²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : Environmental Design Planning EVDP



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Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions E Environmental Design Planning EVDP
Environmental Design Planning EVDP

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Environmental Design.

Environmental Design Planning courses are only open to students in the Master of Planning program or with consent of the Instructor.

Graduate Courses
Environmental Design Planning 602       Computer Modelling for Urban Design
Introduction to the use of computer modelling, animation and virtual reality in urban design. Professional CAD and rendering applications will be used to explore the aesthetic and technical aspects of design. Emphasis given to developing sensitivity to the application appropriate to communicating three dimensional urban and natural form using computer generated images.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2-2)
Environmental Design Planning 625.
Also known as:
(formerly Environmental Design 602)
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Environmental Design Planning 611       Geographic Information Systems for Environmental Design
Introduction to the use of GIS in urban planning and environmental management. GIS modelling focusing on population projection, location theory, land use modelling and environmental and ecological management. Case studies from both the public and private sector provide the basis of assignments. Emphasis given to developing sensitivity to the application appropriate for specific GIS problems.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(2-2)
Also known as:
(formerly Environmental Design 611)
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Environmental Design Planning 621       Professional Planning Practice
Considers various plans, policies, regulatory processes, legal institutions and administrative frameworks involved in urban and regional planning. Examines the role of planners in municipal development processes related to land use re-designations, development permits, subdivision and appeals. Discusses professional planning issues including ethics, relationships with clients, the public, and other professions. Discusses practice options for graduates including professional certification/registration.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Planning 625       Site Planning Studio
Introduction to urban design practice. Emphasizes sense of place, human behaviour/built form relationships and sustainability. Completion of a series of progressively complex site planning projects. Skills development in hand and computer-aided drawing to describe, document and analyze urban form and processes and to develop physical plans.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(0-8)
Environmental Design Planning 602.
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Environmental Design Planning 626       Landscape Ecology and Planning
Key concepts in ecology, landscape ecology and environmental science relevant to planning at landscape scales. Principles of urban ecology, regional landscape ecology, watershed management and parks and protected area design are coupled with knowledge of landscape processes, ecosystem services, ecological infrastructure, and habitat to assess planning interventions in the built and natural environments. Skills are developed in geographic information systems (GIS) for monitoring the current state of landscapes and potential challenges to landscape function and for proposing solutions to these challenges. Includes guest speakers from government and industry, GIS exercises and field visits to various areas within the region.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(4-4)
Also known as:
(formerly Environmental Design 626)
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Environmental Design Planning 627       Planning History and Theory
An introduction to theories and practices of planning with a focus on the late nineteenth century to the present. Explores the forces that shaped cities/regions and key ideas/models invented in response. Examines the relationship between theory/practice and past/present. Explores the influence of planners, architects, landscape architects, and others on planning theory and resulting physical form. Presents case studies and examples in the Canadian context. Develops a critical awareness of the roles of environmental design professionals within a framework that of technical, social, environmental and political factors.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Planning 631       Planning and Public Engagement
Overview of key principles and theories, and contemporary issues and tools of participation and public engagement as it applies to planning. Consideration of public engagement, facilitation, negotiation and conflict resolution processes from the point of view of community activists, city planners, developers and planning/design professionals. Development and implementation of public engagement plans.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Credit for Environmental Design Planning 631 and 632 will not be allowed.
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Environmental Design Planning 632       Planning and Public Engagement
Overview of key principles and theories, and contemporary issues and tools of participation and public engagement as it applies to planning. Consideration of public engagement, facilitation, negotiation and conflict resolution processes from the point of view of community activists, city planners, developers and planning/design professionals. Development and implementation of public engagement plans.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; Q(3-0)
Also known as:
(formerly Environmental Design Planning 631)
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Environmental Design Planning 633       Project Management for Planners
Principles, techniques and tools of project management. Development, administration, monitoring and evaluation of implementation plans, including financial aspects are discussed. Project risk analysis and management.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-1)
Credit for Environmental Design Planning 633 and 634 will not be allowed.
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Environmental Design Planning 634       Project Management for Planners
Principles, techniques and tools of project management. Development, administration, monitoring and evaluation of implementation plans, including financial aspects are discussed. Project risk analysis and management.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; Q(3-1)
Also known as:
(formerly Environmental Design Planning 633)
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Environmental Design Planning 635       Analytic Methods for Planners
Approaches to identify, gather and critically analyze strategic information needed to assess planning situations and support decision-making. Focuses on both quantitative and qualitative planning methods. Techniques to present information effectively.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Planning 636       Community Planning Studio
Introduction to land use planning and development issues. Provides a step-by-step introduction to community planning processes and essential planning policies to create development that is economically feasible, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(0-8)
Environmental Design Planning 625.
Also known as:
(formerly Environmental Design Planning 637)
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Environmental Design Planning 644       Advanced Professional Planning Studio
An advanced studio exploring contemporary themes in planning and professional planning practice. Centres on a real world problem or client project; involves analysis, synthesis, and formulation of a planning or urban design solution. Culminates in a professional report and presentation.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(0-8)
Environmental Design Planning 625; Environmental Design Planning 636 or 637; and one of Environmental Design 618, 620, 623 or 640.
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