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Architecture, Planning and Landscape, School of
Faculty of Arts
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Student Advising
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Arts and Science Honours Academy
4.2 African Studies
4.3 Ancient and Medieval History
4.4 Anthropology and Archaeology
4.5 Archaeology
4.6 Applied Energy Economics
4.7 Art and Art History
4.8 Canadian Studies
4.9 Chinese
4.10 Classics and Religion
4.11 Communication, Media and Film
4.12 Creative and Performing Arts
4.13 Dance
4.14 Drama
4.15 Earth Science
4.16 East Asian Language Studies
4.17 East Asian Studies
4.18 Economics
4.19 English
4.20 Film Studies
4.21 French
4.22 Gender and Sexuality Studies
4.23 Geography
4.24 German
4.25 Global Development Studies
4.26 Greek
4.27 Greek and Roman Studies
4.28 History
4.29 History and Philosophy of Science
4.30 Indigenous Studies
4.31 International Indigenous Studies
4.32 International Relations
4.33 Italian Studies
4.34 Japanese
4.35 Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
4.36 Latin
4.37 Latin American Studies
4.38 Law and Society
4.39 Linguistics
4.40 Linguistics and Language
4.41 Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Studies
4.42 Multidisciplinary Studies
4.43 Museum and Heritage Studies
4.44 Music
4.45 Philosophy
4.45.1 BA in Philosophy
4.45.2 BA Honours Philosophy
4.45.3 Minor in Philosophy
4.45.4 Concentrations
4.45.5 BA in Gender and Sexuality Studies
4.45.6 BA Honours Gender and Sexuality Studies
4.45.7 Minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies
4.45.8 Minor in the History and Philosophy of Science
4.46 Political Science
4.47 Psychology
4.48 Religious Studies
4.49 Russian
4.50 Sociology
4.51 South Asian Studies
4.52 Spanish
4.53 Urban Studies
4.54 Visual Studies
5. Administration
Cumming School of Medicine
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Nursing
Qatar Faculty
Schulich School of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Work
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Werklund School of Education
Embedded Certificates
Continuing Education
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Summary of Changes for the 2021/22 Calendar
²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2021-2022 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.45 Philosophy
4.45 Philosophy
Overview of Programs and Procedures in Philosophy
Baccalaureate Degrees Offered

Degrees in Philosophy

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Philosophy

BA in Philosophy with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Philosophy

BA Honours in Philosophy with Co-operative Education

Degrees in Gender and Sexuality Studies

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Gender and Sexuality Studies

BA in Gender and Sexuality with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Gender and Sexuality Studies

BA Honours in Gender and Sexuality Studies with Co-operative Education


  • Minors are offered in Philosophy, the History and Philosophy of Science and Gender and Sexuality Studies.
  • Concentrations are available to Philosophy majors in: (a) Law and Philosophy; (b) in Philosophy and Religion.

In philosophy we ask fundamental questions about ourselves and the world, as well as practical questions about how to live a good life and how to construct a just society. As an academic discipline, philosophy is subdivided into areas such as ethics and political philosophy, aesthetics, epistemology (the theory of knowledge), metaphysics (the theory of reality or being), logic and the philosophy of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, and the history of philosophy. Philosophy graduates pursue careers in business, law, the arts, and politics.

The Gender and Sexuality Studies Major program is designed to provide students with knowledge of the rapidly developing disciplinary and interdisciplinary literature in the field, while providing them with an understanding of the reasons for the development of a feminist scholarship. From its activist and academic perspective, the program will help prepare students for careers in government, social work, and business, while also providing them with a mode of analysis applicable to related fields, and to their own lives.

Contact Information

Department Office: Social Sciences 1256

Phone: 403.220.5531/5533

Fax: 403.289.5698

Email: phildept@ucalgary.ca


For Program Advice

Students should consult a program advisor in the Arts Students' Centre for information and advice on their overall program requirements. Advising contact information can be found online: .

For more specific advice regarding course selection and requirements in the major field, students should consult the Undergraduate Program Director located in the Department of Philosophy (consult Department website for contact information).

Admission to the Major

Prospective students wishing to enter the BA (Philosophy or Gender and Sexuality Studies) Program must meet the criteria listed in section A.5 Undergraduate Admission Requirements of this Calendar. Annual application deadlines are found in A.3 Deadline Dates for Undergraduate Applications for Admission and Transcripts.

Admission to Honours

The Faculty of Arts procedures for Admission to Honours established in section 3.3.2 Honours Degrees are applicable and provide the overall framework.

Philosophy: Students wishing to apply to an Honours program must apply through their Student Centre for a change of program to Honours by February 1.

Gender and Sexuality Studies: Students majoring in Gender and Sexuality Studies are eligible to apply only if they will complete the program during the following academic year. Students wishing to apply to an Honours program must apply through their Student Centre for a change of program to Honours by February 1.

Overlapping Programs

The Minor in History and Philosophy of Science cannot be taken in conjunction with programs in Philosophy.

The Concentration in Philosophy and Religion cannot be taken in conjunction with a combined degree or double BA or BA Honours program in Philosophy and Religious Studies or a Major/Minor combination.

Courses Constituting the Field of Philosophy

Philosophy Course Groupings

This listing is provided to assist students in their selection of related groups of Philosophy courses. Detailed descriptions of all courses and sections of courses may be obtained from the Department Office.

201, 249*, 259, 264*, 279*

History of Philosophy:
301, 303, 305, 307*, 309, 311*, 401, 403, 405, 407*, 408*, 411, 505, 507

Moral Philosophy:
249*, 313*, 314, 329*, 330, 345, 347, 397, 449, 451, 547, 549

Legal Philosophy, and Social and Political Philosophy:
313*, 325, 329*, 425, 453, 525, 553

Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind:
383, 395, 407*, 408*, 423, 483, 523, 583

279*, 377, 379, 479, 579

Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Language:
307*, 407*, 408*, 471, 571

Epistemology and Philosophy of Science:
264*, 361, 367, 461, 467, 517, 561, 565, 567

Continental Philosophy:
309, 311*, 359, 408*, 412, 414

Other Courses:
315, 317, 331, 333, 335, 337, 359, 409, 412, 435, 499, 527, 589, 595, 590, 597, 599

*Courses which appear in more than one category.

Courses Constituting the Field of Gender and Sexuality Studies

*Students may apply to the Program Co-ordinator to have Arts 507 (Collaborative Learning and Peer Mentoring) counted as a Gender and Sexuality Studies option if they are mentoring in a Gender and Sexuality Studies course.