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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2022-2023 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions G Global Development Studies DEST
Global Development Studies DEST

For more information see the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology website: .

Junior Course
Global Development Studies 201       Introduction to Global Development Studies
An interdisciplinary course focusing on development in both a northern and international context. Explores factors that shape development processes; introduces concepts and issues such as poverty; colonialism and self-determination; human ecology and sustainable development; and appropriate technology. Examines the origins, purposes, and performance of contemporary national and international institutions and their effect on people in different geographical and socio-economic contexts.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 201)
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Senior Courses
Global Development Studies 301       Topics in Global Development Studies
Examination of selected issues in Global Development Studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Global Development Studies 201 or Development Studies 201.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 301)
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Global Development Studies 302       Community Development
Examines the processes whereby communities take action to solve common problems in both urban and rural settings.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Global Development Studies 201 or Development Studies 201.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 302)
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Global Development Studies 375       Gender and Development
Examines development from the critical perspective of the key role played by gender in development. Case studies from Canadian and international contexts will provide illustrative material for analyzing the issues that emanate from the gendered nature of development processes and practices.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
3 units from Global Development Studies 201, Development Studies 201, Gender and Sexuality Studies 201, Women's Studies 201.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 375)
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Global Development Studies 393       Theories and Applications of Development
A study of development theories and applications through northern and international case studies. Examines practical manifestations of those theories and approaches in development planning, implementation, and praxis including Modernization theory; dependency theory; basic needs approach; neo-liberalism; the staple thesis; globalization; women in development; gender and development.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Global Development Studies 201 or Development Studies 201.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 393)
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Global Development Studies 400       Field School
A field course for the on-site interdisciplinary study of a country or region with regard to issues of development from variety of perspectives, e.g., cultural, economic, environmental, geographical, historical and political perspectives.
Course Hours:
6 units; (72 hours)
Consent of the Department.
Offered as part of a group study program. Additional fees may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 400)
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Global Development Studies 401       Advanced Topics in Development Studies
Advanced examination of selected topics using theoretical and analytical tools to develop a critical understanding of contemporary development processes.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Global Development Studies 393 or Development Studies 393.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 401)
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Global Development Studies 402       Global Food Politics
Examination of the socio-economic, ecological, and political implications of food and farming systems at local, regional, national, and international levels.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Global Development Studies 393 or Development Studies 393.
Credit for Global Development Studies 402 and Development Studies 401.11 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 402)
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Global Development Studies 403       Sustainability and Political Ecology in the Circumpolar Arctic
The history of northern development and resource management in Canada with emphasis on specific case studies involving sustainability and human ecology in the Circumpolar Arctic. The role of traditional environmental knowledge and its significance to northern development will be examined. Participatory research methodologies may be introduced.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
3 units from Global Development Studies 393, Development Studies 393, Anthropology 357, Indigenous Studies 317.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 403)
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Global Development Studies 405       Environment and Development
Critical engagement with sustainability through study of the intersections between environment and development, such as planning and development, management, and implementation, the political economy of environment, and political ecology. Topics may include political and economic systems, resource depletion, industrial agriculture, biodiversity, gender, hazards, traditional knowledge, and resistance.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
3 units from Global Development Studies 393, Development Studies 393, Anthropology 313, Indigenous Studies 317.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 405)
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Global Development Studies 485       International and Intercultural Communication
Examines cross-cultural communication at the personal, organizational, societal, and international levels. Discusses the concept of "Globalization" and its implications for communication among different cultures; analyses various theoretical perspectives underlying intercultural communication; explores issues of power, identity and influence; examines intercultural encounters in the context of specific diversified settings; and helps students develop intercultural communication competence.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Global Development Studies 393 or Development Studies 393.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 485)
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Global Development Studies 501       Directed Research
Supervised individual study of a special topic.
Course Hours:
3 units; (12-36 hours)
Consent of the Department.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 501)
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Global Development Studies 591       Critical Perspectives on Development Practice and Research
An interdisciplinary consideration of selected issues and methodologies in development, providing the critical perspective and skills needed to conceptualize, design, implement and effectively manage community development projects and programs.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Global Development Studies 302 or Development Studies 302; Global Development Studies 393 or Development Studies 393; and consent of the Department.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 591)
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Global Development Studies 593       Honours Seminar in Development Studies
Current theoretical and methodological issues will be explored in a discussion-based seminar format, with the aim of development of a research project.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3S-0)
Global Development Studies 393 or Development Studies 393 and admission to the Development Studies Honours Program.
Also known as:
(formerly Development Studies 593)
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