²ÝÝ®ÎÛÊÓƵµ¼º½ : H.3 Student Progress



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Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Academic Regulations H. Academic Standing H.3 Student Progress
H.3 Student Progress
H.3.a) Thesis-Based Programs

Graduate students are expected to maintain adequate progress. This includes timely completion of required course work, progress to candidacy according to the program’s candidacy timeline, and steady and meaningful work on the thesis. Supervisors and graduate program directors should ensure, through annual progress reports and otherwise, that the student is informed in writing about concerns regarding progress.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies, after consultation with the graduate program director and/or supervisory committee concerned, may initiate the withdrawal of a student for failure to maintain progress.

Annual Student Progress Report

Each thesis-based graduate student must file an annual progress report with their graduate program, typically during the month of May every year (the time may vary by program). Delinquent students may be denied registration.

The annual progress report is accessed from the online Student Centre at .

H.3.b) Course-Based Programs

A graduate program may recommend to the Faculty of Graduate Studies that a student be required to withdraw for lack of satisfactory progress in either course work or research.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies, after consultation with the graduate program director and/or supervisory committee concerned, may initiate the withdrawal of a student.