²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : Doctor of Education (EdD)



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Education Graduate Programs
Educational Psychology (EDPS)
Educational Research (EDER)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctor of Education (EdD)
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Master of Education (MEd)
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About the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½
Graduate Studies Calendar 2017-2018 Program Descriptions Education Graduate Programs Educational Research (EDER) Doctor of Education (EdD)
Doctor of Education (EdD)
1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Education (EdD) – blended delivery: online and blended courses with some face-to-face/on-campus meeting times at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ main campus.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies admission requirements, Graduate Programs in Education requires:

a) A course or thesis-based master’s degree in an appropriate field.

b) A minimum grade point average of 3.50 on a four-point scale in a master’s degree program.

c) A written statement indicating the applicant’s reasons for wishing to pursue a graduate program.

d) Candidates will be expected to have, or obtain, relevant practical experience in their area of specialization.

e) For applicants required to prove proficiency in English, a TOEFL score of 97 (Internet-based test), an IELTS score of 7.0, or a MELAB score of 83. The test must have been taken within the last two years. Proficiency may also be met by successful graduation from Level III of the International Foundations Program (IFP).

f) Two reference letters.

Admission Portfolio

Applicants to the Doctor of Education program are encouraged to submit an Admission Portfolio containing examples of their work. The purpose of the Admission Portfolio is to give applicants the opportunity to provide additional documentation that demonstrates their suitability and qualification for doctoral studies. The Admission Portfolio is particularly relevant for program applicants who do not hold a thesis-based master’s degree.

The Doctoral Admission Portfolio may contain the following:

a) Thesis (if applicable).

b) Reports.

c) Research grants or scholarships.

d) Articles.

e) Curriculum documents.

f) Non-print materials, e.g., multimedia.

g) Evidence of relevant prior learning (see below).

h) Personal statement documenting research and professional skills and interests.

The Doctoral Admission Portfolios must include a Table of Contents and an Executive Summary that outlines the contents of the Portfolio.

Relevant Prior Learning Considerations

In exceptional circumstances, individuals who do not meet formal academic requirements but who have significant life achievements may be considered for admission to the program. The candidates must provide Graduate Programs in Education with evidence demonstrating a potential to undertake successfully the proposed program of studies. Such candidates are advised to make early contact with Graduate Programs in Education, and supply additional supporting documents as part of their application package, such as:

a) Evidence of personal continuing education/training.

b) Results in these continuing education efforts.

c) Experience in a field related to the aspired degree.

d) Evidence of successful management of people, resources, finances, situations.

e) Increasing or varying responsible positions in organizations related to the aspired degree.

f) Work-related products, e.g. reports, programs of learning or training, handbooks, videos, manuals, workshops, seminars.

g) Evidence of personal growth in knowledge, understanding, management skills, and intellectual resources.

h) Evidence of innovation.

i) Evidence of leadership or co-ordination responsibilities.

3. Application Deadline

The deadline for the submission of complete applications to all programs is December 1 for July admission.

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma, or for courses taken to bring grade point average to a required level for admission.

5. Program/Course Requirements

The EdD is a three-year cohort-based program consisting of:

a) Course work;

Year 1 is designed primarily to develop students' competencies as critical consumers of educational research, and skills to conduct practitioner-inquiry. As outlined within the program to which the student has applied, first year students must complete:

i. Six units (1.0 full-course equivalent) in research: Participatory Methodology in Education (Educational Research 701.09), and either Design-Based Research (Educational Research 701.07) or Action Research (Educational Research 701.08).
ii. Six units (1.0 full-course equivalent) in the Specialization area to which the student has applied.

Year 2 is designed to engage students in an in-depth analysis of an identified problem of practice through diverse academic disciplines (e.g., leadership, adult learning, etc.). Specialization coursework exposes students to context specific best practices and cutting edge research and emphasizes the application of theory and research to practice within collaboratories of practice. As outlined within the program to which the student has applied, students must complete:

i. Six units (1.0 full-course equivalent) in the Specialization area.
ii. Six units (1.0 full-course equivalent) in Specialization's Collaboratory of Practice (Educational Research 707 and 708).

b) Candidacy examination. For more information, see section 10 below or visit the Graduate Programs in Education website, .

Year 3 is designed to support students in synthesizing their Year 2 inquiry projects into a dissertation. Students work collaboratively with faculty and practitioners from their field to complete a dissertation that addresses a contemporary issue in education. As outlined within the program to which the student has applied, students must complete:
Dissertation Seminar I,
Dissertation Seminar II, and

c) Doctoral dissertation.

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Graduate Programs in Education does not normally accept undergraduate courses for credit toward graduate degrees.

8. Time Limit

Expected completion for students in the EdD program is three years with a maximum completion time of six years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

A supervisor is normally appointed at the time of admission.

10. Required Examinations

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the program requires:


Admission into Candidacy in the Werklund School of Education Graduate Programs: 1) requires that students have abilities to conceptualize, interpret, critique and synthesize comprehensive, substantive knowledge that is relevant to the discipline and practice of educational research and/or educational psychology; and 2) ensures that students have a well-developed plan for their dissertation research, a sound proposal with a well-developed research question and potential for the ability to pursue and complete original independent research at the doctoral level.

In compliance with the Faculty of Graduate Studies Candidacy Regulations, the requirements for Admission to Candidacy at the Werklund School of Education is a 4 stage process:

  1. Completion of all course requirements as identified in the calendar;
  2. Field of study (FoS) written candidacy examination (EdD portfolio);
  3. A research proposal approved by the Supervisory Committee (recognizing changes may be made after successful completion of exams prior to submission for ethics approval);
  4. An oral examination of the research proposal;

All Candidacy requirements must be completed within 28 months of the start of the program.

For further information, please consult the Graduate Programs in Education website,


The doctoral thesis is the focus of the degree program. In consultation with the supervisor, the student will undertake a thematic or field-based thesis (see course descriptions for further information).

Thesis Examination

Scheduling of the Examination

All members of the Supervisory Committee must have reviewed the student’s draft thesis document before an examination can be scheduled.

Composition of the Committee

The Internal Examiner may be internal to the home program.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

The Research Proposal will be approved by the supervisory committee and then examined as part of the candidacy process.

Ethics approval is required for all research projects involving the use of human subjects, before data collection begins. In order to submit an ethics application, students are required to complete the TCPS2 tutorial and upload the certificate of completion into their Researcher Profile in IRISS. Register on the TCPS2 website at .

To initiate the ethics approval process, the student, in consultation with the supervisor, must submit an application to either the Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board or the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board. Applications to the CFREB or CHREB are created and submitted online using IRISS .

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this Calendar.

Students applying for scholarships must submit their applications to Graduate Programs in Education by February 1.

14. Other Information.

For further information contact Graduate Programs in Education, .

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Current faculty members and their areas of interest can be found in Specializations Offered section.