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Program Descriptions
Anthropology ANTH
Archaeology ARKY
Biological Sciences BISI
Biomedical Engineering BMEN
Chemistry CHEM
Communication and Media Studies CMMS
Communications Studies COMS
Computational Media Design CMD
Computer Science CPSC
Culture and Society CUSP
Drama DRAM
Economics ECON
Education Graduate Programs
Engineering Programs ENGG
Engineering, Chemical and Petroleum ENCH
Engineering, Civil ENCI
Engineering, Electrical and Computer ENEL
Engineering, Geomatics ENGO
Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing ENME
English ENGL
Environmental Design EVDS
French, Italian and Spanish FISL
Geography GEOG
Geoscience GLGP
German GSEA
Greek and Roman Studies GRST
Haskayne School of Business: Management MGMT
History HIST
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program IGP
Kinesiology KNES
Linguistics LING
Mathematics and Statistics MTST
Medicine Programs
Military and Strategic Studies CMSS
Music MUSI
Nursing NURS
Philosophy PHIL
Physics and Astronomy PHAS
Political Science POLI
Psychology PSYC
Public Policy PPOL
Religious Studies RELS
Social Work SOWK
Sociology SOCI
Sustainable Energy Development SEDV
Veterinary Medical Sciences VMS
Interdisciplinary Specializations
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About the ˛ÝÝ®ÎŰĘÓƵµĽş˝
Graduate Studies Calendar 2016-2017 Program Descriptions Social Work SOWK
Social Work - SOWK
Contact Information


Professional Faculties Building, Room 3256
Program number: 403.220.6945; 403.220.6208; 1.877.220.6945
Fax: 403.282.7269
Email address: fswgrad@ucalgary.ca

3-250, 10230 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5J 4P6
Program number: 780.492.3888; 1.888.492.2083
Fax: 780.492.5774
Email address: fswcnar@ucalgary.ca

4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 3M4
Program number: 403.329.2794
Fax: 403.329.2787
Email address: fswsar@ucalgary.ca

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Post-Master’s Diploma in Advanced Studies in Social Work (PMDip)*
Master of Social Work (MSW), course-based and thesis-based
MBA/MSW, course-based
Depending upon location and selected specialization, the course-based MSW can be completed on full-time or part-time basis.

*The Faculty is currently not accepting applications for this program.


  • Clinical Social Work Practice
  • Leadership in the Human Services
  • International and Community Development


The PhD is a research-based degree and is intended to produce highly qualified social work researchers and teachers. The aim of developing such advanced scholarly and research skills is to equip doctoral students for future roles as leaders of the social work profession. Students complete nine courses, a candidacy exam, and a thesis. The PhD is Calgary-based.


The Faculty of Social Work also offers a Post-Master’s Diploma (PMDip) in Advanced Studies in Social Work. Students complete eight courses. The PMDip is Calgary-based.


The MSW programs are available for both BSW graduates and graduates from other disciplines. The objective of the MSW program is to prepare students for advanced professional practice in social work. The Faculty of Social Work offers MSW programs in Calgary, Edmonton, and Lethbridge. In all locations, students choose between the course-based or the thesis route to the degree. The course-based route is appropriate for students who intend to provide direct service in the field. The thesis route may be appropriate for students who intend to proceed to doctoral studies and/or anticipate a career requiring advanced program evaluation or research skills.

In Calgary, MSW students are admitted annually and choose one of three Specializations: Clinical Social Work Practice, Leadership in the Human Services, or International and Community Development. Students without an undergraduate degree in social work are admitted to a two-year program, while BSW graduates are admitted directly into a one-year Specialization program.

In Edmonton, the Faculty of Social Work offers the Clinical Social Work Practice Specialization. Program delivery blends on-site and web-based formats. On-site courses are offered on Friday evenings and Saturdays, four times per term, and week-long intensives at the beginning of every fall term and some winter terms. Students may continue working while registered in the program but must ensure they are available for full-time, weekday practica when scheduled. Students with a BSW complete the Clinical Specialization program in two years. Students with undergraduate degrees in other disciplines complete the Foundation courses followed by the Clinical Specialization courses, requiring a total of four years of study. Admission occurs in odd-numbered years (i.e., 2017, 2019, etc.).

In Lethbridge, the Faculty of Social Work offers the Clinical Social Work Practice Specialization to students with a BSW. Program delivery blends web-based and on-site formats, allowing students from across Canada to continue working while pursuing graduate education. Students complete the program in two years. Admission occurs in odd-numbered years (i.e., 2017, 2019, etc.).

The MSW course-based Specialization in Leadership in the Human Services is administered through Calgary as a blended program and is accessible to students regardless of home location. In the first year of the program, two required courses are offered at the ˛ÝÝ®ÎŰĘÓƵµĽş˝ main campus for one week in July. In the second year of the program, one required course is delivered on campus. The remaining courses are offered via distance delivery. The program is designed to be completed in two years of full-time study.


The Faculty of Social Work and the Haskayne School of Business offer a combined program leading to the Master of Social Work/Master of Business Administration (MSW/MBA) degree. Offered from the Calgary location, the Master of Social Work/Master of Business Administration (MSW/MBA) program is designed to prepare students for business-related social work careers. This program is available only to full-time MSW Specialization students.

A Post-baccalaureate Certificate and Diploma in Mental Health and Addictions is offered in Calgary (applications are not currently being accepted).

2. Admission Requirements

Students are responsible for meeting the admission requirements as established by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Faculty of Social Work requires the following:

For PhD and PMDip

a) A Master of Social Work or equivalent graduate degree with a minimum grade point average of 3.50 on a four-point scale.

b) A study plan outlining the applicant’s educational goals, career expectations, research proposal and research experience.

c) Substantial professional experience.

d) A sample of written work including, for example, published and/or unpublished scholarly papers and/or professional reports.

e) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English submit a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 97 (Internet-based test); or IELTS score of 7.0; or MELAB score of 83; or Level 3 on the International Foundations Program ().

f) Three reference letters.

For MSW course-based

In Calgary and Edmonton:

a) A Bachelor of Social Work degree, or a four-year bachelor’s degree from another discipline.

b) The equivalent of two years of full-time paid or volunteer work in the human services field.

c) A study plan outlining the applicant’s educational goals and career expectations. (If applying to the Calgary program, the study plan must indicate the applicant’s intended area of Specialization: Clinical Social Work Practice, Leadership in the Human Services, or International and Community Development).

d) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English: a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 97 (Internet-based test); or IELTS score of 7.0; or MELAB score of 83; or Level 3 on the International Foundations Program ().

e) Two reference letters.

In Lethbridge:

a) A Bachelor of Social Work degree.

b) The equivalent of two years of full-time paid or volunteer work in the human services field.

c) A study plan outlining the applicant’s educational goals and career expectations.

d) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English: a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 97 (Internet-based test); or IELTS score of 7.0; or MELAB score of 83; or Level 3 on the International Foundations Program ().

e) Two reference letters.

For MSW thesis-based

In Calgary and Edmonton:

a) A Bachelor of Social Work degree, or a four-year bachelor’s degree from another discipline.

b) The equivalent of two years of full-time paid or volunteer work in the human services field.

c) A study plan outlining the applicant's educational goals and career expectations. (If applying to the Calgary program, the study plan must indicate the applicant’s intended area of Specialization: Clinical Social Work Practice, Leadership in the Human Services, or International and Community Development).

d) An additional statement providing a rationale for selecting the thesis route and a preliminary research proposal. Students considering applying to the thesis route are strongly encouraged to discuss this option with the Thesis Program Co-ordinator if applying to Calgary and the Associate Director, Academic if applying to Edmonton, prior to completing the application process.

e) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English: a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 97 (Internet-based test); or IELTS score of 7.0; or MELAB score of 83; or Level 3 on the International Foundations Program ().

f) Two reference letters.

In Lethbridge:

a) A Bachelor of Social Work degree.

b) The equivalent of two years of full-time paid or volunteer work in the human services field.

c) A study plan outlining the applicant’s educational goals and career expectations.

d) An additional statement providing a rationale for selecting the thesis route and describing the applicant’s area of research interest. Students considering applying to the thesis route are strongly encouraged to discuss this option with a Faculty member prior to completing the application process.

e) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English: a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 97 (Internet-based test); or IELTS score of 7.0; or MELAB score of 83; or Level 3 on the International Foundations Program ().

f) Two reference letters.

For MSW/MBA (in Calgary only)

a) A Bachelor of Social Work degree or completion of the MSW Foundation courses (described in Section 5 below).

b) The equivalent of two years of full-time paid or volunteer work in the human services field

c) A study plan outlining the applicant’s educational goals and career expectations.

d) Admission into the Haskayne School of Business.

e) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 97 (Internet-based test); or IELTS score of 7.0; or MELAB score of 83; or Level 3 on the International Foundations Program ().

f) Two reference letters.

3. Application Deadline

Final submission deadlines are as follows:

PhD Program: January 31 for September admission.

Calgary MSW Programs: December 1 for September admission to the Clinical Social Work Practice and International and Community Development Specializations, July admission to the Leadership in Human Services Specialization (distance delivery), and/or July or September admission to MSW/MBA (depending upon Specialization).

Edmonton and Lethbridge MSW Programs:
January 31 of odd-numbered years (2017, 2019, etc.) for September admission in the same year.

4. Advanced Credit

Request for advanced credit must be made as part of the application process. Credit will not be given for coursework taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to raise the grade point average for admission consideration. For all Faculty of Social Work graduate programs, advanced credit may be granted for not more than the equivalent of 9 units (1.5 full-course equivalents).

Approval of advanced credit will be based on an evaluation of the applicant’s particular circumstances and the fit between the prior coursework and the applicant’s program of study in the MSW or PhD. Students exploring the possibility of Advanced Credit should contact the Student Advisor in the program location to which they are applying (Calgary, Edmonton, or Lethbridge).

5. Program/Course Requirements

Please note that not all programs/courses are offered every semester. Students should consult the timetables and program curriculum plans located on the web for sequence and availability of courses: .

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Faculty of Social Work requires:


A minimum of 27 units (4.5 full-course equivalents);

Required core courses include:

Note: Social Work 721 can only be taken once all other required (core and elective) courses have been completed.

Twelve units (2.0 full-course equivalents) options relevant to the student's area of specialization. Option courses may be taken outside of the Faculty of Social Work, depending on the student's needs and course availability. All courses taken external to the Faculty of Social Work must have prior approval from the student's supervisor and the PhD co-ordinator in the Faculty of Social Work.

A thesis research proposal.


A minimum of 24 units (4.0 full-course equivalents);

Required core courses include:

Twelve units (2.0 full-course equivalents) options relevant to the student's area of specialization. Option courses may be taken outside of the Faculty of Social Work, depending on the student's needs and course availability. All courses taken external to the Faculty of Social Work must have prior approval from the Faculty of Social Work.

MSW for students with a BSW:

Course-based students complete ten specialization courses (30 units or 5.0 full-course equivalents) and the MSW Capstone. Courses include:

a) Five core courses (see specific courses listed by specialization, below).

b) Three option courses (option course requirements and offerings vary by year, program and location).

c) Social Work 696: Advanced Practicum (525 hours; 6 units or 1.0 full-course equivalent).

Thesis-based students complete nine specialization courses (27 units or 4.5 full-course equivalents) and the MSW thesis. Courses include:

a) Five core courses (see specific courses listed by specialization, below).

b) Social Work 655: Thesis Research.

c) One option course (option course requirements and offerings vary by year, program and location).

d) Social Work 696 Advanced Practicum (525 hours; 6 units or 1.0 full-course equivalent).

MSW for students with a Bachelor's degree in a discipline other than social work:

Nine foundation courses (27 units or 4.5 full-course equivalents), as follows (note that foundation courses must be completed before students advance to specialization courses):


Ten specialization courses (30 units or 5.0 full-course equivalents) and the MSW Capstone for course-based students. Courses include:

a) Five core courses (see specific courses listed by specialization, below).

b) Three option courses (option course requirements and offerings vary by year, program and location).

c) Social Work 696: Advanced Practicum (525 hours; 6 units or 1.0 full-course equivalent).


Nine specialization courses (27 units or 4.5 full-course equivalents) and the MSW thesis for thesis-based students. Courses include:

a) Five core courses (see specific courses listed by Specialization, below).

b) Social Work 655: Thesis Research.

c) One option course (option course requirements and offerings vary by year, program and location).

d) Social Work 696: Advanced Practicum (525 hours; 6 units or 1.0 full-course equivalent).

Clinical Social Work Practice Specialization (offered in Calgary, Edmonton and Lethbridge)

Required core courses:

Leadership in the Human Services (LHS) Specialization (distance delivery; offered in Calgary only)

Required core courses:

In the LHS Specialization, option courses are predetermined, as follows:

International and Community Development Specialization (offered in Calgary only)

Required core courses:

In the International and Community Development Specialization there is one option course.


a) MSW Specialization year: a minimum of 24 units (4.0 full-course equivalents) are required:

  • Core specialization courses (15 units or 2.5 full-course equivalents)
  • Option (3 units or 0.5 full-course equivalent)
  • Social Work 696 for 525 hours (6 units or 1.0 full-course equivalent)

b) MSW Capstone, and

c) MBA courses (48 units or 8.0 full-course equivalents)

Required MBA courses include:

6. Additional Requirements

Participation in Orientation Sessions held prior to the start of the Fall semester is strongly recommended for incoming students.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Credit for undergraduate courses will not be awarded.

8. Time Limit

As established by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, maximum completion time is four years for a thesis-based master’s program, six years for a doctoral program or a course-based master’s, and seven years for the MSW/MBA Program.

Expected completion times in the Calgary programs are:

  • one 12-month year for full-time course-based MSW students with a BSW
  • two 12-month years for full-time course-based MSW students without a BSW
  • 26 months for the MSW/MBA (minimum)
  • two 12-month years for a thesis-based MSW student with a BSW
  • three 12-month years for a thesis-based MSW student without a BSW
  • four 12-month years for a PhD

In the Edmonton and Lethbridge MSW programs, students are admitted as cohorts and are therefore required to complete courses as they are scheduled. For the purposes of government grants and loans, students are classified as full-time.

In Edmonton, course-based students admitted without a BSW complete the Foundation program component in the initial two years and the Clinical Specialization component in the subsequent two years.

In Edmonton and Lethbridge, course-based students admitted with a BSW complete the MSW Clinical Specialization in two years. Typically, thesis students require one additional 12-month year to complete their programs. Courses are scheduled on weekends, in week-long intensives and/or in online format for accessibility by rural and employed students.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Course-based MSW and MSW/MBA students are assigned a faculty advisor upon entry into the program. A change of advisor, initiated by the student or the faculty member, can occur at any time during the student’s enrolment in the program.

PhD, PMDip and thesis-based MSW students are initially assigned an interim supervisor. Before the end of April of the first year, each student must designate a faculty member as permanent supervisor. In the doctoral program, the supervisor and student must then select a supervisory committee within three months of the appointment of the permanent supervisor. Doctoral supervisory committees typically consist of the supervisor and two other members, one of whom may be external to the Faculty of Social Work.

Within the first two months of working together, thesis-based students and their interim and/or permanent supervisors are required to complete and submit to Student Services in the Faculty of Social Work the signed Student-Supervisor Checklist. The Student-Supervisor Checklist becomes part of the student’s permanent record. If a change occurs in supervision, a new checklist must be completed, signed and submitted to Student Services within two months of the change.

10. Required Examinations

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations, the program requires:



The doctoral candidacy examinations must be completed within 28 months of the student’s admission to the program after all required course work has been completed and the thesis proposal has been approved by the student’s supervisory committee. The examinations include a written and an oral component, both of which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the examining committee. Students should consult the FSW candidacy examination guidelines for further details.

Revised candidacy requirements will be posted in the 2016-2017 academic year. 

PhD Thesis Examination

Scheduling of the Examination

All members of the Supervisory Committee must have reviewed the student’s draft thesis document before an examination can be scheduled.

Composition of the Committee

The Internal Examiner must be external to the Faculty of Social Work.

Students must defend their thesis to the satisfaction of the examining committee.

MSW (thesis)

The final examination for the thesis-based MSW involves an oral defence of the thesis. The thesis examination is conducted by the student’s examining committee, which must be designated at least one month before the oral examination.

Composition of the Committee

The MSW examining committee includes the thesis supervisor, a faculty member from the Faculty of Social Work, an Internal Examiner, and a neutral chair. The Internal Examiner must be external to the Faculty of Social Work.

MSW (course-based)

Course-based students (including the combined MSW/MBA) are required to complete a capstone at the end of their coursework and practicum. Each student will meet this requirement according to the structure within their location (e.g., Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge).

11. Research Proposal Requirements


PhD students must have their thesis proposal approved by their supervisory committee prior to doing their candidacy exams and applying for ethics certification. Those students whose research involves human subjects must complete the Tri-Council Policy Statement 2 Course on Research Ethics (CORE) and receive approval from the ˛ÝÝ®ÎŰĘÓƵµĽş˝ Conjoint Faculties/Health Research Ethics Board before beginning data collection. A copy of the proposal becomes part of the student’s record within the Faculty of Social Work.

Thesis—Edmonton and Lethbridge

Normally, thesis-based MSW students in Edmonton and Lethbridge complete the Tri-Council Policy Research Ethics (CORE) course and apply for research ethics certification in the summer following their admission to the Clinical Specialization, after their thesis proposal has been approved by their supervisor. A copy of the proposal becomes part of the student’s record within the Faculty of Social Work.


Students should complete all coursework prior to having their proposal approved by their supervisor. Once coursework has been completed and the proposal approved, students can proceed with completing the Tri-Council Research Ethics (CORE) course and apply for ethics certification. A copy of the proposal becomes part of the student’s record within the Faculty of Social Work.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, see the Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar, search the Graduate Awards Database, and consult with the Student Services Office in the Faculty of Social Work.

14. Other Information

The Faculty of Social Work also offers a Post-baccalaureate Certificate and Diploma in Mental Health and Addictions. The Certificate is comprised of four courses and the diploma requires eight courses. Inquiries about this program should be directed to fswgrad@ucalgary.ca.

All students in the Faculty of Social Work are expected to be proficient in and have access to email, Internet searching, and word processing computer programs. Video-conferencing, web-based tools, discussion boards, and chat rooms may be used in addition to or in lieu of class time.

The Master of Social Work program is accredited by the Canadian Association of Social Work Education. Information on the Faculty of Social Work and its programs is available online at .

Requests for information should be directed as follows:
Calgary: 1.877.220.6945
Edmonton: 1.888.492.2083
Lethbridge: 1.866.329.2794

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Current faculty members and their research interests can be found at .