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Graduate Studies Calendar 2012-2013 Program Descriptions Engineering Programs ENGG
Engineering Programs - ENGG
Contact Information

Location: ENC202
Faculty number: 403.220.5738
Fax: 403.284.3697
E-mail address: schulich@ucalgary.ca
Web page URL:

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Science (MSc), thesis-based
Master of Engineering (MEng), thesis and course- based

Areas: Chemical and Petroleum, Civil, Electrical and Computer, Geomatics, and Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

In addition, the Schulich School of Engineering offers PhD, MSc, and MEng degrees with interdisciplinary specializations in Environmental Engineering and Energy & Environment.

The ݮƵ and the University of Alberta offer a joint Biomedical Engineering Program. Further information on all programs and specializations is provided under individual separate listings in this Calendar.

Master’s thesis and doctoral Graduate Students are normally admitted as full-time students. The Head of the Department or designate may however, approve requests for registration as part-time or transfer from a full-time to a part-time status.

2. Admission Requirements

The Schulich School of Engineering has established common minimum student admission requirements for all its graduate programs, with the exception of students with project management background entering the Manufacturing Engineering program. Departments and graduate programs may have additional requirements over and above those of the Schulich School of Engineering.

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Schulich School of Engineering minimum requirements are as follows:

Master’s Programs

a) BSc degree or equivalent.

b) A minimum admission grade point average of 3.00 on a four-point scale or equivalent.

c) Holders of BSc or equivalent degrees in Science, Medicine, Kinesiology or other Engineering, if accepted, may be required to take additional senior undergraduate engineering courses. These courses will not be counted for credit toward their graduate program. Holders of Bachelor’s degrees from disciplines other than Engineering, Science, Medicine or Kinesiology are required to complete a minimum of 10 make-up undergraduate engineering half courses with a minimum GPA of 3.00 on a four-point scale before admission.

d) Two reference letters

In exceptional circumstances, students who do not meet the entrance requirements (but have BSc degrees in the same or equivalent Engineering discipline and a GPA of at least 2.70) may be considered for admission after upgrading requirements have been met. These include a minimum of 6 make-up half courses, or 3 make-up half courses if they have acceptable industrial experience, with a minimum grade of 3.00 on a four-point scale in each course. At least 4 or 2 of these half courses, respectively, must be graduate level courses.

Doctor of Philosophy

a) MSc degree, or transfer from MSc program, or, in exceptional cases, BSc degree or equivalent.

b) A minimum admission grade point average of 3.50 on a four-point scale or equivalent.

c) Transfer from MSc to PhD program is allowed only after the successful completion of all courses required for the MSc degree with a minimum GPA of 3.50.

d) Two reference letters.

Holders of MSc or equivalent degrees in Science, Medicine, Kinesiology or other Engineering, if accepted, may be required to take additional senior undergraduate Engineering courses. These courses will not count for credit toward their doctoral program.

3. Application Deadline

See departmental, program and specialization sections.

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process, in consultation with the proposed supervisor and the Graduate Director. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring the grade point average to a required level for admission. Students who receive advanced course credit when admitted to a Master’s program may be able to accelerate the completion of their degree.

5. Program/Course Requirements

The Schulich School of Engineering has established common minimum program/course requirements for all its graduate programs. Departments and graduate programs may have additional requirements over and above those of the Schulich School of Engineering.
In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Schulich School of Engineering minimum requirements are as follows:

Master of Engineering (course-based)
A minimum of ten half courses, of which at least six must be graduate courses.

Master of Engineering (thesis-based)
A minimum of four graduate half courses.

Master of Science
A minimum of four graduate half courses.

Doctor of Philosophy
A minimum of two graduate half courses beyond the Master of Science course requirements. For students who transfer from an MSc program, 6 graduate half courses beyond the BSc, or equivalent, degree.

All Degree Programs
After consultation with the supervisor and the Graduate Director, courses outside the Department or the University may be approved towards the degree requirements.

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

See Section 5.

8. Time Limit

Typical completion times are two years for full-time students in a Master’s program and three to four years in a doctoral program. The Master of Engineering (course-based) can be completed in one year. Maximum completion times are four years for a Master of Science and a Master of Engineering (thesis-based), and six years for a Master of Engineering (course-based) or doctoral program.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Supervisors and supervisory committees are assigned according to the Faculty of Graduate Studies Handbook of Supervision and Examination and are approved by the Department Head or the Graduate Director.

10. Required Examinations

MEng (course-based) Comprehensive Examination

MEng (thesis-based) MSc Final Oral Examination
The thesis examination is oral. In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations, the Schulich School of Engineering requires the examining committee to consist of a minimum of four voting members: the supervisor, one member external to the student’s department of study, and two other members. The examination is chaired by a neutral chair (non-voting), proposed by the Department Head or Graduate Director, from outside the student’s department. The examining committee must be approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The student shall make a public twenty-minute presentation of his/her thesis research, normally immediately before the oral examination. Examining committee members should attend this presentation but should refrain from asking questions. The maximum allowable two-hour examination period does not include the time spent on student presentation.

Doctoral Candidacy Examinations
The candidacy examination is oral. In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations, the Schulich School of Engineering requires the examining committee to consist of a minimum of five voting members: the supervisory committee members and two additional members (one of them external to the program). The examination is chaired by a Neutral Chair, who is recommended by the Department Head or Graduate Director. The examining committee must be approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The student’s background knowledge in his/her field of engineering and in-depth knowledge in his/her chosen research specialization is examined. At the discretion of the department, (i) the candidacy examination may have a written (minimum three hours) component, as well, given no more than seven days before the oral defence; and (ii) the student may make a presentation at the beginning of the oral candidacy examination. Questions on the research proposal will be included in the oral candidacy examination, unless otherwise specified under the individual Engineering Program entry.

Doctoral Final Oral Examination
The thesis defence examination is oral. The examining committee consists of a minimum of five voting members: the supervisory committee members, one member outside the student’s department of study, and one member from outside the ݮƵ. The examination is chaired by a neutral chair (non-voting), proposed by the Department Head or Graduate Director, from outside the department. The examining committee must be approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The student shall make a public twenty-minute presentation of his/her thesis research, normally immediately before the oral examination. Examining committee members should attend this presentation but should refrain from asking questions during the presentation. The maximum allowable two-hour examination period does not include the time spent on student presentation.

Thesis oral examinations are open.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

See departmental, program and specialization sections.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Candidates are typically admitted either self-funded or with financial support provided by an interested supervisor or the department. For information on awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this Calendar. Students applying for scholarships must submit their applications to the Department by February 1.

14. Other Information

Students enrolled in any of the engineering graduate programs may opt, in addition to their normal required course load, to undertake an international project outside Canada. The duration of the project should be between 4 and 6 months. Upon successful completion (on a credit/fail basis) of Engineering 689 , the statement “International Graduate Internship Project” will appear on the parchment. The course is not repeatable for credit.

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

See departmental, program and specialization sections.