds upon fundamental health assessment skills to provide a solid foundation for advanced assessment. Focuses on history taking physical examination, diagnostic reasoning and clinical judgment, as well as selected diagnostic skills necessary for advanced practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-3)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 668       Specialized Practice Demonstration: Healthcare Grand Challenge
Formulation of a bold and innovative proposal developed through team collaboration and joint leadership that addresses a systemic problem and aims to improve the quality of healthcare in Alberta. Drawing on previous learning of personal and professional competencies, students will be presented with a grand challenge associated with leading and improving a complex health system.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Admission to Leadership for Health System Transformation Certificate.     
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Nursing 683       Qualitative Designs and Analysis
Exploration of research methods based primarily on inductive reasoning. Methods, issues and techniques of sampling, data collection, analysis, and interpretation will be explored. Experience will be provided in data collection, management, and analysis.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 701       Doctoral Special Topics

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 705       Philosophy of Science in Nursing
Exploration of major philosophical positions and their contributions to the generation and evaluation of knowledge. Examination of the development and evolution of nursing knowledge.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 707       Directed Study

Course Hours:
3 units; (39 hours)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 711       Doctoral Scholarship in Nursing
Focus on development of a nurse scientist. Seminar discussions will address launching a viable and fundable program of research, grantsmanship, managing multi-disciplinary research teams, and establishing a record of publication and dissemination.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2S-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 721       Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
Opportunities for developing nurse scientists and other health professional doctoral students to increase understanding of, and ability to utilize, quantitative research methods for scientific inquiry. Focuses on identifying issues/dilemmas arising during the research process and methods to address these challenges.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 621.
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Nursing 723       Hermeneutic Research
Inquiry into the philosophical and historical influences that have shaped hermeneutic phenomenology as an approach to nursing and health care research. Exploration of interpretive practices essential to the conduct of hermeneutic research.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
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Nursing 733       Doctoral Thesis Seminar
Opportunity for students to discuss development of their thesis proposal with a focus on the question, design, ethical considerations, and funding.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2S-0)
Nursing 705 and one graduate level advanced research course.
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Nursing 769       Contemporary Issues in Health Care
Theoretical examination of concepts and research for increasing the availability and accessibility of health care. Appraisal of the relationships among leadership, policy and practice issues from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Nursing 783       Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
Exploration of the philosophical foundations and practice of qualitative research methods in health care inquiry. Emphasis on interpretive assumptions and practices relevant to the conduct of qualitative research.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Nursing 683.
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