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Summary of Changes for 2020/21 Calendar
Faculty of Arts
Cumming School of Medicine
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Nursing
Qatar Faculty
Schulich School of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Biological Sciences
Computer Science
Mathematics and Statistics
Non-Departmental Programs: Data Science, Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
Physics and Astronomy
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Werklund School of Education
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2020-2021 Summary of Changes for 2020/21 Calendar Faculty of Science Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics
Program Changes

4.5 Mathematics and Statistics - Degrees Offered: Move Actuarial Science Co-operative Education Program (formerly 4.5.4) to the Suspended Programs list.

4.5 Mathematics and Statistics - Degrees Offered: Add Internship as an enhancement available for Actuarial Science and Mathematics programs.

4.5 Mathematics and Statistics - Degrees Offered and 4.5.5 Double Major and Major/Minor Combinations: Add notes that the General Mathematics program is only available to students in combination with the concurrent Bachelor of Education (BEd) program.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Courses Constituting the Field of Mathematics: Expand the Field to include all courses labelled Mathematics, Statistics and the addition of Actuarial Science 531, 537 and Data Science 305.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses: Revise all program requirements to ensure no re-use of courses and definition of the Major Field limiting requirements.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses: Replace the 6 unit requirement of Statistics 205, 321 or Mathematics 271/273 with a new 9 unit requirement of Mathematics 271/273 and 6 units of courses labelled Statistics (or Data Science 305) in both the Mathematics Major and Honours programs.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses: Increase "300 level or above courses in the Field of Mathematics" from 18 units to 21 units in both the Mathematics Major and Honours program.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses: Increase "400 level or above courses in the Field of Mathematics" from 6 units to 9 units in both the Mathematics Major and Honours program.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses: Reduce Options from 54 units to 45 units.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses - Honours Program: Increase "500 level or above courses in the Field of Mathematics" from 3 units to 6 units.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses - Honours Program: Reduce Options from 51 units to 39 units.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Concentration in Statistics: In the Concentration (Major and Honours), revise the Statistics 205 or Mathematics 271/273 requirement to specifically require Mathematics 271/273.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Concentration in Statistics: In the Concentration in Statistics (Major and Honours), increase the 400 level Statistics courses required from 21 units to 30 units. Add additional senior Actuarial Science courses to the list of courses that may be used to complete this requirement. Reduce the number of Options to balance the additional courses required in the major field.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Concentration in Statistics (Honours): Add 3 units of 500 level Statistics courses.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Concentration in Computational Applied Mathematics (Major and Honours): Add 3 units of 400 level or above in the Field of Mathematics and reduce the Options by 3 units.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Honours degree with a Concentration in Computational Applied Mathematics: Increase 500 level courses from 3 units to 6 units and reduce the Options by 3 units.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Concentration in Mathematical Finance and Risk Management (Major and Honours): Add Mathematics 415 as an alternative to Mathematics 307.

4.5.1 Programs in Mathematics - Required Courses - Minor Program: Replace 3 units of "300 level or above" with 3 units of "400 level or above".

4.5.2 Programs in Statistics - Courses Constituting the Field of Statistics: Add Actuarial Science 531 and 537.

4.5.2 Programs in Statistics - Required Courses - Minor Program: Replace 3 units of Mathematics 311 or 313 with Mathematics 271 or 273.

4.5.3 Programs in Actuarial Science - Required Courses - Major Program: Replace Mathematics 311 or 313 with Mathematics 271 or 273.

4.5.3 Programs in Actuarial Science - Required Courses - Minor Program: Replace Mathematics 367 or a 300 level field course with Mathematics 271 or 273.

4.5.4 Move the Actuarial Science Co-operative Education Program section to Suspended Program (