²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : Community Health Sciences MDCH



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Graduate Studies Calendar 2017-2018 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions C Community Health Sciences MDCH
Community Health Sciences MDCH

Instruction offered by members of the Cumming School of Medicine.

Community Health Sciences 600       Introduction to Community Health Sciences
An introduction to the Department as well as a general orientation to the education and research programs in Community Health. Determinants of health within a population health framework and the implications for the determinants of health construct in analyzing and addressing specific population health problems.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences or Public Health and Preventative Medicine program or consent of the program. Not available to Open Studies students.       
Credit for Community Health Sciences 600 and Medical Science 644 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 602       Practicum in Public Health and Preventative Medicine 
Clinical or field-based practicum for the Master of Community Medicine Program of the Community Health Sciences graduate program.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(1-0)
Admission to the Master of Community Medicine specialization or the Public Health and Preventative Medicine program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 602 and Medical Science 649.01 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 603       Practicum in Healthcare Epidemiology
Clinical or field-based practicum for the Healthcare Epidemiology specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(1-0)
Admission to the Healthcare Epidemiology specialization in the Community Health Sciences graduate program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 603 and Medical Science 649.02 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 604       Practicum in Community Health Sciences
Clinical or field-based practicum for students in any specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(1-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program.     
Credit for Community Health Sciences 604 and Medical Science 649.03 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 605       Introduction to Biostatistical Methods
Analysis and design ofÌýresearch related to biological sciences. Emphasis is placed upon formulating good research questions, evaluating the appropriateness of different statistical methods for analyzing results, and performing and interpreting such statistical analyses. Statistical analyses will be carried out using modern statistical software.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1T)
Consent of the program.
Also known as:
(Veterinary Medicine 605)
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Community Health Sciences 610       Biostatistics I: Essentials of Biostatistics
Introduces the fundamental concepts of summarizing data and statistical inference, including graphical displays, hypothesis testing, p-values, and confidence intervals. Specific topics include comparisons of means and proportions, non-parametric tests, correlation and regression, confounding, sample size determination, and power calculations. Additional topics include a brief introduction to analysis of variance and covariance, logistic regression, and analysis of time-to-event data. Students gain hands-on experience analyzing data using STATA statistical software. Although this course uses STATA exclusively, much of the technical knowledge and some of the computing techniques are applicable to any statistical package.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-2T)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or Public Health and Preventative Medicine program, or consent of the program. Not available to Open Studies students.          
Credit for Community Health Sciences 610 and Medical Science 643.01 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(Veterinary Medicine 610)
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Community Health Sciences 611       Biostatistics II: Models for Health Outcomes
Extends the fundamental concepts to modelling health outcomes using modern regression analysis techniques. Logistic and linear regressions, and their extensions, are covered in detail. The rationale, formulation, and statistical assumptions underlying each regression technique are discussed. Methods for selecting and assessing models are included. Additional topics include a brief introduction to models used in the analysis of repeated measures, longitudinal studies, and time-to-event data. STATA statistical software is used to analyze data. Required course for Biostatistics and Epidemiology specializations.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-2T)
Community Health Sciences 610 or Medical Science 643.01 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Not available to Open Studies students. ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý
Credit for Community Health Sciences 611 and Medical Science 643.02 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(Veterinary Medicine 611)
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Community Health Sciences 612       Biostatistics III: Models for Repeated Measures Studies and Time-to-Events Studies
Discusses techniques for analyzing data collected at more than one point in time (repeated measures) and time-to-event (survival) data. Topics include generalized linear models (GLM), generalized additive models (GAM), Poisson regression, generalized estimating equations (GEE), and proportional hazards regression with time-varying covariates. STATA statistical software is used to analyze data.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-2T)
Community Health Sciences 611 or Medical Science 643.02 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program, or consent of the program. Not available to Open Studies students. ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý
Credit for Community Health Sciences 612 and Medical Science 643.03 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 626       Meta-Analysis/Systematic Review in Medical Education
To become familiar with the theory, research, and application of meta-analysis/systematic review as it applies to the compilation of studies in education and healthcare with a focus on the discipline of medicine education. In particular, an emphasis will be placed on the principles of using statistical methods and techniques related to synthesizing studies in the measurement of a pre-determined and appropriate topic of interest to the participant.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 626 and Medical Science 738 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 627       Medical Education Assessment and Measurement
Approaches to assessment and measurement within the context of competency-based medical education.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 627 and Medical Science 739 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 628       Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Design
Overview of context in which medicine is taught and learned, the theory related to learning and change, the key elements of curriculum design and evaluation, and examine traditional and innovative methods used to enhance student and practitioner knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 628 and any of Community Health Sciences 623, 624 and 625 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 629       Foundations of Practice and Science in Medical Education
Foundational academic concepts in the science of medical education including an overview of the philosophy of science, history of medical education and medical education scholarship along with fundamental concepts in medical education scholarship such as ethics and professionalism, critical appraisal and academic leadership.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
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Community Health Sciences 630       Designing Medical Education Research
Why and how of research in medical education including core components of research, ethical issues, project management, the research proposal, reviewing the literature, data collection and analysis, reports and dissemination.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1)
Admission to the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Also known as:
(formerly Community Health Sciences 621)
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Community Health Sciences 631       Implementation of Medical Education Research
Technical aspects of conducting a study including writing questions, selecting methods that are aligned with the research questions and approaches to analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Medical Education Specialization of the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
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Community Health Sciences 640       Fundamentals of Epidemiology
Principles and methods of descriptive and analytic epidemiology. Emphasizes the underlying concepts and approaches of epidemiological research and critical appraisal of epidemiologic studies including: observational study designs and their vulnerabilities to bias, measures of frequency and association, basic methods for addressing sampling variability, confounding, and effect modification. Concepts related to causal judgment in epidemiology are also introduced.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-2T)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or Public Health and Preventative Medicine program, or consent of the program. Not available to Open Studies students.        
Community Health Sciences 610.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 640 and Medical Science 647.01 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(Veterinary Medicine 640)
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Community Health Sciences 641       Introduction to Clinical Trials
An introduction to methodological issues in the design and conduct of randomized controlled trials. Topics include ethics, blinding, randomization, sample size determination, sequential designs, data monitoring, and the logistical and organizational aspects of single centre and multi-centre trials.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 610 and 640 or Medical Science 643.01 and 647.01 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit Community Health Sciences 641 for and Medical Science 659.04 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 642       Psychiatric Epidemiology
An overview of the context, principles and methods of psychiatric epidemiology. Basic concepts of bias and random error will be applied specifically to problems encountered in conducting psychiatric epidemiological studies. An additional objective is for students to gain a basic understanding of psychiatric terminology and nosology, including a basic understanding of the clinical features of major diagnostic categories.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 610 and 640 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program. Not available to Open Studies students.
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Community Health Sciences 643       Research in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Control 
Emphasizes the research aspects of health care epidemiology and the application of basic epidemiologic and biostatistical techniques in the health care environment. The course uses an interdisciplinary approach and fosters the integration of knowledge and skills from the bench to the bedside and back.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.   
Credit for Community Health Sciences 643 and Medical Science 647.07 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 644       Surveillance I:  Data Handling for Infection Control 
Focuses on the skills needed for data handling related to Infection Control in various settings. The primary aims are: (1) to develop the skills to properly manage data using various tools and technology; (2) to use basic statistical tools to analyze data used in Infection control; (3) to properly interpret and draw appropriate conclusions from data used in infection control.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 644 and Medical Science 647.10 will not be allowed.
This is an online course.         
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Community Health Sciences 645       Surveillance II: Principles of Surveillance
Focuses on the practice of surveillance for Infection Prevention and Control in various settings. The primary aims are: (1) to be able to base surveillance on an appropriate rationale; (2) to understand and use various methods of surveillance; (3) to make recommendations and follow up on the results of surveillance; (4) to be able to evaluate a surveillance program and incorporate into quality improvement.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 644 or Medical Science 647.10 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 645 and Medical Science 647.11 will not be allowed.
This is an online course.
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Community Health Sciences 646       Introduction to Public Health Surveillance
Surveillance is a public health function. Topics included in this online course include definition and overview of public health surveillance, indicators, frameworks and principles for the planning and evaluation of surveillance systems; analysis and interpretation of surveillance data; communication of public health information; and legal and ethical issues relevant to surveillance systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 610 and 640 or Medical Science 643.01 and 647.01 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.Ìý
Credit for Community Health Sciences 646 and Medical Science 647.12 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 647       Clinical Epidemiology
Designed for students who have some familiarity and experience in epidemiology, biostatistics and who have a background in clinical health care or related field. It focuses on the application of epidemiologic methods to clinical health issues.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 610 and 640 or Medical Science 643.01 and 647.01 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program with a clinical background or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 647 and Medical Science 647.15 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 648       On-line Basic Infection Control
Focuses on providing novice Infection Control Professionals (ICPs) with the basic knowledge, tools and strategies needed to do Infection control in a board range of health care environments from health care institutions to the community. The purpose of this entry to practice course is (1) to identify and describe the scope of infection prevention and control problems and issues for novice ICPs and (2) to examine and integrate their current expertise with the basic knowledge, tools and strategies needed to examine problems and develop practical solutions in Infection Control.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(3-1.5)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program. 
Credit for Community Health Sciences 648 and Medical Science 660 will not be allowed.
This is an online course.
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Community Health Sciences 649       Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Focuses on the principles of epidemiology that are of particular relevance to infectious diseases. The course emphasizes the research aspects of infectious diseases epidemiology and how the basic techniques of epidemiology and biostatistics are applied in the communicable diseases.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.   
Also known as:
(Medical Science 613.01)
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Community Health Sciences 660       Foundations of Health Services Research
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of health services research including topics related to health systems and methods in health services research, as well as evaluation of health systems performance, with emphasis on knowledge translation and health policy creation and analysis.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences Graduate Program or consent of the program. 
Credit for Community Health Sciences 660 and Medical Science 645.18 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 661       Health Economics I
Application of basic concepts from economics to examination of health and health care policy issues, such as why we have the kind of health care system we have, various aspects of health care reform, promotion of health, and evaluation of interventions.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 661 and Medical Science 679 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(Economics 679)
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Community Health Sciences 662       Economic Evaluation
Designed for students interested in being able to critically interpret economic evaluation studies of health or health care interventions and beyond. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the concepts and methods of economic evaluation, provide an introduction to how it may serve as a useful tool in health and health care decision-making, and to enable students to critically appraise the economic evaluation literature.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.   
Credit for Community Health Sciences 662 and Medical Science 659.08 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 663       Decision Analysis in Health Economic
Students will be introduced to the concepts of decision analysis and how it may serve as a useful tool in health care economics evaluation. Through attention to a clinical question or health care policy issue, students will develop the skills necessary to perform an economic evaluation to address it.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-2)
Community Health Sciences 662 or Medical Science 659.08 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 663 and Medical Science 659.06 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 664       Administrative Data Analysis Methodology
Administrative data have been used widely for decision making and research. Analysis of the data requires knowledge of the data features and unique analytical skills since the data are not collected for research purposes. This course is designed to provide these skills. Through analyzing available administrative data, students will write manuscripts suitable for publications at peer-reviewed journals.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Minimum grade of "B+" in Community Health Sciences 610 and 640 or Medical Science 643.01 and 647.01 and consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 664 and Medical Science 659.07 will not be allowed.
Consent of the program must be obtained by September 30.
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Community Health Sciences 665       Leadership in Health Care Organizations
A foundation for developing management and leadership skills in health care organizations. The curriculum includes: fundamentals of leadership; formal and informal components of organizations; strategic, operational, financial and project planning; managing change and conflict; human resources; and evaluating organizational performance. A variety of learning opportunities are incorporated including: reading materials, student seminars, self-assessment tools, case studies, team assignments, guest speakers and class discussion.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 665 and Medical Science 645.10 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 666       Health Policy
An advanced level course focused on developing and deepening participants' understanding of critical policy issues affecting health and health services. The course will primarily review health policy in the context of Canadian populations and systems. However, a more global comparative frame of reference will be used to test, challenge and contrast both the historical and current underpinnings of health policy in Canadian jurisdictions.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.    
Credit for Community Health Sciences 666 and Medical Science 645.15 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 667       Introduction to the Legal and Ethical Framework of Health Care in Canada 
An introduction to two integrated aspects of health care in Canada: the legal dimensions and the ethical dimensions. No formal background or training in law or ethics is presupposed. Successful students will gain grounding in the ethico-legal complexity of health care and health research in Canada.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.   
Credit for Community Health Sciences 667 and Medical Science 645.17 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 680       Foundations of Population/Public Health
Students will learn, discuss, and interrogate foundational content in population health and public health. Foundational content includes history, structure, functions, concepts, theories, and debates. The course is structured with the first half focusing on public health and the second half focusing on population health.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or Public Health and Preventive Medicine program, or consent of the program.     
Credit for Community Health Sciences 680 and Medical Science 651.04 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 681       Health Research Methods
Introduction to health research, including research design, measurement, data collection, proposal and grant writing.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-2T)
Community Health Sciences 610 or Medical Science 643.01 and admission to in the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program. Not available to Open Studies students.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 681 and Medical Science 659.02 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 683       Qualitative Health Research
A focus on interpreting published examples of qualitative health research as well as qualitative data relevant to health. The importance of both methods and theories for sound interpretation will be emphasized. Examples relevant to people's experiences of health services as well as influences on population health outcomes other than health services and technologies will be considered.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program. 
Credit for Community Health Sciences 683 and Medical Science 659.05 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 687       Environmental Health
Examination of the interaction between natural and man-made environments in human health/illness.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or the Public Health and Preventative Medicine program, or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 687 and Medical Science 651.06 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 689       Global Health and Development
An examination of health, the determinants of health, and approaches to health policy and programming in the context of less developed country populations. Provides an overview of the history and evolution of primary health care and the role of health in development and examines current trends and issues related to global development. Cross-cutting themes include: international perspectives and trends in health sector reform, globalization, policy programming and financing, public participation in decision making, governance, health human resources, gender, human rights, partnerships and information-education-communication among others.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program.
Credit in Community Health Sciences 689 and Medical Science 651.08 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 700       Community Health Directed Study
Independent study in special topics at an advanced level in Community Health Sciences.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(1-6)
Consent of the program.
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Community Health Sciences 710       Advanced Topics in Biostatistics
Advanced topics and methods used in Biostatistics.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 710 and Medical Science 712.01 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 720       Pro Doctoral Seminar
Pertinent topics discussed to prepare students for thesis preparation.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2-3)
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Community Health Sciences 730       Doctoral Medical Education Research Seminar
An exploration of medical education research as an emerging field with multiple overlapping discourses, methods, philosophies, and ideologies.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(3S-0)
Admission to the Medical Education Specialization in the PhD program in Community Health Sciences.
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Community Health Sciences 740       Advanced Epidemiology
An expansion on the understanding of causality and threats to validity in epidemiologic research. The focus will be on the assessment and control of bias, including selection, information and confounding. The concept of effect modification (interaction) will be appraised. Stratified analysis will be considered as a tool for the assessment and control of confounding and effect modification and will be applied to a variety of study designs including case-control, and cohort studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-2T)
Community Health Sciences 640 or Medical Science 647.01 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program or consent of the program. ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý
Credit for Community Health Sciences 740 and Medical Science 709 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(Veterinary Medicine 740)
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Community Health Sciences 741       Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
An exposure to all steps involved in the conduct of a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 610 or Medical Science 643.01 and Community Health Sciences 640 or Medical Science 647.01 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program, or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 741 and Medical Science 711 is not allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 742       Advanced Topics in Epidemiology
Advanced topics and methods used in Epidemiology.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 640 or Medical Science 647.01 and consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 742 and Medical Science 712.02 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 760       Advanced Topics in Health Services Research
Advanced topics and methods used in health services research.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 660 or Medical Science 645.18 and consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 760 and Medical Science 712.03 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 761       Advanced Methods in Health Research
Advanced health research designs and measurement techniques.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 681 or Medical Science 659.02 and admission to the Community Health Sciences graduate program, or consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 761 and Medical Science 705 will not be allowed.
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Community Health Sciences 780       Advanced Topics in Population/Public Health
Advanced topics and methods used in population/public health.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Community Health Sciences 680 or Medical Science 651.04 and consent of the program.
Credit for Community Health Sciences 780 and Medical Science 712.04 will not be allowed.
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