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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2022-2023 Qatar Faculty 2. Faculty Information
2. Faculty Information
Contact Information

Al-Forousiya Road (Opposite Horse Race Track)
PO Box 23133
Doha, Qatar

+974 4406 5222

Email address:



The ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ in Qatar (UCQ) is a branch campus of the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½, established in 2006. UCQ exclusively offers programs that prepare nurses and offers BN and MN programs. UCQ’s vision is to be the model for excellence in international nursing education, practice, and scholarship and its mission is to enrich the health and wellness in Qatar by educating and developing world-class nurses. The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing accredits the undergraduate nursing programs at UCQ. UCQ nursing graduates receive the same degree credentials as students at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ main campus. The BN programs support nursing graduates to achieve excellence in entry-level competences as defined by the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta’s (CARNA) (2019) and to demonstrate professional, legal, and ethical decision-making as outlined in the Canadian Nurses Association (2017) and the International Council of Nurses (2012) Codes of Ethics. Exemplars applied throughout the curricula are tailored and relevant to the Qatar context.

Professional Conduct

The study of nursing places students in a position of special trust with persons/patients, families, with nurses, and with other health-care professionals. The Qatar Faculty of Nursing recognizes that nursing education occurs both inside and outside the classroom and has the responsibility to ensure that its graduates are competent and ethical. Students are expected to comply with all ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ policies and regulations. Although nursing students in program are not regulated members of QCHP, as part of their formation as professional nurses, they are also expected to be familiar with and to meet professional and ethical competences and standards as outlined by:

CARNA (2019). Entry-to-practice competencies for the practice of registered nurses.

QHCP (2014). Nursing Regulations in the State of Qatar.

Canadian Nurses Association (2017). Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses.

Career Opportunities

To practice as a Registered Generalist Nurse in Qatar, one must be licensed through the Qatar Council for Health Professionals (QCHP). UCQ nursing students are prepared to write a national licensing exam as defined by QCHP. Upon graduation, UCQ nursing graduates are prepared to work as practitioners across diverse settings, and with persons, families, and communities experiencing varying degrees of wellness, health, and illness. UCQ nursing graduates have strong foundations skills for Interprofessional practice, leadership, and research.

Student Affairs

Advising Services

Student advisors are available in Student and Enrolment Services. Contact information, including office hours, can be found at: . Students are encouraged to become familiar with the office and its services.

Nursing Student Society in Qatar (NSSQ)

The NSSQ is a society consisting of elected representatives from the Nursing student body. NSSQ serves students by providing faculty-student liaisons, information on current nursing issues, social functions, and a support network for nursing students.


The Faculty houses a Clinical Simulation and Standardized Patient Centre and several laboratories. UCQ has partnered with several health services organizations through the country that provide opportunity for students to apply theory in practice settings. Health service organizations include Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Primary Health Care Cooperation (PHCC), Sidra, and various private health-care organizations. Within these organizations, nursing students are supervised and preceptored to work with various populations (e.g., pediatrics, adults, elderly), across the health-illness continuum (e.g., acute care, life-threatening illness, palliative care, chronic disease conditions), and in diverse settings and units (e.g., community primary health-care centres, obstetrical units, medical-surgical units).

UCQ hosts a Learning Commons that provides resources and services that enable the UCQ community to discover, apply, evaluate, and communicate information for learning, teaching, and professional practice. Students have access to varied academic supports, including a learning coach, tutoring, and assistance with math, science, and academic and information literacy skills. There are female and male gyms, an outdoor recreation space, a cafeteria, prayer rooms, and student lounges.