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²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ Calendar 2022-2023 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions V, W, Z Zoology ZOOL
Zoology ZOOL

For more information about these courses see the Department of Biological Sciences website: .

Senior Courses
Zoology 401       An Introduction to Invertebrate Zoology
Natural history and diversity of invertebrates, which include sponges, corals, jellyfish, snails, octopus, insects, crustaceans, sea stars, and various worms. Emphasis on how free-living and parasitic organisms feed, move, reproduce, and survive in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
Biology 371.
Also known as:
(formerly Zoology 375)      
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Zoology  403       An Introduction to Vertebrate Zoology
Systematics, natural history and biology of vertebrates, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Laboratory work will emphasize the identification and morphology of native taxa as well as basic techniques of biological systematics.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
Biology 371.
Credit for Zoology 403 and either Zoology 477.01 or 477.02 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Zoology 379)      
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Zoology 435       Entomology
Introduction to the insects, with emphasis on diversity, evolution, structure/function relationships, behaviour, and ecology.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
Biology 371.
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Zoology 461       Animal Physiology I
Study of control mechanisms in nerves, sensory organs, muscles and endocrine glands.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3/2)
Biology 331.
Credit for Zoology 461 and any of Biology 305, Medical Science 404, 604, Zoology 269, Kinesiology 259, 260 or 323 will not be allowed.
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Zoology 463       Animal Physiology II
Study of body fluids and hemostasis, body defence systems, reproductive physiology, respiration, circulation, excretion, gastrointestinal physiology and thermoregulation.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3/2)
Zoology 461.
Credit for Zoology 463 and any of Biology 305, Medical Science 404, 604, Zoology 269, Kinesiology 259, 260 or 323 will not be allowed.
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Zoology 507       Directed Research in Zoology

Directed training in field/laboratory methods and research.

507.01 Directed Research in Zoology I

507.02 Directed Research in Zoology II

Course Hours:
3 units; (0-8)
54 units and consent of the Department.
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Zoology 515       Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
The structural, functional, developmental and evolutionary relationships of the organs and systems of the vertebrates. Laboratory work will emphasize the dissection, identification and homologies of structures in various vertebrates.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
Zoology 379 or 403.
Credit for Zoology 515 and 377 will not be allowed.
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Zoology 528       Research Project in Zoology
Research project under the co/direction of faculty members in the Department of Biological Sciences. Original and independent thought, practical research, and written and oral reports presented on completion of this course.
Course Hours:
6 units; (0-8)
Biology 315, 72 units and consent of the Department.
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Zoology 530       Honours Research Project in Zoology
Research project under the co/direction of faculty members in the Department of Biological Sciences. Original and independent thought, practical research, and written and oral reports presented on completion of this course. Open only to Honours Zoology students or Honours Biological Sciences students.
Course Hours:
6 units; (0-8)
Biology 315, 72 units and consent of the Department.
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Zoology 567       Animal Behaviour
Offered from an evolutionary and ecological perspective. Development of ethological ideas; interaction of genotype and environment in ontogeny of behaviour; role of behaviour in dealing with environmental challenges.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Biology 311, 313 and 371; and one of Ecology 429, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403, Zoology 401, 403, 435 or 461.
Credit for Zoology 567 and Marine Science 546 will not be allowed.
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Zoology 571       Palaeobiology of Vertebrates
Evolutionary trends in the major groups of vertebrates from both neontological and palaeontological viewpoints. The interpretation of palaeontological data and their applicability to our understanding of evolution, systematics and palaeoecology.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2)
3 units from Zoology 377, 379 or 403.
Credit for Zoology 571 and either Zoology 571.01 or 571.02 will not be allowed.
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Zoology 576       The Invertebrates
Collaborative research experience in invertebrate zoology, with emphasis on discovering, describing, and classifying diversity using zoological collections, systematic theory, and phylogenetic methods.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
3 units from Zoology 375, 401 or 435.
Also known as:
(formerly Zoology 475)
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Zoology 577       Mammalogy
A detailed examination of the evolution, morphology, physiology, ecology and behaviour of mammals.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
Biology 313 and 3 units from Zoology 379, 403 or 477.01.
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Zoology  581       Principles in Parasitism
How parasites have evolved, their diverse life strategies, their impact on the natural world, study of most parasitic groups (protozoan, helminth and arthropod parasites) and their characteristics, with a focus on the Canadian context.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-3)
3 units from Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 343, Zoology 375 or 401.
Also known as:
(formerly Zoology 483)      
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Zoology 595       Evolutionary Perspectives in Neurobiology
Explores form, function and performance of invertebrate and vertebrate neurons and nervous systems through examination of physical, biochemical, metabolic, (neuro)physiological and behavioural constraints and trade-offs.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Zoology 461.
Credit for Zoology 595 and Neuroscience 541 will not be allowed.
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Zoology 597       Principles of Endocrinology
General and molecular aspects of endocrine physiology. Topics will include the mechanisms of hormone action (receptor occupancy and transduction of signal), current techniques in endocrinology, synthesis and release of hormones, and the functional role of different endocrine organs. Lectures will include examples from lower vertebrates and invertebrates to emphasize comparative aspects.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Zoology 463.
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Graduate Course
Zoology 697       Advanced Topics in Comparative Endocrinology
The principles of endocrinology will be provided through the lecture component of Zoology 597, and this will be augmented with additional reading, term papers and seminars in comparative endocrinology.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Zoology 463.ÌýÌý
Credit for Zoology 697 and 597 will not be allowed.
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