²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : Community Rehabilitation CORE



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Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions C Community Rehabilitation CORE
Community Rehabilitation CORE

Instruction offered by members of the Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies interdisciplinary team.

Graduate Courses
Community Rehabilitation 624       Specialization Theory and Practice: A Collaborative Inquiry Capstone
Students refine a topic of inquiry, prepare background working papers, invite reactions from stakeholders/experts and report on their experience to stakeholder audience, fellow students and faculty. This is not a research course but an opportunity for students to own their knowledge and find ways to share their experience and education with others in a collaborative manner.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(3-1S-3)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.   
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Community Rehabilitation 630       Foundations and Futures of Disability and Community Studies
History, current issues, and futures of intervention, activism, and academic study related to disability. This will include the systems and changing roles of those traditionally served, professionals, the teams they generate and society.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1S)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.    
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 630 and 603.15 will not be allowed.   
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Community Rehabilitation 631       Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion of Disability and Community Studies
Current topics relevant to inclusion and exclusion will be reviewed. An examination of research in disability provides an opportunity for the student to learn, understand, and compare legislation, policy, and ethical frameworks that inform action. Frameworks of choice, respect, consultation, collaboration, and co-operation will be examined.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1S)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.     
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 631 and 603.12 will not be allowed.    
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Community Rehabilitation 632       Leadership and Innovation
The changing personal, organizational, and societal, leadership role and its importance for innovation in the field of disability and community studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 632 and 603.13 will not be allowed.   
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Community Rehabilitation 633       Social Construction: Health Capacity and Disability
A constructivist exploration of language, political structures, and sense of self to deepen the understanding of health capacity and disability.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1S)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.   
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 633 and 603.18 will not be allowed.   
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Community Rehabilitation 634       Appraisal of Social and Health Quantitative Research Methods
Provides students with experience in critically appraising a range of quantitative research methods and familiarize them with a variety of bio-statistical approaches. A variety of frameworks will be used to critically appraise literature from students’ chosen field of study and examine and discuss the implications for evidence-based practice.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1S)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.      
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 634 and 603.16 will not be allowed.      
Pre-session requirements include reading of pre-session materials and participation in orientation session prior to online course delivery.
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Community Rehabilitation 641       Special Topics in International Disability Research and Policy
Selected topics in disability research and policy provide an opportunity for the student to learn, understand, and compare the policies in two or more countries.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.  
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Community Rehabilitation 650       Adapting Curriculum and Instruction from K-12
A variety of practical strategies for developing meaningful curriculum and instructional methods for students with severe disabilities. The strategies are premised on using the content of typical community collaborative team approaches to planning and implementing programs for students. Involving parents as part of the Learning Team will be emphasized.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.   
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 650 and 691.04 will not be allowed.   
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Community Rehabilitation 651       Challenging Behaviours in the Classroom: Inclusive Education
Examines and builds upon the participant's belief systems about challenging behaviour. Participants will be offered opportunities to learn about successful strategies for supporting difficult students within a classroom setting.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.    
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 651 and 691.32 will not be allowed.    
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Community Rehabilitation 652       Collaboration, Ethics, Management: Inclusive Education
Each year a topic is negotiated with the education sector in partnership with provincial advocacy organizations.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 652 and 691.33 will not be allowed.    
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Community Rehabilitation 653       Advanced Seminar: Assessment and Intervention for Families with Children with Special Needs
Exploration of cognitive, social/emotional, motor, language/communication development and assessment of children with disabilities in the context of their families and communities.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1S)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.    
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 653 and 603.02 will not be allowed.    
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Community Rehabilitation 654       Health Research, Emerging Technologies and Marginalized Groups
Provides an in-depth view of the impact of new emerging technologies and the governance of science and technology and health research on social policy, disability studies, disability research and the lives of disabled people and other marginalized groups.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.   
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 654 and 691.42 will not be allowed.   
This is an online course.   
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Community Rehabilitation 655       Bioethics and People with Disabilities
Provides an in-depth view of the impact of bioethics on social policy, disability studies, disability research and the lives of disabled people.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.   
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 655 and 691.44 will not be allowed.   
This is an online course
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Community Rehabilitation 656       Career Development and Disabilities
Exploration of career development issues such as occupational change, and integration back into the workforce because of disability experienced in adult life.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.    
Credit for Community Rehabilitation 656 and 603.03 will not be allowed.    
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Community Rehabilitation 676       Consultation in Human Services and Systems
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation research informs the design and implementation of a collaborative evaluation of a rehabilitation program, policy or system.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(3-1S-3)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other students.  
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Community Rehabilitation 730       Doctoral Pro-Seminar in Disability, Community and Rehabilitation
This advanced professional seminar focuses on a critical examination of theoretical, methodological, and professional issues relevant to research in the domains of community rehabilitation and disability studies. The course is intended for PhD students preparing their dissertation research proposals as a final preparation for their Candidacy Exam.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3S-0)
Must be registered in the Community Health Sciences graduate program. Consent of the instructor is required for all other graduate students.     
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