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Graduate Studies Calendar 2014-2015 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions E Electrical Engineering ENEL
Electrical Engineering ENEL

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Schulich School of Engineering.

Department Head - D. Westwick

Associate Heads – M. Potter (Undergraduate), A. Fapojuwo (Graduate)

Director of Undergraduate Program for Electrical and Computer Engineering – N. Bartley

Director of Undergraduate Program for Software Engineering – D. Krishnamurthy

Electrical Engineering 519       Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
Current topics in electrical engineering.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Department.
Consult Department for announcement of topics.
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Electrical Engineering 525       Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing
Neural networks: neuron models and network architectures; preceptrons; Widrow-Hoff learning and the backpropagation algorithm; associative memory and Hopfield networks; unsupervised learning. Fuzzy systems: basic operations and properties of fuzzy sets; fuzzy rule generation and defuzzification of fuzzy logic; fuzzy neural networks. Applications in areas such as optimization, signal and image processing, communications, and control. Introduction to genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing. Introduction to chaos theory.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 327.
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Electrical Engineering 529       Wireless Communications Systems
Overview of terrestrial wireless systems including system architecture and industry standards; propagation characteristics of wireless channels; modems for wireless communications; cells and cellular traffic; cellular system planning and engineering; fading mitigation techniques in wireless systems; multiple access techniques for wireless systems.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 471 and one of Engineering 319 or Electrical Engineering 419.
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Electrical Engineering 541       Control Systems II
Introduction to sampled-data control systems, discretization of analog systems, discrete-time signals and systems, causality, time-invariance, z-transforms, stability, asymptotic tracking, state-space models, controllability and observability, pole assignment, deadbeat control, state observers, observer-based control design, optimal control.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 441.
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Electrical Engineering 559       Analog Filter Design
This class deals with the theory and design of active filters, for audio-frequency applications, using op amps. It consists, basically, of two phases. Phase 1 deals with the realization of a given transfer function using cascade of first and/or second-order RC-op amps circuits. In phase II, the transfer functions of filters are studied in combination with frequency-response approximations such as Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse-Chebyshev, Cauer (or Elliptic) and Bessel-Thompson.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 469 and 471.
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Electrical Engineering 562       Photovoltaic Systems Engineering
Prospect of photovoltaics in Canada; solar radiation; fundamentals of solar cells; photovoltaic system design; grid connected photovoltaic systems; mechanical and environmental considerations
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 362 or equivalent
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 562 and 519.07 will not be allowed.
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Electrical Engineering 563       Biomedical Signal Analysis
Introduction to the electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, electromyogram, and other diagnostic signals. Computer techniques for processing and analysis of biomedical signals. Pattern classification and decision techniques for computer-aided diagnosis. Case studies from current applications and research.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 327.
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Electrical Engineering 565       Digital Integrated Electronics
Semiconductor devices, modelling of CMOS switching, CMOS logic families, performance and comparison of logic families, interconnect, semiconductor memories, design and fabrication issues of digital IC's.
Course Hours:
Computer Engineering 467.
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Electrical Engineering 567       CMOS Analog Circuit Design
Introduction to CMOS very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design. Review of MOS transistor theory and operation. Introduction to CMOS circuits. CMOS processing,  VLSI design methods and tools. CMOS subsystem and system design for linear integrated circuits.

Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 469 and Computer Engineering 467.
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 567 and 519.47 will not be allowed.
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Electrical Engineering 569       Electronic Systems and Applications

Introduction to electronic systems; the four elements of electronic monitoring systems; system modelling; sensors; amplifiers; noise characterization; power supplies; frequency conditioning; active filters; analog to digital conversion and anti-aliasing requirements; multichannel data acquisition; real-time conditioning of signals; real-time control.

Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 469.
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Electrical Engineering 571       Digital Communications
Fundamentals of digital communication systems. Digital coding of analog waveforms; digital pulse modulation, pulse code modulation, delta modulation. Intersymbol interference; baseband transmission, correlative coding. Probability theory. Optimal demodulation of data transmission; matched filtering; bit error rate.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 471 and one of Engineering 319 or Electrical Engineering 419.
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Electrical Engineering 573       Telecommunications and Computer Communications
Fundamentals of telecommunication system and teletraffic engineering; transmission systems; switching networks and congestions. Characterization of teletraffic; queueing theory; mathematical modelling of queueing systems; the birth and death process. Erlang loss and delay formulas; Engset loss and delay formulas. Computer communication networks; multiple access techniques.
Course Hours:
Engineering 319 or Electrical Engineering 419.
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Electrical Engineering 575       Radio-frequency and Microwave Passive Circuits
Study and design of radio-frequency and microwave passive circuits such as filters, couplers, splitters, combiners, isolators, circulators; advanced transmission lines; antenna fundamentals; network analysis; advanced topics.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 476
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Electrical Engineering 583       Fourth Year Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Team Design Project, Part A
Preliminary and detailed engineering design of a system with the emphasis on the design process as it is associated with electrical, computer and software engineering. Topics include design methodology and general design principles for engineers, and project management. The team-based design project may be sponsored by industry or the department.
Course Hours:
Fourth year standing or above.
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Electrical Engineering 585       Introduction to Power Electronics
Commutation. Diode rectifiers. Fully controlled 3-phase rectifiers. Choppers, inverters, ac controllers. Single-phase switch mode converters: dc-to-dc, ac-to-dc, dc-to-ac. Circuit and state-space averaging techniques. Switching devices and magnetics.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 469.
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Electrical Engineering 587       Power Systems
Three-phase systems, per unit representation, power system elements and configurations, transmission system representation and performance, power flow studies, symmetrical components, fault studies, economics of power generation, transient and steady-state stability, swing equation.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 487 or 489.
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Electrical Engineering 589       Fourth Year Computer, Electrical, and /Software Engineering Team Design Project, Part B
Continues upon the foundations of theory, experience and practice established in Part A.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 583.
Electrical Engineering 107, 583 and 589 are a required three-course sequence that shall be completed in the same academic year.
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Electrical Engineering 591       Individual Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Design Project

This project involves individual work on an assigned Computer, Electrical or Software Engineering design project under the supervision of a faculty member. The project will normally involve following an established design process. Engineering Communications, including written reports, logbooks and oral presentations.

Course Hours:
Formal approvals from the project supervisor and course co-ordinator(s).
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Electrical Engineering 592       Undergraduate Research Thesis
A directed studies research project in an area of interest, directed by a project advisor/faculty member. Includes an independent student component covering the scientific process, ethics, review of literature, and writing scientific proposals and manuscripts. Projects may involve experimental, analytical or computer modelling studies.
Course Hours:
Formal approvals from the project supervisor and course co-ordinator(s).  
Only open to undergraduate students in the Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering majors.  
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Electrical Engineering 593       Digital Filters

Recursive and non-recursive systems.  Time-domain and frequency-domain analysis.  Z-transform, bilinear transform and spectral transformations.  Filter structures and non-ideal performance.

Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 327.
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Electrical Engineering 594       Undergraduate Research Thesis - Part B
A directed studies research project intended for students who have completed a suitable Electrical Engineering 592 project and wish to continue the assigned project by completing a more extensive investigation. The course culminates with a written thesis and presentation. Projects may involve experimental, analytic and computer modelling studies.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 592 and formal approval from the project supervisor and course co-ordinator(s).  
Only open to undergraduate students in the Electrical, Computer & Software Engineering majors.  
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Electrical Engineering 597       Power Systems Operation and Markets
Power system operation and economic load dispatch, concept of marginal cost, Kuhn-Tucker's conditions of optimum, unit commitment, hydrothermal co-ordination, power flow analysis, optimal power flow, probabilistic production simulation, power pools and electricity markets, market design, auction models, power system reliability, primary and secondary frequency control and AGC, steady-state and transient stability, power sector financing and investment planning.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 487, 489 or 587.
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Electrical Engineering 599       Individual Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Design Project - Part B
This individual project is intended for students who have completed a suitable Electrical Engineering 591 Individual Project and wish to continue the assigned research project by completing a more extensive project.  The project will normally involve following an established design process. Engineering Communications, including written reports, logbooks, and oral presentations.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 591 and formal approval from the project supervisor and course co-ordinator(s).
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Graduate Courses

Registration in all courses requires the approval of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Electrical Engineering 601       Power System Operation
Energy transfer in power systems; real and reactive power flows; VAR compensation. Power system control, interconnected operation. Power system stability, techniques of numerical integration. Load representation, power quality. Computational paradigms for typical power system problems. Computer simulation of representative power system problems.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 603       Rotating Machines
General theory of rotating machines providing a unified approach to the analysis of machine performance. General equations of induced voltage and torque. Transient performance of machines.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 605       Research Seminar
Reports of studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all full-time graduate students.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 607       Research Seminar
Reports of studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all full-time graduate students.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 609       Special Topics
Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 611       Digital Systems
Introduction to digital system design for mask programmable and field programmable gate arrays. CMOS digital logic design. Flip-flop timing and metastability. Design for testability. CAD tools for digital systems design.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 615       Non-linear Control
Non-linear systems; phase portraits, equilibrium points, and existence of solutions. Lyapunov stability definitions and theorems. Non-linear control design; feedback linearization, sliding modes, adaptive control, backstepping, and approximate-adaptive control. Frequency domain stability analysis using describing functions.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.16)
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Electrical Engineering 617              RF Integrated Circuit Design
Introduction to complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) wireless communication circuits; computer-aided design; impedance matching concepts; passive circuit elements in monolithic circuits; radio frequency integrated circuit building blocks.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 567 or 647.   
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 617 and 619.31 will not be allowed.   
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Electrical Engineering 619       Special Problems
Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 623       Biomedical Systems and Applications

Introduction to biomedical systems. The four elements of a biomedical monitoring system. Biomedical system modelling. Biomedical sensors: basic concepts. Biomedical amplifiers and signal conditioning circuits. Noise, noise sources and non-idealities. Repeatability of measurements. Power supplies for biomedical monitoring systems. Frequency conditioning. Isolation amplifiers and patient safety. Analog-to-Digital conversion and anti-aliasing requirements. Multichannel biomedical data acquisition. Real-time requirements. Real-time digital conditioning of biomedical signals. The concept of closed-loop real-time control.

Course Hours:
Consent of the Department.
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Electrical Engineering 625       Estimation Theory
Estimation theory as applied in communication systems, signal processing, measurement systems, geophysical systems, biomedical engineering and geomatics engineering. Estimators covered include: MVU, BLUE, LS, ML, Bayesian and MMSE. Concepts covered include: CRLB, Neyman-Fisher and Sufficient Statistics.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 627       Antennas
Foundations of theory and practice of modern antennas. Topics covered will include: theoretical background, antenna parameters, simple radiators, antenna array theory, wire antennas, broadband antennas, microstrip antennas, aperture radiators, base station antennas, antennas for mobile communications, antenna measurements.
Course Hours:
Students registering in this course should have a background in electromagnetics and basic microwave engineering.
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Electrical Engineering 629       Advanced Logic Design of Electronic and Nanoelectronic Devices
Two-level and multi-level logic synthesis; flexibility in logic design; multiple-valued logic for advanced technology; multi-level minimization; Binary Decision Diagrams, Word-level Decision Diagrams, sequential and combinational equivalence checking; technology mapping; technology-based transformations; logic synthesis for low power, optimizations of synchronous and asynchronous circuits, logical and physical design from a flow perspective; challenges of design of nanoelectronic devices.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 631       System Identification and Parameter Estimation
Parametric models of linear time-invariant systems. System and noise models. Estimation of model parameters. Structure and order selection. Model validation. Convergence and sensitivity analysis. Experiment design. MIMO systems. Subspace methods. Introduction to non-linear and/or time-varying systems.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 649.
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Electrical Engineering 633       Wireless Networks
Wireless networks’ architectures and standards. Wireless communication protocols including network access control protocols, routing, congestion and flow control protocols, mobility and resource management protocols. Modelling and analysis of wireless network performance. Current and future research challenges in wireless networks.
Course Hours:
A senior undergraduate course in wireless communications is suggested as preparation for this course.   
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Electrical Engineering 635       Cryptography and Number Theory with Applications
The topic of the course is to provide the students with vital information about the use of number theory in designing and implementing various public key cryptographic schemes.  We will stress on the efficacy of the algorithms used and their application in areas outside cryptography and coding theory.
Course Hours:
Credit for Electrical Engineering 635 and 619.87 will not be allowed.
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Electrical Engineering 637       Arithmetic Techniques with DSP Applications
The course is aimed at the use of specific computer arithmetic techniques for efficient design of DSP algorithms. We will provide comprehensive information form the theory of computer arithmetic. We will show how the performance of different algorithms can be optimized by using efficient arithmetic techniques. Many examples will be provided.
Course Hours:
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 637 and 619.88 will not be allowed.
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Electrical Engineering 639       Radio Frequency and Microwave Circuit Design
Circuit design via transmission line elements: special emphasis on microstrip circuits and effects of discontinuities (corners, Tees, and impedance steps). Analysis of passive impedance matching and filtering circuits using distributed and lumped elements. Narrow band matching and wide band matching techniques as well as wide band matching to a complex load. One and two port small signal amplifiers. Scattering parameter design methods: amplifier gain, input and output matching and stability. Computer aided design methods and broadband design methods. Large signal transistor amplifiers: device non-linearities and design methodologies.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 641       Optimization for Engineers
Introduction to optimization techniques for solving engineering problems.  Modelling engineering problems as optimization problems.  Recognizing and solving convex sets, functions and optimization problems.  Numerical linear algebra including: matrix structures, algorithm complexity, LU factorization.  Unconstrained optimization methodology and engineering applications.  Constrained optimization techniques and engineering applications.
Course Hours:
Engineering 407 or the consent of the instructor.
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 641 and 619.05 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.05)
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Electrical Engineering 643       Fibre Optics Transmission
Fundamental theory of cylindrical optical waveguides by way of Maxwell's equation and the modal analysis of the slab waveguides, step-index and graded-index fibres, review of fibre chemistry and production techniques. Problem areas relating to measurement of fibre parameters. Optical transmitters, photodetectors and receivers, modulation and multiplexing techniques, splices and connectors. Multiterminal analog and digital system analysis and design. Optical switching and amplification, integrated optics.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 645       Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Types of data mining: classification, clustering, association, prediction. Processes: data preparation, model building. Techniques: decision tree, neural network, evolutionary computing, Bayesian network. Applications: multi-media, text and web mining.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.51)
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Electrical Engineering 647       Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Review of static and dynamic models of bipolar and field effect transistors. Basics of analog integrated circuit design. Computer-aided modelling. Fabrication processes and their influence on analog design. Operational voltage amplifier and transconductance amplifier design techniques. Case studies of bipolar and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) designs. CMOS analog integrated circuit design project.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 649       Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
Axiomatic view of probability; continuous and discrete random variables; expectation; functions of random variables; conditional distributions and expectations; stochastic processes; stationarity and ergodicity; correlation and power spectrum; renewal processes and Markov chains; Markov and non-Markovian processes in continuous time.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.22)
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Electrical Engineering 651       Resource Management for Wireless Networks
Qualitative and mathematical formulation of the resource management problem in wireless networks; elements of radio resource management: power and Walsh code allocation and control. Call admission control, traffic load control, packet scheduling; radio resource management algorithms: fixed resource allocation, handover resource management, transmitter power management, dynamic resource allocation, and packet scheduling algorithms; quality-of-service (QoS) and resource management; joint radio resource management problem across heterogeneous wireless networks; applications and case studies: resource management in third generation (3G) and beyond 3G wireless Internet Protocol (IP) networks; open research challenges in resource management for wireless networks.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.04)
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Electrical Engineering 653       Theory and Practice Advanced DSP Processor Architecture
Architecture and capabilities of SISD, SIMD and VLIW processors; Developing high speed algorithms: code timing, reliability, background DMA activity, maintainability; Developing a personal software process appropriate for embedded systems.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.23)
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Electrical Engineering 655       Discrete Time Signal Processing
Foundations of discrete time signal processing of deterministic and stochasitic signals. Transform analysis: Laplace, Fourier, discrete time Fourier, Z transform, DFT/FFT and Hilbert. Time sampled signals, mixed digital/analog LTI system design and analysis with practical DSP implementations. Fundamentals of FIR/IIR/multirate DSP filter implementation and analysis. Application of DSP in communications receiver, audio, image and video processing.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 657       Detection of Signals in Noise
Detection of distorted and noise corrupted deterministic and random signals. Application to optimum statistical signal processing algorithms in data communications, GPS, radar, synchronization and image processing.
Course Hours:
At least one of Electrical Engineering 675, 649, or 625 or consent of the instructor.
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.73)
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Electrical Engineering 659       Active-RC and Switched-Capacitor Filter Design
The filter design problem; operational amplifier characteristics; cascade methods of RC-active filter design; filter design with the active biquad; active filter design based on a lossless ladder prototype. Switched-capacitor (SC) integrators; design of cascade, ladder, and multiple feedback SC filters; non-ideal effects in SC filters; scaling of SC filters; topics in fabrication of SC filters.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 661       Grid-Connected Inverters for Alternative Energy Systems
Analysis and design of grid-connected inverters fed by an alternative energy source. Switch mode converters, inverter topologies, harmonics, drive electronics, control methodologies, implementation techniques, course project.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.18)
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Electrical Engineering 663       Numerical Electromagnetic Field Computation
Solution techniques for electromagnetic fields: finite difference, finite elements/volumes, boundary elements, finite difference time domain, and moment methods. Practical aspects concerning computer implementation: accuracy, speed, memory, and solvers.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.09)
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Electrical Engineering 665       Bioelectromagnetism
Generation, transmission, and measurement of electromagnetic events generated by excitable cells (heart, brain, muscle). Topics cover the scale from membrane and cell dynamics to tissue behaviour and body surface recordings.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.21)
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Electrical Engineering 667       Intelligent Control
Application of machine learning algorithms in control systems: neural networks, fuzzy logic, the cerebellar model arithmetic computer, genetic algorithms; stability of learning algorithms in closed-loop non-linear control applications.
Course Hours:
At least one undergraduate level course in control systems.
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.25)
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Electrical Engineering 669       Renewable Energy and Solid State Lighting for the Developing World
History of Lighting, Illumination Measurements & Standards - Incandescent, Fluorescent, LEDs & OLEDs. Generation using Hydro, Solar, Photovoltaic, Wind, Thermoelectric, Biomass, Thermal. Energy Storage & Supply Chains. System Design, Analysis & Life Cycle Assessment. Kyoto Protocol, Carbon Credits and Trading.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.52)
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Electrical Engineering 671       Adaptive Signal Processing
Fundamentals: Performance objectives, optimal filtering and estimation, the Wiener solution, orthogonality principle. Adaptation algorithms: MSE performance surface, gradient search methods, the Widrow-Hoff LMS algorithm, convergence speed and misadjustment. Advanced techniques: recursive least-squares algorithms, gradient and least-squares multiple filter, frequency domain algorithms, adaptive pole-zero filters. Applications: system identification, channel equalization, echo cancellation, linear prediction, noise cancellation, speech.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 673       Wireless Communications Engineering
The basics of mobile radio telephone: mobile telephone frequency channels, components of mobile radio, objectives of mobile telephone systems, major problems and tools available. The mobile radio environment: fading and propagation loss, propagation loss prediction, channel and signal models, fading statistics, classification of fading channels. Methods of reducing fading effects: diversity techniques and diversity combining methods. Signaling over fading channels. Frequency reuse schemes: cellular concept, mobile radio interference, FDMA, TDMA, and spread spectrum techniques. Portable systems, air-to-ground systems, and land mobile/satellite systems, processing.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 571 or equivalent.
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Electrical Engineering 675       Digital Communications
Physical layer digital communications. Linear modulation and demodulation using signal space concepts. Optimal and sub-optimal detection of symbols and sequences. Pulse shaping and spectral analysis. Wireless propagation and system design. Error connection using channel codes. Advanced techniques for high speed communications.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 571 or equivalent.   
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Electrical Engineering 677       Information Theory Applied to Digital Communications
Understanding of the digital communication link in a noisy channel with distortion. Fundamentals of information theory applicable to the statistical signal processing of digital communication receivers, presented in depth that will provide insights into optimum receiver architecture, processing and error coding. Capacity analysis of SISO and MIMO multiple antenna communication systems as well as other forms of diversity, derived within the framework of information theory.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 675 or equivalent.
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Electrical Engineering 679       Digital Video Processing
Fundamentals of digital video representation, filtering and compression, including popular algorithms for 2-D and 3-D motion estimation, object tracking, frame rate conversion, deinterlacing, image enhancement, and the emerging international standards for image and video compression, with such applications as digital TV, web-based multimedia, videoconferencing, videophone and mobile image communications.
Course Hours:
At least one undergraduate level course in Signal Processing.
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.60)
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Electrical Engineering 681       VLSI and SOC
Timing and power models; Issues in BIST for SOC; System and Circuit Optimization for SOC applications using compiler techniques; System-on-a-chip design methodology; Topics in Architectural low-power techniques; Design methodology for embedded architectures; Advanced architectures for image/video/speech/audio/Internet/wireless applications; Topics in algorithm/architecture design under timing and throughput constraints.
Course Hours:
At least one undergraduate level course in Microelectronics or VLSI.
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.76 and 619.82)
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Electrical Engineering 683       Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation
Aspects of physical design including: VLSI design cycle, fabrication processes for VLSI devices, basic data structures and algorithms, partitioning, floor planning, placement and routing.
Course Hours:
Also known as:
(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.19)
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Electrical Engineering 685       Software Defined Radio Systems
Advanced design aspects related to the design of Software Defined Radio (SDR) Systems applicable to wireless and satellite communication systems. System level modelling and baseband design aspects of SDR system. Transmitter and receiver architectures appropriate for SDR transceivers. Multi-band transmitters, sub-sampling receivers and six-port based receivers.  Design strategies and calibration techniques for SDR systems.
Course Hours:
Engineering 574 or equivalent, or the consent of the Instructor
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 641 and 619.64 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
formerly Electrical Engineering 619.64
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Electrical Engineering 687       Switch Mode Power Converters
Design and analysis of dc-to-dc and ac-to-ac single-phase power converters. Device characteristics. Dc-to-dc topologies, dc-to-ac topologies and ac-to-ac topologies. Linearized models. Classical feedback control; introduction to state-space analysis methods. Input harmonic analysis, output harmonic analysis, and techniques to obtain unity input power factory.
Course Hours:
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Electrical Engineering 691       Integrated Micro and Nanotechnology Sensory Systems

Integrated circuits for sensing. The physical process of sensing photons and ions. The circuitry of signal amplification. Considerations for integrated circuit implementation. Solid state sensors and development in CMOS technology. Analog to Digital conversion in sensory arrays. Technology scaling and impact. Low voltage and implications regarding signal processing. Other types of sensors such as pH sensing. MEMS technology and applications. Integrated Light sources. System examples.

Course Hours:
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 691 and 619.26 will not be allowed.
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Electrical Engineering 693       Restructured Electricity Markets
Market design and auction mechanisms, role of independent system operator (ISO) in different markets, generation scheduling in deregulation, transmission operation and pricing.  Transmission rights, procurement and pricing ancillary services, system security in deregulation, and resource management in a market environment.
Course Hours:
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 693 and 619.98 will not be allowed.
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Electrical Engineering 695       Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineers
Understanding of vector spaces and function spaces; eigenvalues and eigenvectors in both the linear algebraic and differential equation sense; special functions in mathematics; advanced methods for solutions of differential equations.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 327 or equivalent.
Credit for both Electrical Engineering 695 and either of 519.42 or 619.95 will not be allowed.
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Electrical Engineering 697       Digital Image Processing
Image formation and visual perceptual processing. Digital image representation. Two dimensional Fourier transform analysis. Image enhancement and restoration. Selected topics from: image reconstruction from projections; image segmentation and analysis; image coding for data compression and transmission; introduction to image understanding and computer vision. Case studies from current applications and research.
Course Hours:
Electrical Engineering 327 or equivalent.
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Electrical Engineering 698       Graduate Project
Individual project in the student's area of specialization under the guidance of the student's supervisor.
Course Hours:
Open only to students in the MEng Courses Only Route.
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Electrical Engineering 699       Multidimensional Signal Processing
Characterization of multidimensional (MD) signals, the MD Laplace, Fourier and Z transforms. Practical analog and digital signals and their MD energy density spectra. Aliasing, convolution, boundary conditions, causality, and stability in MD. Characterization of linear shift-invariant systems using MD transform transfer functions. State variable representations of MD systems. Elementary decompositions of MD transfer functions and bounded-input bounded-output stability. Design and implementation of MD digital filters. Applications of MD signal processing in engineering systems. Two- and three-dimensional digital signal processing in seismic, sonar, imaging and broadcast television.
Course Hours:
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