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Haskayne School of Business
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Business School Information
3. Business School Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Bachelor of Commerce (BComm)
4.2 Combined Degrees
4.2.1 Combined BComm/BA or BSc (Arts) Program
4.2.2 Combined BComm/BSc (Actuarial Science or Mathematics) Program
4.2.3 Combined BComm/BSc (Computer Science) Program
4.2.4 Combined BComm/BKin (Kinesiology) Program
4.2.5 Combined BSc (Engineering)/BComm Program
4.3 Co-operative Education Program
4.4 Minor in Management and Society
5. Administration
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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2022-2023 Haskayne School of Business 4. Program Details 4.2 Combined Degrees
4.2 Combined Degrees
General Requirements

Students may elect to complete the Bachelor of Commerce degree in combination with another approved undergraduate degree. Five-year combined degree programs are sponsored jointly by the Haskayne School of Business and a second Faculty, and lead to two Bachelors' degrees awarded at the same convocation ceremony. The program is comprised of a minimum of 150 units, including all requirements of the two Faculties.

Early contact with the Undergraduate Programs Offices of the two Faculties ensures that admission and graduation requirements are met in a reasonable timeframe and within the minimum 150 units. Advisors are available to assist students with course planning and program details.

With the exception of the BSc (Engineering)/BComm degree which will be administered by the Schulich School of Engineering, combined degree students shall be registered under the Haskayne School of Business for administrative purposes.

Students may elect to remain in the combined degree or switch to either of the two separate degree programs, as long as the requirements of each Faculty continue to be met.

Failure to meet requirements will result in a student being denied further registration or required to withdraw from the combined or separate programs, as the case may be. The academic regulations of each Faculty concerning student standing and progression apply equally for combined degree students.

Any Bachelor of Commerce Concentration may be chosen in combination with those Majors listed below. Students wishing to also focus their non-commerce options in one area of study are cautioned that Minors in Management and Society, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, and Workplace Learning are not permitted within the combined degree. Consultation with student advisors in the Haskayne Undergraduate Programs Office regarding choices for a Minor is required.

Admission Requirements

Students wishing to enter any combined degree program are strongly advised to apply for admission to the combined degree directly from high school where more spaces may exist for entrance into the program, and where admitted students will gain earlier access to program-restricted courses.

For the combined BSc (Engineering)/BComm program, direct entry admission is based on the Schulich School of Engineering high school admission criteria only, while students applying to all other BComm combined degree programs must meet the admission criteria of each faculty.

Students who are not admissible to the Haskayne School of Business directly or those who wish to apply after the direct entry process has closed, may apply for combined degree admission in a subsequent year through the Change of Program process.

For the combined BSc (Engineering)/BComm program:

  • Space permitting, students may apply for admission to the program after their first year in Schulich at the same time that the choice of a specific engineering major is made (section 3.1 Admission (Admission to Engineering Program) outlines the Engineering major selection process). In this case, priority will be given to applicants who have completed all courses listed in 4.1 First Year Curriculum for Engineering students and who meet the competitive grade point average as outlined. Supplemental criteria (in the form of a video presentation, letter of intent, essay, etc.) may also be required for admission consideration by the business school. Students are referred to the Schulich School of Engineering Calendar for additional admission, registration and program details.
  • In order to avoid extra coursework, prospective combined degree students are advised to fulfill their Engineering Complementary Studies requirement with a 200-level English course (required for graduation in the BComm degree program).

For all other BComm combined degree programs:

  • Space permitting, students may apply upon successful completion of a prescribed set of pre-commerce requirements. Admission is subject to the competitive grade point average being met. Assistance in program planning is available through the Haskayne Undergraduate Programs Office.

Unless otherwise noted, the admission criteria that apply to the singular Bachelors' degrees apply equally to the combined degree program. The admission grade point average may be higher, but never lower, than that required for the singular Bachelor of Commerce degree.

Students already admitted into the Bachelor of Commerce and interested in transferring to a combined degree program, are required to submit a Change of Program application and meet the application deadlines and admission requirements of the intended second Faculty.