ݮƵ : School and Applied Child Psychology (PhD)



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School and Applied Child Psychology (PhD)
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School and Applied Child Psychology (MSc)
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School and Applied Child Psychology (MEd)
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About the ݮƵ
Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Program Descriptions Education Graduate Programs Educational Psychology (EDPS) School and Applied Child Psychology (PhD)
School and Applied Child Psychology (PhD)
1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Psychology with specialization in School and Applied Child Psychology - on campus.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Education requirements, entry requirements include:

a) A completed thesis-based master’s degree in School and Applied Child Psychology or equivalent from an approved university, with a minimum grade point average of 3.50 in the Master’s degree. If coursework from an applicant’s Master’s degree is not equivalent to courses from the Master of Science in School and Applied Child Psychology at the ݮƵ, the student may be admitted as a qualifying student. A qualifying student is required to take additional courses within the doctoral program to ensure equivalent training. A qualifying student may take up to 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) to meet equivalency requirements during the qualifying year. Qualifying status will not be granted for a period exceeding one year.

b) Two senior undergraduate courses or one graduate course (3 units or 0.5 full-course equivalent each) in (i) biological bases of behaviour, (ii) cognitive-affective bases of behaviour, (iii) social bases of behaviour, and (iv) individual behaviour.

c) One senior undergraduate or one graduate course (3 units or 0.5 full-course equivalent each) in the historical and scientific foundations of general psychology.

All prerequisite coursework must be completed with a grade of “B-” or above.

d) If all of the prerequisite courses for admission have not been completed at the time of application, students who have up to 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) in deficiencies may still be admitted, but the prerequisite courses will need to be completed prior to the doctoral candidacy exam.

e) Curriculum Vitae.

f) Three references, including two academic references, one of which is normally from the former thesis advisor.

g) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 97 (Internet-based test), an IELTS score of 7.0 (Academic version), or a MELAB score of 83. The test must have been taken within the last two years.When requesting that official TOEFL test scores are forwarded to the ݮƵ, indicate institution code 0813. Proficiency may also be met by completion of Tier III of the (IFP) with minimum grades of "B" on Academic Writing & Grammar; "B" on Reading Comprehension & Proficiency; and "B" on Listening Comprehension & Oral Fluency.

Additional Requirements:

h) A concise rationale (500 words or less) for the application including statements about your research and professional interests in school psychology, your previous research experience and the research you would like to pursue in this degree, and specification of a prospective research supervisor from among current faculty.

i) A list of any academic awards, achievements, honours or other distinctions you have received. Itemize the monetary amount and the total.

j) A list of all publications and conference presentations you have on your résumé and specify whether the work was peer reviewed or non-peer reviewed.

k) Information about any financial support for your degree in the form of an award, sponsorship, or other. Please indicate the dollar amount and duration of the support, and when it is to start.

l) A list of any professional school psychology experience you have had (employment or volunteer). Please specify full-time or part-time and for how long. If part-time, please specify how many hours per week.

3. Application Deadline

The deadline for the submission of complete applications is available on the Future Students website: .

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring grade point average to a required level for admission.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the degree program requires the following:

a) A minimum of 33 units (5.5 full-course equivalents) at the doctoral-level, including 21 units (3.5 full-course equivalents) of content courses and 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) of practicum courses.

Content Courses:
Educational Psychology 691, 731, 732, 760, 762, 763 and 764.

Practicum Courses:
9 units (1.5 full-course equivalents) from Educational Psychology 761 and Educational Psychology 766 (Educational Psychology 761 may be repeated for credit). Note section 6. Police Information Check below.

Internship Course:
Educational Psychology 798. Note section 6 Police Information Check below.

b) Candidacy requirements;

c) A twelve-month (min. 1600 hours) full-time internship; and

d) Dissertation.

A qualifying student is required to take additional courses within the doctoral program to ensure equivalent training. A qualifying student may take up to 12 units (2.0 full-course equivalents) to meet equivalency requirements during the qualifying year. Qualifying status will not be granted for a period exceeding one year.

Detailed information on core course requirements can be obtained from the Werklund School of Education, Graduate Programs in Education website .
First year students are assigned an interim advisor who will assist with course selection.

6. Additional Requirements

PhD students are expected to undertake clients from the Werklund School of Education Integrated Services in Education Clinic and mentor MSc students in the on-campus practicum courses under the guidance of a qualified professional.

Police Information Check

All successful applicants to the Werklund School of Education School and Applied Child Psychology program are required to provide a current Police Information Check which includes a Criminal Record Check and a Vulnerable Sector Search. All successful applicants will be also required to acknowledge the requirement for a Police Information Check by submitting a "Notice Regarding Requirement for Police Information Check" declaration form prior to the start of the program. Students who are not residents of Calgary must arrange for a Police Information Check through their nearest police service or RCMP detachment in the area where they reside. In order to be considered "current", the Police Information Check must be completed no earlier than June 30 and students will be required to request a new Police Information Check every 12 months. The original Police Information Check must be presented in person to the administration in the Graduate Program Office in the Werklund School of Education before the start of classes (September 1) and to the organization hosting the student on or before the first day of the practicum or internship course (Educational Psychology 761, 766, 798).

Students who are concerned about the presence of a criminal record should contact the police department to discuss the process for eliminating or erasing such a record.

A current Police Information Check is required for all third-party and ݮƵ practicum and internship placements.Failure to present a Police Information Check may result in the student being unable to complete their Practicum or Internship. Successful completion of both Practicum and Internship are required for graduation.

Students are obligated to inform the Faculty immediately of any change in the status of their criminal record.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Graduate Programs in Education does not normally accept undergraduate courses for credit toward graduate degrees.

8. Time Limit

The Doctor of Philosophy degree is designed to be completed in four years. Maximum completion time allowed for the Doctor of Philosophy degree is six years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Students are responsible for initiating discussions with potential permanent supervisors and are expected to have finalized supervisory arrangements by their second annual registration.

10. Required Examinations


Admission into Candidacy in the Werklund School of Education Graduate Programs: 1) requires that students have abilities to conceptualize, interpret, critique and synthesize comprehensive, substantive knowledge that is relevant to the discipline and practice of educational psychology; and 2) ensures that students have a well-developed plan for their dissertation research, a sound proposal with a well-developed research question and potential for the ability to pursue and complete original independent research at the doctoral level.

In compliance with the Faculty of Graduate Studies Candidacy Regulations, the requirements for Admission to Candidacy at the Werklund School of Education is a 4 stage process:

  1. Completion of all course requirements as identified in the calendar;
  2. Field of study (FoS) written candidacy examination;
  3. A research proposal approved by the Supervisory Committee (recognizing changes may be made after successful completion of exams prior to submission for ethics approval);
  4. An oral examination of the research proposal;
    All Candidacy requirements must be completed within 28 months of the start of the program.

For further information, please consult the Graduate Programs in Education website, .


The doctoral thesis is the focus of the degree program. In consultation with the supervisor, the student should formulate an appropriate thesis topic as early as possible in the program because the thesis proposal affects the choice and number of courses needed in order to complete the program.

Thesis Examination

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations for thesis examinations, the program requires:

Scheduling of the Examination
All members of the Supervisory Committee must have reviewed the student’s draft thesis document before an examination can be scheduled.

Composition of the Committee
The Internal Examiner may be internal to the home program.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Information on research proposals is available through the interim advisor/supervisor.

Ethics approval is required for all research projects involving the use of human subjects, before data collection begins. In order to submit an ethics application, students are required to complete the TCPS2 tutorial and upload the certificate of completion into their Researcher Profile in IRISS. Register on the TCPS2 website at .

To initiate the ethics approval process, the student, in consultation with the supervisor, must submit an application to either the Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board or the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board. Applications to the CFREB or CHREB are created and submitted online using IRISS .

12. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this Calendar.

Students applying for scholarships for September admission must submit their scholarship applications to the Graduate Programs in Education office by the posted deadline dates for individual awards as noted at .

Graduate Programs in Education also provides assistance for students through teaching assistantships, graduate research scholarships and other scholarships. Application forms and deadline information for these awards can be obtained from Graduate Programs in Education.