²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : Master of Architecture (MArch)



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About the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½
Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Program Descriptions Environmental Design EVDS Master of Architecture (MArch)
Master of Architecture (MArch)
1. Degree Offered

Master of Architecture (MArch) - course-based

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements for Admission, the program requires:

a) Prospective applicants are advised to use opportunities within their four year recognized university undergraduate degree studies to develop knowledge in design, the humanities, social sciences, arts, engineering, biological and/or physical sciences – including, wherever possible, studio, laboratory and collaborative learning experiences.

b) Applicants must demonstrate successful completion of one or more years of undergraduate-level coursework in four areas: Design, Technology, Graphics, and History/Theory (equivalent to the courses taken in the minor in Architectural Studies, or in the MArch Foundation year). In order to complete these prerequisite requirements, applicants may be admitted to the MArch Foundation or qualifying year. An assessment of these prerequisite requirements will be made by an admissions committee and applicants will be informed in offers of admission which, if any, courses at the Foundation level will be required.

c) Candidates for MArch must provide evidence of original and/or creative work in any field or medium, and provide in writing a brief description of the work. The requirements for digital portfolio submissions are found in the Faculty of Environmental Design website at: .

d) Three reference letters, of which at least two should be academic.

e) A clear, well-written statement of interest which describes the applicant's interest in architecture and how the applicant's specific educational background and professional or personal experience relates to architecture as a field of study.

f) A current copy of curriculum vitae (CV).

g) For applicants who are required to prove proficiency in English, a TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based); or 105 (Internet-based test); or an IELTS score of 7.5. This requirement can also be met by completing Tier III of the with a minimum grade of "A" on Academic Writing & Grammar III, "A" on Reading Comprehension & Proficiency III, and "A" on Listening Comprehension & Oral Fluency III.

3. Application Deadline

Application deadline is available on the Future Students website: .

4. Advanced Credit

A student may apply for advanced credit for previous courses that have not been used to satisfy the requirements of any other degree or diploma program. The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Advanced credit will not be given for courses taken more than five years prior to admission application. Credit will not be given for courses taken to bring the grade point average to a required level for graduate studies admission. Advanced credit may not exceed 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) or one third of the program, whichever is less.

Course Exemptions: Students registered in a graduate degree program may receive an exemption from a specific course if they can demonstrate successful completion of an equivalent course. In order to be eligible for an exemption, the student must provide original transcripts, course outlines and samples of course assignments which will be assessed for academic equivalency. Courses for which exemptions are being sought must be from a recognized institution, and they must be graded courses with a minimum grade of "B-". Students granted an exemption from a course may be required to take another, equally-weighted, course to satisfy credit-hour requirements for their program.

Program Transfers: A student at the ²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ may request a transfer to another program of equivalent level. Any course taken in the initial program may be transferred to the new program, depending on its applicability to the receiving program.

5. Course Requirements

A student Program of Study (POS) may be required by all students for approval by the Associate Dean (Academic - Architecture).

Successful completion of the MArch must include the following academic requirements:

a) Core required courses:

Foundation Year
Environmental Design Architecture 511 (3 units)
Environmental Design 523 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 523.01 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 523.02 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 541 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 543 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 580 (6 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 582 (6 units)

First (M1) and Second (M2) Year
Environmental Design Architecture 611 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 613 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 615 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 617 (1.5 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 619 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 621 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 661 (3 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 665 (1.5 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 682.02 (6 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 682.04 (6 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 782 A (6 units)
Environmental Design Architecture 782 B (6 units)

b) One of the following block-week courses:

Environmental Design 697.64 Gillmor Theory Seminar
Environmental Design 697.65 Somerville Design Charrette
Environmental Design 697.66 Taylor Workshop

Note: Upon completion of the requirement, any of the courses listed in b) may be taken or repeated for elective credit.

c) One of the following Urban Theory courses:

Environmental Design 671 (3 units)
Environmental Design 675 (3 units)

d) Twelve units (2.0 full-course equivalents) of elective credit, of which at least 9 units (1.5 full-course equivalents) must be from a list approved by the Associate Dean (Academic -Architecture), circulated annually before commencement of the registration year.

6. Additional Requirements

A laptop computer is required for all EVDS course-based degree programs. Further information pertaining to specifications will be sent out to newly-admitted students in the summer term prior to the commencement of their studies.

Attendance at orientation for first year students is expected.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Only undergraduate courses numbered 500-599 may be considered for graduate-level credit and are subject to approval by the Program Director.

8. Time Limits

Students are expected to enroll on a full-time basis and complete the degree requirements within two registration years (excluding the Foundation year). Maximum completion time is six registration years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Upon admission, each MArch student will be advised by the office of the Associate Dean regarding Program of Study development.

10. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to highly qualified students but cannot be guaranteed. For information on admission and academic awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this calendar, the EVDS website and the Awards Database on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.