²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : Clinical Psychology (CPSY) Program



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About the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½
Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Program Descriptions Psychology PSYC Clinical Psychology (CPSY) Program
Clinical Psychology (CPSY) Program
Contact Information

Location: Administration, Room 255
Program number: 403.220.5659
Fax: 403.282.8249
Email address: psycgrad@ucalgary.ca
Web page URL:

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Science (MSc), thesis-based

The purpose of the graduate program in Clinical Psychology is to prepare students for careers as doctoral-level clinical psychologists in research, academic, and applied settings. In the course of doctoral training students also are required to complete the Master of Science (MSc) degree. However, consistent with its goal of doctoral training, the program only admits students who wish to pursue the doctoral degree.

Students registered in Master’s thesis-based and doctoral programs will be considered full-time. The program does not offer a part-time option.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculties of Graduate Studies and Arts requirements, the program requires:

a) An honours degree in psychology (or equivalent) with a minimum grade point average of 3.60 on a four-point scale in the last 60 units (10 full-course equivalents) to be considered for entry, although competition for the program is such that higher grade point averages are typical of students who are admitted.

b) Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test Scores. Please note that students with scores less than the 50th percentile on the Verbal and Quantitative subtests will not normally be admitted.

c) Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Subject Test in Psychology Scores.

d) A statement of research and professional interests, including the specification of prospective research supervisors from among current Program faculty.

e) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based test), or 105 (Internet-based) test, or an IELTS score of 7.5, or a MELAB score of 86, or a PTE score of 75. This requirement can also be met by completing Tier III of the with a minimum grade of "A" on Academic Writing & Grammar III, "A" on Reading Comprehension & Proficiency III, and "A" on Listening Comprehension & Oral Fluency III.

f) Two reference letters.

3. Application Deadline

The deadline for complete applications is available on the Future Students website:

Master of Science:

Doctor of Philosophy:

4. Advanced Credit

Advanced credit may be given for up to 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) of graduate work, if this work is consistent with the program’s requirements.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculties of Graduate Studies and Arts requirements, the Department requires:

The Program outline is as follows:

Year 1
Psychology 650, 651, 659, 660, 671, 673, 615, thesis work

Year 2
Psychology 601, 650, 681, 683, plus a graduate-level Psychology Statistics course or Methodology course (Psychology 617 or equivalent), completion of the thesis

Year 3
Psychology 750, 760, a graduate-level breadth course, the Candidacy Examination, thesis work

Year 4
Psychology 750, 762, thesis work

Year 5
Pre-Doctoral Clinical Internship Psychology 798, and completion of thesis oral and written requirements

Breadth course requirements may be satisfied through Psychology 750, courses offered by the Department of Psychology, or by obtaining advanced credit for undergraduate courses. Please see program handbook for details.

The prerequisite for all Clinical Program courses (unless otherwise noted) is consent of the Program.

Successful completion of years one and two, plus the Master of Science thesis, constitute the requirements of the Master of Science degree. Program students must formally apply and be approved by the program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies for admission to the doctoral program upon completion of Master of Science requirements.

6. Additional Requirements

Clinical suitability and professional conduct.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Credit for breadth courses may be given if the applicant has two senior undergraduate courses in that area. Credit for Psychology 601 may be given if the applicant has a senior undergraduate course in History and Systems of Psychology.

8. Time Limit

It is expected that students will complete the MSc thesis within two years. Students in the MSc program must complete all requirements within four registration years. Students who have taken three years to complete all requirements for the master’s degree will normally not be admitted into the doctoral program. It is expected that students will complete the doctoral program within 5 years. Maximum time to completion for the MSc is 4 years and for the doctoral program is 6 years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Program students must have a research supervisor at all times. Supervisors are arranged by mutual consent of student and faculty member, and are consistent with the focus of the student’s research work. Master’s level students must have a supervisory committee consisting of at least three members, with at least one who is a member of the core clinical faculty. Doctoral candidates must have a supervisory committee of at least three members.

10. Required Examinations

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the program requires:


Doctoral students must complete a written thesis proposal and pass oral and a written Field of Study examinations. For complete details of the examination format and other candidacy requirements, see .

Thesis Examination

Final thesis oral examinations are open.

Scheduling of the Examination
All members of the Supervisory Committee must have reviewed the student’s research, including a relevant written sample of the materials related to the thesis, before an examination can be scheduled

Composition of the Committee
The Internal Examiner must be external to the home program.

Core faculty members in the Psychology and Clinical Psychology programs are not eligible to serve as Internal Examiner; however, adjunct faculty members are eligible to serve in this capacity.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Students in the program must complete both a Master’s thesis and doctoral thesis, according to the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. These research projects typically involve the design of a research question and research project, the collection, analysis and interpretation of original data, and the preparation of a written document consistent with good scholarship. Students whose research involves human subjects must receive approval from the appropriate departmental or University Ethics Review Committee before beginning data collection.

13. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to qualified students. Applicants and program students are strongly encouraged to apply for internal and external awards. For information on Awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this Calendar.

Students applying for scholarships must submit their applications to the Department by January 15.

14. Other Information

The program subscribes to the scientist-practitioner model of clinical training as described in the Canadian Psychological Association’s requirements for program accreditation, and emphasizes the integration of course work, research, and clinical training. The program has been fully accredited by CPA for six years (2011-2017).