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Graduate Studies Calendar 2014-2015 Academic Regulations O. Student Misconduct
O. Student Misconduct

A single offence of cheating, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct, on academic work may lead to disciplinary probation or a student’s suspension or expulsion from the Faculty if it is determined that the offence warrants such action.

O.1 Plagiarism/Cheating/Other Academic Misconduct
O.1.a) Definitions

1. Plagiarism - Plagiarism involves submitting or presenting work as if it were the student’s own work when it is not. Any ideas or materials taken from another source written, electronic, or oral must be fully and formally acknowledged. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

(a) The work submitted or presented was done, in whole or in part, by an individual other than the one submitting or presenting the work (this includes having another impersonate the student or otherwise substituting the work of another for one’s own in an examination or test),

(b) Parts of the work are taken from another source without reference to the original author,

(c) The whole work (e.g., an essay) is copied from another source, and/or,

(d) A student submits or presents work in one course which has also been submitted in another course (although it may be completely original with that student) without the knowledge of or prior agreement of the instructor involved. While it is recognized that scholarly work often involves reference to the ideas, data and conclusions of other scholars, intellectual honesty requires that such references be explicitly and clearly noted. Plagiarism is an extremely serious academic offence. It is recognized that clause (d) does not prevent a graduate student incorporating work previously done by him or her in a thesis or dissertation.

2. Cheating is an extremely serious academic offence. Cheating at tests or examinations includes but is not limited to dishonest or attempted dishonest conduct such as speaking to other candidates or communicating with them under any circumstances whatsoever; bringing into the examination room any textbook, notebook, memorandum, other written material or mechanical or electronic device not authorized by the examiner; writing an examination or part of it, or consulting any person or materials outside the confines of the examination room without permission to do so, or leaving answer papers exposed to view, or persistent attempts to read other students’ examination papers.

3. Other Academic Misconduct - Other academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, tampering or attempts to tamper with examination scripts, class work, grades and/or class records; failure to abide by directions by an instructor regarding the individuality of work handed in; the acquisition, attempted acquisition, possession, and/or distribution of examination materials or information not authorized by the instructor; the impersonation of another student in an examination or other class assignment; the falsification or fabrication of clinical or laboratory reports; the non-authorized tape recording of lectures.

4. Any student who voluntarily and consciously aids another student in the commission of one of these offences is also guilty of academic misconduct.

O.1.b) Penalties
  1. Failing Grade - A student may be given a failing grade in either an exercise or course in which that student is found guilty of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct. Except in circumstances in which leniency is warranted, this penalty will only be applied in conjunction with one or other of the other penalties mentioned in this section. In situations in which a student is registered in a Faculty other than that in which the course is given, this is the only penalty that shall be applied by the host Faculty. A student may not avoid a failing grade by withdrawing from the course.
  2. Disciplinary Probation - When a student is placed on disciplinary probation, he or she is entitled to proceed with a degree or other academic program, but only on condition that the registration will be forfeited and the student suspended or expelled, if he or she is found guilty of a further academic offence. A student who is placed on disciplinary probation is eligible to continue in the Faculty in the normal way after the satisfactory completion of his or her probationary period. This penalty shall be applied by the Faculty in which the student is registered at the time of the offence.
  3. Suspension - Suspension takes place when a student is denied registration within a degree or other academic program for a specified period of time. A student who has been placed under suspension is conditionally eligible to reapply for admission or registration at either the end of a specified period of time or thereafter. Suspension does not imply automatic readmission; a student must satisfy the Dean and/or the Faculty concerned of his/her eligibility for readmission. This penalty shall be applied by the Faculty in which the student is registered at the time of the offence.
  4. Expulsion - A student who is expelled from a Faculty is dismissed permanently from the Faculty with no right to apply for readmission to that Faculty. This penalty shall be applied by the Faculty in which the student is registered at the time of the offence.
  5. Effects of Suspension or Expulsion from a Faculty - A student suspended or expelled from a Faculty normally may not apply or be considered for readmission to the University in another Faculty, until at least twelve months after the end of the session in which the academic offence takes place.
  6. Expulsion from the University - If, upon suspending or expelling a student from a Faculty, the Dean and/or Faculty determine that the severe sanction of expulsion from the University is warranted, such a recommendation may be made to the Vice- President (Academic), who may act to expel the student from the University.
O.1.b) i. Penalties and Their Application
  1. In cases in which the Dean and/or Faculty is satisfied that a student is guilty of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct in circumstances which suggest a clear intention to deceive or otherwise commit an academic offence, the normal penalty will be either suspension or expulsion from the Faculty.
  2. In cases in which the Dean and/or Faculty is satisfied that an offence has been committed, but doubt is left as to the existence of a clear intention to deceive or otherwise commit an academic offence, the normal penalty will be probation.
  3. In cases where a student is found guilty of more than a single offence, the normal penalty will be expulsion from the Faculty, and in the most serious cases, expulsion from the University.
O.2 Procedures

1. Identification of Students in Tests or Examinations - Invigilators of any tests or examinations may, when they have reason to believe that there is cause to do so, challenge any candidate to produce proof of identity either in the form of the University I.D. card or of some acceptable equivalent (i.e., one bearing a photograph) such as the Provincial Drivers License, Canadian Citizenship Card, Passport, etc.

If there is clear evidence that impersonation has occurred, the individual shall not be permitted to continue the examination and shall be reported immediately to the Dean of the Faculty in which the course is offered or his/her delegate.

A student who is not able to provide acceptable proof of identity may be permitted to continue the examination provided that he or she undertakes to provide verification of identity later. If verification is not provided, then the student will receive an "F" in the examination, and the matter will be referred to the Dean of the Faculty in which the course is offered or his/her delegate for consideration of further disciplinary action.

2. The Responsibility of Instructors in Cases of Plagiarism, Cheating and Other Academic Misconduct - An instructor has the obligation to report immediately all suspected cases of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct in his/her course or courses to the Dean of his/her Faculty, or his/her delegate, and to his/her head of department or equivalent.

3. The Encouragement of the Reporting of Plagiarism, Cheating or Other Academic Misconduct - Students or other persons who consider that they have evidence of conduct which amounts to plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct are encouraged to report such conduct to the Dean of the relevant Faculty or his/her delegate. An individual or group of individuals making such a report must be prepared to state the alleged facts and their reasons for suspicion in writing, and to appear before the Dean, his/her delegate, the appropriate Faculty disciplinary body, the Faculty Appeals Committee and the General Faculties Council's Committee to Hear and Determine Student Academic Appeals.

4. The Responsibility of the Dean of the Faculty in Which the Course is Offered - The initial responsibility for dealing with cases of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct, lies with the Dean of the Faculty offering the course in which the student is enrolled or his/her delegate, subject to structures for advice, recommendation or action devised by that Faculty. Where the student is registered in that particular Faculty, any disciplinary action taken will normally not be of concern to any other Faculty.

5. The Relative Responsibilities of the Faculty in Which a Student Takes a Course and the Faculty in Which He/She is Registered at the Time of the Offence - In cases in which a student registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies is accused of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct, the Dean of Graduate Studies shall be advised of the incident, its circumstances, and its disposition within the host Faculty, and where appropriate shall take disciplinary action within his/her own Faculty subject to structures for advice, recommendation or action devised by that Faculty. This notification shall be the responsibility of the Dean of the host Faculty, or his/her delegate.

6. The Disposition of Cases by the Faculty of Graduate Studies – When a graduate student is found guilty of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct by the teaching Faculty, the student may appeal an unfavourable decision to the General Faculties Council's Committee to Hear and Determine Student Academic Appeals. When the student accepts the ruling of an appeals committee, or when all avenues of appeal of academic misconduct are exhausted, the Dean of Graduate Studies will make a ruling on the student's registration in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Dean of Graduate Studies or his/her delegate shall place on probation, suspend, or expel from the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The probation, suspension, withdrawal or expulsion will be confirmed in writing to the student, the letter to include reference to Faculty and University appeal procedures. In cases in which the student has admitted the offence reference shall be made to this fact in the letter.

The Registrar will be notified of the action taken by a copy of the letter. On receiving notification the Registrar is empowered to withhold the issuance of a transcript or statement of grades for the student disciplined pending the expiry of the appeal period, or exhaustion of the appeal process allowed for under Appeals below.